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So you don't have a valid reason to blame Obama, you're just doing it out of spite.
Here's a few:
A clear an unbiased look at the economic metrics clearly sets forth the across-the-board failures of the Obama administration to improve the national economy to date:

Economic Grade for Obama Is an F
$27.2 Trillion:

Total Amount Of Debt Projected By The End Of 2024. ("The Budget And Economic Outlook: 2014 To 2024," The Congressional Budget Office, 2/4/14)
$17.3 Trillion:
The Total National Debt After Five Years Of Promises To Tackle The Problem.
(U.S. Treasury Department, Accessed 2/7/14)
$6.6 Trillion:
Added To The National Debt Since Obama Became President.
(U.S. Treasury Department, Accessed 2/11/14)
$4 Trillion:

I hate to break this to you but reducing government spending - whatever else it might accomplish -

is not going to create jobs. In fact, it will cost jobs.
I hate to break this to you but reducing government spending - whatever else it might accomplish -

is not going to create jobs. In fact, it will cost jobs.
So you are here telling us that if a government worker gets canned he's either unemplyable or incapable of fending for himself? Where do you think the money comes from? It comes out of private pockets. The less they have the less they can spend, hire or build. If you pay a public sector employee $50 a year that's 50k taken out of the private sector.
You're a simpleton, you've cleared the air on that long ago. Being a business owner doesn't mean that you are unemployed, it's called being self employed. As stupid as you are you are either delivering pizza or working for the government. Hating Republicans doesn't actually smarten up your posts.

And you are a fucking liar. If your business is doing WORSE six years AFTER the recession bottomed out, you know what the truth of the matter is?


You fucking whiny ass Republicans are pitiful. Poor me, can't find work, no business, bad Obama. Fucking give it up and face the truth. No body want to do business with you or hire your whiny asses.

To fucking funny. You'll hate the truth of the matter don'tcha. You got it worse now than 6 years ago, that is ALL on you. Quit whining. Man up. Go to work. Do all those things you Republicans claim are your mainstays. The reason you exist. To show all of us personal responsibility.

But you know what. Even if I was delivering pizza (which btw there is nothing wrong with doing) or a "government" worker, I would still be doing better than you and still have to listen to you whine and bitch about how bad you got it.

All the while I be working away. Damn liberals. Obama gave us all jobs. But not you Republicans. No jobs for you.
Are you worse off than you were in 2008?


Then I guess it's time for you to engage that conservative responsibility gear and get moving.
The economy has been in full recovery for well over a year, with continued improvement for the remainder of this year:

Report U.S. economic recovery to strengthen further in 2015 - Phoenix Business Journal

At least Rubio and the OP are consistent at being wrong.

These people are locked into a propaganda narrative that must be adhered to no matter what the economy does. That's why they call it propaganda.

Sorry there bubba I can't control taxes. but I am talking to my congress critters about fixing them.
I hate to break this to you but reducing government spending - whatever else it might accomplish -

is not going to create jobs. In fact, it will cost jobs.

Why these Republicans on here might want to look at government jobs that were created during the reign of their Saint and Savior, St Ronnie Reagan.

He created LOTS of government jobs. He spent LOTS of government money. He knew the power of government jobs to stimulate the economy. All those GS positions pay pretty good.
If you pay a public sector employee $50 a year that's 50k taken out of the private sector.

Let's see if your circular logic holds up.

"IF you pay" a public sector worker 50 dollars a year, (you got a bargain).
Logic fail.

"that's 50k taken out of the private sector"
Hell, we only paid the guy 50 dollars. He's gotta go work somewhere else to make a living.
Logic fail again.
I hate to break this to you but reducing government spending - whatever else it might accomplish -

is not going to create jobs. In fact, it will cost jobs.
So you are here telling us that if a government worker gets canned he's either unemplyable or incapable of fending for himself? Where do you think the money comes from? It comes out of private pockets. The less they have the less they can spend, hire or build. If you pay a public sector employee $50 a year that's 50k taken out of the private sector.

