Rudy Giuliani's Law License Suspended

Here’s a slice of irony. Donnie’s favorite lawyer of all time - Roy Cohn - was disbarred 35 years ago TODAY!
Bit of advise to all lawyers. Don’t work for Donald or his children. It’s a career ender & ya may do time.
And Biden embraced the Klu Klux Clan recruiter Senator Byrd. "In case you forgot, Joe Biden gave the eulogy at Robert Byrd's funeral. He was a klansman recruiter who filibustered the 1964 Civil Rights act for 14 hours,"

Fuck your mother fucking asshole Mystical Magical Non-Existent Sky Man.

Fuck any and all religion.

Praying for you.

pray for donny & his den of heathens. THEY are gonna need all the help they can get.

I think it should go to the Supreme Court.

I agree, but unfortunately it doesn't always work. Hence why the BIGGEST fraud in American history was allowed to take place.

<pssssst> you didn't get the memo? it already had the SC take a looksey. guess what?


^^^ read that last word ^^^

Here is the thing about Election Fraud/Voter Fraud. You must.....REPEAT.....Must present provable, verifiable proof....evidence beyond a reasonable doubt that Election Fraud/Voter Fraud did in fact happen.

Over 60-Separate cases alleging such Election Fraud/Voter Fraud were tossed for lack of evidence.

The thing is that they tried to prove it it's just that nobody would listen to them.

lol... um.... is that what they are telling you? do you ever research & find out facts or just swallow what you need to hear to soothe whatever butthurt you have about the chosen one loooooooooooosing?

In his response to the complaint, Rudy admitted it wasn’t true but it’s not his fault because he was just going by what someone told him.

Post me a link to an article that proves this claim.

FactCheck PostsFeatured Posts

Rudy Giuliani’s Bogus Election Fraud Claims​

By Eugene Kiely and Robert Farley
Posted on June 24, 2021

A New York court suspended former New York City Mayor Rudy Giuliani’s law license in that state for making “demonstrably false and misleading statements” about the 2020 presidential election results to the courts and the public at large, while serving as former President Donald Trump’s lawyer.
In a 33-page order, the Appellate Division of the New York Supreme Court described the suspension as “immediate,” but “interim” — pending disciplinary proceedings before the court’s Attorney Grievance Committee, which initiated the action against Giuliani.
The appellate court noted that “misconduct alone” isn’t grounds for suspension. It also requires evidence that the misconduct is “an immediate threat to the public interest.”
“We find that there is evidence of continuing misconduct, the underlying offense is incredibly serious, and the uncontroverted misconduct in itself will likely result in substantial permanent sanctions at the conclusion of these disciplinary proceedings,” the court explained in its order.
The court, in an opinion that reads like a fact-checking article, singled out several examples of Giuliani’s falsehoods. We have written about some of those, as well as several others. Here we provide a recap of some of Giuliani’s false and misleading election fraud claims.
Rudy Giuliani's Bogus Election Fraud Claims -

you're welcome.

You've already lost, you just don't know it yet. Keep making a fool of yourself though, because it will become a witness against you in the day of judgement in which you desire so greatly. Playing with a hot iron eventually gets a person burned, and these days many are playing with the hot iron. You've been burned in life just as many have, but for some reason you don't learn. It's ok though, because the road is wide yet the gate is narrow, and your wishes will be fulfilled sadly enough for you.... Many think that they will just go back to nothing, as if never being born at all, but ohhh if it were just that simple. Prepare for judgement, as there will be no escaping it. Repent Now, and change in your ways before it's to late or remain lost forever. Your choice.

try a little matthew: 6-13; 'cause it could only do you some good & is stellar advice, cowboy.
Playtime can you please explain how you are so rich that you want to pay higher taxes?

lol!!!! what a right turn deflection!!!!

now stfu.

You deflected not me,

false. look at the OP. you are waaaaaayyyyyy off topic.

the fact is that you voted for Biden

yep, i did.

and he told everyone ahead of time that he would end the trump tax cuts

and? he ended a partial amt. don't ferget that them thar BIGCORP tax cuts were meant to be 'permanent' , but the worker bees pittance is designed to be only temporary, couresy of the (R)s. that has changed... partially.

raising taxes on everyone and that he would raise taxes after that as well.

you can't have growth with only cuts. you need revenue. even saint ronny found that out after slashing taxes soooooo much - he ended up raising them some 11x.

