Rudy Caught on Tape: Sexual Assault/Harassment and Selling $2M Pardons from Trump

Famous people can do that
Been doing that for a million years

These men must be horrible with women. I know good looking guys who don't have money who can talk a woman into bed easy. They don't even have to try. The women throw themselves at them.

Clearly that's not happening for Trump, Harvey and Rudy. They have to assault women. My question is, does it ever work? Does a woman ever go, "oh rudy, you dog you, giggle giggle" then they tear each others cloths off in the heat of passion


She must be 40. Rudy is 78. Granted he's a hot 78

Two completely different things. The Durham investigation was started right away and lasted five years. This lady with Rudy kept quiet for five years not saying a thing and then all of a sudden decides to come out with this.
Drip, drip, drip.

Karma, baby!
It's really sad that Rudy is ending his life like this.
Post-9/11, there wasn't a bigger than life man, in the country than Rudy. Just damn sad.
I heard a few years back Rudy has a consulting firm where he goes around the world helping corrupt rulers rig/win elections dirty. Can you imagine that being your area of expertise?
She sounds like a whore for sale..........looking to point her diseased finger at someone for her "me too" free paycheck. Another Nazicrat plant?

A professional business woman with ethics would have walked out and never came back.

Criminal informants are generally always other criminals. Criminals don’t hang out after church and discuss their crimes with the minister and his congregation.

That’s why criminal informant need hard evidence and documentation to back up their accusations.
I hope that every day of his miserable life is filled with sitting around fluorescent lit rooms, waiting for lawyers, waiting for judges, waiting for witnesses, doing nothing except eating candy bars out of the vending machines and drinking bad coffee, until the day he goes to prison.

I hope that every day of his miserable life is filled with sitting around fluorescent lit rooms, waiting for lawyers, waiting for judges, waiting for witnesses, doing nothing except eating candy bars out of the vending machines and drinking bad coffee, until the day he goes to prison.

What Rudy did to those two women was horrible
Giuliani once won a conviction against Brooklyn area U.S. Congressman Bertram Podell, a Democrat who served several months in federal prison for accepting a $41,000 bribe.

this is how Dems exact revenge
"arguing politics with Rudy was though i had attacked his religion. he would start screamin' & yellin'" - Mayor David Dinkins

"there was something about him that made you think he was gonna be a big deal. when i was 15, i thought he was gonna be president one day" - Rep Lee Zeldin
Once upon a time there were THREE boys who said NO to serving their country

Trump: Bone Spurs

Giuliani: Occupational Deferment (law clerk)

McConnell: Eye Infection

They bravely avoided capture in Vietnam, by staying at home… A disgrace then, an even bigger disgrace now!
Rudy is going to go through even more things. And Jack Smith has new charges against Trump.

Typical Democrat racist "evidence." You have nothing by Rudy, but you present a bunch of quotes like you do just accusing him like you did. Too funny

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