Rudy to Begin Revealing Top Level Democrats Making Millions of Dollars Selling Their Public Office

Is this supposed to prove something?

Nothing proves anything to the members of the Trump cult- nothing but the words from Trump's tweets.

Somebody could have posted that on Google images. No source, no content, just what it says in the picture. The story broke in August. This says something about the end of September, so there is no way the so-called whistleblower could have known anything about it.

Or it could have been released by the office of the President on September 25.
Rough Transcript Shows Trump Pressed Ukraine to ‘Look Into’ Joe Biden and Son

I don't know whether you are willfully ignorant or lying your ass off to protect your Dear Leader.

The Whistleblower Complaint Timeline

July 25- Trump has his call with Zelinsky where he lied to Zelinsky and claimed that Joe Biden was bragging about stopping the prosecution of Hunter Biden- and asked him to 'look into it'.

August 12- The whistleblower files his complaint alleging that President Trump asked Zelinsky to investigate the Bidens.

August 26- The Inspector General writes that he found the complaint urgent and credible and forwards to the Acting Director of National Intelligence.

September 9- the Inspector General notifies the House of the Whistleblower complaint.

September 11- the Administration releases the hold on funds.

September 18- the Washington Post prints an article about the whistleblower complaint

September 25- the White House releases the memo of the conversation- 'secret' until Trump unclassified it-

Again I will point out- that the only reason we know that Trump made a secret request to Zelinsky to investigate his political rival was because of the whistleblower.

Still waiting for you to give us your opinion about why Trump never made a formal request to Ukraine to investigate the Biden's- why he never made any request in writing- despite Ukraine asking for a formal request before proceeding.

Why do you think Trump didn't want a formal request from his office made to Ukraine?

The word "investigate" never appeared in the transcript. What Trump asked was for Zelensky to look into it as a favor.

The whistleblower complaint was about the one call Trump released the transcript of. There was no secret call discussed at the inquiry.

Or it could have been released by the office of the President on September 25.
Rough Transcript Shows Trump Pressed Ukraine to ‘Look Into’ Joe Biden and Son

I don't know whether you are willfully ignorant or lying your ass off to protect your Dear Leader.

The Whistleblower Complaint Timeline

July 25- Trump has his call with Zelinsky where he lied to Zelinsky and claimed that Joe Biden was bragging about stopping the prosecution of Hunter Biden- and asked him to 'look into it'.

August 12- The whistleblower files his complaint alleging that President Trump asked Zelinsky to investigate the Bidens.

August 26- The Inspector General writes that he found the complaint urgent and credible and forwards to the Acting Director of National Intelligence.

September 9- the Inspector General notifies the House of the Whistleblower complaint.

September 11- the Administration releases the hold on funds.

September 18- the Washington Post prints an article about the whistleblower complaint

September 25- the White House releases the memo of the conversation- 'secret' until Trump unclassified it-

Again I will point out- that the only reason we know that Trump made a secret request to Zelinsky to investigate his political rival was because of the whistleblower.

Still waiting for you to give us your opinion about why Trump never made a formal request to Ukraine to investigate the Biden's- why he never made any request in writing- despite Ukraine asking for a formal request before proceeding.

Why do you think Trump didn't want a formal request from his office made to Ukraine?
Didn't need one. BIDEN is the Crook. Not our Just and Truthful President. Just remember this. In 2016 ,USA was on the verge of disaster. But God was watching. And Donald Trump was ordained to save the country from the Evil Gorgon Hitlery Clinton.
Funny how Dems always get rich AFTER getting elected.
It’s not that funny. Former politicians often get lucrative book deals and command high speaking fees.
Hillary got rich by Grafting foreign countries and money laundering through her fake charity. Mad Maxine got rich stealing Gov't funds.
I thought she got rich because Putin gave her $145 million?

The Clintons are worth about $5 million, which they earned with their book deals. The speaking fees and a large chunk of their income, is donated to the Clinton Foundation. The Clintons aren't "laundering" money through their Foundation, they're giving a large percentage of their income to the Foundation. This contrasts to Trump who hasn't donated ANY money to his Family Foundation since 2008, and has been forced to repay some $2 million that he raised illegally, and then failed to pass through to the veterans charities it was intended for.

The Charity is recognized worldwide as providing AIDS drugs to treat children and adults in Thirds World Countries. Unlike most family foundations, which act as pass throughs - raising funds and distributing them to the charities in need, the Clinton Foundations runs its own programs, and enjoys a 5 star rating worldwide for its low administration and fundraising costs, meaning that more of its funds go to the people it was given to help.

Much of Third World medical supply donations end up on the black market and is stolen and sold by militias to fund military efforts, or ends up in the pockets for corrupt foreign leaders. By running their own programs, the Clinton Foundation ensure that the drugs they're buying end up helping AIDS suffering in Third World countries.

It drives Trumpists crazy that the Clintons continue to do good throughout the world, while Donald Trump continues to get caught pulling illegal bullshit and graft.

And still not a single charge for any of the so-called crimes committed by the Clintons, even though Trump has been trying to "lock her up" for three years.

Funny isn't it how the Trumpskies never want to talk about how Trump robbed his own charity for his own personal benefit?

I don't remember Hillary ever using the Clinton Foundation to buy a portrait of herself to hang in their own home.
No. She bought a Private Jet. And bribed a big News outlet to give her brainless daughter a 600K No-Show Job.
It’s not that funny. Former politicians often get lucrative book deals and command high speaking fees.
Hillary got rich by Grafting foreign countries and money laundering through her fake charity. Mad Maxine got rich stealing Gov't funds.
I thought she got rich because Putin gave her $145 million?

The Clintons are worth about $5 million, which they earned with their book deals. The speaking fees and a large chunk of their income, is donated to the Clinton Foundation. The Clintons aren't "laundering" money through their Foundation, they're giving a large percentage of their income to the Foundation. This contrasts to Trump who hasn't donated ANY money to his Family Foundation since 2008, and has been forced to repay some $2 million that he raised illegally, and then failed to pass through to the veterans charities it was intended for.

