Rudy receiving death threats

You think you stupid little peashooter is gonna save you from all the homeless you created that will be ravaging the country?

You could simply offer those homeless refuge in your own home, you know.

That's not my job description. I have 62 rooms if I felt generous but I rarely in NEVER! I didn't create their plight. Bush and Bubba did. I voted for Georgy Porgy and I am NOW convinced to NEVER again trust a god fearing Christian Republican.

That was your mistake and you have to deal with it. This statement shows just how easily gullible you are, you sway wherever the political winds blow you. But if the next Democrat you vote for commits the same mistakes Bush did, you'll go back to voting Republican.

Please stop. Don't make this any more worse for yourself.
You think you stupid little peashooter is gonna save you from all the homeless you created that will be ravaging the country?

You could simply offer those homeless refuge in your own home, you know.

That's not my job description. I have 62 rooms if I felt generous but I rarely in NEVER! I didn't create their plight. Bush and Bubba did. I voted for Georgy Porgy and I am NOW convinced to NEVER again trust a god fearing Christian Republican.

Then stop whining about the plight of the homeless if you don't even give the slightest damn about them.
You think you stupid little peashooter is gonna save you from all the homeless you created that will be ravaging the country?

You could simply offer those homeless refuge in your own home, you know.

That's not my job description. I have 62 rooms if I felt generous but I rarely in NEVER! I didn't create their plight. Bush and Bubba did. I voted for Georgy Porgy and I am NOW convinced to NEVER again trust a god fearing Christian Republican.

That was your mistake and you have to deal with it. This statement shows just how easily gullible you are, you sway wherever the political winds blow you. But if the next Democrat you vote for commits the same mistakes Bush did, you'll go back to voting Republican.

Please stop. Don't make this any more worse for yourself.

I'm DONE voting. It is a sick joke I won't participate in anymore. Ya see... I am on the ground where the rubber meets the road and see the incredible increase in homeless. It is the dirty little secret that isn't "little" anymore. It's getting worse by the day. I'm just here watching this country go to hell in a handbasket. None of your votes will make a damned bit of difference. My bet is that in 5 years or so there won't be enough prison space to make a dent in it. THEN your chickens will come home to roost.. maybe a home near YOU..maybe YOUR home.
I'm DONE voting

Then stop complaining when election doesn't go your way.

Ya see... I am on the ground where the rubber meets the road and see the incredible increase in homeless. It is the dirty little secret that isn't "little" anymore. It's getting worse by the day. I'm just here watching this country go to hell in a handbasket.

You most certainly aren't helping.

My bet is that in 5 years or so there won't be enough prison space to make a dent in it. THEN your chickens will come home to roost.. maybe a home near YOU..maybe YOUR home.

Eh, you can give Jeremiah Wright his sermon notes back now. I would love some chicken right about now, deep fried.
You think you stupid little peashooter is gonna save you from all the homeless you created that will be ravaging the country?

You could simply offer those homeless refuge in your own home, you know.

That's not my job description. I have 62 rooms if I felt generous but I rarely in NEVER! I didn't create their plight. Bush and Bubba did. I voted for Georgy Porgy and I am NOW convinced to NEVER again trust a god fearing Christian Republican.

Then stop whining about the plight of the homeless if you don't even give the slightest damn about them.

Who's whining about their plight? Not me. I'm just reporting on the astounding numbers. It is a direct result of YOUR bad thinking. Just keep calling our elected officials names. The less that gets done the better as far as I'm concerned. I have generators and weapons. I have stockpiles of dry foods and access to an artesian well for fresh pure water. Y'all can just go fuck yourselves and get real cozy in the bed you made for yourselves. ENJOY! I know I will!
I'm DONE voting

Then stop complaining when election doesn't go your way.

Ya see... I am on the ground where the rubber meets the road and see the incredible increase in homeless. It is the dirty little secret that isn't "little" anymore. It's getting worse by the day. I'm just here watching this country go to hell in a handbasket.

You most certainly aren't helping.

