Royal Fornication...Hooray!

Why do the Brits celebrate when the Royals fuck?
Meghan Markle, Prince Harry expecting first baby

Well technically they're not fornicating. They're married to each other.

But I agree that I don't get it when Americans get agog about royal weddings and the like. We separated from that. What's the point, even for the Brits?

At least we don't have to pay for it.

Australia is all excited about it. The Royal Couple are there right now.
I bet the royals will attend a cricket match...and not be heard of for the next three years.

I've never seen a royal at a cricket match.

The Brits were wondering when 'it' happened. More than getting starry eyed about it.
Why would they wonder about “it” happening? I just find it humorous.
The British system of government is based on gynecology.

They select leaders based on from whose vagina they emerge.

It's a lot more efficient than having elections.
That is the way of feudalism and socialism always morphs into feudalism. In fact, socialism is feudalism, and just like everything else the left do when they manipulate their monkeys, they soften the language. "Socialism" just "sounds better" than feudalism.

However, that is what it is. The rich elite white leftists around the world are not concerned about the plight of the poor.

Feudalism has clear lines of demarcation between CLASSES. Old MONEY hates new money and NEW money desires to be part of "the club." So, new money like oprah, truly believes she is part of THAT CLUB. She really isn't, but people like that believe they are.

Trust me, when I tell you. Living in Palm Beach County and being NEW MONEY myself, it is very real. The big difference is I have no illusions I know what I am. I have no desire to be part of that OLD MONEY club. I also see and hear how those that are NEW MONEY think they are OLD MONEY. How they carry themselves. You have to see it, and trust me. It is true.
I bet the royals will attend a cricket match...and not be heard of for the next three years.

I've never seen a royal at a cricket match.

The Brits were wondering when 'it' happened. More than getting starry eyed about it.
Never had Chinese water torture either...but those cricket matches...good God theybare endless.

Nothing like watching a spin bowler running down the pitch. And the sound of leather against willow.
Don’t forget tea and biscuits. Followed hours later by a Pimms and soda.

No. Cucumber sandwiches.

The last time I drank Pimms was in the US, watching Prince Harry's wedding on TV.
True. Cucumber sandwiches...haven’t had those in years. My humor was in the length of the match. From dinner.
Why do the Brits celebrate when the Royals fuck?
Meghan Markle, Prince Harry expecting first baby

Well technically they're not fornicating. They're married to each other.

But I agree that I don't get it when Americans get agog about royal weddings and the like. We separated from that. What's the point, even for the Brits?

At least we don't have to pay for it.

Australia is all excited about it. The Royal Couple are there right now.
I bet the royals will attend a cricket match...and not be heard of for the next three years.

I've never seen a royal at a cricket match.

The Brits were wondering when 'it' happened. More than getting starry eyed about it.
Why would they wonder about “it” happening? I just find it humorous.

They even have a psychic cat choosing what the gender will be.

The Australians have gone overboard with presents of toy kangaroos.
I've never seen a royal at a cricket match.

The Brits were wondering when 'it' happened. More than getting starry eyed about it.
Never had Chinese water torture either...but those cricket matches...good God theybare endless.

Nothing like watching a spin bowler running down the pitch. And the sound of leather against willow.
Don’t forget tea and biscuits. Followed hours later by a Pimms and soda.

No. Cucumber sandwiches.

The last time I drank Pimms was in the US, watching Prince Harry's wedding on TV.
True. Cucumber sandwiches...haven’t had those in years. My humor was in the length of the match. From dinner.

What else was there to do in stiflingly hot India?

Yes, there was 'that' also. :19:

I've seen cricket being played in gardens where I live when Stateside.
Why do the Brits celebrate when the Royals fuck?
Meghan Markle, Prince Harry expecting first baby

Perpetually depressed, fog enshrouded Brits need all the low voltage stimulation they can gather up beneath their slate dark, low cloud covered realms and infinite expanses of steel gray sea coasts. Have some pity on the old boys and girls to yonder east.

I've met very nice Brits..... I have no problem with them,.....the problem I have is with the ruling classes....the upper echelon of officials....the MI6

They are all Globalist, New World Order scum! and I include there MI6 - the British foreign intelligence scum total criminals......they even spied on President Trump and helped to create the dossier.......scum of the scum.

