Rudy Blasts Obama's Idiotic Move


There does appear to be reasonable concern over the safety implications of a so-public trial.

Certainly the trial of the '93 bombers did little to placate the radical enemies of America - as more attacks soon followed.


Very True. And wat's to say that more won't with this one?

I am quite certain this trial will be a vehicle of promotion for anti-American terrorism.

It will devolve into a disgusting platform put in place by our own political hand - and I cannot understand as to why.

Unlike the '93 terrorists for example, these 9-11 terrorists were not "arrested" - they were captured. They were not read their Miranda rights, underwent military interrogation, etc.

How in the hell does one successfully go to trial in a civilian court under those circumstances? How does any civilian evidence obtained w/o the reading of the accused rights become admissible?

Imagine if these terrorists are allowed to walk free due to legal technicalities.

My God....

Indeed. And Obama/Holder will be held squarely liable for any consequences.

Yep, you just keep on posting the links, but don't actually think for yourself apparently.

Did you actually listen to what he was saying? Do you have an issue with listening comprehension that you can't make your own case in defense of what he actually said?

Ummm...excuse me but is this accusation coming from the same left wing lunatics that demand proof through links on EVERYTHING? Why should any of us bother to post what we think when you don't consider it for any reason anyway? In order for it to have any validity, especially when it hammers down the truth that you hate to hear, you start whining for a link.

Can you people pick a side and stick with it? PLEASE????!!!
Can anyone give me ONE good, solid, security-based reason why this trial should be held in NY? Anyone? Or are you all just too damned busy defending a president who supposedly had nothing to do with the decision according to several big dogs in his administration.
Ummm...excuse me but is this accusation coming from the same left wing lunatics that demand proof through links on EVERYTHING? Why should any of us bother to post what we think when you don't consider it for any reason anyway? In order for it to have any validity, especially when it hammers down the truth that you hate to hear, you start whining for a link.

Can you people pick a side and stick with it? PLEASE????!!!


Are you crazy?

The poster stated his argument by posting a long video interview link like 10 times, without bothering to even point out the parts of the interview he was referencing to make his point.

Very True. And wat's to say that more won't with this one?

I am quite certain this trial will be a vehicle of promotion for anti-American terrorism.

It will devolve into a disgusting platform put in place by our own political hand - and I cannot understand as to why.

Unlike the '93 terrorists for example, these 9-11 terrorists were not "arrested" - they were captured. They were not read their Miranda rights, underwent military interrogation, etc.

How in the hell does one successfully go to trial in a civilian court under those circumstances? How does any civilian evidence obtained w/o the reading of the accused rights become admissible?

Imagine if these terrorists are allowed to walk free due to legal technicalities.

My God....

Indeed. And Obama/Holder will be held squarely liable for any consequences.

I certainly see your point. We should release all the prisoners, apologize, get on our knees and beg them to not attack us again.

Can anyone give me ONE good, solid, security-based reason why this trial should be held in NY? Anyone? Or are you all just too damned busy defending a president who supposedly had nothing to do with the decision according to several big dogs in his administration.

Are there no reasons except for "security-based" reasons?

There are a whole plethora of reasons for the trial to be held in NYC, none of them have to do with security.
Can anyone give me ONE good, solid, security-based reason why this trial should be held in NY? Anyone? Or are you all just too damned busy defending a president who supposedly had nothing to do with the decision according to several big dogs in his administration.

Are there no reasons except for "security-based" reasons?

There are a whole plethora of reasons for the trial to be held in NYC, none of them have to do with security.

Maybe he misspoke...he might have been referring to his security blanket...since the Right seems so very very afraid.

Very True. And wat's to say that more won't with this one?

I am quite certain this trial will be a vehicle of promotion for anti-American terrorism.

It will devolve into a disgusting platform put in place by our own political hand - and I cannot understand as to why.

Unlike the '93 terrorists for example, these 9-11 terrorists were not "arrested" - they were captured. They were not read their Miranda rights, underwent military interrogation, etc.

