Rudy to Begin Revealing Top Level Democrats Making Millions of Dollars Selling Their Public Office

And only if you can prove that Joe got Shokin fired to save his son should he have to resign. I am using the exact same parameters for both Trump and Biden.

Look- I can repeat to you again why Biden got Shokin fired- its in the record- Biden was acting as part of official U.S. foreign policy, as part of a campaign that had been going on for months with the support of GOP senators, the IMF, the EU and Ukrainian activists- but you know all of that.

And I can point out that there is no evidence that Trump made the secret call to Zelinsky, and had his personal attorney secretly pressuring Ukraine to make a public announcement of an investigation of his political rival for any reasons other than to help his re-election campaign. But you know all of that.

But I will point out that Trump never made a formal request to Ukraine to investigate Burisma and the Bidens- despite Ukraine asking him to do so. And that there is no evidence that Trump asked the FBI to investigate the supposed corruption

Why do you think that Trump went to such lengths to have secret requests with no paper trail to Ukraine to investigate the Biden's- but has never actually formally asked Ukraine or the FBI to investigate the Bidens?

Why do you think that the Biden's are literally the only people in the world that Trump has asked Ukraine to investigate- even when Paul Manafort was convicted in part for his shady Ukrainian dealings?

What we have is an interview with the person that got fired, who stated he was only fired because he was looking into Burisma and Hunter for money laundering. So you are not using the same parameters. That didn't happen with Trump. In fact, just the opposite happened. When asked, Zelensky said he felt zero pressure from Trump during that call. It's been reported that Zelensky had no idea the aid was held up until a month after the call.

LOL- you just won't accept apples to apples will you?

You posited if we found out that "Joe did get Shokin fired to save his son" he should drop out of the race. I posited the exact same thing with Trump- that if we found out that Trump did call Ukraine in order to influence his election, he should resign.

I had no problem with stating that if it is proven that Joe acted to benefit his son he should drop out.

Why do you have such a hard time stating that if it is proven that Donald acted for his own personal political benefit that he should resign?

Is it that you just can't even allow yourself that tiny bit of doubt about your Dear Leader?
Little bump for Ray

LOL- you just won't accept apples to apples will you?

You posited if we found out that "Joe did get Shokin fired to save his son" he should drop out of the race. I posited the exact same thing with Trump- that if we found out that Trump did call Ukraine in order to influence his election, he should resign.

I had no problem with stating that if it is proven that Joe acted to benefit his son he should drop out.

Why do you have such a hard time stating that if it is proven that Donald acted for his own personal political benefit that he should resign?

Is it that you just can't even allow yourself that tiny bit of doubt about your Dear Leader?

I wonder why Ray just can't bring himself to respond to this?

He had no problem with saying that Biden should drop out of the race if it is proven that he acted corruptly for his son's benefit.

But he just can't bring himself to say that Trump should resign if it is proven that he acted corruptly to influence our election.

Yeah- pretty cult-like.

You prove to me that Biden committed a crime- or that Biden took his actions with the specific intent of benefiting his family rather than for the benefit of the U.S.- and I will be glad to call for his resignation and prosecution.

That the Trumpskies are just unable to bring themselves to say the same thing about Trump just shows the cult like nature of the new Trump Party.

I'm not about to get in a pissing contest with you. I hate when I see posters go back and forth saying the same shit over and over. So for the last time: Biden was not Trump's rival when he placed the call. He isn't Trump's rival now. He won't be Trump's rival until Biden wins the nomination, which is looking pretty unstable since he didn't do good in Iowa, and is just about out of money. Biden was not (and is still not) President Trump's contender for the White House.

You just can't bring yourself to answer the very same question about Trump that you challenged me on about Biden.

See I have the moral conviction that I would absolutely demand Biden leave the race- or if elected- resign- if it was proven that he corruptly used his office for the benefit of his family.

But you- you just can't bring yourself to say the same thing about Trump.

Like I said- pretty cult like.

Just like you pretending that the secret phone call was not a secret phone call even though it was literally officially labelled secret.
What secret? Trump was fully aware of everybody that listens to calls between the White House and leaders of other countries.

