Rubio accidentally charged HOW MUCH to the pub card?

Rubio said that he paid for all personal expenses billed to an American Express card given to him by the party to use from 2005 to 2008 and GOP staffers also may be responsible for some expenses since they also had access to the credit card and his minivan was damaged by parking attendants at a political function and the party agreed to cover half of his insurance deductible. The media is probing Rubio's past mistakes because he is likely to become Romney's running mate and Rubio can appeal to the Latino voters especially in Florida, which could determine the outcome of the presidential race.
Rubio said that he paid for all personal expenses billed to an American Express card given to him by the party to use from 2005 to 2008 and GOP staffers also may be responsible for some expenses since they also had access to the credit card and his minivan was damaged by parking attendants at a political function and the party agreed to cover half of his insurance deductible. The media is probing Rubio's past mistakes because he is likely to become Romney's running mate and Rubio can appeal to the Latino voters especially in Florida, which could determine the outcome of the presidential race.

What did you expect Dems to run on, all the good Obama's done for us these past 3 1/2 years?
Love how the rw's ignore the truth by throwing up smoke screens.

This thread is about Marco Rubio's lies. Why don't rw's have the balls to address that?
Love how the rw's ignore the truth by throwing up smoke screens.

This thread is about Marco Rubio's lies. Why don't rw's have the balls to address that?

Smokescreen? This is pure Alinsky. Why should we address Rubio's use of a company credit card years ago when it's the the corrupt Obama administration that is up for election this November. Don't have the balls to address the GSA scandal that's going on now? How about Fast/Furious or the bankruptcy of Solindra or Barry's appointment of communist Van Jones to head up his green jobs board when the only experience Jones had was the leader of an arson and looting rampage and there ain't no stinking green jobs? Barry actually joked that the "shovel ready jobs" he touted weren't ready after all and unemployment stands at an honest 14% while Barry Hussein and his stupid supporters whine about the unfairness of not controlling the entire federal government instead of just 2/3.
Oh, I'M sorry. That has NOTHING to do with this theft.

Your "ilk" are the ones that have NOTHING, except for a Republican Senator who may have misused a credit card.

Never mind that Obama has misused the U.S. Treasury charge card to the tune of TRILLIONS of dollars. Just move along. Nothing to see there.

Nearly a trillion in order to help save capitalism isn't exactly what I'd call "misuse".
where's that 1.6 billion that old corzyme can't find. did you left hand asswipes believe that shit when you heard it? well did ewe?
where's that 1.6 billion that old corzyme can't find. did you left hand asswipes believe that shit when you heard it? well did ewe?

Hey. I'm left-handed. Just because I wipe my ass with my left hand doesn't mean you need to get all melty about it.

Why should we address Rubio's use of a company credit card years ago

Because that's the subject of the op. But of course, you're too cowardly to do that.

Feel free to start a new thread full of lies about President Obama.
Why should we address Rubio's use of a company credit card years ago
Because that's the subject of the op. But of course, you're too cowardly to do that.

Feel free to start a new thread full of lies about President Obama.

Only because you're the only idiot digging up old news.
It's been repaid and settled.

A cursory search finds stories from Feb/Mar of 2010 and some left-Wing hack sites rerunning the shit just a couple days ago.

You can always tell who the Dembulbs are afraid of by the direction of their attacks.
Marco Rubio On GOP Credit Card Spending: 'It Looked Bad, Right?' (VIDEO)

Rubio has lied about other things ... like coming here with his poor beleaguered family running from that big meany Castro ... He's a natural for the pub party.


Obama charged how many $ trillion to our grandkids??????

To pay for your hero's tab.

You the drunk at the bar that orders everyone a round..then says, "My friend over there has got it" and leaves.
Sallow im sorry that happened.......i was fucking drunk......
Marco Rubio On GOP Credit Card Spending: 'It Looked Bad, Right?' (VIDEO)

Rubio has lied about other things ... like coming here with his poor beleaguered family running from that big meany Castro ... He's a natural for the pub party.

Rubio billed the party for more than $100,000 during the two years he served as House speaker, according to credit card statements obtained by the St. Petersburg Times and Miami Herald. The charges included repairs to the family minivan, grocery bills, plane tickets for his wife and purchases from retailers ranging from a wine store near his home to Apple's online store. Rubio also charged the party for dozens of meals during the annual lawmaking session in Tallahassee, even though he received taxpayer subsidies for his meals.

Rubio said the billings all related to party business-- the minivan, for example, was damaged by a valet at a political function -- and that he repaid the party for about $16,000 in personal expenses.


Obama charged how many $ trillion to our grandkids??????

LOL. So, PC states that it is perfectly allright for Republicans to be miscreants.

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