Rudy Blasts Obama's Idiotic Move

The Daily Show had a great segment tonight where they showed Guliani talking about how good it was that the 20th highjacker was tried in New York when Bush was president. They interspersed these segments with him saying the exact opposite today. It was great!

Guliani is a lying piece of shit!

The 20th highjacker was "arrested in this country" & due to circumstances--"being in jail" could not & was not an actual participant in the actual "act of war" committed by his comrades in New York City.

The mastermind of 9/11 was arrested in Pakistan. Huge difference.

One question for you Criss: Due to the process of law--all jurors are suppose to be impartial to be sitting jurors. Do you really believe that the civilian court in N.Y city will be able to find two impartial jurors?---:lol::lol:

Who cares?

The right is opposing it as a knee jerk reaction to EVERYTHING Obama does.

It is funny to see the right act like a bunch of pussies afraid of their own shadow.
Funny, but normal.
The Daily Show had a great segment tonight where they showed Guliani talking about how good it was that the 20th highjacker was tried in New York when Bush was president. They interspersed these segments with him saying the exact opposite today. It was great!

Guliani is a lying piece of shit!

The 20th highjacker was "arrested in this country" & due to circumstances--"being in jail" could not & was not an actual participant in the actual "act of war" committed by his comrades in New York City.

The mastermind of 9/11 was arrested in Pakistan. Huge difference.

One question for you Criss: Due to the process of law--all jurors are suppose to be impartial to be sitting jurors. Do you really believe that the civilian court in N.Y city will be able to find two impartial jurors?---:lol::lol:

Who cares?

The right is opposing it as a knee jerk reaction to EVERYTHING Obama does.

It is funny to see the right act like a bunch of pussies afraid of their own shadow.

Over and over again see 'who cares?' from those on the left. While lecturing, of course, about the greatness of the judicial system. Over and over bring up 'terrorists' tried here, such as all arrested here or in places that have like legal standards and kept evidence controlled. Not from battlefields.

They either 'really don't care' or dang stupid.
The Daily Show had a great segment tonight where they showed Guliani talking about how good it was that the 20th highjacker was tried in New York when Bush was president. They interspersed these segments with him saying the exact opposite today. It was great!

Guliani is a lying piece of shit!

The 20th highjacker was "arrested in this country" & due to circumstances--"being in jail" could not & was not an actual participant in the actual "act of war" committed by his comrades in New York City.

The mastermind of 9/11 was arrested in Pakistan. Huge difference.

One question for you Criss: Due to the process of law--all jurors are suppose to be impartial to be sitting jurors. Do you really believe that the civilian court in N.Y city will be able to find two impartial jurors?---:lol::lol:

Ramzi Yousef was arrested in Pakistan and tried in NYC. What's the huge difference there?
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The Daily Show had a great segment tonight where they showed Guliani talking about how good it was that the 20th highjacker was tried in New York when Bush was president. They interspersed these segments with him saying the exact opposite today. It was great!

Guliani is a lying piece of shit!

The 20th highjacker was "arrested in this country" & due to circumstances--"being in jail" could not & was not an actual participant in the actual "act of war" committed by his comrades in New York City.

The mastermind of 9/11 was arrested in Pakistan. Huge difference.

One question for you Criss: Due to the process of law--all jurors are suppose to be impartial to be sitting jurors. Do you really believe that the civilian court in N.Y city will be able to find two impartial jurors?---:lol::lol:

Ramzi Yousef was arrested in Pakistan and tried in NYC. What's the huge difference there?

One was arrested by law enforcement officials - the other was captured by para military personnel.

BIG DIFFERENCE if you are then going to attempt a civilian trial for the latter...
The 20th highjacker was "arrested in this country" & due to circumstances--"being in jail" could not & was not an actual participant in the actual "act of war" committed by his comrades in New York City.

The mastermind of 9/11 was arrested in Pakistan. Huge difference.

One question for you Criss: Due to the process of law--all jurors are suppose to be impartial to be sitting jurors. Do you really believe that the civilian court in N.Y city will be able to find two impartial jurors?---:lol::lol:

Ramzi Yousef was arrested in Pakistan and tried in NYC. What's the huge difference there?

