Rouhani: Israel Lobby responsible for US hostilities toward Iran

Odium, brush up on your history; the hostilities began under Carter, who was, and is, like you, a Jew hater.

Your idiot article does not say anything other than repeat the worn out islamo Nazi canard that the NAVY INVESTIGATION was "fixed by da joooos". I served in
the USA NAVY------My Navy does not "fix" investigations------you are still working
on the ISLAMO NAZI MINDSET that afflicts your own head
islamo nazi
islamo nazi
blah blah blah
i learned islamo nazi by you

i think you use islamo nazi instead of oh my god during sex :badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin:

You comment is typically vulgar-------a typical SHIITE comment. Do not try to
compare me with your Shiite sluts who yell out FARTIMAH THE WHORE----as
they vomit whenever one of the greasy Shiite pigs come near
I remember the USS Liberty incident very well-------June 9, 1967------the
fact that the incident had occurred was BROADCAST over USA radio-----
news-------virtually immediately-------as the rescue of the survivors was
ongoing. Sheeeesh what that the best "cover-up" Johnson could
I bet you think it was an accident eh? That LARGE american flag was to small for the terrorist state soldiers to see huh? Then Johnson was pissed when the ship wasn't sank.

I was navy---------the sad reality is that FRIENDLY FIRE----causes a HUGE component of all war time casualty lists (I was in a position to know)--------
that one incident was a drop in the bucket of war time friendly fire deaths.
In fact friendly fire and accidents KILL even during peace-time (I was in a position
to know.) My sense is that it was really idiotic for a US ship to FLOAT itself into
an arena of war in which the USA was not engaged
Friendly fire OVER AND OVER AND OVER....mmhmmm...first fighter jets then gun boats

right-------and the whole thing lasted less than 40 minutes. No one else was
around-----if the IDF has any desire whatsoever to SINK the ship-------it could have
done so EASILY. It could have rendered it SHREDDED and at the bottom of
the sea. But the FACTS do not stop the islamo Nazi shit from CLAIMING that the
objective was _----_GET RID OF THE SHIP AND ALL EVIDENCE ----no matter how idiotic the claim
Sure Sure. I have read the books,I have heard the interviews I know the facts. The goal was to get the US into the war on Israel's side by claiming the Egyptians sank the ship.

right -----I read the stuff -------all of it-------somehow Israel had a GOAL to sink
the ship------but SOMEHOW----with no witnesses in sight and on help for the
ship the WHOLE IDF COULD NOT MANAGE TO DO IT. BTW----the piece of shit who continues to write against the finding of the US Navy investigation ------
commits a crime for which he should be in jail. I know stuff too-------If I revealed
that which I know in the malicious manner that he does-----I would end up in
LEAVENWORTH. However when I was in the Navy I saw LOTS OF OPPORTUNISTS doing their thing------------all kinds of fraudulent issues-----
"agent orange" "depleted uranium" and lots of HYENAS sniffing around
So ANYONE going to actually discuss what Rouhani said or just whine about it?
I bet you think it was an accident eh? That LARGE american flag was to small for the terrorist state soldiers to see huh? Then Johnson was pissed when the ship wasn't sank.

I was navy---------the sad reality is that FRIENDLY FIRE----causes a HUGE component of all war time casualty lists (I was in a position to know)--------
that one incident was a drop in the bucket of war time friendly fire deaths.
In fact friendly fire and accidents KILL even during peace-time (I was in a position
to know.) My sense is that it was really idiotic for a US ship to FLOAT itself into
an arena of war in which the USA was not engaged
Friendly fire OVER AND OVER AND OVER....mmhmmm...first fighter jets then gun boats

right-------and the whole thing lasted less than 40 minutes. No one else was
around-----if the IDF has any desire whatsoever to SINK the ship-------it could have
done so EASILY. It could have rendered it SHREDDED and at the bottom of
the sea. But the FACTS do not stop the islamo Nazi shit from CLAIMING that the
objective was _----_GET RID OF THE SHIP AND ALL EVIDENCE ----no matter how idiotic the claim
Sure Sure. I have read the books,I have heard the interviews I know the facts. The goal was to get the US into the war on Israel's side by claiming the Egyptians sank the ship.

