Rubio Will WIN Florida...

Cruz has nothing to do with it and still no word from Rubios camp. Does that not send up warning signs to you?

I'd think you'd understand by now that continuing to "deny" bullshit rumors from Cruz is getting old. Tell me how multiple donors were contacted and in agreement on him dropping out.....ridiculous...the money has been spent.
Lets assume that Rubio wins FL against ALL evidence that he is drastically behind. The real question at that point is so what?

The fact is that he has lost all chance to win the primary. He is not going to win the primary with a single state - not going to happen.
So why do you ASSUME Trump will beat Kasich in Ohio but lose to Rubio in Florida when he is leading Kasich by like 7 and Rubio by 23?

How many more times?...Trump isn't leading Rubio...other way around.
In denial I see.
What is one considerable accomplishment he's had during this election? He won the primary of ONE state? That isn't a noteworthy accomplishment

Minnesota and Puerto Rico (23 delegates). Creepshow had his Tejas, Marco will have his Florida.
Trump leads by 23 in Florida

I have posted the ACTUAL POLL link and he refuses to acknowledge it. Lets let him be with his delusions...he isn't harming anyone. I just hope the poor soul doesn't commit suicide when Trump destroys Rubio and Rubio drops out next Tuesday.
Despite all the caterwauling and fake stories from Creepshow Cruz, Marco already has a 12% lead in votes cast in the Sunshine State......almost 50% of the total. And let's not forget that he got 74% of the vote in Puerto Rico and there's over a million PRs in south Florida. Will Trump give him a run for his (donor) money...of course...he's had a presence down there for years. But when the tacos hit the oil late Tuesday night, it's Rubio who'll have won 99 delegates, not the bozo with the fake tan and tiny hands. :nono:


So....if he loses will you go away? Just wondering..
Cruz has nothing to do with it and still no word from Rubios camp. Does that not send up warning signs to you?

I'd think you'd understand by now that continuing to "deny" bullshit rumors from Cruz is getting old. Tell me how multiple donors were contacted and in agreement on him dropping out.....ridiculous...the money has been spent.
I agree about BS rumors from Cruz but AGAIN this is not from him. Think about this for a moment and be realistic. If Rubio does not poll any better, refuses to get out and gets beat in his own state thats political suicide. He's damaged goods for a very very very long time. If he gets out now he'll be able to save face and live to fight another day. A lot is at stake Tom. Imagine the fodder that could be used against him in upcoming elections if he loses Florida. If you like Rubio, you better be thinking long term dude.
Lets assume that Rubio wins FL against ALL evidence that he is drastically behind. The real question at that point is so what?

The fact is that he has lost all chance to win the primary. He is not going to win the primary with a single state - not going to happen.

Brokered convention. First ballot, no winners, most delegates are free to vote for whomever they please. And Trump is the loser because there's a lot of buyer's remorse out there.
I just hope the poor soul doesn't commit suicide when Trump destroys Rubio and Rubio drops out next Tuesday.

I'll be fine but will you when Trump gets the Perot treatment in the next few weeks? :badgrin:
So why do you ASSUME Trump will beat Kasich in Ohio but lose to Rubio in Florida when he is leading Kasich by like 7 and Rubio by 23?

How many more times?...Trump isn't leading Rubio...other way around.
In denial I see.
What is one considerable accomplishment he's had during this election? He won the primary of ONE state? That isn't a noteworthy accomplishment

Minnesota and Puerto Rico (23 delegates). Creepshow had his Tejas, Marco will have his Florida.
Trump leads by 23 in Florida

I have posted the ACTUAL POLL link and he refuses to acknowledge it. Lets let him be with his delusions...he isn't harming anyone. I just hope the poor soul doesn't commit suicide when Trump destroys Rubio and Rubio drops out next Tuesday.
Odium Now I like you but you are missing the greater good here. Might be because I am older okay?
Never argue against something that would clean up the gene pool.
I agree about BS rumors from Cruz but AGAIN this is not from him. Think about this for a moment and be realistic. If Rubio does not poll any better, refuses to get out and gets beat in his own state thats political suicide. He's damaged goods for a very very very long time. If he gets out now he'll be able to save face and live to fight another day. A lot is at stake Tom. Imagine the fodder that could be used against him in upcoming elections if he loses Florida. If you like Rubio, you better be thinking long term dude.

Baloney...and don't pretend you give a crap about Rubio's "future". You should be concerned about what happens to Trump after Marco wins Florida and is right back in the thick of things.
Lets assume that Rubio wins FL against ALL evidence that he is drastically behind. The real question at that point is so what?

The fact is that he has lost all chance to win the primary. He is not going to win the primary with a single state - not going to happen.