The Charity is recognized worldwide as providing AIDS drugs to treat children and adults in Thirds World Countries. Unlike most family foundations, which act as pass throughs - raising funds and distributing them to the charities in need, the Clinton Foundations runs its own programs, and enjoys a 5 star rating worldwide for its low administration and fundraising costs, meaning that more of its funds go to the people it was given to help.

Much of Third World medical supply donations end up on the black market and is stolen and sold by militias to fund military efforts, or ends up in the pockets for corrupt foreign leaders. By running their own programs, the Clinton Foundation ensure that the drugs they're buying end up helping AIDS suffering in Third World countries.

It drives Trumpists crazy that the Clintons continue to do good throughout the world, while Donald Trump continues to get caught pulling illegal bullshit and graft.

And still not a single charge for any of the so-called crimes committed by the Clintons, even though Trump has been trying to "lock her up" for three years.

Funny isn't it how the Trumpskies never want to talk about how Trump robbed his own charity for his own personal benefit?

I don't remember Hillary ever using the Clinton Foundation to buy a portrait of herself to hang in their own home.
No. She bought a Private Jet. And bribed a big News outlet to give her brainless daughter a 600K No-Show Job.

LOL I am going to go for a big ask for any Trumpsky.

Prove either of those claims.

Hillary got rich by Grafting foreign countries and money laundering through her fake charity. Mad Maxine got rich stealing Gov't funds.
I thought she got rich because Putin gave her $145 million?

The Clintons are worth about $5 million, which they earned with their book deals. The speaking fees and a large chunk of their income, is donated to the Clinton Foundation. The Clintons aren't "laundering" money through their Foundation, they're giving a large percentage of their income to the Foundation. This contrasts to Trump who hasn't donated ANY money to his Family Foundation since 2008, and has been forced to repay some $2 million that he raised illegally, and then failed to pass through to the veterans charities it was intended for.

The Charity is recognized worldwide as providing AIDS drugs to treat children and adults in Thirds World Countries. Unlike most family foundations, which act as pass throughs - raising funds and distributing them to the charities in need, the Clinton Foundations runs its own programs, and enjoys a 5 star rating worldwide for its low administration and fundraising costs, meaning that more of its funds go to the people it was given to help.

Much of Third World medical supply donations end up on the black market and is stolen and sold by militias to fund military efforts, or ends up in the pockets for corrupt foreign leaders. By running their own programs, the Clinton Foundation ensure that the drugs they're buying end up helping AIDS suffering in Third World countries.

It drives Trumpists crazy that the Clintons continue to do good throughout the world, while Donald Trump continues to get caught pulling illegal bullshit and graft.

And still not a single charge for any of the so-called crimes committed by the Clintons, even though Trump has been trying to "lock her up" for three years.

Funny isn't it how the Trumpskies never want to talk about how Trump robbed his own charity for his own personal benefit?

I don't remember Hillary ever using the Clinton Foundation to buy a portrait of herself to hang in their own home.
No. She bought a Private Jet. And bribed a big News outlet to give her brainless daughter a 600K No-Show Job.

LOL I am going to go for a big ask for any Trumpsky.

Prove either of those claims.

Ooops! The Clintons CHARTER Private Jets with Clinton Crime Foundation Money. Slight error. But their brainless daughter DID get a high paid No-Show job with NBC in 2014. Proven Fact.
Nothing proves anything to the members of the Trump cult- nothing but the words from Trump's tweets.

Somebody could have posted that on Google images. No source, no content, just what it says in the picture. The story broke in August. This says something about the end of September, so there is no way the so-called whistleblower could have known anything about it.

Or it could have been released by the office of the President on September 25.
Rough Transcript Shows Trump Pressed Ukraine to ‘Look Into’ Joe Biden and Son

I don't know whether you are willfully ignorant or lying your ass off to protect your Dear Leader.

The Whistleblower Complaint Timeline

July 25- Trump has his call with Zelinsky where he lied to Zelinsky and claimed that Joe Biden was bragging about stopping the prosecution of Hunter Biden- and asked him to 'look into it'.

August 12- The whistleblower files his complaint alleging that President Trump asked Zelinsky to investigate the Bidens.

August 26- The Inspector General writes that he found the complaint urgent and credible and forwards to the Acting Director of National Intelligence.

September 9- the Inspector General notifies the House of the Whistleblower complaint.

September 11- the Administration releases the hold on funds.

September 18- the Washington Post prints an article about the whistleblower complaint

September 25- the White House releases the memo of the conversation- 'secret' until Trump unclassified it-

Again I will point out- that the only reason we know that Trump made a secret request to Zelinsky to investigate his political rival was because of the whistleblower.

Still waiting for you to give us your opinion about why Trump never made a formal request to Ukraine to investigate the Biden's- why he never made any request in writing- despite Ukraine asking for a formal request before proceeding.

Why do you think Trump didn't want a formal request from his office made to Ukraine?

The word "investigate" never appeared in the transcript. What Trump asked was for Zelensky to look into it as a favor.

The whistleblower complaint was about the one call Trump released the transcript of. There was no secret call discussed at the inquiry.

Or it could have been released by the office of the President on September 25.
Rough Transcript Shows Trump Pressed Ukraine to ‘Look Into’ Joe Biden and Son

I don't know whether you are willfully ignorant or lying your ass off to protect your Dear Leader.

The Whistleblower Complaint Timeline

July 25- Trump has his call with Zelinsky where he lied to Zelinsky and claimed that Joe Biden was bragging about stopping the prosecution of Hunter Biden- and asked him to 'look into it'.

August 12- The whistleblower files his complaint alleging that President Trump asked Zelinsky to investigate the Bidens.

August 26- The Inspector General writes that he found the complaint urgent and credible and forwards to the Acting Director of National Intelligence.

September 9- the Inspector General notifies the House of the Whistleblower complaint.

September 11- the Administration releases the hold on funds.

September 18- the Washington Post prints an article about the whistleblower complaint

September 25- the White House releases the memo of the conversation- 'secret' until Trump unclassified it-

Again I will point out- that the only reason we know that Trump made a secret request to Zelinsky to investigate his political rival was because of the whistleblower.

Still waiting for you to give us your opinion about why Trump never made a formal request to Ukraine to investigate the Biden's- why he never made any request in writing- despite Ukraine asking for a formal request before proceeding.

