Rumsfeld compares Obama to an Ape

[ame=]Take your stinking paws off me you damn dirty ape! - YouTube[/ame]
Apparently the George W Bush Administration thinks everybody forgot how stupid they were. It didn't take a "genius" to know that there was no link between Saddam and Al-Qaida but they were so sure about it they used it as an excuse to invade and occupy Iraq in search of fictional "WMDs". Al-Qaida would have killed a secular leader like Saddam and everybody knew it.

The opinions of idiots like Rumsfeld are less credible than the opinions of a general idiot. Rumsfeld is specifically proven to be an idiot. When it comes to dead Americans, Rumsfeld, Cheney, and Bush, and the rest of his administration are at the top of the idiot leader board.

Donald Rumsfeld: 'A Trained Ape' Would Be Better At Foreign Policy Than Obama

Former Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld slammed President Barack Obama on Monday, saying "a trained ape" would have better foreign policy skills.

During an appearance on Fox News' "On the Record with Greta van Susteren," Rumsfeld criticized the White House for not securing a status of forces agreement with Afghanistan.

“We have status of forces agreements probably with 100, 125 countries in the world," Rumsfeld said. "This administration, the White House, and the State Department, have failed to get a status of forces agreement. A trained ape could get a status of forces agreement. It doesn’t take a genius."

Rummy's remark could have applied to anyone in the regime...Hillary, Kerry, Biden to name a few...why do you pick Obabble...cause he's black? Racist moron.
In actuality, Rumsfeld did NOT compare Obumbler to an ape.

Poor analogy, perhaps, given the hyper pc world in which we live, considering he liberal nature of the mass media.

But still, there was FLATLY no comparison of the bumbler in chief and apes.

So at least you agree with what I said in the Op. Rumsfeld is not good at thinking ahead. Otherwise he would have know what a major fuck-up it was to invade Iraq. What kind of animal should we use as a comparison to an administration that lies to the American people and gets thousands of Americans killed for nothing? We are actually worse off now since Iran knows that the American public is tired of invasions and Al Qaeda is now actually in Iraq.


Why would anybody WITH a brain "agree" with the silly shit you spout? :cuckoo:

We DO, however, live in an orchestrated hyper PC world given the lolberal proclivities of the liberal mass media. Thus, the word choice was destined to be deliberately misconstrued so that some dimwit would later make the flatly false claim that Rumsfeld had compared Obumbler to an ape.

YOU and lots of simpleton liberals blithely choose to overlook the fact that the claim IS false.

That's all.

Nothing new to see here.
Apparently the George W Bush Administration thinks everybody forgot how stupid they were. It didn't take a "genius" to know that there was no link between Saddam and Al-Qaida but they were so sure about it they used it as an excuse to invade and occupy Iraq in search of fictional "WMDs". Al-Qaida would have killed a secular leader like Saddam and everybody knew it.

The opinions of idiots like Rumsfeld are less credible than the opinions of a general idiot. Rumsfeld is specifically proven to be an idiot. When it comes to dead Americans, Rumsfeld, Cheney, and Bush, and the rest of his administration are at the top of the idiot leader board.

Attention all dip-shits who want to claim I brought up anything about race in the Op. Please use the quote feature and bold the part of the text where I talked about race.
OP can also refer to the opening post-er.

That would be you, bluesman. You chimp.

Oh OK, Op stands fore "opening post-er"

For some reason, the spell check is trying to tell me that "post-er" is not a real word.

I said sometimes, chimpy.

And if you don't know that people refer to other members here (periodically) as "poster" then your ignorance is your own problem.

In any event, it's a very important point. So do dwell on it.


Meanwhile, your thread headline is a lie.

For SOME reason you don't seem interested in noting that fact or correcting your "error."
Where would the left be without the 24/7 Media Matters junk editorialized by Huffington? It beats talking about real issues anyway.
OP can also refer to the opening post-er.

That would be you, bluesman. You chimp.

Oh OK, Op stands fore "opening post-er"

For some reason, the spell check is trying to tell me that "post-er" is not a real word.

I said sometimes, chimpy.

And if you don't know that people refer to other members here (periodically) as "poster" then your ignorance is your own problem.

In any event, it's a very important point. So do dwell on it.


Meanwhile, your thread headline is a lie.

For SOME reason you don't seem interested in noting that fact or correcting your "error."

Ok then, I guess "sometimes" it stands for a word that isn't in the dictionary. Good point.

As far as the headline. "Rummy" specifically used the word "ape" but because you are a "post-er" who says it is not a comparison, then I guess that settles it.
It's such a editorialized non issue that it is a laughable indication of the desperate left wing agenda. It beats talking about the dozens of administration scandals.
OP can also refer to the opening post-er.

That would be you, bluesman. You chimp.

Using liberal logic, bluesman is a racist bigot for having such an avatar.

Yes, let's dumb it down and all be right wing ideologues and talk about the "liberal" strawman.

If only the liberal strawman had a brain!

[ame=]If I Only Had a Brain - The Wizard of Oz (4/8) Movie CLIP (1939) HD - YouTube[/ame]
Oh OK, Op stands fore "opening post-er"

For some reason, the spell check is trying to tell me that "post-er" is not a real word.

I said sometimes, chimpy.

And if you don't know that people refer to other members here (periodically) as "poster" then your ignorance is your own problem.

In any event, it's a very important point. So do dwell on it.


Meanwhile, your thread headline is a lie.

For SOME reason you don't seem interested in noting that fact or correcting your "error."

Ok then, I guess "sometimes" it stands for a word that isn't in the dictionary. Good point.

As far as the headline. "Rummy" specifically used the word "ape" but because you are a "post-er" who says it is not a comparison, then it makes it so?

Again. You are very droll and your deft touch in repeating that remarkable point of yours?



And yes, Rumsfeld DID use the word "ape" but NOT in any comparison to Obumbler. Indeed, if anything he contrasted Obumbler AGAINST an ape. Even an ape could do something but Obumbler? Not so much.

The thread headline is flatly dishonest.

Every member of the USMB posting community knows it.

All honest ones would admit it.

Maybe you are just not a "poster" who is up to the task of being honest.

OK, I guess I have to break it down for the slower members:

This is what "Rummy" said:

“We have status of forces agreements probably with 100, 125 countries in the world," Rumsfeld said. "This administration, the White House, and the State Department, have failed to get a status of forces agreement. A trained ape could get a status of forces agreement. It doesn’t take a genius."

Rummy said a "trained ape" could do something that "this administration" failed to do. Notice he didn't say a "group of trained apes" which would have been correct if he was talking about the group of people that make up the administration. He specifically said "a trained ape"(singular). That was his chicken-shit way of talking directly about Obama. As far as it not "being a comparison" to an "ape", any shit for brains could figure that out. See what I did? I compared anyone who can't figure it out to a "shit for brains".
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