I will repeat again- it was a secret call:
a) It literally was labeled 'Secret" and stored away in a secure intellegence data vault.
b) The number of people on the call was far more limited than usual for those calls
c) Americans still would not know about Trump's secret call to ask Ukraine to investigate his political rival if it was not for the brave whistleblower, who knew he/she was going to face retribution from the always vindictive Trump for revealing his secret scheme.

If there was some kind of secret call, HTF do you know about it? Why didn't this secret call make it to Vindman so he could testify to it? Why didn't the Democrats even think about trying to subpoena this secret call?

The impeachment was not about some secret call, it was the call that Trump issued a transcript for.


I literally explained why and how you and I know about it and you just ignored it completely.-

The Trump's administration literally labeled it as 'secret' and literally stored it in a secure vault.
Americans still would not know about Trump's secret call to ask Ukraine to investigate his political rival if it was not for the brave whistleblower, who knew he/she was going to face retribution from the always vindictive Trump for revealing his secret schemek.

Trump didn't release the summary of the call until after he knew that Congress was going to get the whistleblower report.

The only reason we know about Trump's secret scheme is because of the whistleblower.

The whistleblower filed a complaint about the call Trump made that was recorded. There is no secret call.

Sigh you really are a true Trumpsky. Clearly you are a big believer in 'alternative facts'
All presidential phone calls with foreign leaders are classified, you brain dead TDS moron.
I will repeat again- it was a secret call:
a) It literally was labeled 'Secret" and stored away in a secure intellegence data vault.
b) The number of people on the call was far more limited than usual for those calls
c) Americans still would not know about Trump's secret call to ask Ukraine to investigate his political rival if it was not for the brave whistleblower, who knew he/she was going to face retribution from the always vindictive Trump for revealing his secret scheme.

If there was some kind of secret call, HTF do you know about it? Why didn't this secret call make it to Vindman so he could testify to it? Why didn't the Democrats even think about trying to subpoena this secret call?

The impeachment was not about some secret call, it was the call that Trump issued a transcript for.


I literally explained why and how you and I know about it and you just ignored it completely.-

The Trump's administration literally labeled it as 'secret' and literally stored it in a secure vault.
Americans still would not know about Trump's secret call to ask Ukraine to investigate his political rival if it was not for the brave whistleblower, who knew he/she was going to face retribution from the always vindictive Trump for revealing his secret schemek.

Trump didn't release the summary of the call until after he knew that Congress was going to get the whistleblower report.

The only reason we know about Trump's secret scheme is because of the whistleblower.

The whistleblower filed a complaint about the call Trump made that was recorded. There is no secret call.

Sigh you really are a true Trumpsky. Clearly you are a big believer in 'alternative facts'

Is this supposed to prove something?

Nothing proves anything to the members of the Trump cult- nothing but the words from Trump's tweets.
If there was some kind of secret call, HTF do you know about it? Why didn't this secret call make it to Vindman so he could testify to it? Why didn't the Democrats even think about trying to subpoena this secret call?

The impeachment was not about some secret call, it was the call that Trump issued a transcript for.


I literally explained why and how you and I know about it and you just ignored it completely.-

The Trump's administration literally labeled it as 'secret' and literally stored it in a secure vault.
Americans still would not know about Trump's secret call to ask Ukraine to investigate his political rival if it was not for the brave whistleblower, who knew he/she was going to face retribution from the always vindictive Trump for revealing his secret schemek.

Trump didn't release the summary of the call until after he knew that Congress was going to get the whistleblower report.

The only reason we know about Trump's secret scheme is because of the whistleblower.

The whistleblower filed a complaint about the call Trump made that was recorded. There is no secret call.

Sigh you really are a true Trumpsky. Clearly you are a big believer in 'alternative facts'

Is this supposed to prove something?

Nothing proves anything to the members of the Trump cult- nothing but the words from Trump's tweets.
Certainly nothing you post in here proves anything aside from the fact that you're a sniveling idiot.
If there was some kind of secret call, HTF do you know about it? Why didn't this secret call make it to Vindman so he could testify to it? Why didn't the Democrats even think about trying to subpoena this secret call?