Why do you think Trump didn't want a formal request from his office made to Ukraine?
Didn't need one. BIDEN is the Crook. Not our Just and Truthful President. Just remember this. In 2016 ,USA was on the verge of disaster. But God was watching. And Donald Trump was ordained to save the country from the Evil Gorgon Hitlery Clinton.

Impeached Trump's not a crook?? He paid millions to people he defrauded with Impeached Trump University. He had to pay fines for stealing from his own charities.
Somebody could have posted that on Google images. No source, no content, just what it says in the picture. The story broke in August. This says something about the end of September, so there is no way the so-called whistleblower could have known anything about it.

Or it could have been released by the office of the President on September 25.
Rough Transcript Shows Trump Pressed Ukraine to ‘Look Into’ Joe Biden and Son

I don't know whether you are willfully ignorant or lying your ass off to protect your Dear Leader.

The Whistleblower Complaint Timeline

July 25- Trump has his call with Zelinsky where he lied to Zelinsky and claimed that Joe Biden was bragging about stopping the prosecution of Hunter Biden- and asked him to 'look into it'.

August 12- The whistleblower files his complaint alleging that President Trump asked Zelinsky to investigate the Bidens.

August 26- The Inspector General writes that he found the complaint urgent and credible and forwards to the Acting Director of National Intelligence.

September 9- the Inspector General notifies the House of the Whistleblower complaint.

September 11- the Administration releases the hold on funds.

September 18- the Washington Post prints an article about the whistleblower complaint

September 25- the White House releases the memo of the conversation- 'secret' until Trump unclassified it-

Again I will point out- that the only reason we know that Trump made a secret request to Zelinsky to investigate his political rival was because of the whistleblower.

Still waiting for you to give us your opinion about why Trump never made a formal request to Ukraine to investigate the Biden's- why he never made any request in writing- despite Ukraine asking for a formal request before proceeding.

Why do you think Trump didn't want a formal request from his office made to Ukraine?

The word "investigate" never appeared in the transcript. What Trump asked was for Zelensky to look into it as a favor.

The whistleblower complaint was about the one call Trump released the transcript of. There was no secret call discussed at the inquiry.

Or it could have been released by the office of the President on September 25.
Rough Transcript Shows Trump Pressed Ukraine to ‘Look Into’ Joe Biden and Son

I don't know whether you are willfully ignorant or lying your ass off to protect your Dear Leader.

The Whistleblower Complaint Timeline

July 25- Trump has his call with Zelinsky where he lied to Zelinsky and claimed that Joe Biden was bragging about stopping the prosecution of Hunter Biden- and asked him to 'look into it'.

August 12- The whistleblower files his complaint alleging that President Trump asked Zelinsky to investigate the Bidens.

August 26- The Inspector General writes that he found the complaint urgent and credible and forwards to the Acting Director of National Intelligence.

September 9- the Inspector General notifies the House of the Whistleblower complaint.

September 11- the Administration releases the hold on funds.

September 18- the Washington Post prints an article about the whistleblower complaint

September 25- the White House releases the memo of the conversation- 'secret' until Trump unclassified it-

Again I will point out- that the only reason we know that Trump made a secret request to Zelinsky to investigate his political rival was because of the whistleblower.

Still waiting for you to give us your opinion about why Trump never made a formal request to Ukraine to investigate the Biden's- why he never made any request in writing- despite Ukraine asking for a formal request before proceeding.

Why do you think Trump didn't want a formal request from his office made to Ukraine?
Didn't need one. BIDEN is the Crook. Not our Just and Truthful President. Just remember this. In 2016 ,USA was on the verge of disaster. But God was watching. And Donald Trump was ordained to save the country from the Evil Gorgon Hitlery Clinton.

Impeached Trump's not a crook?? He paid millions to people he defrauded with Impeached Trump University. He had to pay fines for stealing from his own charities.
Our Great and Just President forgives you for this hubris. --Go Tell it on the mountain--Over the hills and far away---Go tell it on the Mountain ---That Donald Trump has WON!
I thought she got rich because Putin gave her $145 million?

The Clintons are worth about $5 million, which they earned with their book deals. The speaking fees and a large chunk of their income, is donated to the Clinton Foundation. The Clintons aren't "laundering" money through their Foundation, they're giving a large percentage of their income to the Foundation. This contrasts to Trump who hasn't donated ANY money to his Family Foundation since 2008, and has been forced to repay some $2 million that he raised illegally, and then failed to pass through to the veterans charities it was intended for.

The Charity is recognized worldwide as providing AIDS drugs to treat children and adults in Thirds World Countries. Unlike most family foundations, which act as pass throughs - raising funds and distributing them to the charities in need, the Clinton Foundations runs its own programs, and enjoys a 5 star rating worldwide for its low administration and fundraising costs, meaning that more of its funds go to the people it was given to help.

Much of Third World medical supply donations end up on the black market and is stolen and sold by militias to fund military efforts, or ends up in the pockets for corrupt foreign leaders. By running their own programs, the Clinton Foundation ensure that the drugs they're buying end up helping AIDS suffering in Third World countries.

It drives Trumpists crazy that the Clintons continue to do good throughout the world, while Donald Trump continues to get caught pulling illegal bullshit and graft.

And still not a single charge for any of the so-called crimes committed by the Clintons, even though Trump has been trying to "lock her up" for three years.

Funny isn't it how the Trumpskies never want to talk about how Trump robbed his own charity for his own personal benefit?

I don't remember Hillary ever using the Clinton Foundation to buy a portrait of herself to hang in their own home.
No. She bought a Private Jet. And bribed a big News outlet to give her brainless daughter a 600K No-Show Job.

LOL I am going to go for a big ask for any Trumpsky.

Prove either of those claims.

Ooops! The Clintons CHARTER Private Jets with Clinton Crime Foundation Money. Slight error. But their brainless daughter DID get a high paid No-Show job with NBC in 2014. Proven Fact.

By "brainless daughter," you mean on Oxford graduate with a masters degree.


They hatred you righties anchor yourselves with is hysterical. :lmao:
Or it could have been released by the office of the President on September 25.
Rough Transcript Shows Trump Pressed Ukraine to ‘Look Into’ Joe Biden and Son

I don't know whether you are willfully ignorant or lying your ass off to protect your Dear Leader.