So just tell us how rich that you are

rich? nope. comforable? oh yaaaaaaaaaaaaaa..... but i also care about my neighbors that may not be so comfortable.

that you do not care about taxes?

see 2 replies up.

Or are you just a poor dumb slob that believes that you will get something for free,

free is always good. i bet you think that the ' free' obamaphone was his idea too.... right?

are you collecting unemployment instead of funding a 401K and you think that the people working are stupid.

lol ...

Is your home paid for,

yep. refinanced our 1st home w/ a 30 yr mortgage in 1990 down to a 15 yr ... sold that one in 1996 & bought our 2nd home w/ a 15 yr mortgage which has been paid off free & clear for years. oh & it sits on an acre of land, but abuts a 1200 acre state forest & all that there land that we enjoy is 100% tax FREE.

is your car paid for

yep. all 3 albeit they are older models. pd cash outright for all of them so no collision needed. a 2006 toyota scion, a 2007 prius, & a 2010 toyota tacoma.

or do you actually own nothing of substance?

i'll bet i have way less debt than you, trump humper. i also pay my credit cards off in full, every month. i haven't pd a dime in interest since saint ronny took that little tax deduction away.

remember when i said stfu?

ya, you go on 'n do that.
Last edited:

Idiots gonna be idiots! ^

Yep, and that's the only reason that anybody believed that this was a fair election in the first place.

^ says a person who voted for a con man that was sued for fraud & had his 'charitable' foundation shut down because he used it as his own personal piggy bank.



The Traitor treated his so-called "Foundation" as a personal piggy bank. As opposed the Clintons. Their Foundation was established to help people.

The only person to benefit from his "Foundation" was the Traitor.

The Grifter Family :rolleyes-41:

If true, then why hasn't the justice dept investigated such things, and don't say that it's because of privilege and bullcrap, because your Obama and company had control of these mechanisms, yet that's strange "NO INVESTIGATIONS", and no convictions. You are a selective political hack, so no one takes your whining here seriously when you come here.

Trump Org has been under investigation for quite some time.
Probable tax evasion charges will be coming next week - Where ya been? :D

when cohen appeared b4 congress, he had much to tell. this was a couple years ago & i think it started here cause not only did he testify, michael cohen brought receipts.

Michael Cohen would tell any lie for the Democrats if it meant he could decrease his sentence.

he wouldn't lie to the FBI. they don't take too kindly to that.

ticky tocky, lenny.

Fuck your mother fucking asshole Mystical Magical Non-Existent Sky Man.

Fuck any and all religion.

Praying for you.

pray for donny & his den of heathens. THEY are gonna need all the help they can get.

I think it should go to the Supreme Court.

I agree, but unfortunately it doesn't always work. Hence why the BIGGEST fraud in American history was allowed to take place.

<pssssst> you didn't get the memo? it already had the SC take a looksey. guess what?


^^^ read that last word ^^^

Here is the thing about Election Fraud/Voter Fraud. You must.....REPEAT.....Must present provable, verifiable proof....evidence beyond a reasonable doubt that Election Fraud/Voter Fraud did in fact happen.

Over 60-Separate cases alleging such Election Fraud/Voter Fraud were tossed for lack of evidence.

The thing is that they tried to prove it it's just that nobody would listen to them.

lol... um.... is that what they are telling you? do you ever research & find out facts or just swallow what you need to hear to soothe whatever butthurt you have about the chosen one loooooooooooosing?

In his response to the complaint, Rudy admitted it wasn’t true but it’s not his fault because he was just going by what someone told him.

Post me a link to an article that proves this claim.