The impeachment was not about some secret call, it was the call that Trump issued a transcript for.


I literally explained why and how you and I know about it and you just ignored it completely.-

The Trump's administration literally labeled it as 'secret' and literally stored it in a secure vault.
Americans still would not know about Trump's secret call to ask Ukraine to investigate his political rival if it was not for the brave whistleblower, who knew he/she was going to face retribution from the always vindictive Trump for revealing his secret schemek.

Trump didn't release the summary of the call until after he knew that Congress was going to get the whistleblower report.

The only reason we know about Trump's secret scheme is because of the whistleblower.

The whistleblower filed a complaint about the call Trump made that was recorded. There is no secret call.

Sigh you really are a true Trumpsky. Clearly you are a big believer in 'alternative facts'

Is this supposed to prove something?

Nothing proves anything to the members of the Trump cult- nothing but the words from Trump's tweets.

Somebody could have posted that on Google images. No source, no content, just what it says in the picture. The story broke in August. This says something about the end of September, so there is no way the so-called whistleblower could have known anything about it.
What we have is an interview with the person that got fired, who stated he was only fired because he was looking into Burisma and Hunter for money laundering. So you are not using the same parameters. That didn't happen with Trump. In fact, just the opposite happened. When asked, Zelensky said he felt zero pressure from Trump during that call. It's been reported that Zelensky had no idea the aid was held up until a month after the call.

LOL- you just won't accept apples to apples will you?

You posited if we found out that "Joe did get Shokin fired to save his son" he should drop out of the race. I posited the exact same thing with Trump- that if we found out that Trump did call Ukraine in order to influence his election, he should resign.

I had no problem with stating that if it is proven that Joe acted to benefit his son he should drop out.

Why do you have such a hard time stating that if it is proven that Donald acted for his own personal political benefit that he should resign?

Is it that you just can't even allow yourself that tiny bit of doubt about your Dear Leader?
Little bump for Ray

LOL- you just won't accept apples to apples will you?

You posited if we found out that "Joe did get Shokin fired to save his son" he should drop out of the race. I posited the exact same thing with Trump- that if we found out that Trump did call Ukraine in order to influence his election, he should resign.

I had no problem with stating that if it is proven that Joe acted to benefit his son he should drop out.

Why do you have such a hard time stating that if it is proven that Donald acted for his own personal political benefit that he should resign?

Is it that you just can't even allow yourself that tiny bit of doubt about your Dear Leader?

I wonder why Ray just can't bring himself to respond to this?

He had no problem with saying that Biden should drop out of the race if it is proven that he acted corruptly for his son's benefit.

But he just can't bring himself to say that Trump should resign if it is proven that he acted corruptly to influence our election.

Yeah- pretty cult-like.

You prove to me that Biden committed a crime- or that Biden took his actions with the specific intent of benefiting his family rather than for the benefit of the U.S.- and I will be glad to call for his resignation and prosecution.

That the Trumpskies are just unable to bring themselves to say the same thing about Trump just shows the cult like nature of the new Trump Party.

I'm not about to get in a pissing contest with you. I hate when I see posters go back and forth saying the same shit over and over. So for the last time: Biden was not Trump's rival when he placed the call. He isn't Trump's rival now. He won't be Trump's rival until Biden wins the nomination, which is looking pretty unstable since he didn't do good in Iowa, and is just about out of money. Biden was not (and is still not) President Trump's contender for the White House.

You just can't bring yourself to answer the very same question about Trump that you challenged me on about Biden.

See I have the moral conviction that I would absolutely demand Biden leave the race- or if elected- resign- if it was proven that he corruptly used his office for the benefit of his family.

But you- you just can't bring yourself to say the same thing about Trump.

Like I said- pretty cult like.

Just like you pretending that the secret phone call was not a secret phone call even though it was literally officially labelled secret.

I can't explain it any better than what I did. First of all, why would Trump consider Biden an opponent when they were nearly a year away from the nomination? How could anybody prove that even if he did?