The Whistleblower Complaint Timeline

July 25- Trump has his call with Zelinsky where he lied to Zelinsky and claimed that Joe Biden was bragging about stopping the prosecution of Hunter Biden- and asked him to 'look into it'.

August 12- The whistleblower files his complaint alleging that President Trump asked Zelinsky to investigate the Bidens.

August 26- The Inspector General writes that he found the complaint urgent and credible and forwards to the Acting Director of National Intelligence.

September 9- the Inspector General notifies the House of the Whistleblower complaint.

September 11- the Administration releases the hold on funds.

September 18- the Washington Post prints an article about the whistleblower complaint

September 25- the White House releases the memo of the conversation- 'secret' until Trump unclassified it-

Again I will point out- that the only reason we know that Trump made a secret request to Zelinsky to investigate his political rival was because of the whistleblower.

Still waiting for you to give us your opinion about why Trump never made a formal request to Ukraine to investigate the Biden's- why he never made any request in writing- despite Ukraine asking for a formal request before proceeding.

Why do you think Trump didn't want a formal request from his office made to Ukraine?

The word "investigate" never appeared in the transcript. What Trump asked was for Zelensky to look into it as a favor.

The whistleblower complaint was about the one call Trump released the transcript of. There was no secret call discussed at the inquiry.

Or it could have been released by the office of the President on September 25.
Rough Transcript Shows Trump Pressed Ukraine to ‘Look Into’ Joe Biden and Son

I don't know whether you are willfully ignorant or lying your ass off to protect your Dear Leader.

The Whistleblower Complaint Timeline

July 25- Trump has his call with Zelinsky where he lied to Zelinsky and claimed that Joe Biden was bragging about stopping the prosecution of Hunter Biden- and asked him to 'look into it'.

August 12- The whistleblower files his complaint alleging that President Trump asked Zelinsky to investigate the Bidens.

August 26- The Inspector General writes that he found the complaint urgent and credible and forwards to the Acting Director of National Intelligence.

September 9- the Inspector General notifies the House of the Whistleblower complaint.

September 11- the Administration releases the hold on funds.

September 18- the Washington Post prints an article about the whistleblower complaint

September 25- the White House releases the memo of the conversation- 'secret' until Trump unclassified it-

Again I will point out- that the only reason we know that Trump made a secret request to Zelinsky to investigate his political rival was because of the whistleblower.

Still waiting for you to give us your opinion about why Trump never made a formal request to Ukraine to investigate the Biden's- why he never made any request in writing- despite Ukraine asking for a formal request before proceeding.

Why do you think Trump didn't want a formal request from his office made to Ukraine?
Didn't need one. BIDEN is the Crook. Not our Just and Truthful President. Just remember this. In 2016 ,USA was on the verge of disaster. But God was watching. And Donald Trump was ordained to save the country from the Evil Gorgon Hitlery Clinton.

Impeached Trump's not a crook?? He paid millions to people he defrauded with Impeached Trump University. He had to pay fines for stealing from his own charities.
Our Great and Just President forgives you for this hubris. --Go Tell it on the mountain--Over the hills and far away---Go tell it on the Mountain ---That Donald Trump has WON!

That's not going to put the $25 million Impeached Trump had to pay out to those he defrauded with Impeached Trump University. Nor is it going to return the $2 million he was fined for stealing from his own charities.
The Clintons are worth about $5 million, which they earned with their book deals. The speaking fees and a large chunk of their income, is donated to the Clinton Foundation. The Clintons aren't "laundering" money through their Foundation, they're giving a large percentage of their income to the Foundation. This contrasts to Trump who hasn't donated ANY money to his Family Foundation since 2008, and has been forced to repay some $2 million that he raised illegally, and then failed to pass through to the veterans charities it was intended for.

The Charity is recognized worldwide as providing AIDS drugs to treat children and adults in Thirds World Countries. Unlike most family foundations, which act as pass throughs - raising funds and distributing them to the charities in need, the Clinton Foundations runs its own programs, and enjoys a 5 star rating worldwide for its low administration and fundraising costs, meaning that more of its funds go to the people it was given to help.

Much of Third World medical supply donations end up on the black market and is stolen and sold by militias to fund military efforts, or ends up in the pockets for corrupt foreign leaders. By running their own programs, the Clinton Foundation ensure that the drugs they're buying end up helping AIDS suffering in Third World countries.

It drives Trumpists crazy that the Clintons continue to do good throughout the world, while Donald Trump continues to get caught pulling illegal bullshit and graft.

And still not a single charge for any of the so-called crimes committed by the Clintons, even though Trump has been trying to "lock her up" for three years.

Funny isn't it how the Trumpskies never want to talk about how Trump robbed his own charity for his own personal benefit?

I don't remember Hillary ever using the Clinton Foundation to buy a portrait of herself to hang in their own home.
No. She bought a Private Jet. And bribed a big News outlet to give her brainless daughter a 600K No-Show Job.

LOL I am going to go for a big ask for any Trumpsky.

Prove either of those claims.

Ooops! The Clintons CHARTER Private Jets with Clinton Crime Foundation Money. Slight error. But their brainless daughter DID get a high paid No-Show job with NBC in 2014. Proven Fact.

By "brainless daughter," you mean on Oxford graduate with a masters degree.


They hatred you righties anchor yourselves with is hysterical. :lmao:
In what? "Divirsity Studies" ? Degrees can be bought and paid for nowadays. This is one of those cases.
Funny how Dems always get rich AFTER getting elected.
It’s not that funny. Former politicians often get lucrative book deals and command high speaking fees.
Hillary got rich by Grafting foreign countries and money laundering through her fake charity. Mad Maxine got rich stealing Gov't funds.
I thought she got rich because Putin gave her $145 million?

The Clintons are worth about $5 million, which they earned with their book deals. The speaking fees and a large chunk of their income, is donated to the Clinton Foundation. The Clintons aren't "laundering" money through their Foundation, they're giving a large percentage of their income to the Foundation. This contrasts to Trump who hasn't donated ANY money to his Family Foundation since 2008, and has been forced to repay some $2 million that he raised illegally, and then failed to pass through to the veterans charities it was intended for.