FactCheck PostsFeatured Posts

Rudy Giuliani’s Bogus Election Fraud Claims​

By Eugene Kiely and Robert Farley
Posted on June 24, 2021

A New York court suspended former New York City Mayor Rudy Giuliani’s law license in that state for making “demonstrably false and misleading statements” about the 2020 presidential election results to the courts and the public at large, while serving as former President Donald Trump’s lawyer.
In a 33-page order, the Appellate Division of the New York Supreme Court described the suspension as “immediate,” but “interim” — pending disciplinary proceedings before the court’s Attorney Grievance Committee, which initiated the action against Giuliani.
The appellate court noted that “misconduct alone” isn’t grounds for suspension. It also requires evidence that the misconduct is “an immediate threat to the public interest.”
“We find that there is evidence of continuing misconduct, the underlying offense is incredibly serious, and the uncontroverted misconduct in itself will likely result in substantial permanent sanctions at the conclusion of these disciplinary proceedings,” the court explained in its order.
The court, in an opinion that reads like a fact-checking article, singled out several examples of Giuliani’s falsehoods. We have written about some of those, as well as several others. Here we provide a recap of some of Giuliani’s false and misleading election fraud claims.
Rudy Giuliani's Bogus Election Fraud Claims -

you're welcome.

You've already lost, you just don't know it yet. Keep making a fool of yourself though, because it will become a witness against you in the day of judgement in which you desire so greatly. Playing with a hot iron eventually gets a person burned, and these days many are playing with the hot iron. You've been burned in life just as many have, but for some reason you don't learn. It's ok though, because the road is wide yet the gate is narrow, and your wishes will be fulfilled sadly enough for you.... Many think that they will just go back to nothing, as if never being born at all, but ohhh if it were just that simple. Prepare for judgement, as there will be no escaping it. Repent Now, and change in your ways before it's to late or remain lost forever. Your choice.

try a little matthew: 6-13; 'cause it could only do you some good & is stellar advice, cowboy.
Playtime can you please explain how you are so rich that you want to pay higher taxes?

lol!!!! what a right turn deflection!!!!

now stfu.
You deflected not me,

false. look at the OP. you are waaaaaayyyyyy off topic.

the fact is that you voted for Biden

yep, i did.

and he told everyone ahead of time that he would end the trump tax cuts

and? he ended a partial amt. don't ferget that them thar BIGCORP tax cuts were meant to be 'permanent' , but the worker bees pittance is designed to be only temporary, couresy of the (R)s. that has changed... partially.

raising taxes on everyone and that he would raise taxes after that as well.

you can't have growth with only cuts. you need revenue. even saint ronny found that out after slashing taxes soooooo much - he ended up raising them some 11x.

So just tell us how rich that you are

rich? nope. comforable? oh yaaaaaaaaaaaaaa..... but i also care about my neighbors that may not be so comfortable.

that you do not care about taxes?

see 2 replies up.

Or are you just a poor dumb slob that believes that you will get something for free,

free is always good. i bet you think that the ' free' obamaphone was his idea too.... right?

are you collecting unemployment instead of funding a 401K and you think that the people working are stupid.

lol ...

Is your home paid for,

yep. refinanced our 1st home w/ a 30 yr mortgage in 1990 down to a 15 yr ... sold that one in 1996 & bought our 2nd home w/ a 15 yr mortgage which has been paid off free & clear for years. oh & it sits on an acre of land, but abuts a 1200 acre state forest & all that there land that we enjoy is 100% tax FREE.

is your car paid for

yep. all 3 albeit they are older models. pd cash outright for all of them so no collision needed. a 2006 toyota scion, a 2007 prius, & a 2010 toyota tacoma.

or do you actually own nothing of substance?

i'll bet i have way less debt than you, trump humper. i also pay my credit cards off in full, every month. i haven't pd a dime in interest since saint ronny took that little tax deduction away.

remember when i said stfu?

ya, you go on 'n do that.

So tell us why you want to pay more taxes doofy
You are 100 percent deranged, this is clear which is why you think that you are so rich that you need to pay more taxes. When was the last time you paid capital gains? and at what rate, the trailer rate
Everyday boy, everyday. Now get to practicing your own advice. One things for sure, and that is that you don't care about writing down your sins, and having them recorded for all to read. That to may serve against you come judgement day. You see yourself as wise, yet your wisdom is worldly. You are but a spec of dirt in the eye, and if you continue on your path, it may be that you will be rubbed out come the second death by he who holds the key's to hell, and yes who can put you there forever. Wake up before it's to late.
Senator Byrd also described his association with the KKK "a one of the greatest mistakes of my life"...
Everyday boy, everyday. Now get to practicing your own advice. One things for sure, and that is that you don't care about writing down your sins, and having them recorded for all to read. That to may serve against you come judgement day. You see yourself as wise, yet your wisdom is worldly. You are but a spec of dirt in the eye, and if you continue on your path, it may be that you will be rubbed out come the second death by he who holds the key's to hell, and yes who can put you there forever. Wake up before it's to late.
R U takin 2 mee
Hey Guess What You Goose Stepping, Seig Heil Shouting, Stupid As Shit GroppenFuhrer Followers, Billie Butt Boy Barr Calls Bull Shit The Lying Low Life, Shit Sucking, Russian Loving 5-Deferment Draft Dodging Orange Shit's Election Fraud Charges.