I literally explained why and how you and I know about it and you just ignored it completely.-

The Trump's administration literally labeled it as 'secret' and literally stored it in a secure vault.
Americans still would not know about Trump's secret call to ask Ukraine to investigate his political rival if it was not for the brave whistleblower, who knew he/she was going to face retribution from the always vindictive Trump for revealing his secret schemek.

Trump didn't release the summary of the call until after he knew that Congress was going to get the whistleblower report.

The only reason we know about Trump's secret scheme is because of the whistleblower.

The whistleblower filed a complaint about the call Trump made that was recorded. There is no secret call.

Sigh you really are a true Trumpsky. Clearly you are a big believer in 'alternative facts'

Is this supposed to prove something?

Nothing proves anything to the members of the Trump cult- nothing but the words from Trump's tweets.

Somebody could have posted that on Google images. No source, no content, just what it says in the picture. The story broke in August. This says something about the end of September, so there is no way the so-called whistleblower could have known anything about it.
I think it's a genuine pic, but so what? All the phone calls a president makes to foreign leaders are classified. There's nothing unique about that document.
The whistleblower filed a complaint about the call Trump made that was recorded. There is no secret call.

Sigh you really are a true Trumpsky. Clearly you are a big believer in 'alternative facts'

Is this supposed to prove something?

Nothing proves anything to the members of the Trump cult- nothing but the words from Trump's tweets.

Somebody could have posted that on Google images. No source, no content, just what it says in the picture. The story broke in August. This says something about the end of September, so there is no way the so-called whistleblower could have known anything about it.
I think it's a genuine pic, but so what? All the phone calls a president makes to foreign leaders are classified. There's nothing unique about that document.

President Trump could have made five calls to Zelensky after the story broke. So what? I mean, if they were stomping their feet for the call they got a transcript of, why would Trump go out and do what they claimed he did with the previous call? Trump is a much brighter guy than that.

If there was any truth to this, the Democrat led House could have demanded that Zelensky turn over his transcript of the call. The US is not the only country that records the calls of their President. And if Zelensky refused, then the House could have told him no more aid of any kind unless he does.

I rate this

Fake News.jpeg
Well when is this going to happen so I can quit coming back to check? I think Rudy has not one thing but wants to stay out in front to satisfy his fragile ego. Or he could just be out shopping for a new dress.
Or he has the goods on the traitors who started this Coup.

Well, where are they?
Comey--Clapper --Brennan--Yates--Mills--Loretta LynchMob.--Samantha Power.

Where's your proof? Do you know what proof is? BTW who cares if your new here it's the lay of the land.
So the "Lay of the land" is to be rude ,crude ,foulmouth ,and personal? BTW--I give OPINIONS here. The PROOF will come out when Durham reports.

Sadly yes, just stick around a while.
You mean like when a politician who happens to be the President of the United States makes a secret call to a foreign country known for corruption to ask that country to investigate his political rival?


and it doesn't matter that his "political rival" rigged a foreign aid package to give a US taxpayer funded KICKBACK to his drug addicted kid.

To Dems, stealing from the American taxpayer is not a crime.

Funny how Dems always get rich AFTER getting elected.
It’s not that funny. Former politicians often get lucrative book deals and command high speaking fees.
Hillary got rich by Grafting foreign countries and money laundering through her fake charity. Mad Maxine got rich stealing Gov't funds.
I thought she got rich because Putin gave her $145 million?
Or he has the goods on the traitors who started this Coup.

Well, where are they?
Comey--Clapper --Brennan--Yates--Mills--Loretta LynchMob.--Samantha Power.

Where's your proof? Do you know what proof is? BTW who cares if your new here it's the lay of the land.
So the "Lay of the land" is to be rude ,crude ,foulmouth ,and personal? BTW--I give OPINIONS here. The PROOF will come out when Durham reports.