The Charity is recognized worldwide as providing AIDS drugs to treat children and adults in Thirds World Countries. Unlike most family foundations, which act as pass throughs - raising funds and distributing them to the charities in need, the Clinton Foundations runs its own programs, and enjoys a 5 star rating worldwide for its low administration and fundraising costs, meaning that more of its funds go to the people it was given to help.

Much of Third World medical supply donations end up on the black market and is stolen and sold by militias to fund military efforts, or ends up in the pockets for corrupt foreign leaders. By running their own programs, the Clinton Foundation ensure that the drugs they're buying end up helping AIDS suffering in Third World countries.

It drives Trumpists crazy that the Clintons continue to do good throughout the world, while Donald Trump continues to get caught pulling illegal bullshit and graft.

And still not a single charge for any of the so-called crimes committed by the Clintons, even though Trump has been trying to "lock her up" for three years.

Funny isn't it how the Trumpskies never want to talk about how Trump robbed his own charity for his own personal benefit?

I don't remember Hillary ever using the Clinton Foundation to buy a portrait of herself to hang in their own home.

Ask the people of Haiti about your beloved Clinton Slush Fund....errr Foundation..... Checkmate.
The word "investigate" never appeared in the transcript. What Trump asked was for Zelensky to look into it as a favor.

The whistleblower complaint was about the one call Trump released the transcript of. There was no secret call discussed at the inquiry.

Or it could have been released by the office of the President on September 25.
Rough Transcript Shows Trump Pressed Ukraine to ‘Look Into’ Joe Biden and Son

I don't know whether you are willfully ignorant or lying your ass off to protect your Dear Leader.

The Whistleblower Complaint Timeline

July 25- Trump has his call with Zelinsky where he lied to Zelinsky and claimed that Joe Biden was bragging about stopping the prosecution of Hunter Biden- and asked him to 'look into it'.

August 12- The whistleblower files his complaint alleging that President Trump asked Zelinsky to investigate the Bidens.

August 26- The Inspector General writes that he found the complaint urgent and credible and forwards to the Acting Director of National Intelligence.

September 9- the Inspector General notifies the House of the Whistleblower complaint.

September 11- the Administration releases the hold on funds.

September 18- the Washington Post prints an article about the whistleblower complaint

September 25- the White House releases the memo of the conversation- 'secret' until Trump unclassified it-

Again I will point out- that the only reason we know that Trump made a secret request to Zelinsky to investigate his political rival was because of the whistleblower.

Still waiting for you to give us your opinion about why Trump never made a formal request to Ukraine to investigate the Biden's- why he never made any request in writing- despite Ukraine asking for a formal request before proceeding.

Why do you think Trump didn't want a formal request from his office made to Ukraine?
Didn't need one. BIDEN is the Crook. Not our Just and Truthful President. Just remember this. In 2016 ,USA was on the verge of disaster. But God was watching. And Donald Trump was ordained to save the country from the Evil Gorgon Hitlery Clinton.

Impeached Trump's not a crook?? He paid millions to people he defrauded with Impeached Trump University. He had to pay fines for stealing from his own charities.
Our Great and Just President forgives you for this hubris. --Go Tell it on the mountain--Over the hills and far away---Go tell it on the Mountain ---That Donald Trump has WON!

That's not going to put the $25 million Impeached Trump had to pay out to those he defrauded with Impeached Trump University. Nor is it going to return the $2 million he was fined for stealing from his own charities.

Fined by Eric Schneidermann. You know, the DEM then-AG of Nazi York who then got nailed for being involved in a sex slave ring, which likely involved underage girls. Funny how that same pervert outright REFUSED to even look at the Clintons. Now this little yellow coward likes to throw the words impeached around. Try EXONERATED Trump loser.
Funny isn't it how the Trumpskies never want to talk about how Trump robbed his own charity for his own personal benefit?

I don't remember Hillary ever using the Clinton Foundation to buy a portrait of herself to hang in their own home.
No. She bought a Private Jet. And bribed a big News outlet to give her brainless daughter a 600K No-Show Job.

LOL I am going to go for a big ask for any Trumpsky.

Prove either of those claims.

Ooops! The Clintons CHARTER Private Jets with Clinton Crime Foundation Money. Slight error. But their brainless daughter DID get a high paid No-Show job with NBC in 2014. Proven Fact.

By "brainless daughter," you mean on Oxford graduate with a masters degree.


They hatred you righties anchor yourselves with is hysterical. :lmao:
In what? "Divirsity Studies" ? Degrees can be bought and paid for nowadays. This is one of those cases.

Your hatred and envy is noted, laughed at, and summarily discarded.
Or it could have been released by the office of the President on September 25.
Rough Transcript Shows Trump Pressed Ukraine to ‘Look Into’ Joe Biden and Son

I don't know whether you are willfully ignorant or lying your ass off to protect your Dear Leader.

The Whistleblower Complaint Timeline

July 25- Trump has his call with Zelinsky where he lied to Zelinsky and claimed that Joe Biden was bragging about stopping the prosecution of Hunter Biden- and asked him to 'look into it'.

August 12- The whistleblower files his complaint alleging that President Trump asked Zelinsky to investigate the Bidens.

August 26- The Inspector General writes that he found the complaint urgent and credible and forwards to the Acting Director of National Intelligence.

September 9- the Inspector General notifies the House of the Whistleblower complaint.

September 11- the Administration releases the hold on funds.

September 18- the Washington Post prints an article about the whistleblower complaint

September 25- the White House releases the memo of the conversation- 'secret' until Trump unclassified it-

Again I will point out- that the only reason we know that Trump made a secret request to Zelinsky to investigate his political rival was because of the whistleblower.

Still waiting for you to give us your opinion about why Trump never made a formal request to Ukraine to investigate the Biden's- why he never made any request in writing- despite Ukraine asking for a formal request before proceeding.

Why do you think Trump didn't want a formal request from his office made to Ukraine?
Didn't need one. BIDEN is the Crook. Not our Just and Truthful President. Just remember this. In 2016 ,USA was on the verge of disaster. But God was watching. And Donald Trump was ordained to save the country from the Evil Gorgon Hitlery Clinton.