right -----I read the stuff -------all of it-------somehow Israel had a GOAL to sink
the ship------but SOMEHOW----with no witnesses in sight and on help for the
ship the WHOLE IDF COULD NOT MANAGE TO DO IT. BTW----the piece of shit who continues to write against the finding of the US Navy investigation ------
commits a crime for which he should be in jail. I know stuff too-------If I revealed
that which I know in the malicious manner that he does-----I would end up in
LEAVENWORTH. However when I was in the Navy I saw LOTS OF OPPORTUNISTS doing their thing------------all kinds of fraudulent issues-----
"agent orange" "depleted uranium" and lots of HYENAS sniffing around
Yes yes we know you jews are against freedom of speech when it goes AGAINST Israel's interests. Now actually discuss the jewish lobby's influence in Washington.

Your idiot article does not say anything other than repeat the worn out islamo Nazi canard that the NAVY INVESTIGATION was "fixed by da joooos". I served in
the USA NAVY------My Navy does not "fix" investigations------you are still working
on the ISLAMO NAZI MINDSET that afflicts your own head
islamo nazi
islamo nazi
blah blah blah
i learned islamo nazi by you

i think you use islamo nazi instead of oh my god during sex :badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin:

You comment is typically vulgar-------a typical SHIITE comment. Do not try to
compare me with your Shiite sluts who yell out FARTIMAH THE WHORE----as
they vomit whenever one of the greasy Shiite pigs come near
I was navy---------the sad reality is that FRIENDLY FIRE----causes a HUGE component of all war time casualty lists (I was in a position to know)--------
that one incident was a drop in the bucket of war time friendly fire deaths.
In fact friendly fire and accidents KILL even during peace-time (I was in a position
to know.) My sense is that it was really idiotic for a US ship to FLOAT itself into
an arena of war in which the USA was not engaged
Friendly fire OVER AND OVER AND OVER....mmhmmm...first fighter jets then gun boats

right-------and the whole thing lasted less than 40 minutes. No one else was
around-----if the IDF has any desire whatsoever to SINK the ship-------it could have
done so EASILY. It could have rendered it SHREDDED and at the bottom of
the sea. But the FACTS do not stop the islamo Nazi shit from CLAIMING that the
objective was _----_GET RID OF THE SHIP AND ALL EVIDENCE ----no matter how idiotic the claim
Sure Sure. I have read the books,I have heard the interviews I know the facts. The goal was to get the US into the war on Israel's side by claiming the Egyptians sank the ship.

right -----I read the stuff -------all of it-------somehow Israel had a GOAL to sink
the ship------but SOMEHOW----with no witnesses in sight and on help for the
ship the WHOLE IDF COULD NOT MANAGE TO DO IT. BTW----the piece of shit who continues to write against the finding of the US Navy investigation ------
commits a crime for which he should be in jail. I know stuff too-------If I revealed
that which I know in the malicious manner that he does-----I would end up in
LEAVENWORTH. However when I was in the Navy I saw LOTS OF OPPORTUNISTS doing their thing------------all kinds of fraudulent issues-----
"agent orange" "depleted uranium" and lots of HYENAS sniffing around
Yes yes we know you jews are against freedom of speech when it goes AGAINST Israel's interests. Now actually discuss the jewish lobby's influence in Washington.

who THE F&%(% do you think you are telling me "DISCUSS" this or that???

