Rules of Engagement (ROE) CHANGED...Hurray!!!

Obama was the worst Commander in Chief this country ever had.

He managed to lose the war in Iraq when all he had to do was not fucked it up.

His idea to bomb and destabilize Libya was one of the most stupid military decisions ever made.

He escalated the war in Afghanistan and didn't have a clue what he was doing. He didn't send the number of troops the Generals requested and he had a disastrous ROE. He just got Americans troops killed for nothing and the Taliban managed to reestablish themselves. What a moron.

Trump has a lot of Obama's damage to undo.
Bout damned time.

Who the hell expects soldiers to fight with one hand tied behind their backs?

Men forced to use ridiculous Rules of Engagement prepared by folks who are sitting on their big fat asses safe at home??

Why are we still there again?

When you can tell me that, then we can discuss the Rules of Engagement.

So this doesn't happen again.
View attachment 145480
Sheep Goosestepping Behind Chickenhawks

Anyone who opposes the draft should quit waving the Stars and Stripes and wave the white flag instead. And there should be nothing selective about Selective Service: no college deferments, National Guard and Reserve quotas filled through the draft, medical deferments based only on what would qualify for a disability check.
ROE from Obama...
"Patrol only in areas that you are reasonably certain that you will not have to defend yourselves with lethal force."

Watching President Trump speech moments ago and during it he mentioned that the "Rules of Engagement" have changed since he became President.

During the Obama administration, the military had to follow standards set by the president in 2013 to carry out airstrikes or ground raids in countries like Somalia, where the United States was not officially at war. Those rules required that a target had to pose a threat to Americans and that there be near certainty that no civilian bystanders would die. Under the Trump administration’s new rules, some civilian deaths are now permitted in much of Somalia and parts of Yemen if regional American commanders deemed the military action necessary and proportionate.
The Obama administration process frustrated many in the military.

Now for a perfect example of one of the many many onerous ROEs...
A laminated card with the following text was distributed to all U.S. Army and Marine personnel in Iraq.
Policies about limiting civilian casualties have soldiers complaining they can't effectively fight;
one showed author Michael Hastings a card with regulations including:
"Patrol only in areas that you are reasonably certain that you will not have to defend yourselves with lethal force."
For a soldier who has traveled halfway around the world to fight, that’s like telling a cop he should only patrol in areas where he knows he won’t have to make arrests.
“Does that make any f–king sense?” Pfc. Jared Pautsch.
In Afghanistan, a New General -- But An Old Strategy
It only makes sense, when our politicians are allowed to fail at diplomacy, Because they have recourse to our exorbitantly expensive superpower.

We have a Commerce Clause. There are no real times of War, tax rates. It really is that simple.
Obama was the worst Commander in Chief this country ever had.

He managed to lose the war in Iraq when all he had to do was not fucked it up.

His idea to bomb and destabilize Libya was one of the most stupid military decisions ever made.

He escalated the war in Afghanistan and didn't have a clue what he was doing. He didn't send the number of troops the Generals requested and he had a disastrous ROE. He just got Americans troops killed for nothing and the Taliban managed to reestablish themselves. What a moron.

Trump has a lot of Obama's damage to undo.

It just is common sense which Obama and his ilk obviously never had!
You don't tell your soldiers:"Patrol only in areas that you are reasonably certain that you will not have to defend yourselves with lethal force"

Commanders of local police don't tell the cops "don't go where you think there is a chance you might have to arrest someone".
Even the idiots like Obama stay away from Chicago.
But that's what the military is FOR! Go into the areas where the bad guys are killing people!
Common sense!

