Rudy receiving death threats

Them is white Christians doing what the Bible said ....own up to it..its the "Christian thing to do"


The South’s True Face of Hate: Oozing Nonsense From Demented and Corners of Religious Right

Show me the scriptures in the New Testament that says it's okay to hang people from a tree because you hate them.
I just showed you pictures that document Bible belt Christians doing their torture murder thing ...its a white Christian Bible belt practice...maybe they are focused on the old Testament or maybe they are simply deluded fools like you seem to be in denying the reality of Christian support of slavery and of lynching...
You can't be a Christian and focus on the Old Testament. If you knew anything about the Gospel you wouldn't be saying stupid shit like that.

What you really mean to say is anyone from the South is a Christian because they're white, and anyone who's a Christian is a racist slave holder, which is a damned lie.

The one thing all of those Crackers had in common was they were God Damned Democrats!!!
Those were Christians ...C-H-R-I-S-T-I-A--N....the Bible Belt is where slavery was at its most vicious and coincidence there...

Because they were Democrats and because their economy was based on crops not industry. Besides, not everyone in the South had the money to buy slaves. Only the rich Democrats.

William Ellison - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

mudwhistle yes, I agree it was economic and class based.
See above link to a Freed Slave who got into the slave business, owned his own property and Black slaves,
and even bought and sold them as a slave trader. Episcopalian.

TyroneSlothrop So how do you explain the consumers of America today depending on and patronizing slave labor to afford electronics and other goods and to keep our economy going.

Is it because we are a Christian nation and forgive these exploitations we profit and benefit from
at the expense of others who are enslaved and suffer without our privileges and class?

Or is it because our principles are based on free enterprise and democratic free choice
where we are not required by law to abstain from importing goods made by slave labor in other countries.

Is it Christian not to treat others as we treat ourselves?

Isn't it a Constitutionalist concept that only Americans have equal protection of US laws against slavery,
but we are not required to protect or respect the civil rights of other people outside our jurisdiction.

Isn't it because we have freedom that these things happen?
Jesus said you could tell Christians because they "love one another" they love their brethren....... waaaaaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa...that is some Religion you got going on there Jesus ...Hey Jesus save me from your followers wooo hooo


And if that isn't enough to turn and twist the church upside down beyond recognition,
now we also have Constitutional laws that lawyers, courts and govt don't follow.

Corporate lobbies and citizens donate billions of dollars to campaigns
"hoping to save each other from the followers of other parties"

When nothing about political parties is in the Constitution.
Those were Christians ...the Bible Belt is where slavery was at its most vicious and coincidence there...
And the Christian QUAKERS who pushed to abolish slavery don't count as Christians?
Only the Christians like the Klan count as Christians because they preach on the street corners like hypocrites?
Maybe you are like the people who say only the Jihadists are the true Islam because the peaceful Muslims are lying?
You do not make such distinctions with Muslims LOL
Why not? Aren't you a fan of the Muslim Tea Party as a way to prod the rightwing:
Tea Party Muslims Shatter All Preconceptions M4L
the men on the left can't seem to bully anyone but women and then it's always the Former Governor, a woman candidate for Vice President of our country Mrs. palin.

what's laughable is they put in that buffoon career politician who can't keep his creepy hand off the women, Joey the dummy Biden
Not exciting or "fair and balanced" enough
for my Constitutional tastes in equal representation.

What might get me off
is a way to have Republican Presidents
and Democrat Vice Presidents and mixed cabinets from Green and Libertarian.
More into equal inclusion and direct representation, then mediating between them
to form agreed solutions that all parties can support and not try to sabotage.

idea: split the Presidential position into External and Internal,
and these are the two positions that are now campaigned for as Pres and VP.
so we have a way to train on the job for future candidates
instead of practicing on citizens for 4 years and then try for another 4.

split the Vice Presidential position into External and internal,
where the second highest votes get these positions and
work with the Senate and States on national policies that aren't qualified to go through federal govt
and need to belong to people and states to vote on that level.

