Ruh-Roh!!! Proud Boys out Trump for Jan 6

Blaine Sweeter

Diamond Member
Jul 26, 2019
I guess they decided to stand down instead of standing by or back. LOLOLOLOLOLOL!

"""Proud Boys leader lawyer: Trump to blame for Jan. 6 riot

I guess they decided to stand down instead of standing by or back. LOLOLOLOLOLOL!

"""Proud Boys leader lawyer: Trump to blame for Jan. 6 riot

Even this right wing nut knows Trump incited the violence. Wow.
Well I guess that settles it.
From now on "march peacefully & patriotically" mean get caught up in a Fedsurrection to install a fake resident meat puppet in the White House.

Times they are a' changin' & words mean something completely different now.
Like when I say ya'll are a bunch of low-T bed wetter rubes, it really means you are really cool manly men with an awe inspiring capacity to use reason to come to a rational conclusion.
And not a bunch of Nancy boys at all.
I guess they decided to stand down instead of standing by or back. LOLOLOLOLOLOL!

"""Proud Boys leader lawyer: Trump to blame for Jan. 6 riot

The lawyer is only saying this in order to reduce the sentence.
I guess they decided to stand down instead of standing by or back. LOLOLOLOLOLOL!

"""Proud Boys leader lawyer: Trump to blame for Jan. 6 riot

"Trump, Hassan argued, was the one to blame for extorting a crowd outside the White House to “ fight like hell.”

“It was Donald Trump’s words. It was his motivation. It was his anger that caused what occurred on January 6th in your beautiful and amazing city,” Hassan told jurors in Washington federal court.

True enough, but that doesn't get anybody off the hook for actions taken, even if they were just acting as typical dumb Trump chumps.
This began the day he said, "the only way I lose is if it's rigged". Then he just kept at it. It wasn't just the day of the Insurrection. This had been building for a long time.

That's essentially slow sedition. The Insurrection was the result.
Of course Donald caused J6. Had he been a man and admitted he lost, there would have been no J6. He stoked the anger of his cult and even told them to March on the Capitol. He incited an attempted insurrection.
Kind of a no brainer.

"There's no question, none, that President Trump is practically and morally responsible for provoking the events of the day,"

"The people who stormed this building believed they were acting on the wishes and instructions of their president," he said, "and having that belief was a foreseeable consequence of the growing crescendo of false statements, conspiracy theories and reckless hyperbole which the defeated president kept shouting into the largest megaphone on planet Earth."

"He did not do his job. He didn't take steps so federal law could be faithfully executed and order restored," he continued. "No. Instead, according to public reports, he watched television happily — happily — as the chaos unfolded," he said. "Even after it was clear to any reasonable observer that Vice President Pence was in serious danger."

Inane LOL's aside, it seems that there were more FBI informants in the Jan 6 incident (including proud boys) than demonstrators. The Country is falling apart, the president and his family have been exposed as a criminal enterprise and foreign policy is in shambles under a doddering old fool but lefties would rather quote the Proud Boys two years after the incident. Go figure.
Absolute bullshit!
Grow a Brain. trump called them to DC. trump told them to march to the Capitol and to "FIGHT LIKE HELL!" He instigated the attack. He also broke multiple laws in an effort to overturn the election. He will be indicted by Fulton County before the end of the summer and by the DOJ before the end of the year.

He is the perfect criminal nominee for the MAGA repubs in 2024. They evidently LOVE TO LOSE.
Of course Donald caused J6. Had he been a man and admitted he lost, there would have been no J6. He stoked the anger of his cult and even told them to March on the Capitol. He incited an attempted insurrection.
He stoked your anger? Why?
I guess they decided to stand down instead of standing by or back. LOLOLOLOLOLOL!

"""Proud Boys leader lawyer: Trump to blame for Jan. 6 riot

One thing almost all people do is LIE THEIR ASSES OFF TO STAY OUT OF JAIL OR COURT.

But I digress, you be a good lemming....
You leftists really are cocks right. You surely have the brains of cocks, and let everyone else do your thinking for you cuz you're lazy and dependent.

You pukes suggest that well, "the insurrection" (that wasn't) is Trump's fault cuz cuz he said "fight like hell". We'll just disregard Trump says that often and in context means TAKE ACTION.

Trump said during the same speech "I know that everyone here will soon be marching over to the Capitol building to peacefully and patriotically make your voices heard."

That's clearly stated, am I right? How come you fucks can't acknowledge that? Because you're cocks.
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You leftists really are cocks right. You surely have the brains of cocks, and let everyone else do your thinking for you cuz you're lazy and dependent.

You pukes suggest that well, "the insurrection" (that wasn't) is Trump's fault cuz cuz he said "fight like hell". We'll just disregard Trump says that often and in context means TAKE ACTION.

Trump said during the same speech "I know that everyone here will soon be marching over to the Capitol building to peacefully and patriotically make your voices heard."

That's clearly stated, am I right? How come you fucks can't acknowledge that? Because you're cocks.

To quote the left, that's known as the "inconvenient truth".
"Trump, Hassan argued, was the one to blame for extorting a crowd outside the White House to “ fight like hell.”

“It was Donald Trump’s words. It was his motivation. It was his anger that caused what occurred on January 6th in your beautiful and amazing city,” Hassan told jurors in Washington federal court.

True enough, but that doesn't get anybody off the hook for actions taken, even if they were just acting as typical dumb Trump chumps.
I am going to court to fight a speeding ticket. It was trumps fault I was going so fast . He triggered me , and my TDS kicked in... nothing I could do to slow down.
I guess they decided to stand down instead of standing by or back. LOLOLOLOLOLOL!

"""Proud Boys leader lawyer: Trump to blame for Jan. 6 riot

And they have been found guilty of seditous conspiracy. Proving, once again, MAGA is very similar to the confederacy. MAGA followers are not patriots. Following Trump is not the answer as the Proud Boys found out.

The seditious-conspiracy law was enacted after the Civil War to arrest Southerners who might keep fighting the U.S. government.
You pukes suggest that well,
Here is where your argument goes to die.
Nobody is "suggesting" anything.
This OP is about SWORN TESTIMONY presented in a court of law by people who were Trump's own street "soldiers" in his failed attempted coup that day.
They were absolutely loyal to him and ready to do his bidding....and then he abandoned them and threw them under the bus (like he does everybody else) when the shit hit the fan.

And what's up with all the "cock" references in your post?
Maybe instead of a political forum it is really a dating site you need to be on?

Just sayin.

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