You're such an incoherent poster...are you denying that government cutbacks cost jobs?
I hate to break this to you but reducing government spending - whatever else it might accomplish -

is not going to create jobs. In fact, it will cost jobs.
So you are here telling us that if a government worker gets canned he's either unemplyable or incapable of fending for himself? Where do you think the money comes from? It comes out of private pockets. The less they have the less they can spend, hire or build. If you pay a public sector employee $50 a year that's 50k taken out of the private sector.

So if defense cuts cause 10,000 layoffs at private companies in the defense industry, you're trying to tell us what?

1. That is good for jobs
2. That is neutral for jobs
3. That is bad for jobs.
So if defense cuts cause 10,000 layoffs at private companies in the defense industry, you're trying to tell us what?

1. That is good for jobs
2. That is neutral for jobs
3. That is bad for jobs.

Could I have a fourth choice blaming someone else for my choice? I'm thinking of becoming a Republican and need more options. Thanks in advance.
If you are worse off now than you were a few years ago (which I saw a couple of you claim you are) then it is ALL on you. Pick your lazy asses up and go to work. Quit wasting all your time doing none productive things like posting on the Internet. Grab your boot straps and pull. Grab your ass and hold on. But if you are doing worse today than a few years ago, it's all on you.

I thought you Repubs were big on personal responsibility and taking charge of your own lives? No so much eh?
Better to blame someone else for your failures. Typical hypocritical Republicans.
Incorrect. My state lost 43,537 jobs in 2008 and has only picked up 15,378 since. No job growth = the people who were employed in 2008 aren't now...and haven't been for several years.

What state is this? Why do you think it's that way?

If you are worse off now than you were a few years ago (which I saw a couple of you claim you are) then it is ALL on you. Pick your lazy asses up and go to work. Quit wasting all your time doing none productive things like posting on the Internet. Grab your boot straps and pull. Grab your ass and hold on. But if you are doing worse today than a few years ago, it's all on you.

I thought you Repubs were big on personal responsibility and taking charge of your own lives? No so much eh?
Better to blame someone else for your failures. Typical hypocritical Republicans.
Incorrect. My state lost 43,537 jobs in 2008 and has only picked up 15,378 since. No job growth = the people who were employed in 2008 aren't now...and haven't been for several years.

Stop blaming Obama for that.
Why? He likes to inflate numbers and take credit for Job growth.

Weird, 11+ million PRIVATE sector jobs since Obamacares passed Feb 2010


Bureau of Labor Statistics Data

If you are worse off now than you were a few years ago (which I saw a couple of you claim you are) then it is ALL on you. Pick your lazy asses up and go to work. Quit wasting all your time doing none productive things like posting on the Internet. Grab your boot straps and pull. Grab your ass and hold on. But if you are doing worse today than a few years ago, it's all on you.

I thought you Repubs were big on personal responsibility and taking charge of your own lives? No so much eh?
Better to blame someone else for your failures. Typical hypocritical Republicans.
Incorrect. My state lost 43,537 jobs in 2008 and has only picked up 15,378 since. No job growth = the people who were employed in 2008 aren't now...and haven't been for several years.

Stop blaming Obama for that.
Why? He likes to inflate numbers and take credit for Job growth.

So you don't have a valid reason to blame Obama, you're just doing it out of spite.
I don't see 150,000 full time jobs nationwide replaced by 77,000 part time jobs as progress. Sue me.

Jul 14, 2014

But since 2010, full-time jobs are up 7.6 million, and part-time jobs have declined by more than 900,000.