Apart from that....royals can fornicate as much as they I could give a fig.
Yes!!! They are everything Orwell warned about.

Read The Road to Wigan Pier . . .

Sobering, really.

The people of Wigan felt patronised by Orwell when he went there to do his research for that book. A member of the privileged class, who had no clue about the working classes.

I agree with you, Mindful. However, Orwell was a socialist essentially due to the fact that at that time in your history, socialism was POSH (port out, starboard home), and being an on the fence socialist capable of deep empathy to begin with, his experience at Wigan opened his eyes—eyes capable of being opened, which was my point. What kills me every time I read Wigan—and I've read it a few times annually for years—is how Orwell was simply an observer of sorrow through the first half of the work, however, again, he did return to "Eden" to spread word of the social tragedy up there, and no one in high society really wanted to publish his work, or have light shed on Wigan's dark fate. Orwell took up the pen as his crusader's weapon, not the sword. So in his own way, he was a warrior scribe. I still admire the man.
Perpetually depressed, fog enshrouded Brits need all the low voltage stimulation they can gather up beneath their slate dark, low cloud covered realms and infinite expanses of steel gray sea coasts. Have some pity on the old boys and girls to yonder east.

I've met very nice Brits..... I have no problem with them,.....the problem I have is with the ruling classes....the upper echelon of officials....the MI6

They are all Globalist, New World Order scum! and I include there MI6 - the British foreign intelligence scum total criminals......they even spied on President Trump and helped to create the dossier.......scum of the scum.

Apart from that....royals can fornicate as much as they I could give a fig.
Yes!!! They are everything Orwell warned about.

Read The Road to Wigan Pier . . .

Sobering, really.

The people of Wigan felt patronised by Orwell when he went there to do his research for that book. A member of the privileged class, who had no clue about the working classes.

I agree with you, Mindful. However, Orwell was a socialist essentially due to the fact that at that time in your history, socialism was POSH (port out, starboard home), and being an on the fence socialist capable of deep empathy to begin with, his experience at Wigan opened his eyes—eyes capable of being opened, which was my point. What kills me every time I read Wigan—and I've read it a few times annually for years—is how Orwell was simply an observer of sorrow through the first half of the work, however, again, he did return to "Eden" to spread word of the social tragedy up there, and no one in high society really wanted to publish his work, or have light shed on Wigan's dark fate. Orwell took up the pen as his crusader's weapon, not the sword. So in his own way, he was a warrior scribe. I still admire the man.

I enjoyed 'Down and Out in Paris and London'.

I've read most of his books, and enjoy his writings. I just don't like the notion of the upper classes deluding themselves they know how the lower classes think and feel.

It's somehow patronising. Like the "Deplorables".
I've met very nice Brits..... I have no problem with them,.....the problem I have is with the ruling classes....the upper echelon of officials....the MI6

They are all Globalist, New World Order scum! and I include there MI6 - the British foreign intelligence scum total criminals......they even spied on President Trump and helped to create the dossier.......scum of the scum.

Apart from that....royals can fornicate as much as they I could give a fig.
Yes!!! They are everything Orwell warned about.

Read The Road to Wigan Pier . . .

Sobering, really.

The people of Wigan felt patronised by Orwell when he went there to do his research for that book. A member of the privileged class, who had no clue about the working classes.

I agree with you, Mindful. However, Orwell was a socialist essentially due to the fact that at that time in your history, socialism was POSH (port out, starboard home), and being an on the fence socialist capable of deep empathy to begin with, his experience at Wigan opened his eyes—eyes capable of being opened, which was my point. What kills me every time I read Wigan—and I've read it a few times annually for years—is how Orwell was simply an observer of sorrow through the first half of the work, however, again, he did return to "Eden" to spread word of the social tragedy up there, and no one in high society really wanted to publish his work, or have light shed on Wigan's dark fate. Orwell took up the pen as his crusader's weapon, not the sword. So in his own way, he was a warrior scribe. I still admire the man.

I enjoyed 'Down and Out in Paris and London'.

I've read most of his books, and enjoy his writings. I just don't like the notion of the upper classes deluding themselves they know how the lower classes think and feel.