Impeached Trump's not a crook?? He paid millions to people he defrauded with Impeached Trump University. He had to pay fines for stealing from his own charities.
Our Great and Just President forgives you for this hubris. --Go Tell it on the mountain--Over the hills and far away---Go tell it on the Mountain ---That Donald Trump has WON!

That's not going to put the $25 million Impeached Trump had to pay out to those he defrauded with Impeached Trump University. Nor is it going to return the $2 million he was fined for stealing from his own charities.

Fined by Eric Schneidermann. You know, the DEM then-AG of Nazi York who then got nailed for being involved in a sex slave ring, which likely involved underage girls. Funny how that same pervert outright REFUSED to even look at the Clintons. Now this little yellow coward likes to throw the words impeached around. Try EXONERATED Trump loser.
So Impeached Trump appealed it on those grounds then, right, Twinky?
Nothing proves anything to the members of the Trump cult- nothing but the words from Trump's tweets.

Somebody could have posted that on Google images. No source, no content, just what it says in the picture. The story broke in August. This says something about the end of September, so there is no way the so-called whistleblower could have known anything about it.

Or it could have been released by the office of the President on September 25.
Rough Transcript Shows Trump Pressed Ukraine to ‘Look Into’ Joe Biden and Son

I don't know whether you are willfully ignorant or lying your ass off to protect your Dear Leader.

The Whistleblower Complaint Timeline

July 25- Trump has his call with Zelinsky where he lied to Zelinsky and claimed that Joe Biden was bragging about stopping the prosecution of Hunter Biden- and asked him to 'look into it'.

August 12- The whistleblower files his complaint alleging that President Trump asked Zelinsky to investigate the Bidens.

August 26- The Inspector General writes that he found the complaint urgent and credible and forwards to the Acting Director of National Intelligence.

September 9- the Inspector General notifies the House of the Whistleblower complaint.

September 11- the Administration releases the hold on funds.

September 18- the Washington Post prints an article about the whistleblower complaint

September 25- the White House releases the memo of the conversation- 'secret' until Trump unclassified it-

Again I will point out- that the only reason we know that Trump made a secret request to Zelinsky to investigate his political rival was because of the whistleblower.

Still waiting for you to give us your opinion about why Trump never made a formal request to Ukraine to investigate the Biden's- why he never made any request in writing- despite Ukraine asking for a formal request before proceeding.

Why do you think Trump didn't want a formal request from his office made to Ukraine?

The word "investigate" never appeared in the transcript. What Trump asked was for Zelensky to look into it as a favor.

The whistleblower complaint was about the one call Trump released the transcript of. There was no secret call discussed at the inquiry.

Or it could have been released by the office of the President on September 25.
Rough Transcript Shows Trump Pressed Ukraine to ‘Look Into’ Joe Biden and Son

I don't know whether you are willfully ignorant or lying your ass off to protect your Dear Leader.

The Whistleblower Complaint Timeline

July 25- Trump has his call with Zelinsky where he lied to Zelinsky and claimed that Joe Biden was bragging about stopping the prosecution of Hunter Biden- and asked him to 'look into it'.

August 12- The whistleblower files his complaint alleging that President Trump asked Zelinsky to investigate the Bidens.

August 26- The Inspector General writes that he found the complaint urgent and credible and forwards to the Acting Director of National Intelligence.

September 9- the Inspector General notifies the House of the Whistleblower complaint.

September 11- the Administration releases the hold on funds.

September 18- the Washington Post prints an article about the whistleblower complaint

September 25- the White House releases the memo of the conversation- 'secret' until Trump unclassified it-

Again I will point out- that the only reason we know that Trump made a secret request to Zelinsky to investigate his political rival was because of the whistleblower.

Still waiting for you to give us your opinion about why Trump never made a formal request to Ukraine to investigate the Biden's- why he never made any request in writing- despite Ukraine asking for a formal request before proceeding.

Why do you think Trump didn't want a formal request from his office made to Ukraine?
Didn't need one. BIDEN is the Crook. Not our Just and Truthful President. Just remember this. In 2016 ,USA was on the verge of disaster. But God was watching. And Donald Trump was ordained to save the country from the Evil Gorgon Hitlery Clinton.
Wow you really have drunk the koolaid.

I know that you members of Trump's cult don't understand truth or facts but let me review
a) There is no evidence that Biden broke any laws- but of course you have already convicted him because your Dear Leader told you so.
b) "Just and truthful"- your Dear Leader is the most dishonest President in American history- he is constantly lying to all Americans.
c) In 2016, the United States had emerged from the Bush recession and the stock market had rebounded, unemployment was falling and the economy was doing well. That is what you call the 'verge of disaster'
d) So why wasn't God watching when Obama was President? Your God seems particularly fickle- he seems to be responsible for who our President is only when you like that President.

You Trumpian cultists are scary.
It’s not that funny. Former politicians often get lucrative book deals and command high speaking fees.
Hillary got rich by Grafting foreign countries and money laundering through her fake charity. Mad Maxine got rich stealing Gov't funds.
I thought she got rich because Putin gave her $145 million?

The Clintons are worth about $5 million, which they earned with their book deals. The speaking fees and a large chunk of their income, is donated to the Clinton Foundation. The Clintons aren't "laundering" money through their Foundation, they're giving a large percentage of their income to the Foundation. This contrasts to Trump who hasn't donated ANY money to his Family Foundation since 2008, and has been forced to repay some $2 million that he raised illegally, and then failed to pass through to the veterans charities it was intended for.

The Charity is recognized worldwide as providing AIDS drugs to treat children and adults in Thirds World Countries. Unlike most family foundations, which act as pass throughs - raising funds and distributing them to the charities in need, the Clinton Foundations runs its own programs, and enjoys a 5 star rating worldwide for its low administration and fundraising costs, meaning that more of its funds go to the people it was given to help.

Much of Third World medical supply donations end up on the black market and is stolen and sold by militias to fund military efforts, or ends up in the pockets for corrupt foreign leaders. By running their own programs, the Clinton Foundation ensure that the drugs they're buying end up helping AIDS suffering in Third World countries.

It drives Trumpists crazy that the Clintons continue to do good throughout the world, while Donald Trump continues to get caught pulling illegal bullshit and graft.

And still not a single charge for any of the so-called crimes committed by the Clintons, even though Trump has been trying to "lock her up" for three years.

