Rumsfeld compares Obama to an Ape


I Hereby authorize you to post a picture when you are not able to string together a few words and verbalize a coherent response.
Aren't we all related to the ape? Believers on the left of evolution would have to agree with me. ;)

This is exceptionally disingenuous. And, I expect you are not even intelligent enough to realize that.

How can you take someone who says "Believers on the left of evolution" seriously?

First I guess you have to figure out if you are to the "left of evolution" or not.
OK, I guess I have to break it down for the slower members:

This is what "Rummy" said:

“We have status of forces agreements probably with 100, 125 countries in the world," Rumsfeld said. "This administration, the White House, and the State Department, have failed to get a status of forces agreement. A trained ape could get a status of forces agreement. It doesn’t take a genius."

Rummy said a "trained ape" could do something that "this administration" failed to do. Notice he didn't say a "group of trained apes" which would have been correct if he was talking about the group of people that make up the administration. He specifically said "a trained ape"(singular). That was his chicken-shit way of talking directly about Obama. As far as it not "being a comparison" to an "ape", any shit for brains could figure that out. See what I did? I compared anyone who can't figure it out to a "shit for brains".
No matter how they try to paint it or justify it, comparing Obama to a nonhuman primate is offensive in the extreme because of the history of black men and women being compared to such. For someone in the position of Rumsfield to do so, and to do so in a public forum like an interview with the media, is beneath contempt. We all know that, but the conservatives are trying to say it is no big deal. They will have to deal with their own consciences.
OK, I guess I have to break it down for the slower members:

This is what "Rummy" said:

“We have status of forces agreements probably with 100, 125 countries in the world," Rumsfeld said. "This administration, the White House, and the State Department, have failed to get a status of forces agreement. A trained ape could get a status of forces agreement. It doesn’t take a genius."

Rummy said a "trained ape" could do something that "this administration" failed to do. Notice he didn't say a "group of trained apes" which would have been correct if he was talking about the group of people that make up the administration. He specifically said "a trained ape"(singular). That was his chicken-shit way of talking directly about Obama. As far as it not "being a comparison" to an "ape", any shit for brains could figure that out. See what I did? I compared anyone who can't figure it out to a "shit for brains".
No matter how they try to paint it or justify it, comparing Obama to a nonhuman primate is offensive in the extreme because of the history of black men and women being compared to such. For someone in the position of Rumsfield to do so, and to do so in a public forum like an interview with the media is beneath contempt. We all know that, but the conservatives are trying to say it is no big deal. They will have to deal with their own consciences.

To me it is no big deal if Rumsfeld was being racist or not. If he was I am willing to forgive and forget. However, the part about putting the country in debt paying for an invasion based on lies that got over 4,000 Americans and who knows how many Iraqis killed, I have a hard time getting past that. The thought of our tax dollars being spent blowing up peoples children, dogs, and grandparents, just because some Chicken-hawk idiot thought it was a good idea. No. Fuck that. It was a stupid move that came at a high price. If "Rummy" wants to talk about who is "not a genius" then it is fair to point out what an idiot he is. They claimed Al Qaeda was in Iraq. They weren't but they are now. Fucking dip-shit morons.
200 posts and already classified as a moron. Well done Blues....

What? Are you some kind of self appointed commentator? If you don't have the mental wherewithal to contest what I said in the Op, then that is a concession that "Rummy" is a fucking idiot and we can leave it at that.

If this is a fucking discussion forum and that is what you are here for, then fucking say something if you have the brains to do it.
Apparently the George W Bush Administration thinks everybody forgot how stupid they were. It didn't take a "genius" to know that there was no link between Saddam and Al-Qaida but they were so sure about it they used it as an excuse to invade and occupy Iraq in search of fictional "WMDs". Al-Qaida would have killed a secular leader like Saddam and everybody knew it.

The opinions of idiots like Rumsfeld are less credible than the opinions of a general idiot. Rumsfeld is specifically proven to be an idiot. When it comes to dead Americans, Rumsfeld, Cheney, and Bush, and the rest of his administration are at the top of the idiot leader board.

Donald Rumsfeld: 'A Trained Ape' Would Be Better At Foreign Policy Than Obama

Former Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld slammed President Barack Obama on Monday, saying "a trained ape" would have better foreign policy skills.

During an appearance on Fox News' "On the Record with Greta van Susteren," Rumsfeld criticized the White House for not securing a status of forces agreement with Afghanistan.

“We have status of forces agreements probably with 100, 125 countries in the world," Rumsfeld said. "This administration, the White House, and the State Department, have failed to get a status of forces agreement. A trained ape could get a status of forces agreement. It doesn’t take a genius."

Why is a guy that calls himself blues and and is using a chimp as an avatar calling anyone out for racism?

Apparently the George W Bush Administration thinks everybody forgot how stupid they were. It didn't take a "genius" to know that there was no link between Saddam and Al-Qaida but they were so sure about it they used it as an excuse to invade and occupy Iraq in search of fictional "WMDs". Al-Qaida would have killed a secular leader like Saddam and everybody knew it.

The opinions of idiots like Rumsfeld are less credible than the opinions of a general idiot. Rumsfeld is specifically proven to be an idiot. When it comes to dead Americans, Rumsfeld, Cheney, and Bush, and the rest of his administration are at the top of the idiot leader board.