donny's pitbull is trying to distance himself because he may hafta go b4 congress to answer about the seizure of the personal email data from members of congress, their staff, & family members. after sessions' DOJ determined that there was nothing there re: security issues/leaks, which may have been legit & it was a dead end .... bill barr purposely took it up even after it was a fail.

that isn't constitutionally kosher & he knows it.
Sending a strong message, New York courts prohibited giuliani from practicing law due to serial perjury and craziness, also his pathological relationship with trump and his attack on democracy, trump himself is in the middle of a widespread criminal investigation that involves not only him but many other members of his crime family. The New York justice system is relentless and will surely win very important convictions.
All political...
Everyday boy, everyday. Now get to practicing your own advice. One things for sure, and that is that you don't care about writing down your sins, and having them recorded for all to read. That to may serve against you come judgement day. You see yourself as wise, yet your wisdom is worldly. You are but a spec of dirt in the eye, and if you continue on your path, it may be that you will be rubbed out come the second death by he who holds the key's to hell, and yes who can put you there forever. Wake up before it's to late.
R U takin 2 mee
No.... Why did you think that ? I gotta get use to the quote function.. lol
Senator Byrd also described his association with the KKK "a one of the greatest mistakes of my life"...

he apologised bigley & spent the next several years voting in the senate to reverse that ideology.
Oh so they get a pass because they tow the line as Democrat's, but everyone else has to be condemned for life if not a newly born Democrat hell bent on using old issues to brow beat their political opponent's to death with them eh ???

Nothing says cult like Democrat does. Full of opportunist who would throw their white grandmother under the bus like Obama did or like Hillary did to the women her husband abused, while claiming she believes the women who make claim's against men, and on and on and on. Oh and like some black's do to those who turn and say to other black's, hey you an uncle Tom if you tell me to practice good character in life, because you knows it's them white's that made me this way. Under the bus the black man goes if he wants black's to do better. On and on it goes.

Fuck your mother fucking asshole Mystical Magical Non-Existent Sky Man.

Fuck any and all religion.

Praying for you.

pray for donny & his den of heathens. THEY are gonna need all the help they can get.

I think it should go to the Supreme Court.

I agree, but unfortunately it doesn't always work. Hence why the BIGGEST fraud in American history was allowed to take place.

<pssssst> you didn't get the memo? it already had the SC take a looksey. guess what?


^^^ read that last word ^^^

Here is the thing about Election Fraud/Voter Fraud. You must.....REPEAT.....Must present provable, verifiable proof....evidence beyond a reasonable doubt that Election Fraud/Voter Fraud did in fact happen.

Over 60-Separate cases alleging such Election Fraud/Voter Fraud were tossed for lack of evidence.

The thing is that they tried to prove it it's just that nobody would listen to them.

lol... um.... is that what they are telling you? do you ever research & find out facts or just swallow what you need to hear to soothe whatever butthurt you have about the chosen one loooooooooooosing?

In his response to the complaint, Rudy admitted it wasn’t true but it’s not his fault because he was just going by what someone told him.

Post me a link to an article that proves this claim.

FactCheck PostsFeatured Posts

Rudy Giuliani’s Bogus Election Fraud Claims​

By Eugene Kiely and Robert Farley
Posted on June 24, 2021

A New York court suspended former New York City Mayor Rudy Giuliani’s law license in that state for making “demonstrably false and misleading statements” about the 2020 presidential election results to the courts and the public at large, while serving as former President Donald Trump’s lawyer.
In a 33-page order, the Appellate Division of the New York Supreme Court described the suspension as “immediate,” but “interim” — pending disciplinary proceedings before the court’s Attorney Grievance Committee, which initiated the action against Giuliani.
The appellate court noted that “misconduct alone” isn’t grounds for suspension. It also requires evidence that the misconduct is “an immediate threat to the public interest.”
“We find that there is evidence of continuing misconduct, the underlying offense is incredibly serious, and the uncontroverted misconduct in itself will likely result in substantial permanent sanctions at the conclusion of these disciplinary proceedings,” the court explained in its order.
The court, in an opinion that reads like a fact-checking article, singled out several examples of Giuliani’s falsehoods. We have written about some of those, as well as several others. Here we provide a recap of some of Giuliani’s false and misleading election fraud claims.
Rudy Giuliani's Bogus Election Fraud Claims -

you're welcome.

