Rudy Blasts Obama's Idiotic Move

Let me get this straight.

Sinatra, The T, and apparently Rudy are afraid that AQ will be angry if we put KSM on trial and so will attack us.

Wow, just wow.

They also seem to be hoping for an attack so they can blame Obama.

I never thought I'd see the day when so called Americans harbored such cowardly thoughts.

I'm beginning to think that some of them are AQ trolls.

You mean cowardly thoughts like Bush went to war for money??? Jackass.
Ummm...excuse me but is this accusation coming from the same left wing lunatics that demand proof through links on EVERYTHING? Why should any of us bother to post what we think when you don't consider it for any reason anyway? In order for it to have any validity, especially when it hammers down the truth that you hate to hear, you start whining for a link.

Can you people pick a side and stick with it? PLEASE????!!!


Are you crazy?

The poster stated his argument by posting a long video interview link like 10 times, without bothering to even point out the parts of the interview he was referencing to make his point.

No, I'm not crazy. Does he have to repeat parts of the video for you to understand it? Are you mad at the length of it or the validity of it?
Ummm...excuse me but is this accusation coming from the same left wing lunatics that demand proof through links on EVERYTHING? Why should any of us bother to post what we think when you don't consider it for any reason anyway? In order for it to have any validity, especially when it hammers down the truth that you hate to hear, you start whining for a link.

Can you people pick a side and stick with it? PLEASE????!!!


Are you crazy?

The poster stated his argument by posting a long video interview link like 10 times, without bothering to even point out the parts of the interview he was referencing to make his point.

No, I'm not crazy. Does he have to repeat parts of the video for you to understand it? Are you mad at the length of it or the validity of it?

-OR- Both?
It was being handled by a Military TRIBUNAL.

And doinig so gives them the same status as SOLDIERS, which they are not. They are POS criminals and deserve to be treated as such.

Why are you people so intent on giving everything the terrorists do the most legitimacy possible?

Why did Obama stop the proper process? For someone whom proclaims to have been IN the Military? You're pretty fuckin' stupid, and LACK proper Historical context.

Because it wasn't the "proper process". See above.

Who were soldiers of a legitimate foreign nation, acting on behalf of that nation. As wrong as their cause may have been.

Answer that. For Someone whom compares himself to FDR as Obama does? Seems to me that Obama didn't DO his homework did he? NEITHER have you.

This is out of historical precidence what is being done right now.

Not even sure what that meant...

So you may stop showing your stupidity anytime now. :eusa_hand:

This is purely POLITICAL, and PAYBACK for Obama's Extreme LEFT base that has had an AXE to grind with BUSH for Bushs' eight years in office.

This is such a typical opinion for a rightie to have...

You've been living in this way for so long yourselves, that you've started to believe no-one does anything unless it's for political gain.

You've proved ZERO. Sorry. You have failed to refute anything I've written.
Can anyone give me ONE good, solid, security-based reason why this trial should be held in NY? Anyone? Or are you all just too damned busy defending a president who supposedly had nothing to do with the decision according to several big dogs in his administration.

Um...because the CRIME was committed in NYC?

Yes, the crime was committed in NYC. It is within US juristiction.

To try to sneak this trial into some backroom kangaroo court where nobody can see what is going on and key evidence is held back is a travesty of American justice

What "crime?"




Are all you liberoidals actually that stupid?

This is not a "crime" we are talking about, you retards.

It is now what it was then: acts of WAR.

We do not prosecute enemy combatants, you imbeciles. We fight them.

Jeez you libs are truly fucking stupid.

YOur sub-moronic "thinking" was at the root of the very problem. They may be reprehnisble fucking animals, and they may wear the uniform of no nation and they may willfully disregard the rules of war, but they are nonetheless warriors. Illegal warriors and vile filth, true. But not mere criminals.

Some of you fucking libtards are beyond stupid.
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Um...because the CRIME was committed in NYC?

Yes, the crime was committed in NYC. It is within US juristiction.

To try to sneak this trial into some backroom kangaroo court where nobody can see what is going on and key evidence is held back is a travesty of American justice

What "crime?"




Are all you liberoidals actually that stupid?

This is not a "crime" we are talking about, you retards.

It is now what it was then: acts of WAR.