the key is that the line of succession no longer goes through the VP
but uses the Internal President position that is elected from the same party
so those two work together. External focuses on foreign affairs and global economic and military.
Internal handles the domestic issues that qualify for federal govt, while
the VP handles transferring issues from the national level back to states that don't qualify.

this takes so much work to sort out, why not split the job wehre the top two parties
can get positoins, and not compete to succeed each other.

the two VP positions can work together from the same party.
the two Pres positoins can work together and pull the successor from
that internal position, and then follow the regular line from there.

there is no risk of the VP trying to assassinate the Pres because that isn't the successor position.
and if the VP does a good job then that leader can still run for Pres based on that record.
but if the VP sabotages the Pres, then nobody will want to reelect such person.

the point is to agree what is federal and what is state.
and assign the different leaders from both parties to address these spearately
but on a national level where they can still get visibility and experience to run for Pres later.
doubted the GOP had a shot at beating the incumbent..with that said Obama couldn't win today
The Right was saying "Elmer Fudd" could beat Obama in 2012.

Sep 29, 2011
RUSH: I think Bugs Bunny, Elmer Fudd could beat Obama in this election coming up because I think this is going to largely be about Obama.

Show me the scriptures in the New Testament that says it's okay to hang people from a tree because you hate them.
I just showed you pictures that document Bible belt Christians doing their torture murder thing ...its a white Christian Bible belt practice...maybe they are focused on the old Testament or maybe they are simply deluded fools like you seem to be in denying the reality of Christian support of slavery and of lynching...
You can't be a Christian and focus on the Old Testament. If you knew anything about the Gospel you wouldn't be saying stupid shit like that.

What you really mean to say is anyone from the South is a Christian because they're white, and anyone who's a Christian is a racist slave holder, which is a damned lie.

The one thing all of those Crackers had in common was they were God Damned Democrats!!!
Those were Christians ...C-H-R-I-S-T-I-A--N....the Bible Belt is where slavery was at its most vicious and coincidence there...

Because they were Democrats and because their economy was based on crops not industry. Besides, not everyone in the South had the money to buy slaves. Only the rich Democrats.

William Ellison - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

mudwhistle yes, I agree it was economic and class based.
See above link to a Freed Slave who got into the slave business, owned his own property and Black slaves,
and even bought and sold them as a slave trader. Episcopalian.

TyroneSlothrop So how do you explain the consumers of America today depending on and patronizing slave labor to afford electronics and other goods and to keep our economy going.

Is it because we are a Christian nation and forgive these exploitations we profit and benefit from
at the expense of others who are enslaved and suffer without our privileges and class?

Or is it because our principles are based on free enterprise and democratic free choice
where we are not required by law to abstain from importing goods made by slave labor in other countries.

Is it Christian not to treat others as we treat ourselves?

Isn't it a Constitutionalist concept that only Americans have equal protection of US laws against slavery,
but we are not required to protect or respect the civil rights of other people outside our jurisdiction.

Isn't it because we have freedom that these things happen?

Name the countries other than Saudi Arabia that have slaves.


Can you?

No. You can't.

Cheap labor is one thing, but slave labor is another thing entirely. My guess is you think anyone who works for a rich man is a slave, you fucking hypocrite.
doubted the GOP had a shot at beating the incumbent..with that said Obama couldn't win today
The Right was saying "Elmer Fudd" could beat Obama in 2012.

Sep 29, 2011
RUSH: I think Bugs Bunny, Elmer Fudd could beat Obama in this election coming up because I think this is going to largely be about Obama.

Actually, the way the media props up Democrats Elmer Rudd would beat George Washington if he was a Democrat and Washington a Republican.
I just showed you pictures that document Bible belt Christians doing their torture murder thing ...its a white Christian Bible belt practice...maybe they are focused on the old Testament or maybe they are simply deluded fools like you seem to be in denying the reality of Christian support of slavery and of lynching...
You can't be a Christian and focus on the Old Testament. If you knew anything about the Gospel you wouldn't be saying stupid shit like that.