It's somehow patronising. Like the "Deplorables".

Totally agree. However, we live in a modern era and Western civilization where upward class mobility is or should be a reality. It's not like we're Dalit living in India or something. All I'm saying is despite what the band Krokus said, we shouldn't hate and eat the rich. We should better ourselves first, and then enact change from within the Aristocracy, if we're still honest enough once we get there.

Yes!!! They are everything Orwell warned about.

Read The Road to Wigan Pier . . .

Sobering, really.

The people of Wigan felt patronised by Orwell when he went there to do his research for that book. A member of the privileged class, who had no clue about the working classes.

I agree with you, Mindful. However, Orwell was a socialist essentially due to the fact that at that time in your history, socialism was POSH (port out, starboard home), and being an on the fence socialist capable of deep empathy to begin with, his experience at Wigan opened his eyes—eyes capable of being opened, which was my point. What kills me every time I read Wigan—and I've read it a few times annually for years—is how Orwell was simply an observer of sorrow through the first half of the work, however, again, he did return to "Eden" to spread word of the social tragedy up there, and no one in high society really wanted to publish his work, or have light shed on Wigan's dark fate. Orwell took up the pen as his crusader's weapon, not the sword. So in his own way, he was a warrior scribe. I still admire the man.

I enjoyed 'Down and Out in Paris and London'.

I've read most of his books, and enjoy his writings. I just don't like the notion of the upper classes deluding themselves they know how the lower classes think and feel.

It's somehow patronising. Like the "Deplorables".

Totally agree. However, we live in a modern era and Western civilization where upward class mobility is or should be a reality. It's not like we're Dalit living in India or something. All I'm saying is despite what the band Krokus said, we shouldn't hate and eat the rich. We should better ourselves first, and then enact change from within the Aristocracy, if we're still honest enough once we get there.

DH Lawrence came from working class origins, and wrote about what he "knew".
Yes!!! They are everything Orwell warned about.

Read The Road to Wigan Pier . . .

Sobering, really.

The people of Wigan felt patronised by Orwell when he went there to do his research for that book. A member of the privileged class, who had no clue about the working classes.

I agree with you, Mindful. However, Orwell was a socialist essentially due to the fact that at that time in your history, socialism was POSH (port out, starboard home), and being an on the fence socialist capable of deep empathy to begin with, his experience at Wigan opened his eyes—eyes capable of being opened, which was my point. What kills me every time I read Wigan—and I've read it a few times annually for years—is how Orwell was simply an observer of sorrow through the first half of the work, however, again, he did return to "Eden" to spread word of the social tragedy up there, and no one in high society really wanted to publish his work, or have light shed on Wigan's dark fate. Orwell took up the pen as his crusader's weapon, not the sword. So in his own way, he was a warrior scribe. I still admire the man.

I enjoyed 'Down and Out in Paris and London'.

I've read most of his books, and enjoy his writings. I just don't like the notion of the upper classes deluding themselves they know how the lower classes think and feel.

It's somehow patronising. Like the "Deplorables".

Totally agree. However, we live in a modern era and Western civilization where upward class mobility is or should be a reality. It's not like we're Dalit living in India or something. All I'm saying is despite what the band Krokus said, we shouldn't hate and eat the rich. We should better ourselves first, and then enact change from within the Aristocracy, if we're still honest enough once we get there.

Some of those aristocrats became totally impoverished.

They just spoke beautifully. Which counts for more than mere money.
The Brits just love to give up more of their taxes, to spoiled little brats who don't have to lift a finger. We on the other hand, had enough of the bullshit in 1776 and yet today, those on the left will kiss the ass of some liberal 1/2 white community agitator just so they could be close to him or get a thrill run up their leg.

Your bullshit was about not being prepared to pay for the French/Indian War, which was fought on your behalf.

Oh, I am sorry, were you one of those people who bowed down and sucked Obama's dick? We all know he was a Fagot, why else did he put the rainbow on the "WHITE HOUSE".

True. The last thing a heterosexual would do is flood the White House in the gay rainbow colors. Obama is a Peter Puffer.

A heterosexual or a person who thinks they might be gay?