You've already lost, you just don't know it yet. Keep making a fool of yourself though, because it will become a witness against you in the day of judgement in which you desire so greatly. Playing with a hot iron eventually gets a person burned, and these days many are playing with the hot iron. You've been burned in life just as many have, but for some reason you don't learn. It's ok though, because the road is wide yet the gate is narrow, and your wishes will be fulfilled sadly enough for you.... Many think that they will just go back to nothing, as if never being born at all, but ohhh if it were just that simple. Prepare for judgement, as there will be no escaping it. Repent Now, and change in your ways before it's to late or remain lost forever. Your choice.

try a little matthew: 6-13; 'cause it could only do you some good & is stellar advice, cowboy.
Playtime can you please explain how you are so rich that you want to pay higher taxes?

lol!!!! what a right turn deflection!!!!

now stfu.
You deflected not me,

false. look at the OP. you are waaaaaayyyyyy off topic.

the fact is that you voted for Biden

yep, i did.

and he told everyone ahead of time that he would end the trump tax cuts

and? he ended a partial amt. don't ferget that them thar BIGCORP tax cuts were meant to be 'permanent' , but the worker bees pittance is designed to be only temporary, couresy of the (R)s. that has changed... partially.

raising taxes on everyone and that he would raise taxes after that as well.

you can't have growth with only cuts. you need revenue. even saint ronny found that out after slashing taxes soooooo much - he ended up raising them some 11x.

So just tell us how rich that you are

rich? nope. comforable? oh yaaaaaaaaaaaaaa..... but i also care about my neighbors that may not be so comfortable.

that you do not care about taxes?

see 2 replies up.

Or are you just a poor dumb slob that believes that you will get something for free,

free is always good. i bet you think that the ' free' obamaphone was his idea too.... right?

are you collecting unemployment instead of funding a 401K and you think that the people working are stupid.

lol ...

Is your home paid for,

yep. refinanced our 1st home w/ a 30 yr mortgage in 1990 down to a 15 yr ... sold that one in 1996 & bought our 2nd home w/ a 15 yr mortgage which has been paid off free & clear for years. oh & it sits on an acre of land, but abuts a 1200 acre state forest & all that there land that we enjoy is 100% tax FREE.

is your car paid for

yep. all 3 albeit they are older models. pd cash outright for all of them so no collision needed. a 2006 toyota scion, a 2007 prius, & a 2010 toyota tacoma.

or do you actually own nothing of substance?

i'll bet i have way less debt than you, trump humper. i also pay my credit cards off in full, every month. i haven't pd a dime in interest since saint ronny took that little tax deduction away.

remember when i said stfu?

ya, you go on 'n do that.

So tell us why you want to pay more taxes doofy
You are 100 percent deranged, this is clear which is why you think that you are so rich that you need to pay more taxes. When was the last time you paid capital gains? and at what rate, the trailer rate


i'm not going down a DEFLECTION rabbit hole with you, little poorly educated deplorable that donny loves long time.

& counts on.

but will leave you with this.... suckerrrrrrrrrrr...................

Hey Guess What You Goose Stepping, Seig Heil Shouting, Stupid As Shit GroppenFuhrer Followers, Billie Butt Boy Barr Calls Bull Shit The Lying Low Life, Shit Sucking, Russian Loving 5-Deferment Draft Dodging Orange Shit's Election Fraud Charges.

donny's pitbull is trying to distance himself because he may hafta go b4 congress to answer about the seizure of the personal email data from members of congress, their staff, & family members. after sessions' DOJ determined that there was nothing there re: security issues/leaks, which may have been legit & it was a dead end .... bill barr purposely took it up even after it was a fail.

that isn't constitutionally kosher & he knows it.

