Rules for Conservatives, ignore the radical left

Let's get the word out about the healhcare bill, and stop bumping the threads that apply the Rules for Radicals

The left wants our eye off the ball, by demeaning Sarah Palin and Glenn Beck. They are the target at this time, because they are indeed 2 of the most powerful voices out there.

The two alinsky rules that the left employs the most often is

RULE 5: "Ridicule is man's most potent weapon." There is no defense. It's irrational. It's infuriating. It also works as a key pressure point to force the enemy into concessions. (Pretty crude, rude and mean, huh? They want to create anger and fear.)


RULE 12: Pick the target, freeze it, personalize it, and polarize it." Cut off the support network and isolate the target from sympathy. Go after people and not institutions; people hurt faster than institutions. (This is cruel, but very effective. Direct, personalized criticism and ridicule works.)

Palin and Beck just happen to resinate with everyday Americans because we actually think much of the same way. We are not on in the public eye, and there are times we may not agree with a few things. But overall, they speak our language and they give us the courage to speak our minds and do what is right, not just sit back and allow the left to destroy our country.

The left believes they no longer need to go after Limbaugh for some weird reason. Do they think they have froze his voice, personalized him, and polarized him? Sure they do

I am not a "fan" of Palin, but I agree with her on most the issues, I understand why she resigned. Imagine what that was doing to her family.

Now lets read the monstrosity that congress has created, which by the way is a anti American monster created from years of the lefties screaming and whining. Take responsibility libs, as well as those on the right that gave in because they allowed themselves to be beaten down and blackmailed, by the tactics of the left

Health Care Bill Index « Alamo City Pundit

I double dare ya' to see which sort of person, board conservtaive or liberal, starts most threads here on USMB about Palin and Beck.

I'm fairly sure you'll discover that the Palin and Beck obsession is mostly something taking place in your heads/

Palin bores the ever loving shit out of me, to be honest.

Beck is just a creepy little ignorant pufka far as I can tell.

Limbought is just slime.

but count those threads and I suspect you'll find most of them are you s-called conservatives whining about how obsessed liberals are by them. How they set out to demonize them, and on and on with that sort of whining that you cons love to do.

It's actually, like so much that you guys talk about, fairly silly, really.

Like this thread for started it.

You bring up those two personalities.

Would you prefer that nobody responded to it?

Of course you wouldn't.

You post this personality-driven tripe to evoke a response.
So here's my response.

Palin and Beck are usually boring topics.

They are creatures of the media.
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It is to laugh. For every thread started by a conservative on this board tere are at a minimum two started by a liberal.
I double dare ya' to see which sort of person, board conservtaive or liberal, starts most threads here on USMB about Palin and Beck.

ROFLMNAO... this is hysterical... In thread after Lefitst OP thread where the Anti-American has come to cry about Palin this or that; where I personally take the time to wirte lil 'eddy a note, to point out that the thread is an example of ANOTHER leftist crying about Palin, Ed never finds the courage to admit it. And she's right there in those threads... but she NEVER seems to quite able to recall EVER having made such an assertion on THOSE THREADS... and this despite THE ABOVE Species of reasoning being EVER PRESENT on any thread where Palin is otherwise discussed...

Which is to say that Ed's a LIAR and knows damn well that the left is pant wetting scared of Palin and more recently, Beck.

I'm fairly sure ....

No doubt ya are... sadly you being sure doesn't correlate to a fact or a truth about anything. Such is the nature of the halfwit and why such is to be avoided.

Palin bores the ever loving shit out of me, to be honest.

Clearly, which is why you've well over 100 posts discussing Palin...

Beck is just a creepy little ignorant pufka far as I can tell.Limbought is just slime.

In your opinion... An opinion which is forced to set against the fact that both of them are casting a voice vastly farther than yours will ever be cast and influecing opinion vastly more effectively than your whimper...

but count those threads and I suspect you'll find most of them are you s-called conservatives... .

Another assurance from a Moderate... Very reminiscent of the assurances by the same breed that Medicade would never exceed 64 million a year... or that "No one is plotting to attack the US." Or that "The world will be out of oil by 1983... ."


