Rude welcome for Trump at NATO summit

Thank God our allies are standing up to trump.
98 senatore rebuke Trump.

Donald Trump gets chilly reception at NATO summit

President Trump got a chilly reception Tuesday at the NATO summit in Brussels from anxious and angry European leaders, but he still can count on a few friendly faces in the old military alliance.

European Council President Donald Tusk set the scene by warning Mr. Trump that he is losing friends fast.

“Dear America, appreciate your allies. After all, you don’t have that many,” the former Polish prime minister said in a rebuke of Mr. Trump’s criticism of NATO nations who are not meeting their defense spending obligations.

Mr. Tusk represents the majority opinion — a decidedly skittish view of Mr. Trump — among the 29 NATO member countries.

Mr. Trump infuriated European heads of government by demanding that their countries pay their shares for NATO, by demanding new trade deals with better terms for the U.S. and by making chummy overtures to Russian President Vladimir Putin. :iyfyus.jpg:

Fuck NATO. I'd pull out and leave them holding the bag. They haven't and never would do shit for us anyway. They only remained our friends so long as we held out the bag of American goodies for them to pick from!
They’ve been there for us in Iraq and Afghanistan - some of them at least.
They haven't and never would do shit for us anyway.
This is how they repay your generosity in allowing their soldiers to die for you in Afghanistan, the only NATO conflict. Fuck them.
They have been sucking off the teet of the US for decades, weaning time y'all!!! Why would we expect them NOT to be unhappy! Does beotching loudly necessarily indicate validity to their claims... and if it did, why should the US sacrifice more blood and treasure in a one sided fleecing!
In what NATO conflict has the US taken part on behalf of an ally?
The short-sightedness displayed in this thread is frightening. It is to be hoped it reflects nothing more than the myopia of the contributing circle of back-slappers.
History; learn its lessons or repeat them.
Thank God our allies are standing up to trump.
98 senators rebuke Trump.

Donald Trump gets chilly reception at NATO summit

President Trump got a chilly reception Tuesday at the NATO summit in Brussels from anxious and angry European leaders, but he still can count on a few friendly faces in the old military alliance.

European Council President Donald Tusk set the scene by warning Mr. Trump that he is losing friends fast.

“Dear America, appreciate your allies. After all, you don’t have that many,” the former Polish prime minister said in a rebuke of Mr. Trump’s criticism of NATO nations who are not meeting their defense spending obligations.

Mr. Tusk represents the majority opinion — a decidedly skittish view of Mr. Trump — among the 29 NATO member countries.

Mr. Trump infuriated European heads of government by demanding that their countries pay their shares for NATO, by demanding new trade deals with better terms for the U.S. and by making chummy overtures to Russian President Vladimir Putin. :iyfyus.jpg:
Pretty damn sure Trump doesn't give a rats ass.:D
He made that very clear, making all but 2 senators to rebuke him.

Kind of like saying the criminals rebuked the police or judge who caught them/sentenced them. So fucking what?

Folks being asked to pay their agreed upon share after what 70 fucking years of not doing so are whining at the messenger. So fucking what?
Example of a president w/ the balls to not only blow up the world's moochers but to do it stareing down Merkel face to face for the world to see. Thank you Mr. President!!!

Her hands were not prepared with Novichok agent? The relations between Germany and the USA seem not to be yet on the deepest possible level. Still a lot of work to do for president Trump and his loyal Grinch Grenell.

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our NATO allies aren't paying their share for their own freaking protection...... and he is calling them out on it.... the only way they afford their current welfare state lifestyles is for us to keep our troops in Europe to keep them from killing each other in another pointless war, and keeping putin from grabbing them all up as they sit there in their comfy welfare state lifestyles.....
The reason the US is in NATO and Europe is to contain the Russians and stop Germany re-arming and nuking up. Germany should do so if it will stop the rightards whining.
our NATO allies aren't paying their share for their own freaking protection...... and he is calling them out on it.... the only way they afford their current welfare state lifestyles is for us to keep our troops in Europe to keep them from killing each other in another pointless war, and keeping putin from grabbing them all up as they sit there in their comfy welfare state lifestyles.....
The reason the US is in NATO and Europe is to contain the Russians and stop Germany re-arming and nuking up. Germany should do so if it will stop the rightards whining.

Sure, let Germany nuke up. Do you think that today's Germany is going to nuke America, or anyone else? Your off your rocker...
Atlantic shield my ass...
The rim of the US defence system. Fight wars over there, not in the US.

"Over there" aka in Europe? Is Europe going to prevent us from fighting a war else where? Is it going to be a "problem" for our boys to establish a patch of ground to war out of in /any/ country at war with the US?

Outdated agreements for an outdated US military strength, based against outdated military warfare style.
… Trump says he'll save by bringing troops home from Germany, actually Germany pays half of the expense of having them there. They'll still be on the US pay roll. It'll cost US $billions.

We can stop it to pay for the US army in Germany. That's no problem - could be it is even illegal to do so: danger of corruption or extortion under the threat of force. Send them to hell or better to Poland. Poland pays 2 billion for this movement. Then the Polish feel more save, because the USA never sold Poland to Stalin.

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Thank God our allies are standing up to trump.
98 senators rebuke Trump.

Donald Trump gets chilly reception at NATO summit

President Trump got a chilly reception Tuesday at the NATO summit in Brussels from anxious and angry European leaders, but he still can count on a few friendly faces in the old military alliance.

European Council President Donald Tusk set the scene by warning Mr. Trump that he is losing friends fast.

“Dear America, appreciate your allies. After all, you don’t have that many,” the former Polish prime minister said in a rebuke of Mr. Trump’s criticism of NATO nations who are not meeting their defense spending obligations.

Mr. Tusk represents the majority opinion — a decidedly skittish view of Mr. Trump — among the 29 NATO member countries.

Mr. Trump infuriated European heads of government by demanding that their countries pay their shares for NATO, by demanding new trade deals with better terms for the U.S. and by making chummy overtures to Russian President Vladimir Putin. :iyfyus.jpg:
LOL...The european socialists were on the verge of of raiding our treasury on 11/o7/16by promising us nice weather if we just open our vault, they were just waiting for the queen to be trump is telling them to "eat cake" by requiring them to instead pay their own it any wonder our girlfriend is threatening to break up with us?:abgg2q.jpg:...nothing upsets the twits like going dutch in Brussels.:backpedal:
Do you remember the tremendous help NATO gave us on the North Korean matter? Yea, me neither. We don't need NATO. It's way past time to get out.
You're already friends with NK, what's the matter? Don't like the pills you make?
The US does /not/ need military defense help, we got this.
Then why did it continually beg for NATO help in Afghanistan? It's a mystery.
Why is it begging NATO to increase its defence spending? Another mystery.

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