Sadly yes, just stick around a while.
Well,if it come to that ,I can rip someones POST to shreds without getting personal. And I don't use the "F" word. Satire and humor work better. In other words ,"When in doubt ,IRRITATE".
You mean like when a politician who happens to be the President of the United States makes a secret call to a foreign country known for corruption to ask that country to investigate his political rival?


and it doesn't matter that his "political rival" rigged a foreign aid package to give a US taxpayer funded KICKBACK to his drug addicted kid.

To Dems, stealing from the American taxpayer is not a crime.

Funny how Dems always get rich AFTER getting elected.
It’s not that funny. Former politicians often get lucrative book deals and command high speaking fees.
Hillary got rich by Grafting foreign countries and money laundering through her fake charity. Mad Maxine got rich stealing Gov't funds.
I thought she got rich because Putin gave her $145 million?
Actually ,Hillary was Multi-Cultural. She took money from EVERYONE.

I literally explained why and how you and I know about it and you just ignored it completely.-

The Trump's administration literally labeled it as 'secret' and literally stored it in a secure vault.
Americans still would not know about Trump's secret call to ask Ukraine to investigate his political rival if it was not for the brave whistleblower, who knew he/she was going to face retribution from the always vindictive Trump for revealing his secret schemek.

Trump didn't release the summary of the call until after he knew that Congress was going to get the whistleblower report.

The only reason we know about Trump's secret scheme is because of the whistleblower.

The whistleblower filed a complaint about the call Trump made that was recorded. There is no secret call.

Sigh you really are a true Trumpsky. Clearly you are a big believer in 'alternative facts'

Is this supposed to prove something?

Nothing proves anything to the members of the Trump cult- nothing but the words from Trump's tweets.

Somebody could have posted that on Google images. No source, no content, just what it says in the picture. The story broke in August. This says something about the end of September, so there is no way the so-called whistleblower could have known anything about it.

Or it could have been released by the office of the President on September 25.
Rough Transcript Shows Trump Pressed Ukraine to ‘Look Into’ Joe Biden and Son

I don't know whether you are willfully ignorant or lying your ass off to protect your Dear Leader.

The Whistleblower Complaint Timeline

July 25- Trump has his call with Zelinsky where he lied to Zelinsky and claimed that Joe Biden was bragging about stopping the prosecution of Hunter Biden- and asked him to 'look into it'.

August 12- The whistleblower files his complaint alleging that President Trump asked Zelinsky to investigate the Bidens.

August 26- The Inspector General writes that he found the complaint urgent and credible and forwards to the Acting Director of National Intelligence.

September 9- the Inspector General notifies the House of the Whistleblower complaint.

September 11- the Administration releases the hold on funds.

September 18- the Washington Post prints an article about the whistleblower complaint

September 25- the White House releases the memo of the conversation- 'secret' until Trump unclassified it-

Again I will point out- that the only reason we know that Trump made a secret request to Zelinsky to investigate his political rival was because of the whistleblower.

Still waiting for you to give us your opinion about why Trump never made a formal request to Ukraine to investigate the Biden's- why he never made any request in writing- despite Ukraine asking for a formal request before proceeding.

Why do you think Trump didn't want a formal request from his office made to Ukraine?
The whistleblower filed a complaint about the call Trump made that was recorded. There is no secret call.

Sigh you really are a true Trumpsky. Clearly you are a big believer in 'alternative facts'

Is this supposed to prove something?

Nothing proves anything to the members of the Trump cult- nothing but the words from Trump's tweets.

Somebody could have posted that on Google images. No source, no content, just what it says in the picture. The story broke in August. This says something about the end of September, so there is no way the so-called whistleblower could have known anything about it.

Or it could have been released by the office of the President on September 25.
Rough Transcript Shows Trump Pressed Ukraine to ‘Look Into’ Joe Biden and Son

I don't know whether you are willfully ignorant or lying your ass off to protect your Dear Leader.

The Whistleblower Complaint Timeline

July 25- Trump has his call with Zelinsky where he lied to Zelinsky and claimed that Joe Biden was bragging about stopping the prosecution of Hunter Biden- and asked him to 'look into it'.

August 12- The whistleblower files his complaint alleging that President Trump asked Zelinsky to investigate the Bidens.