One was arrested by law enforcement officials - the other was captured by para military personnel.

BIG DIFFERENCE if you are then going to attempt a civilian trial for the latter...

They don't make laughing smilies big enough to respond to this.
Ramzi Yousef was arrested in Pakistan and tried in NYC. What's the huge difference there?

One was arrested by law enforcement officials - the other was captured by para military personnel.

BIG DIFFERENCE if you are then going to attempt a civilian trial for the latter...

They don't make laughing smilies big enough to respond to this.

No laughing matter here - what is being attempted within the confines of civilian courts with this group of terrorists will prove extremely difficult.

You clearly fail to understand this, so hopefully you have gone off to educate yourself on the matter - otherwise, you are unworthy to even comment on the subject...
Why look at that, we step away, and the nutjobs start spouting a bunch of crap in their little private echo chamber, and then proclaim "victory".

LOL. Hey "T":

You've proved ZERO. Sorry. You have failed to refute anything I've written.

Saying "No you didn't" doesn't prove your point. Haven't you learned that yet?

And Liability this is just beyond stupid, and T, you're just as stupid for congratulating him on it:
What "crime?"
Are all you liberoidals actually that stupid?
This is not a "crime" we are talking about, you retards.
It is now what it was then: acts of WAR.
We do not prosecute enemy combatants, you imbeciles. We fight them.
Jeez you libs are truly fucking stupid.
YOur sub-moronic "thinking" was at the root of the very problem. They may be reprehnisble fucking animals, and they may wear the uniform of no nation and they may willfully disregard the rules of war, but they are nonetheless warriors. Illegal warriors and vile filth, true. But not mere criminals.
Some of you fucking libtards are beyond stupid.

An act of WAR it defined as:

act of war –noun
an act of aggression by a country against another with which it is nominally at peace.
(Source: Act of war Definition | Definition of Act of war at )

Here's a little fact for you to mull over:

Al Qaeda is not a country.

Next time you come for a debate, try to bring your "A" game, ok? Cause your "B" game is just sad.
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One was arrested by law enforcement officials - the other was captured by para military personnel.

BIG DIFFERENCE if you are then going to attempt a civilian trial for the latter...

They don't make laughing smilies big enough to respond to this.

No laughing matter here - what is being attempted within the confines of civilian courts with this group of terrorists will prove extremely difficult.

You clearly fail to understand this, so hopefully you have gone off to educate yourself on the matter - otherwise, you are unworthy to even comment on the subject...[/

No, I'm not crazy. Does he have to repeat parts of the video for you to understand it? Are you mad at the length of it or the validity of it?

-OR- Both?

Both is correct, oddly enough.

Firstly, I'm certainly not going to rewatch your propaganda piece again, and again in order to do your work for you and find what parts, if any, refute any of what I've said.

If you want to be involved in an intelligent debate, than make your point, don't copy and paste someone else's lengthy proganda and claim that it makes your point for you.

After all, that's why your type is known as "DittoHeads".


There is no validity to it, and yes, that makes me mad.
Barack Obama Which ART in Washington, D.C.
Hallowed be THY Name;
Ummm Ummmm Uuuuuummmmm!
THY WILL will be done!
Or heads will roll in the Nation as it is in the DNC
as THINE Chief of Staff shall attest!
And forgive us our transgressions
as Thou forgiveth ALL who art our enemies
and lead us not into reconsideration
of THINE push for Socialism
for THINE is the Supreme American Soviet
and all media Power
etc., etc., etc.
Forever and ever
(or until the November 2010 elections
unless the Soros Media shall prevail)
Amen and Allah Akbar!

Wow, look, it's a giant waste of space filled with empty rhetoric!
I feel I've had my IQ lowered by a few points just having to post it again to make fun of it.
The libs are getting smacked down at USMB yet again.

Poor fat-fingered little bastards... :lol:

LOL, once again declaring victory without waiting for the response.

Do the words "Mission Accomplished" ring a bell? Don't you people learn from your own mistakes?
They don't make laughing smilies big enough to respond to this.