There are laws for officers in the US Navy--------you would not know-----whore
that you are------An officer in the USA Navy----even after separated------is not
permitted to PUBLICALLY comment on the actions of a NAVY JUDICIARY
Israel considered request to kill Khomeini, says former Mossad agent
On anniversary of Ayatollah Khomeini’s death, former Mossad agent Yossi Alpher explains Israel’s continuing concerns over Iran and its ‘secret’ relations with Saudi Arabia
'Mossad talked of killing Khomeini': an interview with a former agent

There are so many people who SHOULD HAVE BEEN ASSASSINATED.
The filthy AYATOILET KHOMEINI certainly makes the list----along with
muhumman al kanzeer ibn amina al kalbah
Friendly fire OVER AND OVER AND OVER....mmhmmm...first fighter jets then gun boats

right-------and the whole thing lasted less than 40 minutes. No one else was
around-----if the IDF has any desire whatsoever to SINK the ship-------it could have
done so EASILY. It could have rendered it SHREDDED and at the bottom of
the sea. But the FACTS do not stop the islamo Nazi shit from CLAIMING that the
objective was _----_GET RID OF THE SHIP AND ALL EVIDENCE ----no matter how idiotic the claim
Sure Sure. I have read the books,I have heard the interviews I know the facts. The goal was to get the US into the war on Israel's side by claiming the Egyptians sank the ship.

right -----I read the stuff -------all of it-------somehow Israel had a GOAL to sink
the ship------but SOMEHOW----with no witnesses in sight and on help for the
ship the WHOLE IDF COULD NOT MANAGE TO DO IT. BTW----the piece of shit who continues to write against the finding of the US Navy investigation ------
commits a crime for which he should be in jail. I know stuff too-------If I revealed
that which I know in the malicious manner that he does-----I would end up in
LEAVENWORTH. However when I was in the Navy I saw LOTS OF OPPORTUNISTS doing their thing------------all kinds of fraudulent issues-----
"agent orange" "depleted uranium" and lots of HYENAS sniffing around
Yes yes we know you jews are against freedom of speech when it goes AGAINST Israel's interests. Now actually discuss the jewish lobby's influence in Washington.

who THE F&%(% do you think you are telling me "DISCUSS" this or that???

There are laws for officers in the US Navy--------you would not know-----whore
that you are------An officer in the USA Navy----even after separated------is not
permitted to PUBLICALLY comment on the actions of a NAVY JUDICIARY
Either discuss the topic or I can report you for trolling. Its pretty simple. I control the topic because I started a thread on the topic I wanted discussed. Don't like it then start a thread whining about the USS Liberty coverup.
right-------and the whole thing lasted less than 40 minutes. No one else was
around-----if the IDF has any desire whatsoever to SINK the ship-------it could have
done so EASILY. It could have rendered it SHREDDED and at the bottom of
the sea. But the FACTS do not stop the islamo Nazi shit from CLAIMING that the
objective was _----_GET RID OF THE SHIP AND ALL EVIDENCE ----no matter how idiotic the claim
Sure Sure. I have read the books,I have heard the interviews I know the facts. The goal was to get the US into the war on Israel's side by claiming the Egyptians sank the ship.

right -----I read the stuff -------all of it-------somehow Israel had a GOAL to sink
the ship------but SOMEHOW----with no witnesses in sight and on help for the
ship the WHOLE IDF COULD NOT MANAGE TO DO IT. BTW----the piece of shit who continues to write against the finding of the US Navy investigation ------
commits a crime for which he should be in jail. I know stuff too-------If I revealed
that which I know in the malicious manner that he does-----I would end up in
LEAVENWORTH. However when I was in the Navy I saw LOTS OF OPPORTUNISTS doing their thing------------all kinds of fraudulent issues-----
"agent orange" "depleted uranium" and lots of HYENAS sniffing around
Yes yes we know you jews are against freedom of speech when it goes AGAINST Israel's interests. Now actually discuss the jewish lobby's influence in Washington.

who THE F&%(% do you think you are telling me "DISCUSS" this or that???

There are laws for officers in the US Navy--------you would not know-----whore
that you are------An officer in the USA Navy----even after separated------is not
permitted to PUBLICALLY comment on the actions of a NAVY JUDICIARY
Either discuss the topic or I can report you for trolling. Its pretty simple. I control the topic because I started a thread on the topic I wanted discussed. Don't like it then start a thread whining about the USS Liberty coverup.

