'Rubbing America's Nose In It'


What could less than 4000 troops had done with all that equipment that was spread out all over the country?
Ummm, destroyed them. They had an obligation to not leave them behind. I mean...how hard could it have been to destroy our cache of state
of the art night vision goggles?
View attachment 770044
After all of America's blood, sweat, sacrifice, and money spentJoe Biden's Legacy In Afghanistan is arming and financing the Tailban / Terrorists.

Rather than destroying the equipment before leaving the country, Joe Biden surrendered nearly $85 billion worth of US military equipment to the Taliban.


In fact,Joe Biden left 300 times more guns than those passed to the Mexican cartels in Obama’s Fast and Furious program.

The Taliban later released video of the weapons Joe Biden left behind and the room full of stacks of $100

Way to go, Joe!

View attachment 770051

Hey, its Gateway FuckNuts. For you information, Mr. Biden used the Traitor's plan for Afghanistan you balls for brains idiot. It was the Traitor who wanted to invite the Fucking Taliban to the Fucking White House over the Fucking September Fucking Eleventh Fucking Weekend.
View attachment 770044
After all of America's blood, sweat, sacrifice, and money spentJoe Biden's Legacy In Afghanistan is arming and financing the Tailban / Terrorists.

Rather than destroying the equipment before leaving the country, Joe Biden surrendered nearly $85 billion worth of US military equipment to the Taliban.


In fact,Joe Biden left 300 times more guns than those passed to the Mexican cartels in Obama’s Fast and Furious program.

The Taliban later released video of the weapons Joe Biden left behind and the room full of stacks of $100

Way to go, Joe!

View attachment 770051

Hey, it GateWay FuckNuts Time!!!

For you information shit for brains, Mr. Biden used the Traitor's plan to pull out troops. It was the Traitor who pulled out all but a hand full of troops.

Just remember Fuck Nuts, it was the Traitor who Fucking Taliban to Fucking Camp Fucking David over the Fucking September Fucking Elventh Fucking Weekend asshole.

Hey, its Gateway FuckNuts. For you information, Mr. Biden used the Traitor's plan for Afghanistan you balls for brains idiot. It was the Traitor who wanted to invite the Fucking Taliban to the Fucking White House over the Fucking September Fucking Eleventh Fucking Weekend.

Hey, it GateWay FuckNuts Time!!!

For you information shit for brains, Mr. Biden used the Traitor's plan to pull out troops. It was the Traitor who pulled out all but a hand full of troops.

Just remember Fuck Nuts, it was the Traitor who Fucking Taliban to Fucking Camp Fucking David over the Fucking September Fucking Elventh Fucking Weekend asshole.

Just what the "fuck" are you even talking about?
Your "fuck" up was president of the United States. He could have done anything he "fucking" wanted to.
He chose to put our troops in harm's way. Who the "fuck" are you trying to "fucking" fool?
"Fucking" idiot.
That's why everyone on the world stage still talks about the Biden Afghanistan debacle?
Everyone on the world stage? Really? You're on crack.
He owns it, it's his legacy....no matter what you say, Candy.
No lies, just truths.
Joe botched the withdrawal. But at least he went through with it instead of being too much of a coward to pull the trigger as your blob was.

So tell us...why didn't your blob follow through on his campaign promise mod boy?
Ummm, destroyed them. They had an obligation to not leave them behind.

Then why were they left behind when 75% of the troops left?

I mean...how hard could it have been to destroy our cache of state
of the art night vision goggles?

Depends where they were. Most of that stuff had been given to the Afhan military and was no longer under US control.
Funny how liberals all conveniently forget that for months, the Biden administration promised America that the Afghan government would hold. That is why this is an issue at all. 20 f'ing years building it up and it collapsed in days. Yet none of our so-called experts in the military and intelligence communities noticed? That lie is 100% on Biden and friends.
Just what the "fuck" are you even talking about?
Your "fuck" up was president of the United States. He could have done anything he "fucking" wanted to.
He chose to put our troops in harm's way. Who the "fuck" are you trying to "fucking" fool?
"Fucking" idiot.
So Candy....you gave me a 'fake news' emoji. Is it because I said that Biden was
president of the US? Or, that he put our troops in harms way? You know that 13 died
right at the end of his debacle, right?
You're a good little minion, your masters must be very proud of you.
Any recent participation awards from them?
I'm surprised you have no issue with what Biden left behind. :rolleyes-41:
Arming the Taliban was almost certainly intentional. They are expected to continue the fight against ISIS and others allied against America.

In reality, the downside is the Taliban's extremist Islamic views and their horrible treatment of women. Is that a price worth paying for America getting out? Count the price in the hundreds of billions saved.

Where 'is' the downside on leaving everything behind?

Isn't it obvious when we see truckloads of paper money that could have been dealt with by lighting it up with a match?

I don't think Americans are getting the whole story. Or, some get it but it doesn't suit their politics?

Do you think us addressing each other could be a worthwhile change, or should we continue the way we were going?
Yep, that was far and away Biden biggest fuckup, said that like 100 times now. Had he left in May like we were supposed to the Taliban would have been half the country away still.

When Biden took over there were less than 4,000 US troops in country. What could they have possibly done with 75,000 vehicles and 600,000 weapons that were spread all across the country?
Facilitated the return or destruction of said vehicles and weapons
Do you think us addressing each other could be a worthwhile change,

Not when the old time moderators show the forum that this is how to respond to epithets.

or should we continue the way we were going?

Seems to be the way. :dunno: My disagrees have to do with method, not substance. :thup:
Funny how liberals all conveniently forget that for months, the Biden administration promised America that the Afghan government would hold. That is why this is an issue at all. 20 f'ing years building it up and it collapsed in days. Yet none of our so-called experts in the military and intelligence communities noticed? That lie is 100% on Biden and friends.
Stop! Read my message to Meister in which I suggest it was all quite intentional to leave the Taliban with the means to fight America's common enemy in the ME.
For you information shit for brains, Mr. Biden used the Traitor's plan to pull out troops. It was the Traitor who pulled out all but a hand full of troops.
Not according to your article:

But Biden can go only so far in claiming the agreement boxed him in. It had an escape clause: The U.S. could have withdrawn from the accord if Afghan peace talks failed. They did, but Biden chose to stay in it, although he delayed the complete pullout from May to September.
Facilitated the return or destruction of said vehicles and weapons

How? Have you ever tried moving even a small amount of equipment? There were 20 times more vehicles than troops. They were spread out all over the country, most having been given to the Afghan army by the previous 4 presidents.

The time to have done that is when there was still 14,000 plus troops in the country.
Facilitated the return or destruction of said vehicles and weapons
The vehicles weren't worth the military's labour and manpower to destroy. The paper money was, but it wasn't destroyed. That doesn't add up to make a gallon out of liters.

And the vehicles served America's claimed interests of rebuilding the country.

There's no use in pretending that the Taliban aren't in America's best interests. Otherwise they would have taken out thousands of Americans and American planes escaping the country.

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