Cold fusion you are about to witness a hard right turn in this country in the 2010 elections. Get ready.

What a nutjob statement.

That's right. Anyone who disagrees with you or has an opinion different than you is certifiably nuts. You dont have to waste your time arguing and supporting your position when you simply label everyone else nuts.
I've only read a minimum of posts, but concerning the topic:

Rules for Republicans, Too -

This is long and believe it or not, I've truncated:

Rules for Republicans, Too
"Community organizing" comes back to bite President Obama.

Not long ago, Barack Obama and the Democrats were invincible. Republicans not only had substantially reduced minorities in the House and Senate, but they didn't even have a leader.

Suddenly Obama seems quite vincible, with his signature project, postalizing the health-care system, in deep trouble. How could that have happened?

Andrew Breitbart, a Washington Times columnist, argues that the opposition's lack of leadership, far from being a hindrance, has been a necessary condition for its effectiveness. He notes that the tactics of the left have long been informed by Saul Alinsky's "Rules for Radicals"--the bible of so-called community organizing--and especially this rule:

"Rule 12: Pick the target, freeze it, personalize it and polarize it. Cut off the support network and isolate the target from sympathy. Go after people and not institutions; people hurt faster than institutions. (This is cruel, but very effective. Direct, personalized criticism and ridicule works.)"​

For years, of course, the obvious target was President Bush. Since last year's campaign got under way, Bretibart notes, the left has set its sights on a series of lesser targets, with varying degrees of success: Sarah Palin, Joe the Plumber, Rush Limbaugh, Carrie Prejean. But with the exception of Palin before her resignation, none of these people actually held political power. For the moment, the Democrats have a monopoly on power, which makes them vulnerable to Alinskyite tactics. As Breitbart writes:

A grass-roots movement of average Americans has stood up, making it extremely difficult to isolate and demonize an individual.

Mr. Alinsky noted in "Rule 12" that it is difficult to go after "institutions." And attacking "tea baggers" and "mobs" has only created more resistance and drawn attention to the left's limited playbook. Even Americans expressing their constitutionally protected right to free speech are open game.

Now that many people are Googling the Alinsky rule book and catching up with the way Chicago thugs play their political games, Mr. Obama and the Fighting Illini are going to be forced to create new rules--or double down on the old ones.​

The Financial Times reports that Dick Armey, a former House Republican leader who now leads Freedom Works, a free-market community-organizing group, "draws consciously on the forms of agitation pioneered by Mr Alinsky":

Mr Alinsky believed that packing public meetings with highly vocal activists would sway their outcomes and give people a taste of the power they could exercise when they showed up in numbers.

"What's sauce for the goose is sauce for the gander," said Mr Armey, who was one of the leaders of the "Contract with America" Republican landslide in 1994.​

One lesson of the 1994 experience is that the tactics and attitudes that make an opposition movement effective are not sufficient for governing. Newt Gingrich was a lot better at the former than the latter. The same seems to be true--at least so far--of the Democrats and their leader, Barack Obama. Obama's supporters are now reduced to portraying him as a victim, as in this column by New York Daily News sportswriter Mike Lupica:

We hear that all of this is democracy in action. It's not. It's boom-box democracy, people thinking that if they somehow make enough noise on this subject, they can make Obama into a one-term President.

The most violent opposition isn't directed at his ideas about health care reform. It is directed at him. It is about him. They couldn't make enough of a majority to beat the Harvard-educated black guy out of the White House, so they will beat him on an issue where they see him as being most vulnerable.

In the process, they'll come after him on health care the way Kenneth Starr went after Bill Clinton on oral sex in the Oval Office.

With that kind of zealotry, screaming about government programs as if Medicare isn't one. It is why so many of them, all these wild-eyed red faces in the crowd, look completely certifiable, screaming about how Obama wants to kill Grandma, as if he's suddenly turned into Jack Kevorkian.​

Not very persuasive, is it? Lupica whines that the most powerful man in the world is being victimized by people with "red faces." He thereby makes Obama look weak and himself look like a bigot. And this observation underscores Breitbart's point: It's a lot easier to ridicule a powerful individual than a variegated group of citizens.

