Rubio:Last night 1 of our canvassers wearing my T-shirt+Desantis hat was brutally attacked by 4animals telling him GOP not allowed in the neighborhood

o my do i just ignore the bs i get from big bad white guys for having a biden sticker? boo hoo you bunch of snowflakes

Except of course you don't.

The MOST you'll ever get is someone saying "Let's go Brandon."

But you Nazis are violent, you'll beat and kill those who hold different political views, because you want your Reich to rule, and rule absolutely.

I don't know if this guy was assaulted and nearly murdered because he was wearing a Rubio shirt, or simply because he's white. Your filthy party advocates and incites violence for both reasons.
Think about it. There are factions in society that are willing to kill you and beat you to death for wearing a MAGA hat or the wrong T shirt and democrats and the media seem to support or ignore the concept.

Whataboutism isn't the solution to anything. It's a good way to point out the hypocrisy. But it only adds to the division.
The left and the right, when their sides gets violent, needs to just bash the F out of those who are getting violent. Violence is wrong. Especially when it comes to politics.
So why not call your side out on it?

It doesn't happen because there are too many party loyalist who'll use "whataboutism," instead of doing the right thing.
LMAO.. The red backdrop is instigating violence? How retarded can that statement be? Man, y'all are letting politics brainwash you.

The red backdrop of Mordor didn't do anything but set the mood for Biden's Hitler speech. Remember, Biden called 73 million Americans "enemies of the Reich."

Adolf Biden railed against "Emanuel Goldstein" and enemies of the democrat party.

{"Donald Trump and the MAGA Republicans represent an extremism that threatens the very foundations of our Republic," Biden said. "MAGA Republicans do not respect the Constitution. They do not believe in the rule of the law. They do not recognize the will of the people. They refuse to accept the results of a free election."}

This sort of chicanery is why I don't accept your claims to be a fiscal, or any kind of conservative.

What Biden did was unforgivable - he declare civil war on half of America. He did what the Reich accuses Trump of, but Trump never did.

Yet those who smear Trump, say not a word about Biden's call to arms against his fellow Americans. We again see the violence begat by the Biden demagoguery - not for the first time, and not for the last.

The red backdrop of Mordor didn't do anything but set the mood for Biden's Hitler speech. Remember, Biden called 73 million Americans "enemies of the Reich."

Adolf Biden railed against "Emanuel Goldstein" and enemies of the democrat party.

BS. It just make him look foolish? Or did it scare you?

{"Donald Trump and the MAGA Republicans represent an extremism that threatens the very foundations of our Republic," Biden said. "MAGA Republicans do not respect the Constitution. They do not believe in the rule of the law. They do not recognize the will of the people. They refuse to accept the results of a free election."}

This sort of chicanery is why I don't accept your claims to be a fiscal, or any kind of conservative.

What Biden did was unforgivable - he declare civil war on half of America. He did what the Reich accuses Trump of, but Trump never did.

Yet those who smear Trump, say not a word about Biden's call to arms against his fellow Americans. We again see the violence begat by the Biden demagoguery - not for the first time, and not for the last.

I smear Trump on his lack of fiscal conservatism. I could care less what the left smear him about. Most of it isn't worth listening to. Mine is based on his actual record. Of which Trumpbots ignore.
BS. It just make him look foolish? Or did it scare you?

Only a fool is not concerned when the President of the United States calls half the citizens "enemies."

I smear Trump on his lack of fiscal conservatism. I could care less what the left smear him about. Most of it isn't worth listening to. Mine is based on his actual record. Of which Trumpbots ignore.

You cover for Biden - with full contempt for the facts.

Biden incited violence - the fruit of which is the attempted assassination of the Supreme Court Justice, and now this.
Only a fool is not concerned when the President of the United States calls half the citizens "enemies."

You cover for Biden - with full contempt for the facts.

Biden incited violence - the fruit of which is the attempted assassination of the Supreme Court Justice, and now this.

Trump supporters are enemies of this country. They seek to turn this into a dictatorship.