I was not the person on this thread who INITIATED "uss liberty cover up" whine ------
you being a the islamo Nazi lump of shit that you are -----are targeting me
because I am a jew
Israel considered request to kill Khomeini, says former Mossad agent
On anniversary of Ayatollah Khomeini’s death, former Mossad agent Yossi Alpher explains Israel’s continuing concerns over Iran and its ‘secret’ relations with Saudi Arabia
'Mossad talked of killing Khomeini': an interview with a former agent

There are so many people who SHOULD HAVE BEEN ASSASSINATED.
The filthy AYATOILET KHOMEINI certainly makes the list----along with
muhumman al kanzeer ibn amina al kalbah
adolf hitler isnt belong to your terror list
Israel considered request to kill Khomeini, says former Mossad agent
On anniversary of Ayatollah Khomeini’s death, former Mossad agent Yossi Alpher explains Israel’s continuing concerns over Iran and its ‘secret’ relations with Saudi Arabia
'Mossad talked of killing Khomeini': an interview with a former agent

There are so many people who SHOULD HAVE BEEN ASSASSINATED.
The filthy AYATOILET KHOMEINI certainly makes the list----along with
muhumman al kanzeer ibn amina al kalbah
adolf hitler isnt belong to your terror list

your English is really bad, Dani-------Your statement "adolf hitler isn't belong to
your terror list"-------does not make any sense at all
Israel considered request to kill Khomeini, says former Mossad agent
On anniversary of Ayatollah Khomeini’s death, former Mossad agent Yossi Alpher explains Israel’s continuing concerns over Iran and its ‘secret’ relations with Saudi Arabia
'Mossad talked of killing Khomeini': an interview with a former agent

There are so many people who SHOULD HAVE BEEN ASSASSINATED.
The filthy AYATOILET KHOMEINI certainly makes the list----along with
muhumman al kanzeer ibn amina al kalbah
adolf hitler isnt belong to your terror list

your English is really bad, Dani-------Your statement "adolf hitler isn't belong to
your terror list"-------does not make any sense at all
i know it darling
Israel considered request to kill Khomeini, says former Mossad agent
On anniversary of Ayatollah Khomeini’s death, former Mossad agent Yossi Alpher explains Israel’s continuing concerns over Iran and its ‘secret’ relations with Saudi Arabia
'Mossad talked of killing Khomeini': an interview with a former agent

There are so many people who SHOULD HAVE BEEN ASSASSINATED.
The filthy AYATOILET KHOMEINI certainly makes the list----along with
muhumman al kanzeer ibn amina al kalbah
adolf hitler isnt belong to your terror list

your English is really bad, Dani-------Your statement "adolf hitler isn't belong to
your terror list"-------does not make any sense at all
i know it darling

good----then try to EXPLAIN what you want to say------you can be helped
And let me guess... Iran just had to get involved in terrorism because of the AIPAC?
You don't know Iranians. They are slowly coming around, not like your Wahabi friends. Iranians are not the camel driving rag head misogynists you support. Of course they went anti-west when given a chance. Mosadeq, their first democratically elected leader was overthrown by a British/U.S. coup because he wanted Iran's oil to benefit Iranians. Pavlavi , the West's puppet, and his secret police oppressed Iranians for decades.

"Iran's powerful election vetting body, the Guardian Council, decided on Saturday to allow hundreds more candidates to take part in a parliamentary election this month, in a move that rekindled the hopes of reformists and moderates.

A power struggle between Iranian conservatives and reformists has intensified since the removal of international economic sanctions against Tehran following its nuclear deal with the West. Hardliners fear Iranian voters will now be more inclined to reward reformist candidates.

Former president Akbar Hashemi Rafsanjani, a close ally of Iran's moderate President Hassan Rouhani, welcomed the decision."

Hundreds more candidates allowed to contest Iran election

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