Which brings us to a word of caution for those who don't want to see Obama re-elected: Inasmuch as the condition of being leaderless gives Republicans significant tactical advantages now, they will not enjoy those advantages in three years. Even if Obama's performance as president leaves much to be desired, he could win a second term if the Republicans nominate an opponent who makes an easy target for ridicule. Just ask John Kerry....


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I've only read a minimum of posts, but concerning the topic:

Rules for Republicans, Too -

This is long and believe it or not, I've truncated:

Rules for Republicans, Too
"Community organizing" comes back to bite President Obama.

Not long ago, Barack Obama and the Democrats were invincible. Republicans not only had substantially reduced minorities in the House and Senate, but they didn't even have a leader.

Suddenly Obama seems quite vincible, with his signature project, postalizing the health-care system, in deep trouble. How could that have happened?

Andrew Breitbart, a Washington Times columnist, argues that the opposition's lack of leadership, far from being a hindrance, has been a necessary condition for its effectiveness. He notes that the tactics of the left have long been informed by Saul Alinsky's "Rules for Radicals"--the bible of so-called community organizing--and especially this rule:

"Rule 12: Pick the target, freeze it, personalize it and polarize it. Cut off the support network and isolate the target from sympathy. Go after people and not institutions; people hurt faster than institutions. (This is cruel, but very effective. Direct, personalized criticism and ridicule works.)"​

For years, of course, the obvious target was President Bush. Since last year's campaign got under way, Bretibart notes, the left has set its sights on a series of lesser targets, with varying degrees of success: Sarah Palin, Joe the Plumber, Rush Limbaugh, Carrie Prejean. But with the exception of Palin before her resignation, none of these people actually held political power. For the moment, the Democrats have a monopoly on power, which makes them vulnerable to Alinskyite tactics. As Breitbart writes:

A grass-roots movement of average Americans has stood up, making it extremely difficult to isolate and demonize an individual.

Mr. Alinsky noted in "Rule 12" that it is difficult to go after "institutions." And attacking "tea baggers" and "mobs" has only created more resistance and drawn attention to the left's limited playbook. Even Americans expressing their constitutionally protected right to free speech are open game.

Now that many people are Googling the Alinsky rule book and catching up with the way Chicago thugs play their political games, Mr. Obama and the Fighting Illini are going to be forced to create new rules--or double down on the old ones.​

The Financial Times reports that Dick Armey, a former House Republican leader who now leads Freedom Works, a free-market community-organizing group, "draws consciously on the forms of agitation pioneered by Mr Alinsky":

Mr Alinsky believed that packing public meetings with highly vocal activists would sway their outcomes and give people a taste of the power they could exercise when they showed up in numbers.

"What's sauce for the goose is sauce for the gander," said Mr Armey, who was one of the leaders of the "Contract with America" Republican landslide in 1994.​

One lesson of the 1994 experience is that the tactics and attitudes that make an opposition movement effective are not sufficient for governing. Newt Gingrich was a lot better at the former than the latter. The same seems to be true--at least so far--of the Democrats and their leader, Barack Obama. Obama's supporters are now reduced to portraying him as a victim, as in this column by New York Daily News sportswriter Mike Lupica:

We hear that all of this is democracy in action. It's not. It's boom-box democracy, people thinking that if they somehow make enough noise on this subject, they can make Obama into a one-term President.

The most violent opposition isn't directed at his ideas about health care reform. It is directed at him. It is about him. They couldn't make enough of a majority to beat the Harvard-educated black guy out of the White House, so they will beat him on an issue where they see him as being most vulnerable.

In the process, they'll come after him on health care the way Kenneth Starr went after Bill Clinton on oral sex in the Oval Office.

With that kind of zealotry, screaming about government programs as if Medicare isn't one. It is why so many of them, all these wild-eyed red faces in the crowd, look completely certifiable, screaming about how Obama wants to kill Grandma, as if he's suddenly turned into Jack Kevorkian.​

Not very persuasive, is it? Lupica whines that the most powerful man in the world is being victimized by people with "red faces." He thereby makes Obama look weak and himself look like a bigot. And this observation underscores Breitbart's point: It's a lot easier to ridicule a powerful individual than a variegated group of citizens.