A laminated card with the following text was distributed to all U.S. Army and Marine personnel in Iraq.
Policies about limiting civilian casualties have soldiers complaining they can't effectively fight;
one showed author Michael Hastings a card with regulations including:
"Patrol only in areas that you are reasonably certain that you will not have to defend yourselves with lethal force."
For a soldier who has traveled halfway around the world to fight, that’s like telling a cop he should only patrol in areas where he knows he won’t have to make arrests.
“Does that make any f–king sense?” Pfc. Jared Pautsch.
In Afghanistan, a New General -- But An Old Strategy
I really don't understand you people that have never been in combat! While I never have, I at least can understand that if idiots like Obama who micromanaged the
wars in Iraq/Afghanistan with these stupid ass ROEs we would never win!
GEEZ WWII. Ike Never had to check with FDR. FDR was smart enough to let the military do what they know how to do best!

World War II, we had the Chinese, Soviets and British India troops to do most of the heavy lifting.

We also drafted most of the adult male population, nationalized the factories and passed confiscatory taxes on the wealthy. Somehow, I don't think you'd be down for any of those things to win this war.

Here's the thing. The Taliban in Afghanistan might be a bunch of assholes, but they arent' an existential threat to the United States. We need to stop treating them like they are.

Oh? So we had nothing to do with stopping Japan's invasion of China, correct? Wrong, you bat 1k, JoeB131.

"Japan's military invasions of other Asian countries, however, brought resistance from not only the European colonial powers, but also the Asian people themselves, and finally, the United States. The Japanese military tried to convince the Japanese people that complete loyalty and obedience would make Japan invincible. Japan's early victories seemed to prove this, but the U.S. victory at Midway Island in June 1942 led to the steady encirclement of the Japanese islands, cutting them off from needed supplies of raw materials. The Japanese navy was destroyed. When this was followed by massive bombardment from the air and the final blow of the atomic bombs dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki, Japanese invincibility was proven to be a myth. At the end of the war, the Japanese nation was not only starving and devastated by the bombing, but bewildered and shocked by the defeat."

Japan's Quest for Power and World War II in Asia | Asia for Educators | Columbia University
Obama was the worst Commander in Chief this country ever had.

He managed to lose the war in Iraq when all he had to do was not fucked it up.

Iraq was already fucked up long before Obama got there. All Obama did was decide, 'We aren't going to put more of our people in harm's way if the Iraqis can't get their heads out of their asses.

Good on him.

How do you ask someone to be the last man to die for a mistake?

Oh? So we had nothing to do with stopping Japan's invasion of China, correct? Wrong, you bat 1k, JoeB131.

Um, you can quote things from Wiki, but you don't understand them.

The thing was, in all of WWII, we took 400,000 military casualties.

The USSR took close to 20 million, the Chinese 30 million and even British India took 2 million.

In short, our victory in WWII as based on other people doing most of the dying. We just benefited from the aftermath.
His idea to bomb and destabilize Libya was one of the most stupid military decisions ever made.

Given that the Libyan people were going to get rid of Khadafy one way or the other, not really. The point was, Khadafy was so unpopular, he had to hire African Mercenaries to prop up his regime.

He escalated the war in Afghanistan and didn't have a clue what he was doing. He didn't send the number of troops the Generals requested and he had a disastrous ROE. He just got Americans troops killed for nothing and the Taliban managed to reestablish themselves. What a moron.

Except of course, the Afghans themselves failed to stand up so we could stand down. We've had 16 years in that miserable country... what else was Obama supposed to do?

Here's the problem. We can't fight someone else war for them.
Bout damned time.

Who the hell expects soldiers to fight with one hand tied behind their backs?

Men forced to use ridiculous Rules of Engagement prepared by folks who are sitting on their big fat asses safe at home??

Why are we still there again?

When you can tell me that, then we can discuss the Rules of Engagement.

So this doesn't happen again.
View attachment 145480
Sheep Goosestepping Behind Chickenhawks

Anyone who opposes the draft should quit waving the Stars and Stripes and wave the white flag instead. And there should be nothing selective about Selective Service: no college deferments, National Guard and Reserve quotas filled through the draft, medical deferments based only on what would qualify for a disability check.
Plenty of things disqualify someone for the military but do not qualify for disability. Off the top of my head: diabetes, asthma (one instance after age 12), hearing loss, heart murmur.
His idea to bomb and destabilize Libya was one of the most stupid military decisions ever made.