The Spectacular Myth of Obama's Part-Time America—in 5 Graphs


The Spectacular Myth of Obama s Part-Time America mdash in 5 Graphs - The Atlantic



Nov 2014

118,112,000 PRIVATE sector jobs


Bureau of Labor Statistics Data
So you don't have a valid reason to blame Obama, you're just doing it out of spite.
Here's a few:
A clear an unbiased look at the economic metrics clearly sets forth the across-the-board failures of the Obama administration to improve the national economy to date:

Economic Grade for Obama Is an F
$27.2 Trillion:

Total Amount Of Debt Projected By The End Of 2024. ("The Budget And Economic Outlook: 2014 To 2024," The Congressional Budget Office, 2/4/14)
$17.3 Trillion:
The Total National Debt After Five Years Of Promises To Tackle The Problem.
(U.S. Treasury Department, Accessed 2/7/14)
$6.6 Trillion:
Added To The National Debt Since Obama Became President.
(U.S. Treasury Department, Accessed 2/11/14)
$4 Trillion:

The Amount Of Debt That Obama Once Called "Irresponsible" And "Unpatriotic." (Sen. Barack Obama, Remarks At A Campaign Event, Fargo, ND, 7/3/08)
$2.2 Trillion:
Total Projected Deficits For Obama's Second Term.
("The Budget And Economic Outlook: 2014 To 2024," The Congressional Budget Office, 2/4/14)
$2 Trillion:
Cost Of Obamacare's Coverage Provisions From 2014 To 2024.
("The Budget And Economic Outlook: 2014 To 2024," The Congressional Budget Office, 2/4/14)
$1.1 Trillion:
Total Projected Cost Of Paying For The Federal Debt From 2013 To The End Of Obama's Second Term.
("The Budget And Economic Outlook: 2014 To 2024," The Congressional Budget Office, 2/4/14)
$880 Billion:
The Projected Cost Of Paying Interest On The National Debt In 2024, Nearly Four Times The $221 Billion It Cost In 2013.
("The Budget And Economic Outlook: 2014 To 2024," The Congressional Budget Office, 2/4/14)
$819.3 Billion:
Total Taxes In Obamacare.
(CBO, 3/12;JCT, 6/15/12; CBO, 5/14/13; CBO, 7/30/13)
$566 Billion:
How Much Government Spending Is Expected To Increase By The End Of Obama's Second Term.
("The Budget And Economic Outlook: 2014 To 2024," The Congressional Budget Office, 2/4/14)
$494 Billion:
Amount Of Regulatory Burden Since Obama Took Office.
(American Action Forum, 1/8/14)
$105 Billion:
The Projected Increased Cost To Pay Interest On U.S. Debt During Obama's Second Term In Office.
("The Budget And Economic Outlook: 2014 To 2024," The Congressional Budget Office, 2/4/14)
$3.6 Billion:
The Average Amount Of Debt Added Daily Since Obama Became President.
(U.S. Treasury Department, Accessed 2/11/14)
47.6 Million:
Americans Receiving Food Stamps In 2013.
(Department Of Agriculture, Accessed 2/7/14)
20.1 Million:
Number Of Americans Unemployed, Underemployed, Or Marginally Attached To The Labor Force.
(Bureau Of Labor Statistics, Accessed 2/11/14)
19.4 Million:
The Number Of Americans That Have Joined The Food Stamp Program Since Obama Took Office.
(Department Of Agriculture, Accessed 2/11/14)
10.2 Million:
The Number Of People Unemployed In January 2014.
(BLS, Accessed 2/11/14)
7 Million:
The Number Of Americans That Will No Longer Have Employer-Sponsored Health Insurance From 2016 Through 2024 Due To Obamacare.
("The Budget And Economic Outlook: 2014 To 2024," Congressional Budget Office, 2/4/14)
6.7 Million:
The Number Of People That Have Entered Poverty Since 2008.
(U.S. Census Bureau, Accessed 2/11/14)