August 26- The Inspector General writes that he found the complaint urgent and credible and forwards to the Acting Director of National Intelligence.

September 9- the Inspector General notifies the House of the Whistleblower complaint.

September 11- the Administration releases the hold on funds.

September 18- the Washington Post prints an article about the whistleblower complaint

September 25- the White House releases the memo of the conversation- 'secret' until Trump unclassified it-

Again I will point out- that the only reason we know that Trump made a secret request to Zelinsky to investigate his political rival was because of the whistleblower.

Still waiting for you to give us your opinion about why Trump never made a formal request to Ukraine to investigate the Biden's- why he never made any request in writing- despite Ukraine asking for a formal request before proceeding.

Why do you think Trump didn't want a formal request from his office made to Ukraine?

The word "investigate" never appeared in the transcript. What Trump asked was for Zelensky to look into it as a favor.

The whistleblower complaint was about the one call Trump released the transcript of. There was no secret call discussed at the inquiry.
You mean like when a politician who happens to be the President of the United States makes a secret call to a foreign country known for corruption to ask that country to investigate his political rival?


and it doesn't matter that his "political rival" rigged a foreign aid package to give a US taxpayer funded KICKBACK to his drug addicted kid.

To Dems, stealing from the American taxpayer is not a crime.

Funny how Dems always get rich AFTER getting elected.
It’s not that funny. Former politicians often get lucrative book deals and command high speaking fees.
Hillary got rich by Grafting foreign countries and money laundering through her fake charity. Mad Maxine got rich stealing Gov't funds.
I thought she got rich because Putin gave her $145 million?

The Clintons are worth about $5 million, which they earned with their book deals. The speaking fees and a large chunk of their income, is donated to the Clinton Foundation. The Clintons aren't "laundering" money through their Foundation, they're giving a large percentage of their income to the Foundation. This contrasts to Trump who hasn't donated ANY money to his Family Foundation since 2008, and has been forced to repay some $2 million that he raised illegally, and then failed to pass through to the veterans charities it was intended for.

The Charity is recognized worldwide as providing AIDS drugs to treat children and adults in Thirds World Countries. Unlike most family foundations, which act as pass throughs - raising funds and distributing them to the charities in need, the Clinton Foundations runs its own programs, and enjoys a 5 star rating worldwide for its low administration and fundraising costs, meaning that more of its funds go to the people it was given to help.

Much of Third World medical supply donations end up on the black market and is stolen and sold by militias to fund military efforts, or ends up in the pockets for corrupt foreign leaders. By running their own programs, the Clinton Foundation ensure that the drugs they're buying end up helping AIDS suffering in Third World countries.

It drives Trumpists crazy that the Clintons continue to do good throughout the world, while Donald Trump continues to get caught pulling illegal bullshit and graft.

And still not a single charge for any of the so-called crimes committed by the Clintons, even though Trump has been trying to "lock her up" for three years.

and it doesn't matter that his "political rival" rigged a foreign aid package to give a US taxpayer funded KICKBACK to his drug addicted kid.

To Dems, stealing from the American taxpayer is not a crime.

Funny how Dems always get rich AFTER getting elected.
It’s not that funny. Former politicians often get lucrative book deals and command high speaking fees.
Hillary got rich by Grafting foreign countries and money laundering through her fake charity. Mad Maxine got rich stealing Gov't funds.
I thought she got rich because Putin gave her $145 million?

The Clintons are worth about $5 million, which they earned with their book deals. The speaking fees and a large chunk of their income, is donated to the Clinton Foundation. The Clintons aren't "laundering" money through their Foundation, they're giving a large percentage of their income to the Foundation. This contrasts to Trump who hasn't donated ANY money to his Family Foundation since 2008, and has been forced to repay some $2 million that he raised illegally, and then failed to pass through to the veterans charities it was intended for.

The Charity is recognized worldwide as providing AIDS drugs to treat children and adults in Thirds World Countries. Unlike most family foundations, which act as pass throughs - raising funds and distributing them to the charities in need, the Clinton Foundations runs its own programs, and enjoys a 5 star rating worldwide for its low administration and fundraising costs, meaning that more of its funds go to the people it was given to help.