Given that the Libyan people were going to get rid of Khadafy one way or the other, not really. The point was, Khadafy was so unpopular, he had to hire African Mercenaries to prop up his regime.

He escalated the war in Afghanistan and didn't have a clue what he was doing. He didn't send the number of troops the Generals requested and he had a disastrous ROE. He just got Americans troops killed for nothing and the Taliban managed to reestablish themselves. What a moron.

Except of course, the Afghans themselves failed to stand up so we could stand down. We've had 16 years in that miserable country... what else was Obama supposed to do?

Here's the problem. We can't fight someone else war for them.

You asked "What else was Obama suppose to do?"
A) You don't tell the bad guys that OUR guys are the bad guys!
Here are comments made that according to a Harvard study HELPED prolong the conflict!
Remember Obama was the traitor who told the world "our troops are air-raiding villages and killing civilians," Only an idiot tells the bad guys our guys are BAD!
He and these other traitors also helped the barbarians by telling the world:
Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid(D) "War is lost", Certainly gave the barbarians a good old atta boy!
U.S. Rep. Murtha(D) "Our troops killed innocent civilians in cold blood,”
Or how about the future Secretary of State Senator Kerry(D)
"American soldiers going into the homes of Iraqis in the dead of night, terrorizing kids and children." Calling our troops "TERRORISTS"!
With this mentality was it NO wonder ISIS regained Mosul,etc. and 11% of Afghanistan is still in barbarians' hands.
So is it NO surprise that the Harvard study found words like the above "emboldened" the terrorist to increase killings and violence after these statements were made to
cheerlead the bad guys and bad mouth our guys?
B) You NEVER NEVER tell the enemy "oh we will be going away by the end of the year"!
updated 10/21/2011 6:58:45 PM ET
  • WASHINGTON — President Barack Obama on Friday declared an end to the Iraq war, one of the longest and most divisive conflicts in U.S. history, announcing that all U.S. troops would be withdrawn from the country by year's end. U.S. soldiers take a rest in the shade of armoured vehicles at a courtyard at Camp Liberty in Baghdad. U.S troops are scheduled to pull out of the country by the end of this year, according to President Barack Obama.“As promised the rest of our troops in Iraq will come home by the end of the year. After nearly nine years, America's war in Iraq will be over,” Obama said.
Don't you believe the generals that won WWII were turning over in their graves and not only such disgusting help to the enemy BUT the telling of Iraqis supporting
the US they will now be left alone ....with the bad guys!
Way to instill love for the USA!
His idea to bomb and destabilize Libya was one of the most stupid military decisions ever made.

Given that the Libyan people were going to get rid of Khadafy one way or the other, not really. The point was, Khadafy was so unpopular, he had to hire African Mercenaries to prop up his regime.

Exactly how did that work out? Libya became a disaster not only for the US but for the Middle East. Dumbass decision by General Obama a stupid asshole that never had any respect or understanding of the military..

By the way, what in the hell did Libya ever do to us to warrant the frigging war? Nothing!

Obama was simply not smart enough to ever be President or Commander in Chief. He probably couldn't even find Libya on a map. His foreign policy was run by Valarie Jarret, a Left Wing Iranian Muslim.
You asked "What else was Obama suppose to do?"
A) You don't tell the bad guys that OUR guys are the bad guys!
Here are comments made that according to a Harvard study HELPED prolong the conflict!
Remember Obama was the traitor who told the world "our troops are air-raiding villages and killing civilians," Only an idiot tells the bad guys our guys are BAD!

Okay, so now you are saying air raids that kill civilians are just nifty? I'm trying to get your point here. Since you don't present Obama's quote in context, it's kind of hard to argue whether it was appropriate or not, but we are air raiding villages and we are killing civilians. I'm not even sure if he was talking about Iraq or Afghanistan here.

Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid(D) "War is lost", Certainly gave the barbarians a good old atta boy!