What you really mean to say is anyone from the South is a Christian because they're white, and anyone who's a Christian is a racist slave holder, which is a damned lie.

The one thing all of those Crackers had in common was they were God Damned Democrats!!!
Those were Christians ...C-H-R-I-S-T-I-A--N....the Bible Belt is where slavery was at its most vicious and coincidence there...

Because they were Democrats and because their economy was based on crops not industry. Besides, not everyone in the South had the money to buy slaves. Only the rich Democrats.

William Ellison - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

mudwhistle yes, I agree it was economic and class based.
See above link to a Freed Slave who got into the slave business, owned his own property and Black slaves,
and even bought and sold them as a slave trader. Episcopalian.

TyroneSlothrop So how do you explain the consumers of America today depending on and patronizing slave labor to afford electronics and other goods and to keep our economy going.

Is it because we are a Christian nation and forgive these exploitations we profit and benefit from
at the expense of others who are enslaved and suffer without our privileges and class?

Or is it because our principles are based on free enterprise and democratic free choice
where we are not required by law to abstain from importing goods made by slave labor in other countries.

Is it Christian not to treat others as we treat ourselves?

Isn't it a Constitutionalist concept that only Americans have equal protection of US laws against slavery,
but we are not required to protect or respect the civil rights of other people outside our jurisdiction.

Isn't it because we have freedom that these things happen?

Name the countries other than Saudi Arabia that have slaves.


Can you?

No. You can't.

Cheap labor is one thing, but slave labor is another thing entirely. My guess is you think anyone who works for a rich man is a slave, you fucking hypocrite.

??? What?
So you don't consider the human trafficking slavery?
Honey what planet are you ON? What crack?

it's actually worse than just "cheap labor":
1. people are even sold as SEX SLAVES and pimped for their pimps to get the money.
some of these victims are kidnapped and raped for $120 where the owners get paid.
there were even some of these places in Houston, and when I found out I demanded
to know how can anyone know of this and not report it? i was told the police are often
paid off, and if they get found out, they move to another location and do it again.
I walked out on my friend who told me he knew people who went there. couldn't believe it.

2. there are "indentured servants", people warehoused in "dorms" to do forced labor
at wages that don't pay their rent, so they remain forever in the servitude of the traffickers.
there was a whole video on this, and my own godmother got involved in a trafficking
case involving a fake business that was importing Asian immigrants and pulling that
bait and switch, forcing them into slave labor to pay their apts and costs, and when
they were almost free they FIRED them and brought in a new group of "indentured servants"

if this happens in the US don't you know it happens in places where enforcement is worse.
3. in India they couldn't ban child labor where it would kill more children, more would starve
to death because feeding their families depended on it. They had to work on a gradual plan.

This stuff is going on today. We see stories all the time of garment factories
where the workers are not protected. so they are still giving up their liberties and rights
in order to work , that is against their will but they have no choice if they want their jobs,
therefore it is involuntary servitude because those are all the choices they are given.

That's what I'm referring to.
Sorry if you thought I meant something else???
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doubted the GOP had a shot at beating the incumbent..with that said Obama couldn't win today
The Right was saying "Elmer Fudd" could beat Obama in 2012.

Sep 29, 2011
RUSH: I think Bugs Bunny, Elmer Fudd could beat Obama in this election coming up because I think this is going to largely be about Obama.

Actually, the way the media props up Democrats Elmer Rudd would beat George Washington if he was a Democrat and Washington a Republican.
Yeah, blame the Corporate media.
You fools are a broken record.
You think you stupid little peashooter is gonna save you from all the homeless you created that will be ravaging the country?

You could simply offer those homeless refuge in your own home, you know.

That's not my job description. I have 62 rooms if I felt generous but I rarely in NEVER! I didn't create their plight. Bush and Bubba did. I voted for Georgy Porgy and I am NOW convinced to NEVER again trust a god fearing Christian Republican.

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