No laughing matter here - what is being attempted within the confines of civilian courts with this group of terrorists will prove extremely difficult.

You clearly fail to understand this, so hopefully you have gone off to educate yourself on the matter - otherwise, you are unworthy to even comment on the subject...[/


Guys who pretend to be intelligent and knowledgeable are incredibly ghey. You really need to give it up.

Once Pakistan gave them over to us, their capture in Pakistan became immaterial. One was captured by Pakistani law enforcement working with the US FBI, one was captured by Pakistani intelligence working with the US FBI.

Good luck making something out of that.
READ how FDR Dealt with TERRORISTS you TWIT...
How terrorists were dealt with by FDR
I did this over the weekend...and I have other precidents.
So NOW who's done their homework ? Certainly NOT YOU.
THANK ME for educating you.
And I did this in another thread. But then you didn't LOOK at that either, did you? You'd rather spout off and look as stupid as you *ARE*.
Now get OUT of my face, and apologize...(I don't expect that either).

As the poster you were responding to was pointing out (at the same time that I was posting the same thing)...

Germany and Japan were COUNTRIES at WAR with the United States at the time.

Therefore soldiers acting on their behalf ARE NOT TERRORISTS.

Unless of course you mean to say that the British and Americans who helped the French Resistance were Terrorists.

Not to mention the majority of the people who fought the British in the Revolutionary War.

Which means your entire premise was a lie.

Now you should apologize to bodecea. We eagerly await your apology.
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More Republican cowardice on display:

"I saw the mayor of New York said today, 'We're tough. We can do it.' Well, Mayor, how are you going to feel when it's your daughter that's kidnapped at school by a terrorist?" Shadegg said.
"How are you going to feel when it's some clerk -- some innocent clerk of the court -- whose daughter or son is kidnapped? Or the judge's wife? Or the jailer's little brother or little sister? This is political correctness run amok," he continued.
Shadegg On 9/11 Trials: What If Bloomberg's Daughter Gets Kidnapped? | TPM LiveWire

Seriously, why don't they just admit the terrorists have succeeded in terrorizing them?
More Republican cowardice on display:

"I saw the mayor of New York said today, 'We're tough. We can do it.' Well, Mayor, how are you going to feel when it's your daughter that's kidnapped at school by a terrorist?" Shadegg said.
"How are you going to feel when it's some clerk -- some innocent clerk of the court -- whose daughter or son is kidnapped? Or the judge's wife? Or the jailer's little brother or little sister? This is political correctness run amok," he continued.
Shadegg On 9/11 Trials: What If Bloomberg's Daughter Gets Kidnapped? | TPM LiveWire

Seriously, why don't they just admit the terrorists have succeeded in terrorizing them?

No doubt.

New Yorkers are not afraid of these fuckers. When did the Republican party become such a bunch of cowards?
Leading conservative backs N.Y. trials
Leading conservative backs N.Y. trials - Fred Barbash -

Steven G. Calabresi, one of the country’s most prominent conservative legal scholars, Tuesday defended the Obama administration’s decision to try Sept. 11 terror suspects in New York and took his fellow conservatives to task for their criticism.

His comments, posted in POLITICO’s Arena forum departed sharply from the brutal criticism that has come from conservative commentators and lawyers since Attorney General Eric Holder made the announcement about the trials last Friday.

Calabresi, a co-founder of the conservative Federalist Society, said “Obama has lived up to his oath of office by scheduling these trials before a life-tenured judge and jury.”

“…The constitutional way to punish the 9/11 terrorists is the same way we would use to punish military interrogators who violated the law against torture. No Article III court or jury – no constitutional power to punish. It is a simple question of the separation of powers – something I had thought conservatives believed in passionately.”

“This ought not to be a very controversial proposition,” he said.

