Rubio:Last night 1 of our canvassers wearing my T-shirt+Desantis hat was brutally attacked by 4animals telling him GOP not allowed in the neighborhood

Aren't you special sticking up for a neo nazi going into a predominately republican neighborhood.

I immediately smelled a rat, especially considering that Hialeah, Florida—where the incident took place—is a Republican stronghold. As the day goes on, it’s become increasingly clear that the story didn’t happen the way Rubio said it did. First, the victim in question has been identified as Christopher Monzon, a white supremacist nicknamed the “Cuban Confederate” who participated in the neo-Nazi rally in Charlottesville, Virginia, has a history of violence, and is deeply involved in Miami Republican politics.

Go take some more downers.
And Trump said he wanted to beat up Democrats...

Sorry but when it comes to violence, Trump has been the leader is instigating violence.

Please show us Biden spreading lies and saying that you must fight if you believe his lies...

This is upping the ante in violent political speech in America... Look at MTG and other GOP speaking, they spread lies as to justify violence...

Look at how the references in this thread to peadophillia and Democrats... It is alright to use violence against them, they aren't really humans...

Peaceful Democrats in action!!!

lol Democrats loved them a vicious thug who pistol whipped pregnant women during home invasions.

Why are you pretending Democrats don't support faggots grooming school children?
You are not decent people. You are animals attacking this country.

There has been ONE insurrection in the United States in the last 10 years.

If was when Nazi democrats armed with rifles and handguns overthrew downtown Seattle by force and occupied it for 10 weeks. In fact the Brown Shirts called it the "Capitol Hill Occupied Protest"

Violent revolutionaries operating for the democrat party who shot 13 people, murdered 8 of them. Don't worry - no one was prosecuted - Brown Shirts operate at the direction and under the protection of the Nazi democrat party. I mean, you democrats only raped 19 people at CHAZ/CHOP - not even two rapes a day - and one of them was a homeless man - democrats will be democrats...

Decent people know that many big city police and the FBI are brothers in arms with ANTIFA, BLM, and other democrat terrorist groups.

After you get utterly crushed in 2 weeks, your terrorists will again be out burning, looting, murdering and raping. Since decent people know for a fact that law enforcement won't enforce the law or protect the lives and property of good people, we'll protect ourselves - and we have the firepower to do it.
Trump supporters are enemies of this country. They seek to turn this into a dictatorship.

By stopping your Nazi Reich and supporting the Constitutional Republic.

I get it, war is peace, freedom slavery - among you foul orcs.
You are the ones who are contemptuous of facts.

The Supreme Court is attempting to help Republicans seize the country. They are enemies of this country.

By upholding the Constitution you seek to destroy once and for all.

Everyone keeps interfering with the absolute rule by the Nazi democrat Reich.
You might want to let this one settle out before you start clutching pearls.

I mean, you've got the party press spinning this. You'll paint the victim as a "white supremacist" and libel him in a the party publications. The Voice of the Reich (NY Times) will run some smear pieces on his mother and other family. You'll craft a fiction designed to create hatred. Besides, he Der Juden, white, and white lives don't matter.
Aren't you special sticking up for a neo nazi going into a predominately republican neighborhood.

I immediately smelled a rat, especially considering that Hialeah, Florida—where the incident took place—is a Republican stronghold. As the day goes on, it’s become increasingly clear that the story didn’t happen the way Rubio said it did. First, the victim in question has been identified as Christopher Monzon, a white supremacist nicknamed the “Cuban Confederate” who participated in the neo-Nazi rally in Charlottesville, Virginia, has a history of violence, and is deeply involved in Miami Republican politics.

WE knew you filthy Nazis would be screaming JUDEN at the victim.

This is that way you filth ALWAYS react when your Troops engage in violence against unarmed victims.

You link to the fucking Nazi hate site jezebel to slander and libel the victim - like a rape gang calling a woman a whore after raping her.

You are sickening scum.

Even if anything you claim is true - and none of it is - but even if any of the defamation you foul vermin vomited were true - how does that justify the brutal assault by your Brown Shirts against an unarmed man?
Trump supporters are enemies of this country. They seek to turn this into a dictatorship.

You are the ones who are contemptuous of facts.

The Supreme Court is attempting to help Republicans seize the country. They are enemies of this country.

You poor troubled soul. I hope you find some inner peace.

You could not be more wrong. My family fled Stalin from Latvia. We know the signs. So do Cubans, Venezuelans, and Haitians.

You may consider studying history rather than getting lies from the news.

Hillary Clinton is already saying the 2024 election will be fixed….but you claim election deniers are bad.

Therefore Hillary is bad, by your own logic.

I encourage you to actually talk to some conservatives in person.

Good luck. You won the genetic lottery and live in the best place on earth, yet you wont let yourself enjoy it.

Stop the self torture. Smile, eat a cookie, walk on the beach, get laid.
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And Trump said he wanted to beat up Democrats...

Yes, we know you're a fucking liar - no need to work so hard to prove it.

Sorry but when it comes to violence, Trump has been the leader is instigating violence.
Yes, we know you're a fucking liar - no need to work so hard to prove it.

Two years of Kristallnacht, thousands of police injured by your Brown Shirts, 39 cops dead from democrat Nazi scum. Dozens of rapes. A trillion dollars in property damage.

Go fuck yourself, Nazi pig.

Please show us Biden spreading lies and saying that you must fight if you believe his lies...

Biden is a pathological liar. But the concern here is that he is using the presidency to foment division and incite violence.

Biden is engaged in sedition and attempting to bring down the Constitutional Republic.

The filthy Nazis should have invoked the 25th and removed him 18th months ago. Instead they use him as a puppet to wage war against America.

When the GOP assumes power in 2023, they will impeach Biden. Will any of the remaining Nazi party members in the Senate do what's right and vote to remove him from office? There will be 53 Republicans, 46 Nazis, and Bernie. How many of the 46 will vote to remove this cancer from our body politic?

This is upping the ante in violent political speech in America... Look at MTG and other GOP speaking, they spread lies as to justify violence...
Look at how the references in this thread to peadophillia and Democrats... It is alright to use violence against them, they aren't really humans...

No one has called for violence against the pedophile democrats (redundant).

But I see Nazi scum like debbiedowner and busybee01 cheer the assault of the Rubio campaign worker. I see the gutter filth who are democrats, slander and libel the victim instead of condemning their own who assaulted him.
I immediately smelled a rat, especially considering that Hialeah, Florida—where the incident took place—is a Republican stronghold. As the day goes on, it’s become increasingly clear that the story didn’t happen the way Rubio said it did. First, the victim in question has been identified as Christopher Monzon, a white supremacist nicknamed the “Cuban Confederate” who participated in the neo-Nazi rally in Charlottesville, Virginia, has a history of violence, and is deeply involved in Miami Republican politics.
So because he's a Republican he can't be a victim??

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