Rudy Caught on Tape: Sexual Assault/Harassment and Selling $2M Pardons from Trump

Holy Shit !!!

The GOP is the party of complete and total extreme corruption

Republicans are trash and traitors, they should all go to prison

Rudy was already caught on tape in Sacha Cohen's movie trying to bed a 16 year old.

Rudy is a disgrace, like Gen Flynn and the My pillow guy

Trump is the most corrupt president ever.
I was wondering if she had any evidence and at the very end of the story it said Dunphy claimed to have recordings of Giuliani

I was wondering if she had any evidence and at the very end of the story it said Dunphy claimed to have recordings of Giuliani


Funny how in her lawsuit she references Rudy’s appearance in the Borat movie where he tried to pick up a 15 year old girl. Dunphy says Rudy did the same lay on the bed with his hands in his pants with her
“He often demanded oral sex while he took phone calls on speaker phone from high-profile friends and clients, including then-President Trump. Giuliani told Ms. Dunphy that he enjoyed engaging in this conduct while on the telephone because it made him ‘feel like Bill Clinton,’” reads Dunphy’s suit.

Republicans are jealous of Bill Clinton because Clinton was the man and republicans are little weaklings that can;t get laid unless they 1) pay for it 2) abuse their power to get it
Bombshell lawsuit accuses Rudolph Giuliani of sexual harassment, wage theft and more

NEW YORK -- Former New York City Mayor Rudolph Giuliani has been named in a bombshell sexual harassment suit, charging him with demanding sexual favors, and engaging in alcohol-fueled rages and wage theft.

The suit is from a woman Giuliani hired to handle business development for his firm as a graphic designer. It is filled with multiple allegations about an influential politician who reportedly demanded sexual favors.

"He was constantly pressuring her, making sexual comments, sexual remarks, to her, about her, about himself. When they were supposed to be working he would, as our client alleges, he would then grope her and try to initiate sexual contact," attorney Justin Kelton said.

Kelton was talking about his client, Noelle Dunphy, and the complaint she filed in Manhattan Supreme Court charging Giuliani with sexual abuse, harassment and wage theft. He reportedly refused to pay her the $1 million salary he promised.

It is a complaint filled with shocking details and allegations, including that Giuliani allegedly:

  • Drank morning, noon and night and was frequently intoxicated, and therefore his behavior was always unpredictable.
  • Took Viagra constantly, would expose himself, and tell her that he could not do any work until "you take care of this."
  • Made clear that satisfying his sexual demands, which came virtually anytime, anywhere, was an absolute requirement of her employment.
  • "She alleges that on several occasions she objected, clearly, that he did not respect those objections," Kelton said.

Dunphy also made tape recordings of some of her exchanges with Giuliani, who, when she was hired in January 2019, was the private attorney of then-President Donald Trump.

In fact, when she asked him if his firm had a human resources department where she could file a complaint. He reportedly laughed it off. Giuliani said that he did not have a human resources department, the suit charges, and bragged that no one would ever sue him because he was connected to then-President Trump, and he had private investigators who would punish anyone who complained, according to the lawsuit.

There was also the matter of his reportedly inappropriate comments when he had been drinking -- comments recorded by Dunphy.

And yet she stayed on???????

Funny how in her lawsuit she references Rudy’s appearance in the Borat movie where he tried to pick up a 15 year old girl. Dunphy says Rudy did the same lay on the bed with his hands in his pants with her
When you get to be his age you have to fluff yourself to get ready.

And let's keep in mind a few things. This woman is evil. She worked with these scum who were selling pardons for $2 million. And she knew they were planning to steal the election if Trump lost. It didn't work out apparently Rudy owes her money and now she's upset about it. I'm glad it happened to her. She asked for it.

And Republicans like to accuse Kamala of sleeping her way to the top. Sort of like how this woman had to endure Rudy on top of her? I hope Kamala at least fucked guys she wanted to fuck. This woman had to suffer Rudy for 5 minutes on top of her. 6 max.
Funny how in her lawsuit she references Rudy’s appearance in the Borat movie where he tried to pick up a 15 year old girl. Dunphy says Rudy did the same lay on the bed with his hands in his pants with her
I hope Rudy grabbed her pussy. That's always fun.
When you get to be his age you have to fluff yourself to get ready.

And let's keep in mind a few things. This woman is evil. She worked with these scum who were selling pardons for $2 million. And she knew they were planning to steal the election if Trump lost. It didn't work out apparently Rudy owes her money and now she's upset about it. I'm glad it happened to her. She asked for it.

And Republicans like to accuse Kamala of sleeping her way to the top. Sort of like how this woman had to endure Rudy on top of her? I hope Kamala at least fucked guys she wanted to fuck. This woman had to suffer Rudy for 5 minutes on top of her. 6 max.
So you approve of Kamala grabbing some cock. Cool.
Durham started his investigation nearly 5 years ago. 😂
Two completely different things. The Durham investigation was started right away and lasted five years. This lady with Rudy kept quiet for five years not saying a thing and then all of a sudden decides to come out with this.

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