Which brings us to a word of caution for those who don't want to see Obama re-elected: Inasmuch as the condition of being leaderless gives Republicans significant tactical advantages now, they will not enjoy those advantages in three years. Even if Obama's performance as president leaves much to be desired, he could win a second term if the Republicans nominate an opponent who makes an easy target for ridicule. Just ask John Kerry....

The Lupica part is great, he's been inserting politics into his sports columns for years.

The real laugh is, it's easy to prove he's an idiot.

He's a life long Mets fan. :razz:
Let's get the word out about the healhcare bill, and stop bumping the threads that apply the Rules for Radicals

The left wants our eye off the ball, by demeaning Sarah Palin and Glenn Beck. They are the target at this time, because they are indeed 2 of the most powerful voices out there.

The two alinsky rules that the left employs the most often is

RULE 5: "Ridicule is man's most potent weapon." There is no defense. It's irrational. It's infuriating. It also works as a key pressure point to force the enemy into concessions. (Pretty crude, rude and mean, huh? They want to create anger and fear.)


RULE 12: Pick the target, freeze it, personalize it, and polarize it." Cut off the support network and isolate the target from sympathy. Go after people and not institutions; people hurt faster than institutions. (This is cruel, but very effective. Direct, personalized criticism and ridicule works.)

Palin and Beck just happen to resinate with everyday Americans because we actually think much of the same way. We are not on in the public eye, and there are times we may not agree with a few things. But overall, they speak our language and they give us the courage to speak our minds and do what is right, not just sit back and allow the left to destroy our country.

The left believes they no longer need to go after Limbaugh for some weird reason. Do they think they have froze his voice, personalized him, and polarized him? Sure they do

I am not a "fan" of Palin, but I agree with her on most the issues, I understand why she resigned. Imagine what that was doing to her family.

Now lets read the monstrosity that congress has created, which by the way is a anti American monster created from years of the lefties screaming and whining. Take responsibility libs, as well as those on the right that gave in because they allowed themselves to be beaten down and blackmailed, by the tactics of the left

Health Care Bill Index « Alamo City Pundit

Man, you are fantastic. So, well, so "Republican". Wait, wait, I like this part: Let's get the word out about the healthcare bill ---and then you don't say a single word about it. Get it? You say, "Get the word out" and you don't have not even a SINGLE word. It's incredible!

Sarah Palin and Glenn Beck powerful voices? You mean they're not clowns? Don't tell me you get witchdoctors to weave occult protections around you like Sarah Palin? You know she does that right? Her witchdoctor preforms magical incantations of protection? Don't tell me you do that to? You don't! You mean you do?

They speak our language (Glenn and Sarah)? They can't even speak English. Oh wait, you call it American? You didn't know it was "English"?

"and they give us the courage to speak our minds and do what is right, not just sit back and allow the left to destroy our country" WHAAAAT THE F.....? It's the Republicans that bankrupted the country. You didn't know that? Republicans had both houses and the presidency for how many years? Did they fix health care? Oh wait, I mean, did they fix anything? With their tax cuts, they created "wealth care". Bet you didn't get any.

Did You know that the new Iraqi government the Republicans supported, that Americans died for, made "ISLAM" the national religion and have killed or driven away more than half of the Christians that had been living in Iraq for TWO THOUSAND YEARS, that's right, since Christianity began, and Republicans supported their destruction. Hello, last month 7 churches were bombed and the month before 6. Set up by the government and supported by the Republicans. What can Obama do? Bush signed treaties that make it nearly impossible for Obama to help those Christians, no wait, I mean it makes it impossible, not nearly.

Limbaugh? The guy said he wanted the president of the United States to "FAIL". He's a drug addict. He forced his illegal alien housekeeper to buy him drugs. That makes him scum.

I am not a "fan" of Palin, but I agree with her on most the issues----How can you agree with her? She had no position on anything. She doesn't even know which three countries make up North America. Wait a second. Do you know what three countries make up North America?