We do not prosecute enemy combatants, you imbeciles. We fight them.

Jeez you libs are truly fucking stupid.

YOur sub-moronic "thinking" was at the root of the very problem. They may be reprehndisble fucking animals, and they may wear the uniform of no nation and they may willfully disregard the rules of war, but they are nonethelss warriors. Illegal warriors and vile filth, true. But not mere criminals.

Some of you fucking libtards are beyond stupid.

Sadly? I "Must Spread some REP around" before bestowing it upon Liability again...
Um...because the CRIME was committed in NYC?

Yes, the crime was committed in NYC. It is within US juristiction.

To try to sneak this trial into some backroom kangaroo court where nobody can see what is going on and key evidence is held back is a travesty of American justice

What "crime?"




Are all you liberoidals actually that stupid?

This is not a "crime" we are talking about, you retards.

It is now what it was then: acts of WAR.

We do not prosecute enemy combatants, you imbeciles. We fight them.

Jeez you libs are truly fucking stupid.

YOur sub-moronic "thinking" was at the root of the very problem. They may be reprehndisble fucking animals, and they may wear the uniform of no nation and they may willfully disregard the rules of war, but they are nonethelss warriors. Illegal warriors and vile filth, true. But not mere criminals.

Some of you fucking libtards are beyond stupid.

Highlighted for Libroidal Pleasure...
Ah...I see how it works. No more personal responsibility for any criminal/terrorist's the President's fault. Did you have that same mindset on 11 September, 2001?

It was being handled by a Military TRIBUNAL.

Why did Obama stop the proper process? For someone whom proclaims to have been IN the Military? You're pretty fuckin' stupid, and LACK proper Historical context.

What did FDR do to German terrorists sent by HITLER in 1942?

Declared war against the Nation of Germany. Talk about not doing your homework, Tommy. :eusa_whistle:

Now it's FDR? You guys keep telling us Obama compares himself to the Messiah. I wish you'd stick to one make-believe story.

No it isn't...we've have multiple terrorist trials in this country. You just seem very afraid over this one for some strange, partisan reason.

Oh the IRONY in that comment!!! :lol:

This is purely POLITICAL,

I'm glad to see that you admit it at least in this one post.

and PAYBACK for Obama's Extreme LEFT base that has had an AXE to grind with BUSH for Bushs' eight years in office.

Bush is on trial here? No, he isn't. And not Obama's fault that he has to now clean up the MESS not cleaned up by the last administration. The terrorists are on trial...several years too late, but it's finally happening. That's something that scares you spitless.

Bo, Obama doesn't compare himself with the Messiah, the far left liberals, and the media do.


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Um...because the CRIME was committed in NYC?

Yes, the crime was committed in NYC. It is within US juristiction.

To try to sneak this trial into some backroom kangaroo court where nobody can see what is going on and key evidence is held back is a travesty of American justice

What "crime?"




Are all you liberoidals actually that stupid?

This is not a "crime" we are talking about, you retards.

It is now what it was then: acts of WAR.

We do not prosecute enemy combatants, you imbeciles. We fight them.

Jeez you libs are truly fucking stupid.

YOur sub-moronic "thinking" was at the root of the very problem. They may be reprehnisble fucking animals, and they may wear the uniform of no nation and they may willfully disregard the rules of war, but they are nonetheless warriors. Illegal warriors and vile filth, true. But not mere criminals.

Some of you fucking libtards are beyond stupid.

* * * * Obama doesn't compare himself with the Messiah, the far left liberals, and the media do.

Barack Obama Which ART in Washington, D.C.
Hallowed be THY Name;
Ummm Ummmm Uuuuuummmmm!


THY WILL will be done!
Or heads will roll in the Nation as it is in the DNC
as THINE Chief of Staff shall attest!

And forgive us our transgressions
as Thou forgiveth ALL who art our enemies

and lead us not into reconsideration
of THINE push for Socialism

for THINE is the Supreme American Soviet
and all media Power
etc., etc., etc.

Forever and ever
(or until the November 2010 elections
unless the Soros Media shall prevail)

Amen and Allah Akbar!
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Rudy, do you practice "stupid"?