Funny isn't it how the Trumpskies never want to talk about how Trump robbed his own charity for his own personal benefit?

I don't remember Hillary ever using the Clinton Foundation to buy a portrait of herself to hang in their own home.

Ask the people of Haiti about your beloved Clinton Slush Fund....errr Foundation..... Checkmate.

The Clintons Didn’t Screw Up Haiti Alone. You Helped.

Why don't you ask them?

The Clinton Foundation raised $30,000,000 for Haiti- and it may have been poorly spent- but that was $30,000,000 more than the Trump Foundation ever spent on Haiti.

The Trump Foundation was focusing on paying Trump's legal bills.
I thought she got rich because Putin gave her $145 million?

The Clintons are worth about $5 million, which they earned with their book deals. The speaking fees and a large chunk of their income, is donated to the Clinton Foundation. The Clintons aren't "laundering" money through their Foundation, they're giving a large percentage of their income to the Foundation. This contrasts to Trump who hasn't donated ANY money to his Family Foundation since 2008, and has been forced to repay some $2 million that he raised illegally, and then failed to pass through to the veterans charities it was intended for.

The Charity is recognized worldwide as providing AIDS drugs to treat children and adults in Thirds World Countries. Unlike most family foundations, which act as pass throughs - raising funds and distributing them to the charities in need, the Clinton Foundations runs its own programs, and enjoys a 5 star rating worldwide for its low administration and fundraising costs, meaning that more of its funds go to the people it was given to help.

Much of Third World medical supply donations end up on the black market and is stolen and sold by militias to fund military efforts, or ends up in the pockets for corrupt foreign leaders. By running their own programs, the Clinton Foundation ensure that the drugs they're buying end up helping AIDS suffering in Third World countries.

It drives Trumpists crazy that the Clintons continue to do good throughout the world, while Donald Trump continues to get caught pulling illegal bullshit and graft.

And still not a single charge for any of the so-called crimes committed by the Clintons, even though Trump has been trying to "lock her up" for three years.

Funny isn't it how the Trumpskies never want to talk about how Trump robbed his own charity for his own personal benefit?

I don't remember Hillary ever using the Clinton Foundation to buy a portrait of herself to hang in their own home.
No. She bought a Private Jet. And bribed a big News outlet to give her brainless daughter a 600K No-Show Job.

LOL I am going to go for a big ask for any Trumpsky.

Prove either of those claims.

Ooops! The Clintons CHARTER Private Jets with Clinton Crime Foundation Money. Slight error. But their brainless daughter DID get a high paid No-Show job with NBC in 2014. Proven Fact.

Lets review your 'claims/lies'
No. She bought a Private Jet-
You admitted you were wrong about the purchase of the jet. Now prove that the Foundation charter private jets for the Clintons.
Your second claim
And bribed a big News outlet to give her brainless daughter a 600K No-Show Job
Prove that the news outlet was bribed.

As far as 'brainless daughter'- well we are used to Republicans savaging Chelsea for her looks- so you are just imitating your idols- hell your Dear Leader just gave the Presidential Medal of Freedom to Rush Limbaugh who famously insulted her.

On Nov. 6, 1992, just days after Bill Clinton was elected president, Limbaugh, then 41, called Clinton’s 12-year-old daughter Chelsea “the White House dog.” (Some source say Chelsea was 13 at the time of Limbaugh’s insult but she was born on Feb. 27, 1980.) In 1988, eight years after the Carter administration, Limbaugh called Pres. Carter’s daughter Amy, then age 21, “the most unattractive presidential daughter in the history of the country.” Later he quipped that when he made that sweeping statement, he’d forgotten about Pres. Harry Truman’s daughter Margaret.
It was words.. it’s was on tv lol helloooo

This will shock you, but TV also includes pictures and that makes is possible to provide evidence. Lacking any evidence nothing Rudy says should be taken as anything more than a lie.

Are you saying because trump ran for president The Trump family successful business enterprise Hass to stop? Are you lot proud that we have a successful American family in the oval office and they should be punished?? W.T.F. is wrong with you?

I do not think the Trump family has anything to do with Hass avocados...but you seem to think that Biden family should have stopped their business enterprises, why should they stop and not the Trump family?

the bidens didnt have a business enterprise,,,they had a money laundering operation of not just our tax payer money but that of other countries,,,
It sure does appear that away. There shouldn't be even an appearance of corruption but these politicians have gotten so out of control the whole system appears totally corrupt. If a person wants to be a thuggy rich type they need to stay out of public office. If we are unwilling to hold then all to a higher standard then we get whatever comes down the pike. This country and its people are paying a way too high of price for these corrupt political leaders and corrupt bureaucrats. Corruption creates poverty for the people throughout. Those who have enriched themselves and their families through the political process need to be prosecuted and those who have compromised their positions need to go home.

There shouldn't even be an appearance of corruption?

You mean like when a politician who happens to be the President of the United States makes a secret call to a foreign country known for corruption to ask that country to investigate his political rival?

That sure appears corrupt to me.
No more like being a vice president bragging about how he extorted another country while that country's prosecutor was investigating the company his son was receiving payoffs from.

Presidents calls are classified unless they declassify them. President Trump did that to prove what was said while asshats like you were out there making up all sorts of utter crap. Don't expect anymore responses from me because you are not worth me wasting my time to respond to your ignorant crap.
Somebody could have posted that on Google images. No source, no content, just what it says in the picture. The story broke in August. This says something about the end of September, so there is no way the so-called whistleblower could have known anything about it.

Or it could have been released by the office of the President on September 25.
Rough Transcript Shows Trump Pressed Ukraine to ‘Look Into’ Joe Biden and Son

I don't know whether you are willfully ignorant or lying your ass off to protect your Dear Leader.

The Whistleblower Complaint Timeline

July 25- Trump has his call with Zelinsky where he lied to Zelinsky and claimed that Joe Biden was bragging about stopping the prosecution of Hunter Biden- and asked him to 'look into it'.

August 12- The whistleblower files his complaint alleging that President Trump asked Zelinsky to investigate the Bidens.

August 26- The Inspector General writes that he found the complaint urgent and credible and forwards to the Acting Director of National Intelligence.

September 9- the Inspector General notifies the House of the Whistleblower complaint.