It’s very simple. There is no “think they might be” about it. You either like going down on a woman or a man. One or the other gets you going.

Does it matter? Does it make any difference to you who someone else is fucking (as long as it's not you or your wife or it's illegal?)
Your bullshit was about not being prepared to pay for the French/Indian War, which was fought on your behalf.
Oh, I am sorry, were you one of those people who bowed down and sucked Obama's dick? We all know he was a Fagot, why else did he put the rainbow on the "WHITE HOUSE".

True. The last thing a heterosexual would do is flood the White House in the gay rainbow colors. Obama is a Peter Puffer.

A heterosexual or a person who thinks they might be gay?

It’s very simple. There is no “think they might be” about it. You either like going down on a woman or a man. One or the other gets you going.

Does it matter? Does it make any difference to you who someone else is fucking (as long as it's not you or your wife or it's illegal?)

Not at all, but when the VD shows up then those who fucked around, want the rest of US to pay for their cure. If you want to be immoral then you pay the piper.
Why do the Brits celebrate when the Royals fuck?
Meghan Markle, Prince Harry expecting first baby

Perpetually depressed, fog enshrouded Brits need all the low voltage stimulation they can gather up beneath their slate dark, low cloud covered realms and infinite expanses of steel gray sea coasts. Have some pity on the old boys and girls to yonder east.

I've met very nice Brits..... I have no problem with them,.....the problem I have is with the ruling classes....the upper echelon of officials....the MI6

They are all Globalist, New World Order scum! and I include there MI6 - the British foreign intelligence scum total criminals......they even spied on President Trump and helped to create the false dossier.......scum of the scum.

Apart from that....royals can fornicate as much as they I could give a fig.

It was one MI5 person, paid by Hillary Clinton to do her dirty work.

.... his name was Christopher Steele, he served as an intelligence officer with MI6, Britain’s equivalent to the CIA, for more than two decades.

The former spy is best known for compiling a fake dossier on Trump for private Washington research firm, Fusion GPS.

With allies like the UK who needs enemies!:dunno:
Why do the Brits celebrate when the Royals fuck?
Meghan Markle, Prince Harry expecting first baby

Perpetually depressed, fog enshrouded Brits need all the low voltage stimulation they can gather up beneath their slate dark, low cloud covered realms and infinite expanses of steel gray sea coasts. Have some pity on the old boys and girls to yonder east.

I've met very nice Brits..... I have no problem with them,.....the problem I have is with the ruling classes....the upper echelon of officials....the MI6

They are all Globalist, New World Order scum! and I include there MI6 - the British foreign intelligence scum total criminals......they even spied on President Trump and helped to create the false dossier.......scum of the scum.

Apart from that....royals can fornicate as much as they I could give a fig.

It was one MI5 person, paid by Hillary Clinton to do her dirty work.

.... his name was Christopher Steele, he served as an intelligence officer with MI6, Britain’s equivalent to the CIA, for more than two decades.

The former spy is best known for compiling a fake dossier on Trump for private Washington research firm, Fusion GPS.

With allies like the UK who needs enemies!:dunno:

One guy?
Why do the Brits celebrate when the Royals fuck?
Meghan Markle, Prince Harry expecting first baby

Perpetually depressed, fog enshrouded Brits need all the low voltage stimulation they can gather up beneath their slate dark, low cloud covered realms and infinite expanses of steel gray sea coasts. Have some pity on the old boys and girls to yonder east.

I've met very nice Brits..... I have no problem with them,.....the problem I have is with the ruling classes....the upper echelon of officials....the MI6

They are all Globalist, New World Order scum! and I include there MI6 - the British foreign intelligence scum total criminals......they even spied on President Trump and helped to create the false dossier.......scum of the scum.

Apart from that....royals can fornicate as much as they I could give a fig.

It was one MI5 person, paid by Hillary Clinton to do her dirty work.

.... his name was Christopher Steele, he served as an intelligence officer with MI6, Britain’s equivalent to the CIA, for more than two decades.

The former spy is best known for compiling a fake dossier on Trump for private Washington research firm, Fusion GPS.