Donald Rumsfeld: 'A Trained Ape' Would Be Better At Foreign Policy Than Obama

Former Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld slammed President Barack Obama on Monday, saying "a trained ape" would have better foreign policy skills.

During an appearance on Fox News' "On the Record with Greta van Susteren," Rumsfeld criticized the White House for not securing a status of forces agreement with Afghanistan.

“We have status of forces agreements probably with 100, 125 countries in the world," Rumsfeld said. "This administration, the White House, and the State Department, have failed to get a status of forces agreement. A trained ape could get a status of forces agreement. It doesn’t take a genius."

Why is a guy that calls himself blues and and is using a chimp as an avatar calling anyone out for racism?


You are lagging behind. Please see post 46:

Apparently the George W Bush Administration thinks everybody forgot how stupid they were. It didn't take a "genius" to know that there was no link between Saddam and Al-Qaida but they were so sure about it they used it as an excuse to invade and occupy Iraq in search of fictional "WMDs". Al-Qaida would have killed a secular leader like Saddam and everybody knew it.

The opinions of idiots like Rumsfeld are less credible than the opinions of a general idiot. Rumsfeld is specifically proven to be an idiot. When it comes to dead Americans, Rumsfeld, Cheney, and Bush, and the rest of his administration are at the top of the idiot leader board.

Attention all dip-shits who want to claim I brought up anything about race in the Op. Please use the quote feature and bold the part of the text where I talked about race.
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I Hereby authorize you to post a picture when you are not able to string together a few words and verbalize a coherent response.

Only the mentally weak would think they needed to grant others permission to post whatever the heck they wanted.
Aren't we all related to the ape? Believers on the left of evolution would have to agree with me. ;)

This is exceptionally disingenuous. And, I expect you are not even intelligent enough to realize that.

No. What's disingenuous is people who think we are related to apes and always comparing man to apes being "upset" because someone they disagree with politically mentions someone with apes.
200 posts and already classified as a moron. Well done Blues....

What? Are you some kind of self appointed commentator? If you don't have the mental wherewithal to contest what I said in the Op, then that is a concession that "Rummy" is a fucking idiot and we can leave it at that.

If this is a fucking discussion forum and that is what you are here for, then fucking say something if you have the brains to do it.

What you said has been contested for a dozen years. You have added nothing to the discussion. Pat yourself on the back and go to bed...and GFY.

I Hereby authorize you to post a picture when you are not able to string together a few words and verbalize a coherent response.

Only the mentally weak would think they needed to grant others permission to post whatever the heck they wanted.

That notice was only for the mentally weak. Thank you for responding.

Also, it is impossible to grant permission for past tense actions.
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200 posts and already classified as a moron. Well done Blues....

What? Are you some kind of self appointed commentator? If you don't have the mental wherewithal to contest what I said in the Op, then that is a concession that "Rummy" is a fucking idiot and we can leave it at that.

If this is a fucking discussion forum and that is what you are here for, then fucking say something if you have the brains to do it.

What you said has been contested for a dozen years. You have added nothing to the discussion. Pat yourself on the back and go to bed...and GFY.

A "dozen years ago" was 2002. The invasion took place after that.
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I Hereby authorize you to post a picture when you are not able to string together a few words and verbalize a coherent response.

Only the mentally weak would think they needed to grant others permission to post whatever the heck they wanted.

That notice was only for the mentally weak. Thank you for responding.

Also, it is impossible to grant permission for past tense actions.

I did respond. And I pointed out the mental weakness someone who thinks others need his permission to post what they want. You have to be incredibly weak if you cannot concieve that people can do as they please without your permission.
What? Are you some kind of self appointed commentator? If you don't have the mental wherewithal to contest what I said in the Op, then that is a concession that "Rummy" is a fucking idiot and we can leave it at that.

If this is a fucking discussion forum and that is what you are here for, then fucking say something if you have the brains to do it.

What you said has been contested for a dozen years. You have added nothing to the discussion. Pat yourself on the back and go to bed...and GFY.

A "dozen years ago" was 2002. The invasion took place after that.

so the discussion leading up to the invasion didn't happen?
Only the mentally weak would think they needed to grant others permission to post whatever the heck they wanted.

That notice was only for the mentally weak. Thank you for responding.

Also, it is impossible to grant permission for past tense actions.

I did respond. And I pointed out the mental weakness someone who thinks others need his permission to post what they want. You have to be incredibly weak if you cannot concieve that people can do as they please without your permission.

Yes and maybe you could "conceive" that it was sort of a joke response pointing out that people who are not bright enough to verbalize a response have to post a picture or a video or some other lame bullshit.


Please stop pestering me.
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What you said has been contested for a dozen years. You have added nothing to the discussion. Pat yourself on the back and go to bed...and GFY.

A "dozen years ago" was 2002. The invasion took place after that.

so the discussion leading up to the invasion didn't happen?

Oh come on. Are fucking serious? Are you really going to double down on a dumb comment? OK then, Yes, everything I said about Rumsfeld and the consequence's of the Iraq invasion were already addressed before the invasion. Is that dumb enough for you?
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