September 11- the Administration releases the hold on funds.

September 18- the Washington Post prints an article about the whistleblower complaint

September 25- the White House releases the memo of the conversation- 'secret' until Trump unclassified it-

Again I will point out- that the only reason we know that Trump made a secret request to Zelinsky to investigate his political rival was because of the whistleblower.

Still waiting for you to give us your opinion about why Trump never made a formal request to Ukraine to investigate the Biden's- why he never made any request in writing- despite Ukraine asking for a formal request before proceeding.

Why do you think Trump didn't want a formal request from his office made to Ukraine?

The word "investigate" never appeared in the transcript. What Trump asked was for Zelensky to look into it as a favor.

The whistleblower complaint was about the one call Trump released the transcript of. There was no secret call discussed at the inquiry.

Or it could have been released by the office of the President on September 25.
Rough Transcript Shows Trump Pressed Ukraine to ‘Look Into’ Joe Biden and Son

I don't know whether you are willfully ignorant or lying your ass off to protect your Dear Leader.

The Whistleblower Complaint Timeline

July 25- Trump has his call with Zelinsky where he lied to Zelinsky and claimed that Joe Biden was bragging about stopping the prosecution of Hunter Biden- and asked him to 'look into it'.

August 12- The whistleblower files his complaint alleging that President Trump asked Zelinsky to investigate the Bidens.

August 26- The Inspector General writes that he found the complaint urgent and credible and forwards to the Acting Director of National Intelligence.

September 9- the Inspector General notifies the House of the Whistleblower complaint.

September 11- the Administration releases the hold on funds.

September 18- the Washington Post prints an article about the whistleblower complaint

September 25- the White House releases the memo of the conversation- 'secret' until Trump unclassified it-

Again I will point out- that the only reason we know that Trump made a secret request to Zelinsky to investigate his political rival was because of the whistleblower.

Still waiting for you to give us your opinion about why Trump never made a formal request to Ukraine to investigate the Biden's- why he never made any request in writing- despite Ukraine asking for a formal request before proceeding.

Why do you think Trump didn't want a formal request from his office made to Ukraine?
Didn't need one. BIDEN is the Crook. Not our Just and Truthful President. Just remember this. In 2016 ,USA was on the verge of disaster. But God was watching. And Donald Trump was ordained to save the country from the Evil Gorgon Hitlery Clinton.
Wow you really have drunk the koolaid.

I know that you members of Trump's cult don't understand truth or facts but let me review
a) There is no evidence that Biden broke any laws- but of course you have already convicted him because your Dear Leader told you so.
b) "Just and truthful"- your Dear Leader is the most dishonest President in American history- he is constantly lying to all Americans.
c) In 2016, the United States had emerged from the Bush recession and the stock market had rebounded, unemployment was falling and the economy was doing well. That is what you call the 'verge of disaster'
d) So why wasn't God watching when Obama was President? Your God seems particularly fickle- he seems to be responsible for who our President is only when you like that President.

You Trumpian cultists are scary.
No Evidence? Sorry. The Evidence is ole' Joe SAYING so. It is on VIDEO.
The Clintons are worth about $5 million, which they earned with their book deals. The speaking fees and a large chunk of their income, is donated to the Clinton Foundation. The Clintons aren't "laundering" money through their Foundation, they're giving a large percentage of their income to the Foundation. This contrasts to Trump who hasn't donated ANY money to his Family Foundation since 2008, and has been forced to repay some $2 million that he raised illegally, and then failed to pass through to the veterans charities it was intended for.

The Charity is recognized worldwide as providing AIDS drugs to treat children and adults in Thirds World Countries. Unlike most family foundations, which act as pass throughs - raising funds and distributing them to the charities in need, the Clinton Foundations runs its own programs, and enjoys a 5 star rating worldwide for its low administration and fundraising costs, meaning that more of its funds go to the people it was given to help.

Much of Third World medical supply donations end up on the black market and is stolen and sold by militias to fund military efforts, or ends up in the pockets for corrupt foreign leaders. By running their own programs, the Clinton Foundation ensure that the drugs they're buying end up helping AIDS suffering in Third World countries.

It drives Trumpists crazy that the Clintons continue to do good throughout the world, while Donald Trump continues to get caught pulling illegal bullshit and graft.

And still not a single charge for any of the so-called crimes committed by the Clintons, even though Trump has been trying to "lock her up" for three years.

Funny isn't it how the Trumpskies never want to talk about how Trump robbed his own charity for his own personal benefit?

I don't remember Hillary ever using the Clinton Foundation to buy a portrait of herself to hang in their own home.
No. She bought a Private Jet. And bribed a big News outlet to give her brainless daughter a 600K No-Show Job.

LOL I am going to go for a big ask for any Trumpsky.

Prove either of those claims.

Ooops! The Clintons CHARTER Private Jets with Clinton Crime Foundation Money. Slight error. But their brainless daughter DID get a high paid No-Show job with NBC in 2014. Proven Fact.

Lets review your 'claims/lies'
No. She bought a Private Jet-
You admitted you were wrong about the purchase of the jet. Now prove that the Foundation charter private jets for the Clintons.

Your second claim
And bribed a big News outlet to give her brainless daughter a 600K No-Show Job
Prove that the news outlet was bribed.

As far as 'brainless daughter'- well we are used to Republicans savaging Chelsea for her looks- so you are just imitating your idols- hell your Dear Leader just gave the Presidential Medal of Freedom to Rush Limbaugh who famously insulted her.

On Nov. 6, 1992, just days after Bill Clinton was elected president, Limbaugh, then 41, called Clinton’s 12-year-old daughter Chelsea “the White House dog.” (Some source say Chelsea was 13 at the time of Limbaugh’s insult but she was born on Feb. 27, 1980.) In 1988, eight years after the Carter administration, Limbaugh called Pres. Carter’s daughter Amy, then age 21, “the most unattractive presidential daughter in the history of the country.” Later he quipped that when he made that sweeping statement, he’d forgotten about Pres. Harry Truman’s daughter Margaret.
If Rush says it , then it is written in Stone. So let it be written. So let it be done. Did she have a 600K No-Show job? Proven fact. And her Degree is Phony. International Relations? Yeah. Right.

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