In 1993, the US paid 94 billion dollars on health care. In 2008, the US paid 2.5 TRILLION. Does that sound like it's working? The head of Medicare makes 150,000 dollars a year. The head of my health care company makes 4 million a year. And yet, they have no doctors, no nurses, no hospitals and no medicine. THEY ONLY COLLECT MONEY AND TELL ME IF I CAN GO TO A DOCTOR. That's it. The don't do anything. Does that sound like it works?

Man, I love this blog. The people are insane. And not in a good way.
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Ah, James Taranto, figures the original thread starter didn't have the originality to think on his own. It required the fat James Taranto from the idiot page of the WSJ to give him his instructions. Too funny.

You tools are hilarious, Sarah and other republicans / conservatives sank Sarah, no one else had to interfere, she did that with her view of Russia and the brilliant diplomacy conducted as Putin flew over. Anyone know how she did that.

Beck is a cry baby who needs a DI screaming in his face, that may make the chubby teary guy have a real cry. Remember the buffoon on youtube in bed, unshaven complaining about how bad our healthcare was? Jon Stewart Owns Glenn Beck on Healthcare Hypocrisy | Indecision Forever | Comedy Central

If those two are your image of leaders and politicians good luck. Fat Taranto is a true buffoon and the reason I call him fat is because that was the depth of his criticism of Kerry.

[ame=]YouTube - Glenn Beck Loses His Mind On A Caller About Healthcare[/ame]
I'll tell you guys something, I am so sick of the lefts tactics and their causing us to focus on their little attack modes. We do not need to defend Sarah Palin nor Glenn Beck from the likes of idiot tools of the poltitical left. They, (Palin and Beck and others) have come to expect the media to bid for the alynskyites. The left has become nothing more than tools of anti American rhetoric and bottom feeders

Find an OP that is in pure attack mode, copy the rule they have used to take our eye off the real issues

The real issues are the healthcare bill and government wanting to disrupt and control my and your life

I have better things to do with my time than argue with morons who have not an honest bone in their body

Arguing with those idiots is pointless...

Mocking them can be great fun...;)

Ignoring them and their posts and sitting back and watching them act like little bratty girls is even funnier, watch as they throw their little tizzy fits because we are not talking about what they want us to talk about in this thread is priceless :lol:

As I said in the OP

The two alinsky rules that the left employs the most often is

"Ridicule is man's most potent weapon." There is no defense. It's irrational. It's infuriating. It also works as a key pressure point to force the enemy into concessions. (Pretty crude, rude and mean, huh? They want to create anger and fear.)


Pick the target, freeze it, personalize it, and polarize it." Cut off the support network and isolate the target from sympathy. Go after people and not institutions; people hurt faster than institutions. (This is cruel, but very effective. Direct, personalized criticism and ridicule works.)

They are not really very good at the rest
Wow, Glen Beck is nuts. Because our science is better, it means our "health care" is better? The right doesn't even believe in "science". What a hoot.
Ah, James Taranto, figures the original thread starter didn't have the originality to think on his own. It required the fat James Taranto from the idiot page of the WSJ to give him his instructions. Too funny.

You tools are hilarious, Sarah and other republicans / conservatives sank Sarah, no one else had to interfere, she did that with her view of Russia and the brilliant diplomacy conducted as Putin flew over. Anyone know how she did that.

Beck is a cry baby who needs a DI screaming in his face, that may make the chubby teary guy have a real cry. Remember the buffoon on youtube in bed, unshaven complaining about how bad our healthcare was? Jon Stewart Owns Glenn Beck on Healthcare Hypocrisy | Indecision Forever | Comedy Central

If those two are your image of leaders and politicians good luck. Fat Taranto is a true buffoon and the reason I call him fat is because that was the depth of his criticism of Kerry.

YouTube - Glenn Beck Loses His Mind On A Caller About Healthcare

Sucks big time doesn't it. I was inducted into Chicago/Alinsky in '75. Did a lot too, through friends at U of C. At the time, didn't consider I might be useful in opposition to the 'rules'. ;)

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