And it ain't gonna work, not for one iddy biddy second. He guilty of Lying To Congress and Lying To The Senate. Slam his ass in jail.
Last edited:
Senator Byrd also described his association with the KKK "a one of the greatest mistakes of my life"...

he apologised bigley & spent the next several years voting in the senate to reverse that ideology.
Oh so they get a pass because they tow the line as Democrat's, but everyone else has to be condemned for life if not a newly born Democrat hell bent on using old issues to brow beat their political opponent's to death with them eh ???

Nothing says cult like Democrat does. Full of opportunist who would throw their white grandmother under the bus like Obama did or like Hillary did to the women her husband abused, while claiming she believes the women who make claim's against men, and on and on and on. Oh and like some black's do to those who turn and say to other black's, hey you an uncle Tom if you tell me to practice good character in life, because you knows it's them white's that made me this way. Under the bus the black man goes if he wants black's to do better. On and on it goes.


Senator Byrd also described his association with the KKK "a one of the greatest mistakes of my life"...

he apologised bigley & spent the next several years voting in the senate to reverse that ideology.
Oh so they get a pass because they tow the line as Democrat's, but everyone else has to be condemned for life if not a newly born Democrat hell bent on using old issues to brow beat their political opponent's to death with them eh ???

Nothing says cult like Democrat does. Full of opportunist who would throw their white grandmother under the bus like Obama did or like Hillary did to the women her husband abused, while claiming she believes the women who make claim's against men, and on and on and on. Oh and like some black's do to those who turn and say to other black's, hey you an uncle Tom if you tell me to practice good character in life, because you knows it's them white's that made me this way. Under the bus the black man goes if he wants black's to do better. On and on it goes.
More clarity on Sen. Byrd for you poppydog.

Byrd later called joining the KKK "the greatest mistake I ever made." In 1997, he told an interviewer he would encourage young people to become involved in politics but also warned, "Be sure you avoid the Ku Klux Klan. Don't get that albatross around your neck. Once you've made that mistake, you inhibit your operations in the political arena." In his last autobiography, Byrd explained that he was a KKK member because he "was sorely afflicted with tunnel vision—a jejune and immature outlook—seeing only what I wanted to see because I thought the Klan could provide an outlet for my talents and ambitions." Byrd also said in 2005, "I know now I was wrong. Intolerance had no place in America. I apologized for a thousand times ... and I don't mind apologizing over and over again. I can't erase what happened."
Here’s a slice of irony. Donnie’s favorite lawyer of all time - Roy Cohn - was disbarred 35 years ago TODAY!
Bit of advise to all lawyers. Don’t work for Donald or his children. It’s a career ender & ya may do time.
And Biden embraced the Klu Klux Clan recruiter Senator Byrd. "In case you forgot, Joe Biden gave the eulogy at Robert Byrd's funeral. He was a klansman recruiter who filibustered the 1964 Civil Rights act for 14 hours,"

Robert Byrd: A true statesman (Rep. John Lewis)

By Rep. John Lewis (D-Ga.) — 07/01/10 08:06 PM EDT

Though early in our lives we were rooted in very different philosophies, we did share some things in common. Like me, Senator Byrd came from humble beginnings. He was the son of an Appalachian coal miner and I was the son of a southern sharecropper. We both moved from our hometowns at a young age, Senator Byrd from North Carolina to West Virginia and me from Alabama to Georgia. We were both Baptists. We were so different yet, so alike, change in some instances is needed.

In his early years, Senator Byrd joined the Ku Klux Klan and was encouraged by the regional grand dragon to run for office. While I was fighting for civil rights, getting arrested, and being beaten by members of the Klan, Senator Byrd stood on the floor of the U.S. Senate giving a 14-hour and 13-minute speech to filibuster the 1964 Civil Rights Act, the very legislation I was trying to get passed. He later admitted that the filibuster of the Act was his “biggest regret.” He saw the error of his ways.

Sen. Robert Byrd was publicly embarrassed about his membership in the Klan. It was something he apologized for over and over, time and time again, calling his involvement with the organization “a sad mistake” and stating that “intolerance had no place in America.” It became most evident that he had dramatically changed his views after the loss of his grandson in an auto accident. He then realized that black people loved their children just as much as he loved his own. Senator Byrd sought change and with that change he became one of the staunchest supporters of civil rights I had ever seen.

