Rubio Will WIN Florida...

Despite all the caterwauling and fake stories from Creepshow Cruz, Marco already has a 12% lead in votes cast in the Sunshine State......almost 50% of the total. And let's not forget that he got 74% of the vote in Puerto Rico and there's over a million PRs in south Florida. Will Trump give him a run for his (donor) money...of course...he's had a presence down there for years. But when the tacos hit the oil late Tuesday night, it's Rubio who'll have won 99 delegates, not the bozo with the fake tan and tiny hands. :nono:

That stupid, vulgar comment about "hands" took Rubio's campaign down. He's not even going to take his own state. What a loser.
Lol its actually from today...I just posted it. But hey go for it! Whatever you want to believe my candidate isn't the one that HAS to win his home state to stay in the race...yours is :)

I agree he has to win Florida. But come Tuesday when Kasich gets betrayed in Ohio, we'll get his voters...would have won Virginia if the little toad had gotten out when he should have.
Betrayed? How is Kasich going to be betrayed? He came in THIRD in Michigan a state right next door to Ohio...I mean its not looking good for Kasich or Rubio. At least Kasich is a popular governor. They were saying last night Northern Florida votes a lot like Mississippi where Rubio came in 3rd with 9 freaking percent! Its not looking good. I mean look at this

Among Florida likely Republican primary voters, Trump leads Rubio 39 - 27 percent among women and 50 - 17 percent among men. Self-described Tea Party members go 48 percent for Trump, 40 percent for Cruz and 9 percent for Rubio. Trump gets 39 percent of white, born-again evangelicals, with 30 percent for Cruz and 21 percent for Rubio.

Rubio also trails Trump among voters who say they are "very conservative," "somewhat conservative" or "moderate or liberal."

He also trails among likely Republican primary voters in every age group.
Despite all the caterwauling and fake stories from Creepshow Cruz, Marco already has a 12% lead in votes cast in the Sunshine State......almost 50% of the total. And let's not forget that he got 74% of the vote in Puerto Rico and there's over a million PRs in south Florida. Will Trump give him a run for his (donor) money...of course...he's had a presence down there for years. But when the tacos hit the oil late Tuesday night, it's Rubio who'll have won 99 delegates, not the bozo with the fake tan and tiny hands. :nono:


As far as I know Florida has not released any results of the Primary yet and won't until the polls close next Tuesday.

Please post your reference that Rubio is ahead 12% in early voting.
Betrayed? How is Kasich going to be betrayed? He came in THIRD in Michigan a state right next door to Ohio...

I'm FROM MICHIGAN originally and I told you yahoos Michigan and O-hio don't get along...M GO BLUE! but did you You should realize that the socialist on the other end of things won Michigan last night too. Talk about a schizo state...gloomy-tunes, the lot of them. Trump is leading Kasich in Ohio and now that that fracking is on vacation (they'll be back, folks), reality is setting in for little John.
As far as I know Florida has not released any results of the Primary yet and won't until the polls close next Tuesday.

Please post your reference that Rubio is ahead 12% in early voting.

Internal exit polling from the Rubio campaign.
BTW, it's time to remind you Trump groupies about what happened to the old con man's mind after the debate when Marco pulled the geezer's pants down....he lost his ability to spell simple words:

Lightweight Marco Rubio was working hard last night. The problem is, he is a choker, and once a choker, always a chocker! Mr. Meltdown.

— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) February 26, 2016 Leightweight chocker Marco Rubio looks like a little boy on stage. Not presidential material!

— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) February 26, 2016

Lying Ted Cruz and leightweight chocker Marco Rubio teamed up last night in a last ditch effort to stop our great movement. They failed!

— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) February 26, 2016

Wow, every poll said I won the debate last night. Great honer!
Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) February 26, 2016
Betrayed? How is Kasich going to be betrayed? He came in THIRD in Michigan a state right next door to Ohio...