How in the hell does one successfully go to trial in a civilian court under those circumstances? How does any civilian evidence obtained w/o the reading of the accused rights become admissible?

Imagine if these terrorists are allowed to walk free due to legal technicalities.

My God....

Indeed. And Obama/Holder will be held squarely liable for any consequences.

Ah...I see how it works. No more personal responsibility for any criminal/terrorist's the President's fault. Did you have that same mindset on 11 September, 2001?
Indeed. And Obama/Holder will be held squarely liable for any consequences.

So, you're saying that the government didn't have a good enough case to imprison these people to begin with, under our own country's laws?

What the hell has the Bush administration been DOING for the past 7 years???

They haven't caught OBL, and apparently, according to you people, he hasn't even built a good enough case against the people he has caught.

Indeed. And Obama/Holder will be held squarely liable for any consequences.

So, you're saying that the government didn't have a good enough case to imprison these people to begin with, under our own country's laws?

What the hell has the Bush administration been DOING for the past 7 years???

They haven't caught OBL, and apparently, according to you people, he hasn't even built a good enough case against the people he has caught.


Too afraid to think logically, they are.
Rudy was just on CNN being interviewed by John King. King asks Rudy if he thinks Sarah Palin is bad for the GOP. Rudy says no, she's great for the GOP. King then asks Rudy about NY-23. Giuliani says that NY-23 is a district with a lot of problems with Obama's health care proposal, and says Even the democratic congressman just elected in NY-23 voted against the Health Care Reform Bill

Except Owens was an enthusiastic yes vote on health care reform.

Boom goes the lie, Rudy. More Rudy Malfeasance after the flip.

Compare this post 9/11 politically GOP correct Rudy Statement:

Returning some of the Guantanamo detainees to New York City for trial, specifically Khalid Shaikh Mohammed, has now brought us full circle - we have regressed to a pre-9/11 mentality with respect to Islamic extremist terrorism. Khalid Shaikh Mohammed should be treated like the war criminal he is and tried in a military court. He is not just another murderer, or even a mass murderer. He murdered as part of a declared war against us – America.

To pre 9/11 Rudy on the 1994 Conviction:

demonstrates that New Yorkers won't meet violence with violence, but with a far greater weapon -- the law.

Instead of being blamed for negligence on 9/11, Bush and Rudy made a career exploiting the tragedy. They should both be laughed off any stage they seem to rush to when the topic of 9/11 comes up.Huff/post
I am quite certain this trial will be a vehicle of promotion for anti-American terrorism.

It will devolve into a disgusting platform put in place by our own political hand - and I cannot understand as to why.

Unlike the '93 terrorists for example, these 9-11 terrorists were not "arrested" - they were captured. They were not read their Miranda rights, underwent military interrogation, etc.

How in the hell does one successfully go to trial in a civilian court under those circumstances? How does any civilian evidence obtained w/o the reading of the accused rights become admissible?

Imagine if these terrorists are allowed to walk free due to legal technicalities.

My God....

Indeed. And Obama/Holder will be held squarely liable for any consequences.

Ah...I see how it works. No more personal responsibility for any criminal/terrorist's the President's fault. Did you have that same mindset on 11 September, 2001?

It was being handled by a Military TRIBUNAL.

Why did Obama stop the proper process? For someone whom proclaims to have been IN the Military? You're pretty fuckin' stupid, and LACK proper Historical context.

What did FDR do to German terrorists sent by HITLER in 1942?

Answer that. For Someone whom compares himself to FDR as Obama does? Seems to me that Obama didn't DO his homework did he? NEITHER have you.

This is out of historical precidence what is being done right now.

So you may stop showing your stupidity anytime now. :eusa_hand:

This is purely POLITICAL, and PAYBACK for Obama's Extreme LEFT base that has had an AXE to grind with BUSH for Bushs' eight years in office.
Let me get this straight.