Calabresi, a professor at Northwestern University Law School, used the hypothetical example of a trial of Bush administration interrogators and lawyers, such as John Yoo. “Suppose some on the left called for John Yoo and all the interrogators at the CIA to be tried before a military commission with no life tenured judge or jury? They were, after all, officers in the war on terror assisting the Commander in Chief on a military mission. Why shouldn’t they get a court martial instead of a trial before a life-tenured judge and a jury? The answer is that the Constitution’s separation of powers provides that, while Congress makes the law and the president executes it or enforces it, only the life-tenured Article III courts assisted by a jury can impose punishments.”

While most of his fellow conservatives have urged the use of military commissions for trials of terrorism suspects, Calabresi said such proceedings should only be used “for the purpose of maintaining military discipline. No one thinks the trials of the 9/11 terrorists have anything to do with military discipline. They have to do with well-deserved punishment. When our government wants and needs to punish, it must go to court to accomplish that.”

“Won’t jurors be intimidated by the fear of terrorist retaliation and classified information compromised? The risk of juror intimidation is already present in organized crime and drug kingpin trials, and we have learned to deal with it there. As to classified information, the courts must and will take measures to safeguard it.

“Let me be very clear,” Calabresi wrote, “I do believe we are at war with the 9/11 terrorists and all those who aid and abet them. I do not think dealing with terrorism is a law enforcement issue only. I do think the Constitution does not allow our military to shoot prisoners it captures without a trial before a real judge and a jury.

“But, didn’t Franklin Roosevelt and Abraham Lincoln punish those they were at war with by military commission? Yes, FDR did punish by military commission, and he also interned more than 100,000 Japanese Americans, he packed the Supreme Court, and his Securities and Exchange Commission terrorized Wall Street. It is surprising, to put it mildly, that conservatives say as to military commissions that ‘oh well FDR thought they were constitutional so they must be. OK.’ I could give you a list of dozens of things off the top of my head that FDR did that were unconstitutional, and trial of captives by military commission is one of them.”
No laughing matter here - what is being attempted within the confines of civilian courts with this group of terrorists will prove extremely difficult.

You clearly fail to understand this, so hopefully you have gone off to educate yourself on the matter - otherwise, you are unworthy to even comment on the subject...[/


Guys who pretend to be intelligent and knowledgeable are incredibly ghey. You really need to give it up.

Once Pakistan gave them over to us, their capture in Pakistan became immaterial. One was captured by Pakistani law enforcement working with the US FBI, one was captured by Pakistani intelligence working with the US FBI.

Good luck making something out of that.

I believe you are incorrect - best show proof of that.

Then we can discuss the details of how one form of arrest, and one form of capture, will make a civilian court trial far more difficult and greatly increase the chances for some of these terrorists to walk...
Giuliani is RIGHT ON THE MARK with these comments, and states them with the kind of clarity and force missing from our current crop of elected officials and media elite. The last couple of minutes in particular are particularly strong.

Well done Mr. Mayor - and thank you...


YouTube - Rudy Giuliani on KSM's trial in NYC (2 of 2)

This just shows how cowardly you all are. You commit a crime in NY you get tried in NY. Why are you all so afraid of these people????
Giuliani is RIGHT ON THE MARK with these comments, and states them with the kind of clarity and force missing from our current crop of elected officials and media elite. The last couple of minutes in particular are particularly strong.

Well done Mr. Mayor - and thank you...


YouTube - Rudy Giuliani on KSM's trial in NYC (2 of 2)

This just shows how cowardly you all are. You commit a crime in NY you get tried in NY. Why are you all so afraid of these people????

It's simply not that simple.

A captured terrorist case does not easily conform to the confines of a civilian trial.

You would do well to educate yourself on the details - therein you will find the devil...
Giuliani is RIGHT ON THE MARK with these comments, and states them with the kind of clarity and force missing from our current crop of elected officials and media elite. The last couple of minutes in particular are particularly strong.

Well done Mr. Mayor - and thank you...


YouTube - Rudy Giuliani on KSM's trial in NYC (2 of 2)

This just shows how cowardly you all are. You commit a crime in NY you get tried in NY. Why are you all so afraid of these people????

And why do they oppose the seperation of powers? Is it because conservatism by its very nature wants to consolidate all powers into the hands of a very few? Why? Because they don't trust the ability of people to govern themselves?

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