Remember, you're the guy who, after the FIRST attack on the WTC, but the Disaster Operations Center in the basement of the SAME BUILDING. Could you be any more stupid?

And when you cross dress, your taste in sensible shoes is terrible.

actually moron the operations of emergency management was in building 7, not in the 2 towers. However you are wrong so often I guess it doesn't bother you.

Also...sorry I guess not all people have the same sense in shoe wear when cross dressing like you do
Rudy, do you practice "stupid"?

Remember, you're the guy who, after the FIRST attack on the WTC, but the Disaster Operations Center in the basement of the SAME BUILDING. Could you be any more stupid?

And when you cross dress, your taste in sensible shoes is terrible.

actually moron the operations of emergency management was in building 7, not in the 2 towers. However you are wrong so often I guess it doesn't bother you.

Also...sorry I guess not all people have the same sense in shoe wear when cross dressing like you do

The libs are getting smacked down at USMB yet again.

Poor fat-fingered little bastards... :lol:
Ah...I see how it works. No more personal responsibility for any criminal/terrorist's the President's fault. Did you have that same mindset on 11 September, 2001?

It was being handled by a Military TRIBUNAL.

Why did Obama stop the proper process? For someone whom proclaims to have been IN the Military? You're pretty fuckin' stupid, and LACK proper Historical context.

What did FDR do to German terrorists sent by HITLER in 1942?

Declared war against the Nation of Germany. Talk about not doing your homework, Tommy. :eusa_whistle:

Now it's FDR? You guys keep telling us Obama compares himself to the Messiah. I wish you'd stick to one make-believe story.

No it isn't...we've have multiple terrorist trials in this country. You just seem very afraid over this one for some strange, partisan reason.

Oh the IRONY in that comment!!! :lol:

This is purely POLITICAL,

I'm glad to see that you admit it at least in this one post.

and PAYBACK for Obama's Extreme LEFT base that has had an AXE to grind with BUSH for Bushs' eight years in office.

Bush is on trial here? No, he isn't. And not Obama's fault that he has to now clean up the MESS not cleaned up by the last administration. The terrorists are on trial...several years too late, but it's finally happening. That's something that scares you spitless.

READ how FDR Dealt with TERRORISTS you TWIT...

How terrorists were dealt with by FDR

I did this over the weekend...and I have other precidents.

So NOW who's done their homework ? Certainly NOT YOU.

THANK ME for educating you.

And I did this in another thread. But then you didn't LOOK at that either, did you? You'd rather spout off and look as stupid as you *ARE*.

Now get OUT of my face, and apologize...(I don't expect that either).
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The Daily Show had a great segment tonight where they showed Guliani talking about how good it was that the 20th highjacker was tried in New York when Bush was president. They interspersed these segments with him saying the exact opposite today. It was great!

Guliani is a lying piece of shit!
The Daily Show had a great segment tonight where they showed Guliani talking about how good it was that the 20th highjacker was tried in New York when Bush was president. They interspersed these segments with him saying the exact opposite today. It was great!

Guliani is a lying piece of shit!

The 20th highjacker was "arrested in this country" & due to circumstances--"being in jail" could not & was not an actual participant in the actual "act of war" committed by his comrades in New York City.

The mastermind of 9/11 was arrested in Pakistan. Huge difference.

One question for you Criss: Due to the process of law--all jurors are suppose to be impartial to be sitting jurors. Do you really believe that the civilian court in N.Y city will be able to find two impartial jurors?---:lol::lol:
The Daily Show had a great segment tonight where they showed Guliani talking about how good it was that the 20th highjacker was tried in New York when Bush was president. They interspersed these segments with him saying the exact opposite today. It was great!

Guliani is a lying piece of shit!

The 20th highjacker was "arrested in this country" & due to circumstances--"being in jail" could not & was not an actual participant in the actual "act of war" committed by his comrades in New York City.

The mastermind of 9/11 was arrested in Pakistan. Huge difference.

One question for you Criss: Due to the process of law--all jurors are suppose to be impartial to be sitting jurors. Do you really believe that the civilian court in N.Y city will be able to find two impartial jurors?---:lol::lol:

Who cares?

The right is opposing it as a knee jerk reaction to EVERYTHING Obama does.

It is funny to see the right act like a bunch of pussies afraid of their own shadow.

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