Senator Byrd appropriated money for memorials to civil rights’ icons. And when President George W. Bush signed the extension of the Voting Rights Act in 2006, Senator Byrd stood alongside me and Senator Ted Kennedy, signing the register, a proud supporter of the legislation’s renewal. How ironic it is that a former Klansman from a coal mining town in West Virginia would stand side by side and shoulder to shoulder with an African-American and former chairman of the Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee (SNCC) from the Deep South as colleagues in these great halls.

Senator Byrd’s most undeniable demonstration of change was in the year 2008 when the Democratic Party had the task of selecting its candidate for president. The field had been narrowed to two people, two U.S. senators. They were Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama. Though Mrs. Clinton won the state of West Virginia in the primary, Senator Byrd backed the first black presidential candidate with a legitimate chance at victory throwing his support behind Barack Obama.
Robert Byrd: A true statesman (Rep. John Lewis)
Senator Byrd also described his association with the KKK "a one of the greatest mistakes of my life"...

he apologised bigley & spent the next several years voting in the senate to reverse that ideology.
Oh so they get a pass because they tow the line as Democrat's, but everyone else has to be condemned for life if not a newly born Democrat hell bent on using old issues to brow beat their political opponent's to death with them eh ???

Nothing says cult like Democrat does. Full of opportunist who would throw their white grandmother under the bus like Obama did or like Hillary did to the women her husband abused, while claiming she believes the women who make claim's against men, and on and on and on. Oh and like some black's do to those who turn and say to other black's, hey you an uncle Tom if you tell me to practice good character in life, because you knows it's them white's that made me this way. Under the bus the black man goes if he wants black's to do better. On and on it goes.
More clarity on Sen. Byrd for you poppydog.

Byrd later called joining the KKK "the greatest mistake I ever made." In 1997, he told an interviewer he would encourage young people to become involved in politics but also warned, "Be sure you avoid the Ku Klux Klan. Don't get that albatross around your neck. Once you've made that mistake, you inhibit your operations in the political arena." In his last autobiography, Byrd explained that he was a KKK member because he "was sorely afflicted with tunnel vision—a jejune and immature outlook—seeing only what I wanted to see because I thought the Klan could provide an outlet for my talents and ambitions." Byrd also said in 2005, "I know now I was wrong. Intolerance had no place in America. I apologized for a thousand times ... and I don't mind apologizing over and over again. I can't erase what happened."
He didn't have tunnel-vision.....he was a racist.
Most Democrats are racists.
Everyday boy, everyday. Now get to practicing your own advice. One things for sure, and that is that you don't care about writing down your sins, and having them recorded for all to read. That to may serve against you come judgement day. You see yourself as wise, yet your wisdom is worldly. You are but a spec of dirt in the eye, and if you continue on your path, it may be that you will be rubbed out come the second death by he who holds the key's to hell, and yes who can put you there forever. Wake up before it's to late.
R U takin 2 mee
No.... Why did you think that ? I gotta get use to the quote function.. lol
Please do use the quote function

Fuck your mother fucking asshole Mystical Magical Non-Existent Sky Man.

Fuck any and all religion.

Praying for you.

pray for donny & his den of heathens. THEY are gonna need all the help they can get.

I think it should go to the Supreme Court.

I agree, but unfortunately it doesn't always work. Hence why the BIGGEST fraud in American history was allowed to take place.

<pssssst> you didn't get the memo? it already had the SC take a looksey. guess what?


^^^ read that last word ^^^

Here is the thing about Election Fraud/Voter Fraud. You must.....REPEAT.....Must present provable, verifiable proof....evidence beyond a reasonable doubt that Election Fraud/Voter Fraud did in fact happen.

Over 60-Separate cases alleging such Election Fraud/Voter Fraud were tossed for lack of evidence.

The thing is that they tried to prove it it's just that nobody would listen to them.

lol... um.... is that what they are telling you? do you ever research & find out facts or just swallow what you need to hear to soothe whatever butthurt you have about the chosen one loooooooooooosing?

In his response to the complaint, Rudy admitted it wasn’t true but it’s not his fault because he was just going by what someone told him.

Post me a link to an article that proves this claim.