Much of Third World medical supply donations end up on the black market and is stolen and sold by militias to fund military efforts, or ends up in the pockets for corrupt foreign leaders. By running their own programs, the Clinton Foundation ensure that the drugs they're buying end up helping AIDS suffering in Third World countries.

It drives Trumpists crazy that the Clintons continue to do good throughout the world, while Donald Trump continues to get caught pulling illegal bullshit and graft.

And still not a single charge for any of the so-called crimes committed by the Clintons, even though Trump has been trying to "lock her up" for three years.
And their private Jet? Hitlery is a criminal. Some criminals get AWAY with it. Ask Seth Rich about Hitlery. Or Vince Foster.
Sigh you really are a true Trumpsky. Clearly you are a big believer in 'alternative facts'

Is this supposed to prove something?

Nothing proves anything to the members of the Trump cult- nothing but the words from Trump's tweets.

Somebody could have posted that on Google images. No source, no content, just what it says in the picture. The story broke in August. This says something about the end of September, so there is no way the so-called whistleblower could have known anything about it.

Or it could have been released by the office of the President on September 25.
Rough Transcript Shows Trump Pressed Ukraine to ‘Look Into’ Joe Biden and Son

I don't know whether you are willfully ignorant or lying your ass off to protect your Dear Leader.

The Whistleblower Complaint Timeline

July 25- Trump has his call with Zelinsky where he lied to Zelinsky and claimed that Joe Biden was bragging about stopping the prosecution of Hunter Biden- and asked him to 'look into it'.

August 12- The whistleblower files his complaint alleging that President Trump asked Zelinsky to investigate the Bidens.

August 26- The Inspector General writes that he found the complaint urgent and credible and forwards to the Acting Director of National Intelligence.

September 9- the Inspector General notifies the House of the Whistleblower complaint.

September 11- the Administration releases the hold on funds.

September 18- the Washington Post prints an article about the whistleblower complaint

September 25- the White House releases the memo of the conversation- 'secret' until Trump unclassified it-

Again I will point out- that the only reason we know that Trump made a secret request to Zelinsky to investigate his political rival was because of the whistleblower.

Still waiting for you to give us your opinion about why Trump never made a formal request to Ukraine to investigate the Biden's- why he never made any request in writing- despite Ukraine asking for a formal request before proceeding.

Why do you think Trump didn't want a formal request from his office made to Ukraine?

The word "investigate" never appeared in the transcript. What Trump asked was for Zelensky to look into it as a favor.

The whistleblower complaint was about the one call Trump released the transcript of. There was no secret call discussed at the inquiry.

Or it could have been released by the office of the President on September 25.
Rough Transcript Shows Trump Pressed Ukraine to ‘Look Into’ Joe Biden and Son

I don't know whether you are willfully ignorant or lying your ass off to protect your Dear Leader.

The Whistleblower Complaint Timeline

July 25- Trump has his call with Zelinsky where he lied to Zelinsky and claimed that Joe Biden was bragging about stopping the prosecution of Hunter Biden- and asked him to 'look into it'.

August 12- The whistleblower files his complaint alleging that President Trump asked Zelinsky to investigate the Bidens.

August 26- The Inspector General writes that he found the complaint urgent and credible and forwards to the Acting Director of National Intelligence.

September 9- the Inspector General notifies the House of the Whistleblower complaint.

September 11- the Administration releases the hold on funds.

September 18- the Washington Post prints an article about the whistleblower complaint

September 25- the White House releases the memo of the conversation- 'secret' until Trump unclassified it-

Again I will point out- that the only reason we know that Trump made a secret request to Zelinsky to investigate his political rival was because of the whistleblower.

Still waiting for you to give us your opinion about why Trump never made a formal request to Ukraine to investigate the Biden's- why he never made any request in writing- despite Ukraine asking for a formal request before proceeding.