This comment was made about iraq, not Afghanistan.

Look, guy, how about just restricting the argument to Afghanistan, okay?

The Iraq War was a mistake. We went in after weapons that didn't exist, we didn't send enough troops to secure the country, and we left a big mess that Iran has neatly walked into. Nice work.

B) You NEVER NEVER tell the enemy "oh we will be going away by the end of the year"!

Jesus Christ, man, can you keep on the subject. We are talking about Afghanistan here, NOT Iraq. Why do you want to keep changing the subject to Iraq.

Now, I will criticize Obama for the surge in Afghanistan. I think he was trying to look tough while ending Bush's folly in Iraq. After Karzai stole the 2009 election, any pretense were were bringing democracy to the place was over, and we should have packed up and left.

Don't you believe the generals that won WWII were turning over in their graves and not only such disgusting help to the enemy BUT the telling of Iraqis supporting
the US they will now be left alone ....with the bad guys!
Way to instill love for the USA!

Um, we did far worse things in WWII. we told the Poles to rise up against the Nazis in Warsaw and then left them alone when the Nazis retaliated. We agreed to Let Stalin keep Eastern Europe because we couldn't do much to stop them.

Here's the real problem- and I don't want to waste a lot of time talking about Iraq, because that's not the topic here - is that Maliki was given a full set of instructions how to keep the country together. All he had to do was make sure the Kurds and Sunnis got their share of the wealth. Instead, he tried to screw them in favor of his Shi'ite bretheren, and he got ISIS.

Really, really not our problem.
Exactly how did that work out? Libya became a disaster not only for the US but for the Middle East. Dumbass decision by General Obama a stupid asshole that never had any respect or understanding of the military..

Again, you give us way too much credit. Khadafy was going down if we did nothing, helped or hindered the rebels.

The Europeans did more to do in Khadafy than we did, and I blame them more than Obama for instigating that shit.

By the way, what in the hell did Libya ever do to us to warrant the frigging war? Nothing!

Let's see now. What did Libya do?

Well there was the Lockerby bombing.
The bombing of a Disco in West Berlin that killed US Servicemen
They shot Doc Brown. Oh, wait, that was just a movie.

I think this shows the extent of Obama Derangement Syndrome, where you hate him so much you love people who truly hate us.

Obama was simply not smart enough to ever be President or Commander in Chief. He probably couldn't even find Libya on a map. His foreign policy was run by Valarie Jarret, a Left Wing Iranian Muslim.

ANd he went into crazy land. Well, he managed to sound almost sane for two paragraphs... there's that.
Warfare is an endless series of ambushes, even in major force engagements....pretty hard to ambush a patrol or a fixed position if you can't fire first. Everything about Obama's war (which he supposedly ran from Iraq to fight) was a planned failure. That's what you get with a closet-muslim in the Oval Office.
So what are we trying to accomplish? Create an Afghan government that is pro-Western (it never will be) and Democratic (not with the corrupt people we are supporting)? Or to simply kick inevitable failure down the Road a bit more until Trump's successor (who can't get here soon enough) has to bite the bullet and pull out?

What we should have done from the beginning and shoild be doing now is treating Afghanistan like a game preserve where we are only there to hunt the big game (terrorists), not have any influence on the politics (except in killing terrorists in the government).
You asked "What else was Obama suppose to do?"
A) You don't tell the bad guys that OUR guys are the bad guys!
Here are comments made that according to a Harvard study HELPED prolong the conflict!
Remember Obama was the traitor who told the world "our troops are air-raiding villages and killing civilians," Only an idiot tells the bad guys our guys are BAD!

Okay, so now you are saying air raids that kill civilians are just nifty? I'm trying to get your point here. Since you don't present Obama's quote in context, it's kind of hard to argue whether it was appropriate or not, but we are air raiding villages and we are killing civilians. I'm not even sure if he was talking about Iraq or Afghanistan here.

Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid(D) "War is lost", Certainly gave the barbarians a good old atta boy!