I'm FROM MICHIGAN originally and I told you yahoos Michigan and O-hio don't get along...M GO BLUE! but did you You should realize that the socialist on the other end of things won Michigan last night too. Talk about a schizo state...gloomy-tunes, the lot of them. Trump is leading Kasich in Ohio and now that that fracking is on vacation (they'll be back, folks), reality is setting in for little John.
So why do you ASSUME Trump will beat Kasich in Ohio but lose to Rubio in Florida when he is leading Kasich by like 7 and Rubio by 23?
PPP's newest Florida Republican poll (conducted Wednesday and Thursday before the debate) finds Donald Trump dominant in the state. He's getting 45% to 25% for Marco Rubio, 10% for Ted Cruz, 8% for John Kasich, and 5% for Ben Carson.

The most remarkable thing in this poll though is what happens when you narrow the field down to just Trump and Rubio- Trump still leads by double digits at 52/38. Rubio does win over supporters of Cruz (56/25), Kasich (47/32), and Carson (64/21) in such a scenario. But Trump has such a big lead to begin with and picks up enough of the supporters of the also rans that it gives him the overall 14 point advantage.

Rubio's trouble doesn't end there. His approval rating as Senator has cratered to a 31/55 spread, compared to a much more evenly divided 41/44 when we last polled the state in September. Only 40% of voters in the state think he should continue with his campaign, compared to a 44% plurality who think it's time for him to drop out. And he narrowly trails both Hillary Clinton (45/43) and Bernie Sanders (44/42) in head to head general election match ups. Rubio's become quite unpopular at home over the course of his campaign.

Winning has made Trump more popular. 64% of Republicans in Florida now have a favorable opinion of him to only 27% with a negative one. That actually puts him ahead of Rubio's 60/28 standing. The most broadly popular Republican for what little it's worth is Carson at 65/18. Kasich's at 53/22, and for the second state in a row we find Cruz under water at 39/48. We found that he had slipped into negative territory on our final South Carolina poll as well.

Things are still somewhat fluid in Florida- 36% of voters say they might change their minds between now and the primary. But Trump has by far the most committed supporters- 79% say they will definitely vote for him, compared to 62% for Cruz, 54% for Rubio, 44% for Kasich, and just 26% for Carson. When you look at the standings just among voters who've completely made up their minds Trump goes up to 59% to 22% for Rubio, 10% for Cruz, 6% for Kasich, and 2% for Carson.

Trump's hold on the GOP electorate is thorough. He leads with 51% of men, 51% of younger voters, 49% of moderates, 43% of somewhat conservative voters, 41% of seniors, 39% of women, and 39% of very conservative voters. There's not a single group we track he doesn't have a double digit lead with. Beyond leading the head to head with Rubio, Trump also gets 51% in a three man field to 33% for Rubio, and 11% for Cruz. And he leads Cruz 62/30 head to head.
So why do you ASSUME Trump will beat Kasich in Ohio but lose to Rubio in Florida when he is leading Kasich by like 7 and Rubio by 23?

How many more times?...Trump isn't leading Rubio...other way around.
So why do you ASSUME Trump will beat Kasich in Ohio but lose to Rubio in Florida when he is leading Kasich by like 7 and Rubio by 23?

How many more times?...Trump isn't leading Rubio...other way around.
Yes and this is exactly why there are confirmed rumors of him dropping out of the race before FLA. Makes total sense...drop out when you're leading. Excellent strategy indeed!!
Yes and this is exactly while there are confirmed rumors of him dropping out of the race before FLA. Makes total sense...drop out when you're leading. Excellent strategy indeed!!

There are no "confirmed" rumors and you know it. CNN and Creepshow Cruz hit the gutter together once again.
So why do you ASSUME Trump will beat Kasich in Ohio but lose to Rubio in Florida when he is leading Kasich by like 7 and Rubio by 23?

How many more times?...Trump isn't leading Rubio...other way around.
Yes and this is exactly why there are confirmed rumors of him dropping out of the race before FLA. Makes total sense...drop out when you're leading. Excellent strategy indeed!!

I see what you did there :laugh:
Yes and this is exactly while there are confirmed rumors of him dropping out of the race before FLA. Makes total sense...drop out when you're leading. Excellent strategy indeed!!

There are no "confirmed" rumors and you know it. CNN and Creepshow Cruz hit the gutter together once again.
Cruz has nothing to do with it and still no word from Rubios camp. Does that not send up any red flags?

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