Rudy assures America that he’s “not a crook”

He went from being “America’s Mayor” and SDNY’s top cop to probable jail.
This is what happens kids, when you don’t quit while you’re ahead and THEN you fall in with a Mob Boss. ;)
He went there - OmG!! :laughing0301:

Trumpers can't keep their big mouths shut. Any lawyer would tell you not to make statements and let them do the representation. Trump never listened. Stone never listened. Flynn never listened. They all deserve whatever bad crap comes their way, just for being publicly stupid, swaggering, loudmouth A-Holes. Sooner or later the squeakiest wheels get the grease, even if it ends up being anal lube.
He went there - OmG!! :laughing0301:

Trumpers can't keep their big mouths shut. Any lawyer would tell you not to make statements and let them do the representation. Trump never listened. Stone never listened. Flynn never listened. They all deserve whatever bad crap comes their way, just for being publicly stupid, swaggering, loudmouth A-Holes. Sooner or later the squeakiest wheels get the grease, even if it ends up being anal lube.

“Rudy” and “anal lube” - A combination of words I hope never to see again!
He went there - OmG!! :laughing0301:

Reminds me of the time Willy told the country that he had NOT had inappropriate relations with his unpaid, WH staff, the time Hillary declared that she had turned over all governmental emails and property, and the time Obumma stared the TV in the face and knowingly lied that we would all save $2500.00 in healthcare under Obummacare.

I guess when you're around Dumbocrips long enough, especially after arresting and convicting so many as Rudy has, some of the stink is bound to rub off on you.
He went there - OmG!! :laughing0301:

Reminds me of the time Willy told the country that he had NOT had inappropriate relations with his unpaid, WH staff, the time Hillary declared that she had turned over all governmental emails and property, and the time Obumma stared the TV in the face and knowingly lied that we would all save $2500.00 in healthcare under Obummacare.

I guess when you're around Dumbocrips long enough, especially after arresting and convicting so many as Rudy has, some of the stink is bound to rub off on you.
Tooby can’t address the topic either - Sad
I guess when you're around Dumbocrips long enough, especially after arresting and convicting so many as Rudy has, some of the stink is bound to rub off on you.
The problem isn’t Rudy’s lie. The problem is that Rudy is lying about committing felonies. Bill, Hillary and Obama don’t compare.
Wow sounds like he about to run for office. If Trump runs again then he probably will want a new VP. Someone who will do the dirty work what he wants him to do. Conscientious people need not apply
Ahh - ‘Spains everything .. The Trump/ Rudy 2024 ticket.
And in 2029 before Donald leaves office, He can pardon his 90 year old veep! :lol:
He went there - OmG!! :laughing0301:

I didn't listen to it all. I just listened to the first part of what giuliani said.

He accused Biden's son of feeding him money for the last 30 years. The thing is, 30 years ago Hunter Biden was 20 years old. He was in college. The first george bush was president and there is no way that Hunter could be involved with anyone to feed money to his dad.

Which confirms what I've always believed, the whole thing about Hunter Biden is a bunch of garbage.

If someone isn't a crook they don't need to tell people they aren't and after nixon, no one is going to believe that line.
He went from being “America’s Mayor” and SDNY’s top cop to probable jail.
This is what happens kids, when you don’t quit while you’re ahead and THEN you fall in with a Mob Boss. ;)
^^ Kids, this is what happens when you're a TDS suffering Anti-American BlueAnon retard. You post idiotic shit like this and look a fool on a daily basis. Don't be a Dr. Derp.

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