With allies like the UK who needs enemies!:dunno:

One guy?

what do you mean?

yes one guy is the public face of this, C.Steele.

probably he had help within MI6.... but guy is the public face.
Perpetually depressed, fog enshrouded Brits need all the low voltage stimulation they can gather up beneath their slate dark, low cloud covered realms and infinite expanses of steel gray sea coasts. Have some pity on the old boys and girls to yonder east.

I've met very nice Brits..... I have no problem with them,.....the problem I have is with the ruling classes....the upper echelon of officials....the MI6

They are all Globalist, New World Order scum! and I include there MI6 - the British foreign intelligence scum total criminals......they even spied on President Trump and helped to create the false dossier.......scum of the scum.

Apart from that....royals can fornicate as much as they I could give a fig.

It was one MI5 person, paid by Hillary Clinton to do her dirty work.

.... his name was Christopher Steele, he served as an intelligence officer with MI6, Britain’s equivalent to the CIA, for more than two decades.

The former spy is best known for compiling a fake dossier on Trump for private Washington research firm, Fusion GPS.

With allies like the UK who needs enemies!:dunno:

One guy?

what do you mean?

yes one guy is the public face of this, C.Steele.

probably he had help within MI6.... but guy is the public face.

I'd never heard of him.
I've met very nice Brits..... I have no problem with them,.....the problem I have is with the ruling classes....the upper echelon of officials....the MI6

They are all Globalist, New World Order scum! and I include there MI6 - the British foreign intelligence scum total criminals......they even spied on President Trump and helped to create the false dossier.......scum of the scum.

Apart from that....royals can fornicate as much as they I could give a fig.

It was one MI5 person, paid by Hillary Clinton to do her dirty work.

.... his name was Christopher Steele, he served as an intelligence officer with MI6, Britain’s equivalent to the CIA, for more than two decades.

The former spy is best known for compiling a fake dossier on Trump for private Washington research firm, Fusion GPS.

With allies like the UK who needs enemies!:dunno:

One guy?

what do you mean?

yes one guy is the public face of this, C.Steele.

probably he had help within MI6.... but guy is the public face.

I'd never heard of him.

Christopher Steele? you've never heard of him and the fake dossier?

He plays a big part in all this Russian collusion charade.
It was one MI5 person, paid by Hillary Clinton to do her dirty work.

.... his name was Christopher Steele, he served as an intelligence officer with MI6, Britain’s equivalent to the CIA, for more than two decades.

The former spy is best known for compiling a fake dossier on Trump for private Washington research firm, Fusion GPS.

With allies like the UK who needs enemies!:dunno:

One guy?

what do you mean?

yes one guy is the public face of this, C.Steele.

probably he had help within MI6.... but guy is the public face.

I'd never heard of him.

Christopher Steele? you've never heard of him and the fake dossier?

He plays a big part in all this Russian collusion charade.

I'd not heard of him before that crap.
.... his name was Christopher Steele, he served as an intelligence officer with MI6, Britain’s equivalent to the CIA, for more than two decades.

The former spy is best known for compiling a fake dossier on Trump for private Washington research firm, Fusion GPS.

With allies like the UK who needs enemies!:dunno:

One guy?

what do you mean?

yes one guy is the public face of this, C.Steele.

probably he had help within MI6.... but guy is the public face.

I'd never heard of him.

Christopher Steele? you've never heard of him and the fake dossier?

He plays a big part in all this Russian collusion charade.

I'd not heard of him before that crap.

He was a spy.....a spy for the MI6......spies are not supposed to be heard of ....:eusa_naughty: lol

he wasn't known until the scandal happened.
Your bullshit was about not being prepared to pay for the French/Indian War, which was fought on your behalf.
Oh, I am sorry, were you one of those people who bowed down and sucked Obama's dick? We all know he was a Fagot, why else did he put the rainbow on the "WHITE HOUSE".

True. The last thing a heterosexual would do is flood the White House in the gay rainbow colors. Obama is a Peter Puffer.

A heterosexual or a person who thinks they might be gay?

It’s very simple. There is no “think they might be” about it. You either like going down on a woman or a man. One or the other gets you going.

Does it matter? Does it make any difference to you who someone else is fucking (as long as it's not you or your wife or it's illegal?)

It doesn’t, just don’t make a parade out of it.

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