3.7 Million:
The Number Of Americans Struggling With Long-Term Unemployment Of 27 Weeks Or Over.
(BLS, Accessed 2/11/14)
2.5 Million:
The Number Of Full-Time-Equivalent Workers That Will Be Lost Due To Obamacare.
("The Budget And Economic Outlook: 2014 To 2024,"Congressional Budget Office, 2/4/14)
The Increase In Americans Struggling With Long-Term Unemployment Since Obama Became President.
(BLS, Accessed 2/11/14)
Construction Jobs Lost Since Obama Took Office.
(BLS, Accessed 2/11/14)
Manufacturing Jobs Lost Since Obama Took Office.
(BLS, Accessed 2/11/14)
The Debt Per Capita For Americans In February 2014.
(U.S. Census Bureau, Accessed 2/11/14; U.S. Treasury Department, Accessed 2/11/14)
The Increase In Debt Per Capita For Americans Since Obama Took Office.
(U.S. Census Bureau, Accessed 2/11/14; U.S. Treasury Department, Accessed 2/11/14)
The Decline In Median House Hold Income Since Obama Became President.
(Gordon Green and John Coder, "Household Income Trends Series: December 2013," Sentier Research, 1/23/13)
Increase In Family Health Care Premiums Under Obama, Despite His Claim That Obamacare Would Reduce Premiums By $2,500.
(The Kaiser Family Foundation, 8/20/13; President Barack Obama, Remarks By The President In The State Of The Union Address , Washington, D.C., 1/27/10)
The Last Time The Labor Force Participation Rate Was At Its Current Level.
(BLS, 2/7/14)
The Amount Of Debt Held By The Public Compared To GDP By 2024.
("The Budget And Economic Outlook: 2014 To 2024," The Congressional Budget Office, 2/4/14)
Increase In The Average Price Per Gallon Of Gas Since Obama Took Office.
(U.S. Energy And Information Administration, Accessed 2/11/14)
The Percent Of Americans That Believe The Country Is On The Wrong Track.
(The Economist/YouGov, 1000 A, 689 RV, 3% MoE, 2/1-3/14)
Percentage Of Americans That Disapprove Of Obama's Handling Of the Economy.
(The Economist /YouGov, 1000 A, 3% MoE, 2/1-3/14)
The Percent Of UnemployedAmericans Who Were
16-34-Year-Olds In January 2014. (Bureau Of Labor Statistics , Accessed 2/11/14)

The Decline In The Labor Force Participation Rate From 2007 To 2013 Due To Fewer Job Opportunities.
("The Budget And Economic Outlook: 2014 To 2024," The Congressional Budget Office, 2/4/14)
Average Number Of Weeks Someone Was Unemployed In January 2014.
(BLS, Accessed 2/11/14)
Poverty Rate In 2012 — An Increase From 13.2 Percent The Year Before Obama Became President.
(U.S. Census, Accessed 1/31/14)
Unemployment Rate For Those Under 25.
(Bureau Of Labor Statistics, Accessed 2/11/14)
The Number Of Times Obama Has Pivoted To The Economy.
(The Hill, 11/25/13)
African American Unemployment Rate In January 2014.
(Bureau Of Labor Statistics, Accessed 2/7/14)
Hispanic Unemployment Rate In January 2014.
(Bureau Of Labor Statistics, Accessed 2/7/14)
Highest Deficits In U.S. HistoryUnder Obama
. (Office Of Management And Budget, Accessed 1/20/14)
The Amount Gas Prices Have Increased Since Obama Became President.
(U.S. Energy Information Administration , Accessed 2/7/14)
The Decline In Labor Compensation From 2017 To 2024.
("The Budget And Economic Outlook: 2014 To 2024," The Congressional Budget Office, 2/4/14)


UNBIASED? With zero context or honesty. Shocking

"We crashed the economy but we don't like the way you tried to fix it." - GOP.
while you sit here wailing over a dog


Our country is becomingBrazil.