My bet is that in 5 years or so there won't be enough prison space to make a dent in it. THEN your chickens will come home to roost.. maybe a home near YOU..maybe YOUR home.

Eh, you can give Jeremiah Wright his sermon notes back now. I would love some chicken right about now, deep fried.

I've got this cool rotisserie. Yum one bird in the oven cooling off right now. That's why my pits will fight to the death for yours truly... NOBODY on the planet feeds his dogs any better than I do. And THEY know it.

You guys don't have a clue what you will be facing. Me? I deal with HOME INVASION EVERY DAY!! Had a couple go over the fence a couple of hours ago. What will YOU do when they knock down YOUR door? Fuck! I've repaired probably 50 doors in the last 5 years. 100 broken windows.. Got it down to a science. I'm probably the onliest one on this MB that REALLY knows how it will go down. You peeps are in for a big nasty surprise.
I doubt the OP asserted approval of death threats, the point was clear, the former mayor and presidential wannabe made a stupid hateful comment.

And your criticism of Bush wasn't? Comparing him to Hitler wasn't? Obama calling him 'unpatriotic' wasn't? You hypocrite.

The reaction of some was expected, at least by those of us who think before they speak.

Yes, yes, don't try to hide the fact you approved of the reaction, too. Sorry. Just stop trying to cover for the OP. Please, just stop.

In fact Guiliani is an ego looking for attention.

Actually not. Being honest is not being egotistical.

He is no longer relevant on the national stage and is desperate; his 15 minutes of fame is gone for ever and he knows it.

Eh, if you call one comment the end of his national relevancy... Obama's 15 minutes ended last year.

Wow, you know everything, at least you believe you do. Answer these oh wise one:

How do you know Obama doesn't love this country? And, is loving a country only and abstraction (IMO it means having care and concern for Americans, and the president doing the best he or she can to achieve happiness for those s/he represents and preserve for them an environment - natural and social - where they are safe and free)?

I think Obama has done a good job meeting the vision stated by Thom as Jefferson, given the world he inherited, the economy he inherited, and the jerks and racists on this message board and elected to The Congress who do no
I doubt the OP asserted approval of death threats, the point was clear, the former mayor and presidential wannabe made a stupid hateful comment.

And your criticism of Bush wasn't? Comparing him to Hitler wasn't? Obama calling him 'unpatriotic' wasn't? You hypocrite.

The reaction of some was expected, at least by those of us who think before they speak.

Yes, yes, don't try to hide the fact you approved of the reaction, too. Sorry. Just stop trying to cover for the OP. Please, just stop.

In fact Guiliani is an ego looking for attention.

Actually not. Being honest is not being egotistical.

He is no longer relevant on the national stage and is desperate; his 15 minutes of fame is gone for ever and he knows it.

Eh, if you call one comment the end of his national relevancy... Obama's 15 minutes ended last year.

Wow, you know everything, at least you believe you do. Answer these oh wise one:

How do you know Obama doesn't love this country? And, is loving a country only and abstraction (IMO it means having care and concern for Americans, and the president doing the best he or she can to achieve happiness for those s/he represents and preserve for them an environment - natural and social - where they are safe and free)?

I think Obama has done a good job meeting the vision stated by Thomas Jefferson, given the world he inherited, the economy he inherited, and the jerks and racists on this message board and elected to The Congress who do nothing but bitch, moan and whine.
We know Obama hates America because he wants to fundamentally transform it. He also has undermined it at every opportunity.
we know you white supremacists hate America cause you voted for W Bush twice....

That's hilarious. It's ironic too, given you won't allow Rudy to have his opinion, whilst spewing your vitriolic opinions at will.

Just stop, or I will never get all of this kool-aid off of my keyboard.

"Rudy" has every right to express his opinion, as do I and everyone else. Even someone like you. My point was clear, "Rudy" is a public figure, a former mayor and someone who aspired to higher office.