Why do you think Trump didn't want a formal request from his office made to Ukraine?
Funny how Dems always get rich AFTER getting elected.
It’s not that funny. Former politicians often get lucrative book deals and command high speaking fees.
Hillary got rich by Grafting foreign countries and money laundering through her fake charity. Mad Maxine got rich stealing Gov't funds.
I thought she got rich because Putin gave her $145 million?

The Clintons are worth about $5 million, which they earned with their book deals. The speaking fees and a large chunk of their income, is donated to the Clinton Foundation. The Clintons aren't "laundering" money through their Foundation, they're giving a large percentage of their income to the Foundation. This contrasts to Trump who hasn't donated ANY money to his Family Foundation since 2008, and has been forced to repay some $2 million that he raised illegally, and then failed to pass through to the veterans charities it was intended for.

The Charity is recognized worldwide as providing AIDS drugs to treat children and adults in Thirds World Countries. Unlike most family foundations, which act as pass throughs - raising funds and distributing them to the charities in need, the Clinton Foundations runs its own programs, and enjoys a 5 star rating worldwide for its low administration and fundraising costs, meaning that more of its funds go to the people it was given to help.

Much of Third World medical supply donations end up on the black market and is stolen and sold by militias to fund military efforts, or ends up in the pockets for corrupt foreign leaders. By running their own programs, the Clinton Foundation ensure that the drugs they're buying end up helping AIDS suffering in Third World countries.

It drives Trumpists crazy that the Clintons continue to do good throughout the world, while Donald Trump continues to get caught pulling illegal bullshit and graft.

And still not a single charge for any of the so-called crimes committed by the Clintons, even though Trump has been trying to "lock her up" for three years.
And their private Jet? Hitlery is a criminal. Some criminals get AWAY with it. Ask Seth Rich about Hitlery. Or Vince Foster.

What private jet?

And why do you think that Trump is covering up all of the crimes you allege that Clinton has committed?

Really- for all that you Clinton haters attack her, Clinton must either be a criminal genius- to have gotten away with killing people right and left- yet has been investigated dozens of times by Congress and not one of them has come up with any criminal complaints- or she just isn't a criminal.

Unlike your Dear Leader.

and it doesn't matter that his "political rival" rigged a foreign aid package to give a US taxpayer funded KICKBACK to his drug addicted kid.

To Dems, stealing from the American taxpayer is not a crime.

Funny how Dems always get rich AFTER getting elected.
It’s not that funny. Former politicians often get lucrative book deals and command high speaking fees.
Hillary got rich by Grafting foreign countries and money laundering through her fake charity. Mad Maxine got rich stealing Gov't funds.
I thought she got rich because Putin gave her $145 million?

The Clintons are worth about $5 million, which they earned with their book deals. The speaking fees and a large chunk of their income, is donated to the Clinton Foundation. The Clintons aren't "laundering" money through their Foundation, they're giving a large percentage of their income to the Foundation. This contrasts to Trump who hasn't donated ANY money to his Family Foundation since 2008, and has been forced to repay some $2 million that he raised illegally, and then failed to pass through to the veterans charities it was intended for.

The Charity is recognized worldwide as providing AIDS drugs to treat children and adults in Thirds World Countries. Unlike most family foundations, which act as pass throughs - raising funds and distributing them to the charities in need, the Clinton Foundations runs its own programs, and enjoys a 5 star rating worldwide for its low administration and fundraising costs, meaning that more of its funds go to the people it was given to help.

Much of Third World medical supply donations end up on the black market and is stolen and sold by militias to fund military efforts, or ends up in the pockets for corrupt foreign leaders. By running their own programs, the Clinton Foundation ensure that the drugs they're buying end up helping AIDS suffering in Third World countries.

It drives Trumpists crazy that the Clintons continue to do good throughout the world, while Donald Trump continues to get caught pulling illegal bullshit and graft.

And still not a single charge for any of the so-called crimes committed by the Clintons, even though Trump has been trying to "lock her up" for three years.

Funny isn't it how the Trumpskies never want to talk about how Trump robbed his own charity for his own personal benefit?

I don't remember Hillary ever using the Clinton Foundation to buy a portrait of herself to hang in their own home.

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