The ever-increasing barrage of regulations being unleashed by Obama’s DOE, EPA, and myriad other agencies have spurious and unproven “benefits” to Americans, but many potential unforeseen consequences. We only need look at the Affordable Care Act (a name that could only be dreamed-up inBrazil) as a textbook example of the results of releasing massive amounts of regulations without adequate controls or review.
21,000 new regulations have beenenactedunder Obama, and 2,375 are scheduled so far for 2015. Congress does not have the power to stop this avalanche, and can do very little to slow it down.
The sad and frustrating part of this “government gone wild” scenario is that it is highly doubtful any of these regulations can be rescinded or fixed before they potentially cause significant permanent damage to our individual freedoms, to say nothing of how they will negatively impact our day-to-day lives. This is how Obama’s “fundamental change” of America is accomplished.
As I write this, I am ordering a new timer for my old dishwasher. I just hope De Niro shows up to help me install it.

all of it here:
Read more:http://www.americanthinker.com/blog/2015/01/america_is_being_transformed_into_embrazilem.html#ixzz3NlpIwbER
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Misrepresentations, Regulations and Jobs
By Bruce Bartlett

Republicans favor tax cuts for the wealthy and corporations, but these had no stimulative effect during the George W. Bush administration and there is no reason to believe that more of them will have any today. And the Republicans’ oft-stated concern for the deficit makes tax cuts a hard sell.

These constraints have led Republicans to embrace the idea that government regulation is the principal factor holding back employment. They assert that Barack Obama has unleashed a tidal wave of new regulations, which has created uncertainty among businesses and prevents them from investing and hiring.

No hard evidence is offered for this claim; it is simply asserted as self-evident and repeated endlessly throughout the conservative echo chamber.

I hate to break this to you but reducing government spending - whatever else it might accomplish -

is not going to create jobs. In fact, it will cost jobs.
So you are here telling us that if a government worker gets canned he's either unemplyable or incapable of fending for himself? Where do you think the money comes from? It comes out of private pockets. The less they have the less they can spend, hire or build. If you pay a public sector employee $50 a year that's 50k taken out of the private sector.

You're such an incoherent poster...are you denying that government cutbacks cost jobs?
I'm afraid you're an incoherent thinker. And apparently stupid enough to believe only government can perform all those public sector jobs when the private sector would do it cheaper and more efficiently.
So if defense cuts cause 10,000 layoffs at private companies in the defense industry, you're trying to tell us what?
1. That is good for jobs
2. That is neutral for jobs
3. That is bad for jobs.
I already explained it. Less public sector jobs means more private sector jobs. Private companies are the public sector and if government takes less there's more money in the private sector, that's indisputable. Government is not supposed to be in the business of providing jobs for the citizens.
Weird, 11+ million PRIVATE sector jobs since Obamacares passed Feb 2010


Bureau of Labor Statistics Data

It looks like it was going pretty good until the Democrats took over spending. Notice how the Republican controlled House has helped. BUT the chart doesn't explain how many are underemployed. If a manufacturer lets a well paid employee go and McDs hires two part timers, people like you see that as a jobs gain, thanks to obama.
I already explained it. Less public sector jobs means more private sector jobs. Private companies are the public sector and if government takes less there's more money in the private sector, that's indisputable. Government is not supposed to be in the business of providing jobs for the citizens.

I guess that means the government needs to hire them illegal aliens to perform the work of the government. Seeing as how the citizens of this country aren't supposed to do those jobs. And here I thought you were against those illegals taking Americans jobs.

But really icey. You are dumb beyond all levels of stupidity.

If a government contract to build fighter aircraft gets cancelled, those were privates sector workers that lost their job.
Really our government is not good at building fighter aircraft. Our government is good at ordering aircraft to be built by private companies to benefit the general public by defending the general public with fighter aircraft. As a result of needing to protect the country, the government creates jobs in private companies who provide the weaponry we need to defend ourselves.

This is not the rocket science you think it is iceweasel. If you think at all that is.
Weird, 11+ million PRIVATE sector jobs since Obamacares passed Feb 2010


Bureau of Labor Statistics Data

It looks like it was going pretty good until the Democrats took over spending. Notice how the Republican controlled House has helped. BUT the chart doesn't explain how many are underemployed. If a manufacturer lets a well paid employee go and McDs hires two part timers, people like you see that as a jobs gain, thanks to obama.

Dems took over spending? THAT created Dubya/GOP's great recession? REALLY? Give me the laws they passed? lol

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