I suspect that because the field of candidates for the 2016 Republican nomination is so weak, he wants a second bite of the apple. Thus, he needs to get his name/face out there, and what better way than to attack the current president, not by facts though, but by a childish troll, sure to be picked up by other demagogues and the MSM.
My point was clear, "Rudy" is a public figure, a former mayor and someone who aspired to higher office.

So does that mean he deserves to have death threats made against him? What does him being a "public figure" have to do with it?

I suspect that because the field of candidates for the 2016 Republican nomination is so weak, he wants a second bite of the apple. Thus, he needs to get his name/face out there, and what better way than to attack the current president, not by facts though, but by a childish troll, sure to be picked up by other demagogues and the MSM.

I'll leave this here.

Rudy Giuliani telling the truth has driven the liberals here completely insane. It's not surprising that liberals want him dead. He might continue truth telling about the pus filled infectious sac we laughingly refer to as the moor on the Potomac.
This is when Jesus ruled the south...Holy Schnikes those be white Christians going ISIS on Black Americans ...say hallelujah


Here's the catch:

They were Democrats.
Actually, they were CON$ervatives, and still are.

Conservative Democrats. See, there's no way out for you. [emoji14]
Conservatives are not racists . They were not conservative they where and are pure democrats
It's interesting that the OP apparently approves of death threats against someone for daring to call Obama out.

And by the way, I think there's no question Obama does not love this country for what it was and what it has always been. He works night and day to change it.
My point was clear, "Rudy" is a public figure, a former mayor and someone who aspired to higher office.

So does that mean he deserves to have death threats made against him? What does him being a "public figure" have to do with it?

I suspect that because the field of candidates for the 2016 Republican nomination is so weak, he wants a second bite of the apple. Thus, he needs to get his name/face out there, and what better way than to attack the current president, not by facts though, but by a childish troll, sure to be picked up by other demagogues and the MSM.

I'll leave this here.


In your own mind you must feel so cleaver. First, I never said "Rudy" ought to have his life threatened. The last time I looked at the code, capital punishment was not the penalty for making stupid partisan remarks - this ought to make you very happy.

"Rudy" has every right to express his opinion, as do I and everyone else. Even someone like you. My point was clear, "Rudy" is a public figure, a former mayor and someone who aspired to higher office.

I suspect that because the field of candidates for the 2016 Republican nomination is so weak, he wants a second bite of the apple. Thus, he needs to get his name/face out there, and what better way than to attack the current president, not by facts though, but by a childish troll, sure to be picked up by other demagogues and the MSM.

There is nothing in this post beyond my opinion, suggesting otherwise with your cartoon is also childish and nothing more than an ornate ad hominem. You can't prove the remark made by "Rudy" is true, and suggesting otherwise is both dishonest and typical of a partisan hack.
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It's interesting that the OP apparently approves of death threats against someone for daring to call Obama out.

And by the way, I think there's no question Obama does not love this country for what it was and what it has always been. He works night and day to change it.

that sums up the left/libs. they claim they are all about peace and love. then cheer when someone they don't like gets death threats for just speaking his opinion

I think if the left could. they would round up all the people they don't like or think is worthy in their small world, they would volunteer to drive the trains to the ovens and flip on the gas too. How does anyone live with that much hate in their lives? they are scary people
This is when Jesus ruled the south...Holy Schnikes those be white Christians going ISIS on Black Americans ...say hallelujah


Here's the catch:

They were Democrats.
Actually, they were CON$ervatives, and still are.

Conservative Democrats. See, there's no way out for you. :p
Those righteous Christians continue to show aggression towards Blacks even in modern times...those are Christian ISIS lynchings ...complete with are the political descendant of those folks
This is when Jesus ruled the south...Holy Schnikes those be white Christians going ISIS on Black Americans ...say hallelujah


Here's the catch:

They were Democrats.
Actually, they were CON$ervatives, and still are.

Conservative Democrats. See, there's no way out for you. [emoji14]
Conservatives are not racists . They were not conservative they where and are pure democrats
Conservatives are racists who even to this day would like to lynch Blacks

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