You are the ones who are contemptuous of facts.

The Supreme Court is attempting to help Republicans seize the country. They are enemies of this country.
Trump supporters are enemies of this country. They seek to turn this into a dictatorship.

You are the ones who are contemptuous of facts.

The Supreme Court is attempting to help Republicans seize the country. They are enemies of this country.
Whoa, slow that camel down champ.

BS. It just make him look foolish? Or did it scare you?

I smear Trump on his lack of fiscal conservatism. I could care less what the left smear him about. Most of it isn't worth listening to. Mine is based on his actual record. Of which Trumpbots ignore.
The President has no control over spending, doofus. That's Congress's job.
It's the Party of Thuggz and kiddie rapers, so people shouldn't go into Democrat areas unarmed. Never leave a Democrat alone with kids either.
Aren't you special sticking up for a neo nazi going into a predominately republican neighborhood.

I immediately smelled a rat, especially considering that Hialeah, Florida—where the incident took place—is a Republican stronghold. As the day goes on, it’s become increasingly clear that the story didn’t happen the way Rubio said it did. First, the victim in question has been identified as Christopher Monzon, a white supremacist nicknamed the “Cuban Confederate” who participated in the neo-Nazi rally in Charlottesville, Virginia, has a history of violence, and is deeply involved in Miami Republican politics.

The President has no control over spending, doofus. That's Congress's job.

LMAO. You say something like that and then call me doofus.

Government 101. ALL new spending bills have to have either a presidential signature OR a veto override.
Spending that's ALL READY been passed into law, is the control of the congress. They write the checks. But NO check gets written until funding for it has been approved by the House, Senate and president. With the exception of a veto override.

Trump vetoed only 1 spending bill in the entire 4 years.

Ever heard of a spending bill? Or an appropriations bill? Notice the last word. "Bill." Bills don't become law on their own. There's a process, as I described above.

Biden has no control over spending that Trump signed into law. Congress would have to pass a new bill, and Biden would have to sign it, before any changes were made in that now law.
Only a fool is not concerned when the President of the United States calls half the citizens "enemies."

Why the F would I be concerned with any opinion Biden has about me? He doesn't even know what he's saying have the time.

You cover for Biden - with full contempt for the facts.

Biden incited violence - the fruit of which is the attempted assassination of the Supreme Court Justice, and now this.

I don't cover for anyone. Especially someone I don't support. (Biden or Trump)

I watched his lame speech, and didn't feel threatened or scared or like I wanted to destroy anything. I'm not brainwashed like Trumpbots and progressives are.
Is this what Biden wanted when he declared MAGA Republicans a “threat to Democracy”?

I don't blame them, they were afraid of another insurrection...

Only a fool is not concerned when the President of the United States calls half the citizens "enemies."

You cover for Biden - with full contempt for the facts.

Biden incited violence - the fruit of which is the attempted assassination of the Supreme Court Justice, and now this.
And Trump said he wanted to beat up Democrats...

Sorry but when it comes to violence, Trump has been the leader is instigating violence.

Please show us Biden spreading lies and saying that you must fight if you believe his lies...

This is upping the ante in violent political speech in America... Look at MTG and other GOP speaking, they spread lies as to justify violence...

Look at how the references in this thread to peadophillia and Democrats... It is alright to use violence against them, they aren't really humans...
LMAO. You say something like that and then call me doofus.

Government 101. ALL new spending bills have to have either a presidential signature OR a veto override.
Spending that's ALL READY been passed into law, is the control of the congress. They write the checks. But NO check gets written until funding for it has been approved by the House, Senate and president. With the exception of a veto override.

Trump vetoed only 1 spending bill in the entire 4 years.

Ever heard of a spending bill? Or an appropriations bill? Notice the last word. "Bill." Bills don't become law on their own. There's a process, as I described above.

Biden has no control over spending that Trump signed into law. Congress would have to pass a new bill, and Biden would have to sign it, before any changes were made in that now law.
So you're blaming Trump for not shutting down the government. Figures.

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