This comment was made about iraq, not Afghanistan.

Look, guy, how about just restricting the argument to Afghanistan, okay?

The Iraq War was a mistake. We went in after weapons that didn't exist, we didn't send enough troops to secure the country, and we left a big mess that Iran has neatly walked into. Nice work.

B) You NEVER NEVER tell the enemy "oh we will be going away by the end of the year"!

Jesus Christ, man, can you keep on the subject. We are talking about Afghanistan here, NOT Iraq. Why do you want to keep changing the subject to Iraq.

Now, I will criticize Obama for the surge in Afghanistan. I think he was trying to look tough while ending Bush's folly in Iraq. After Karzai stole the 2009 election, any pretense were were bringing democracy to the place was over, and we should have packed up and left.

Don't you believe the generals that won WWII were turning over in their graves and not only such disgusting help to the enemy BUT the telling of Iraqis supporting
the US they will now be left alone ....with the bad guys!
Way to instill love for the USA!

Um, we did far worse things in WWII. we told the Poles to rise up against the Nazis in Warsaw and then left them alone when the Nazis retaliated. We agreed to Let Stalin keep Eastern Europe because we couldn't do much to stop them.

Here's the real problem- and I don't want to waste a lot of time talking about Iraq, because that's not the topic here - is that Maliki was given a full set of instructions how to keep the country together. All he had to do was make sure the Kurds and Sunnis got their share of the wealth. Instead, he tried to screw them in favor of his Shi'ite bretheren, and he got ISIS.

Really, really not our problem.

Well I guess you totally missed the point! Commanders of militaries that have plain common sense DON"T tell the world the other fighters are better than his fighters!
But that's what Obama, did! How f...king dumb is it to encourage the bad guys while discouraging the good guys!
Idiots like you are the first ones that get shot by someone for sure! Because if idiots like you and Obama are standing there telling the other team your teammates are
worth shit and you respect the opponent more... You are bound to be first shot!
And that's plain common sense! Which obviously you and idiots like Obama never ever had!
You just don't tell the bad guys how BAD your guys are and expect a positive outcome!
I am talking to an idiot it appears because you just don't get it!
Bout damned time.

Who the hell expects soldiers to fight with one hand tied behind their backs?

Men forced to use ridiculous Rules of Engagement prepared by folks who are sitting on their big fat asses safe at home??

Why are we still there again?

When you can tell me that, then we can discuss the Rules of Engagement.
Well I guess you totally missed the point! Commanders of militaries that have plain common sense DON"T tell the world the other fighters are better than his fighters!

except that's not what he said. I guess I have to keep explaining this to you.

We went to iraq on a LIE. there was no good reason to keep being there.

I am talking to an idiot it appears because you just don't get it!

No, the idiot is the one who keeps sending troops over to die in a war that was based on a lie and had no possible positive outcome.

We kind of owe our troops better than that. If they are writing the country a blank check of their lives for years, we owe it to them not to throw those lives away in meaningless or even foolish endevours.
View attachment 145640
Bout damned time.

Who the hell expects soldiers to fight with one hand tied behind their backs?

Men forced to use ridiculous Rules of Engagement prepared by folks who are sitting on their big fat asses safe at home??

Why are we still there again?

When you can tell me that, then we can discuss the Rules of Engagement.

You can keep showing us your death porn, buddy, but the Taliban didn't do that. Bin Laden did. Obama killed him after Bush took his eye off the ball.
What we should have done from the beginning and shoild be doing now is treating Afghanistan like a game preserve where we are only there to hunt the big game (terrorists), not have any influence on the politics (except in killing terrorists in the government).

Racist attitudes like yours are 90% of the problem. If we have no regard for their lives, why should they have any regard for ours?
Racist attitudes like yours are 90% of the problem. If we have no regard for their lives, why should they have any regard for ours?

I don't expect them to care about us. I just expect them to die when they're dumb enough to think they can stick a thumb in our eye (or allow people in their country to do so) and continue to live.

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