FactCheck PostsFeatured Posts

Rudy Giuliani’s Bogus Election Fraud Claims​

By Eugene Kiely and Robert Farley
Posted on June 24, 2021

A New York court suspended former New York City Mayor Rudy Giuliani’s law license in that state for making “demonstrably false and misleading statements” about the 2020 presidential election results to the courts and the public at large, while serving as former President Donald Trump’s lawyer.
In a 33-page order, the Appellate Division of the New York Supreme Court described the suspension as “immediate,” but “interim” — pending disciplinary proceedings before the court’s Attorney Grievance Committee, which initiated the action against Giuliani.
The appellate court noted that “misconduct alone” isn’t grounds for suspension. It also requires evidence that the misconduct is “an immediate threat to the public interest.”
“We find that there is evidence of continuing misconduct, the underlying offense is incredibly serious, and the uncontroverted misconduct in itself will likely result in substantial permanent sanctions at the conclusion of these disciplinary proceedings,” the court explained in its order.
The court, in an opinion that reads like a fact-checking article, singled out several examples of Giuliani’s falsehoods. We have written about some of those, as well as several others. Here we provide a recap of some of Giuliani’s false and misleading election fraud claims.
Rudy Giuliani's Bogus Election Fraud Claims -

you're welcome.

You've already lost, you just don't know it yet. Keep making a fool of yourself though, because it will become a witness against you in the day of judgement in which you desire so greatly. Playing with a hot iron eventually gets a person burned, and these days many are playing with the hot iron. You've been burned in life just as many have, but for some reason you don't learn. It's ok though, because the road is wide yet the gate is narrow, and your wishes will be fulfilled sadly enough for you.... Many think that they will just go back to nothing, as if never being born at all, but ohhh if it were just that simple. Prepare for judgement, as there will be no escaping it. Repent Now, and change in your ways before it's to late or remain lost forever. Your choice.

try a little matthew: 6-13; 'cause it could only do you some good & is stellar advice, cowboy.
Playtime can you please explain how you are so rich that you want to pay higher taxes?

lol!!!! what a right turn deflection!!!!

now stfu.
You deflected not me,

false. look at the OP. you are waaaaaayyyyyy off topic.

the fact is that you voted for Biden

yep, i did.

and he told everyone ahead of time that he would end the trump tax cuts

and? he ended a partial amt. don't ferget that them thar BIGCORP tax cuts were meant to be 'permanent' , but the worker bees pittance is designed to be only temporary, couresy of the (R)s. that has changed... partially.

raising taxes on everyone and that he would raise taxes after that as well.

you can't have growth with only cuts. you need revenue. even saint ronny found that out after slashing taxes soooooo much - he ended up raising them some 11x.

So just tell us how rich that you are

rich? nope. comforable? oh yaaaaaaaaaaaaaa..... but i also care about my neighbors that may not be so comfortable.

that you do not care about taxes?

see 2 replies up.

Or are you just a poor dumb slob that believes that you will get something for free,

free is always good. i bet you think that the ' free' obamaphone was his idea too.... right?

are you collecting unemployment instead of funding a 401K and you think that the people working are stupid.

lol ...

Is your home paid for,

yep. refinanced our 1st home w/ a 30 yr mortgage in 1990 down to a 15 yr ... sold that one in 1996 & bought our 2nd home w/ a 15 yr mortgage which has been paid off free & clear for years. oh & it sits on an acre of land, but abuts a 1200 acre state forest & all that there land that we enjoy is 100% tax FREE.

is your car paid for

yep. all 3 albeit they are older models. pd cash outright for all of them so no collision needed. a 2006 toyota scion, a 2007 prius, & a 2010 toyota tacoma.

or do you actually own nothing of substance?

i'll bet i have way less debt than you, trump humper. i also pay my credit cards off in full, every month. i haven't pd a dime in interest since saint ronny took that little tax deduction away.

remember when i said stfu?

ya, you go on 'n do that.

So tell us why you want to pay more taxes doofy
You are 100 percent deranged, this is clear which is why you think that you are so rich that you need to pay more taxes. When was the last time you paid capital gains? and at what rate, the trailer rate


i'm not going down a DEFLECTION rabbit hole with you, little poorly educated deplorable that donny loves long time.

& counts on.

but will leave you with this.... suckerrrrrrrrrrr...................

I am not watching abigale, suckerrrrrr. LOL you have failed to explain why you want to pay more taxes, but then since you have no money you do not pay taxes anyway. Have fun looting Target and Walmart

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