Royal Fornication...Hooray!

“We are tracking this can of peas from Whole Foods Market to the Royal table at Buckingham Palace. Rumor has it that the head of staff at Buckingham gave a grocery list to the head butler who in turn gave it to a maid who in turn gave it to a servant who in turn gave it a runner boy...who purchased the peas. The can of peas are now returning to Buckingham...they are opened...OHHH...we are mistaken...the peas were only for the staff...they did make the Royal table...I repeat...they did not make the Royal table...back to you Midge at BBC London.”
Why do the Brits celebrate when the Royals fuck?
Meghan Markle, Prince Harry expecting first baby
Didn't we win two wars against the limeys so that we could not give a fuck about what the members of a medieval form of government do ?
We won one...a draw in the other. Oliver Hazzard Perry saved the Ohio Valley from British Invasion and victory. The Royal Marines did burn Washington DC to the ground. We had some contentious moments over that at a bar in Dubai when I was in U.S. Marines...but damn I love the Brits. Nobody I would feel more balanced in a fight..nobody I would rather have watch my back.
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Why do the Brits celebrate when the Royals fuck?
Meghan Markle, Prince Harry expecting first baby
Didn't we win two wars against the limeys so that we could not give a fuck about what the members of a medieval form of government do ?
We won one...a draw in the other. Oliver Hazzard Perry saved the Ohio Valley from British Invasion and victory. The Royal Marines did burn Washington DC to the ground. We had some contentious moments over that at a bar in Dubai when I was in U.S. Marines...but damn I love the Brits. Nobody I would feel more balanced in a fight..nobody I would rather have watch my back.
I have no issue with British troops. I just give zero fucks about the archaic British monarchy.
Why do the Brits celebrate when the Royals fuck?
Meghan Markle, Prince Harry expecting first baby
Didn't we win two wars against the limeys so that we could not give a fuck about what the members of a medieval form of government do ?


The Brits are our friends
They gave us the Beatles and Benny Hill
Benny Hill ok the Beatles are crap.
Why do the Brits celebrate when the Royals fuck?
Meghan Markle, Prince Harry expecting first baby
Didn't we win two wars against the limeys so that we could not give a fuck about what the members of a medieval form of government do ?
We won one...a draw in the other. Oliver Hazzard Perry saved the Ohio Valley from British Invasion and victory. The Royal Marines did burn Washington DC to the ground. We had some contentious moments over that at a bar in Dubai when I was in U.S. Marines...but damn I love the Brits. Nobody I would feel more balanced in a fight..nobody I would rather have watch my back.
I have no issue with British troops. I just give zero fucks about the archaic British monarchy.
Why do the Brits celebrate when the Royals fuck?
Meghan Markle, Prince Harry expecting first baby
Didn't we win two wars against the limeys so that we could not give a fuck about what the members of a medieval form of government do ?
We won one...a draw in the other. Oliver Hazzard Perry saved the Ohio Valley from British Invasion and victory. The Royal Marines did burn Washington DC to the ground. We had some contentious moments over that at a bar in Dubai when I was in U.S. Marines...but damn I love the Brits. Nobody I would feel more balanced in a fight..nobody I would rather have watch my back.
I have no issue with British troops. I just give zero fucks about the archaic British monarchy.

I have an issue with IM6 scum....

I do have an issue with those scum
Markel may not have realized that she no longer has a right to abortion. Like all women in the royal family she is a baby making machine. It's really her only worth.
Why do the Brits celebrate when the Royals fuck?
Meghan Markle, Prince Harry expecting first baby

Well technically they're not fornicating. They're married to each other.

But I agree that I don't get it when Americans get agog about royal weddings and the like. We separated from that. What's the point, even for the Brits?

At least we don't have to pay for it.

Australia is all excited about it. The Royal Couple are there right now.
I bet the royals will attend a cricket match...and not be heard of for the next three years.

I've never seen a royal at a cricket match.

The Brits were wondering when 'it' happened. More than getting starry eyed about it.
Why do the Brits celebrate when the Royals fuck?
Meghan Markle, Prince Harry expecting first baby

Perpetually depressed, fog enshrouded Brits need all the low voltage stimulation they can gather up beneath their slate dark, low cloud covered realms and infinite expanses of steel gray sea coasts. Have some pity on the old boys and girls to yonder east.

I've met very nice Brits..... I have no problem with them,.....the problem I have is with the ruling classes....the upper echelon of officials....the MI6

They are all Globalist, New World Order scum! and I include there MI6 - the British foreign intelligence scum total criminals......they even spied on President Trump and helped to create the dossier.......scum of the scum.

Apart from that....royals can fornicate as much as they I could give a fig.
Yes!!! They are everything Orwell warned about.

Read The Road to Wigan Pier . . .

Sobering, really.

The people of Wigan felt patronised by Orwell when he went there to do his research for that book. A member of the privileged class, who had no clue about the working classes.
Why do the Brits celebrate when the Royals fuck?
Meghan Markle, Prince Harry expecting first baby

Perpetually depressed, fog enshrouded Brits need all the low voltage stimulation they can gather up beneath their slate dark, low cloud covered realms and infinite expanses of steel gray sea coasts. Have some pity on the old boys and girls to yonder east.

I've met very nice Brits..... I have no problem with them,.....the problem I have is with the ruling classes....the upper echelon of officials....the MI6

They are all Globalist, New World Order scum! and I include there MI6 - the British foreign intelligence scum total criminals......they even spied on President Trump and helped to create the false dossier.......scum of the scum.

Apart from that....royals can fornicate as much as they I could give a fig.

It was one MI5 person, paid by Hillary Clinton to do her dirty work.
Why do the Brits celebrate when the Royals fuck?
Meghan Markle, Prince Harry expecting first baby

Don't lots of people celebrate when people fuck? Except gay people.

Yes, gay people, you know, heteros never stick it in your face that they fuck, but gay people do.

Wait, what, Megan isn't a man? Hmmm....
I do not think she is. Explain the pregnancy thing? Hello!

I can't believe you didn't get what I was saying.....

I can.
At least the family portraits will have some colour in them instead of those pale ugly visages. :777:
The way I see it:

The Diana effect. She is ruling the Royal Family from the grave.

Don't upset those two boys!


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