Sinatra, The T, and apparently Rudy are afraid that AQ will be angry if we put KSM on trial and so will attack us.

Wow, just wow.

They also seem to be hoping for an attack so they can blame Obama.

I never thought I'd see the day when so called Americans harbored such cowardly thoughts.

I'm beginning to think that some of them are AQ trolls.
Indeed. And Obama/Holder will be held squarely liable for any consequences.

Ah...I see how it works. No more personal responsibility for any criminal/terrorist's the President's fault. Did you have that same mindset on 11 September, 2001?

It was being handled by a Military TRIBUNAL.

Why did Obama stop the proper process? For someone whom proclaims to have been IN the Military? You're pretty fuckin' stupid, and LACK proper Historical context.

What did FDR do to German terrorists sent by HITLER in 1942?

Declared war against the Nation of Germany. Talk about not doing your homework, Tommy. :eusa_whistle:

Answer that. For Someone whom compares himself to FDR as Obama does? Seems to me that Obama didn't DO his homework did he? NEITHER have you.

Now it's FDR? You guys keep telling us Obama compares himself to the Messiah. I wish you'd stick to one make-believe story.

This is out of historical precidence what is being done right now.

No it isn't...we've have multiple terrorist trials in this country. You just seem very afraid over this one for some strange, partisan reason.

So you may stop showing your stupidity anytime now. :eusa_hand:

Oh the IRONY in that comment!!! :lol:

This is purely POLITICAL,

I'm glad to see that you admit it at least in this one post.

and PAYBACK for Obama's Extreme LEFT base that has had an AXE to grind with BUSH for Bushs' eight years in office.

Bush is on trial here? No, he isn't. And not Obama's fault that he has to now clean up the MESS not cleaned up by the last administration. The terrorists are on trial...several years too late, but it's finally happening. That's something that scares you spitless.
Indeed. And Obama/Holder will be held squarely liable for any consequences.

So, you're saying that the government didn't have a good enough case to imprison these people to begin with, under our own country's laws?

What the hell has the Bush administration been DOING for the past 7 years???

They haven't caught OBL, and apparently, according to you people, he hasn't even built a good enough case against the people he has caught.


Too afraid to think logically, they are.

Q? Since when has LIBERALISM and Logic ever held a symbiotic

A: NEVER. The two terms are diametrically opposed.
It was being handled by a Military TRIBUNAL.

And doinig so gives them the same status as SOLDIERS, which they are not. They are POS criminals and deserve to be treated as such.

Why are you people so intent on giving everything the terrorists do the most legitimacy possible?

Why did Obama stop the proper process? For someone whom proclaims to have been IN the Military? You're pretty fuckin' stupid, and LACK proper Historical context.

Because it wasn't the "proper process". See above.

What did FDR do to German terrorists sent by HITLER in 1942?

Who were soldiers of a legitimate foreign nation, acting on behalf of that nation. As wrong as their cause may have been.

Answer that. For Someone whom compares himself to FDR as Obama does? Seems to me that Obama didn't DO his homework did he? NEITHER have you.

This is out of historical precidence what is being done right now.

Not even sure what that meant...

So you may stop showing your stupidity anytime now. :eusa_hand:

This is purely POLITICAL, and PAYBACK for Obama's Extreme LEFT base that has had an AXE to grind with BUSH for Bushs' eight years in office.

This is such a typical opinion for a rightie to have...

You've been living in this way for so long yourselves, that you've started to believe no-one does anything unless it's for political gain.
Can anyone give me ONE good, solid, security-based reason why this trial should be held in NY? Anyone? Or are you all just too damned busy defending a president who supposedly had nothing to do with the decision according to several big dogs in his administration.

Um...because the CRIME was committed in NYC?

Yes, the crime was committed in NYC. It is within US juristiction.

To try to sneak this trial into some backroom kangaroo court where nobody can see what is going on and key evidence is held back is a travesty of American justice

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