Brokered convention. First ballot, no winners, most delegates are free to vote for whomever they please. And Trump is the loser because there's a lot of buyer's remorse out there.
A brokered convention that is not going to go to the guy that took one state.

And I don't think that Rubio voters are going to go in droves to Trump. I don't see how him staying in the race helps a brokered convention - I think it HURTS it. Without someone getting close to Trump in votes and/or delegates, A brokered convention is less likely to happen. If Cruz can get closer by absorbing the lions share of Rubio voters then he will gain momentum and likely even more votes.

With Trump so far ahead, people are going to him simply because he is the 'winner.' You cannot break that phenomena with a bunch of candidates that can barely (if at all) pass half of Trumps support.
A brokered convention that is not going to go to the guy that took one state.

And I don't think that Rubio voters are going to go in droves to Trump. I don't see how him staying in the race helps a brokered convention - I think it HURTS it. Without someone getting close to Trump in votes and/or delegates, A brokered convention is less likely to happen. If Cruz can get closer by absorbing the lions share of Rubio voters then he will gain momentum and likely even more votes.

With Trump so far ahead, people are going to him simply because he is the 'winner.' You cannot break that phenomena with a bunch of candidates that can barely (if at all) pass half of Trumps support.

Sure it have many states like Michigan who wasted thousands of early votes on candidates who were long gone by yesterday. Almost all the absentee ballots were cast before the rest of the states voted at the polls. Trump scored big in those areas....before he got trashed in the last two debates. Between him and Rubio at a brokered convention, it's anybody's guess.
I agree about BS rumors from Cruz but AGAIN this is not from him. Think about this for a moment and be realistic. If Rubio does not poll any better, refuses to get out and gets beat in his own state thats political suicide. He's damaged goods for a very very very long time. If he gets out now he'll be able to save face and live to fight another day. A lot is at stake Tom. Imagine the fodder that could be used against him in upcoming elections if he loses Florida. If you like Rubio, you better be thinking long term dude.

Baloney...and don't pretend you give a crap about Rubio's "future". You should be concerned about what happens to Trump after Marco wins Florida and is right back in the thick of things.
He would still be over 200 points behind....

Rubio likely won't even have the delegates Cruz has now by the end of this.
I just hope the poor soul doesn't commit suicide when Trump destroys Rubio and Rubio drops out next Tuesday.

I'll be fine but will you when Trump gets the Perot treatment in the next few weeks? :badgrin:
Still banking on that eh? Ain't worked in almost a year don't see it happening anytime soon if ever. Trump makes for good ratings and that makes news channels money....
So why do you ASSUME Trump will beat Kasich in Ohio but lose to Rubio in Florida when he is leading Kasich by like 7 and Rubio by 23?

How many more times?...Trump isn't leading Rubio...other way around.
In denial I see.
What is one considerable accomplishment he's had during this election? He won the primary of ONE state? That isn't a noteworthy accomplishment

Minnesota and Puerto Rico (23 delegates). Creepshow had his Tejas, Marco will have his Florida.
Trump leads by 23 in Florida

I have posted the ACTUAL POLL link and he refuses to acknowledge it. Lets let him be with his delusions...he isn't harming anyone. I just hope the poor soul doesn't commit suicide when Trump destroys Rubio and Rubio drops out next Tuesday.
Odium Now I like you but you are missing the greater good here. Might be because I am older okay?
Never argue against something that would clean up the gene pool.

LOL....true enough.
I disagree. I do not think that the GOP is going to nominate the 3rd place guy. Doing so is rather silly.

Even above that, should Trump gain 40+ percent and they elected Rubio with 15-20% then you are likely going to see the end of the GOP in general. So much of the base will feel outright betrayed that they will leave - likely permanently. You are not going to be able to point to Hillary and say that they need to vote to keep her out of office - the base is beginning to dislike the GOP more than the dems and outright rejecting damn near half the voters by nominating third place will prove to them that the GOP hates its base.
Despite all the caterwauling and fake stories from Creepshow Cruz, Marco already has a 12% lead in votes cast in the Sunshine State......almost 50% of the total. And let's not forget that he got 74% of the vote in Puerto Rico and there's over a million PRs in south Florida. Will Trump give him a run for his (donor) money...of course...he's had a presence down there for years. But when the tacos hit the oil late Tuesday night, it's Rubio who'll have won 99 delegates, not the bozo with the fake tan and tiny hands. :nono:


I can't decide if I want little Marco to win Florida or not.
It would be fun if he did so he can give a victory speech after finally having a BIG win
instead of his victory speeches where he comes in third and doesn't get any delegates.

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