Rumsfeld compares Obama to an Ape

ZOMG...comparing bush to a monkey or ape...not newsworthy...but obama...ZOMG
Rumsfeld's comparison of Obama to an ape is not racially motivated. It's motivated by his belief that Obama lacks knowledge of foreign policy. However, this seems rather strange considering the mess that Rumsfeld made.
ZOMG...comparing bush to a monkey or ape...not newsworthy...but obama...ZOMG
Rumsfeld's comparison of Obama to an ape is not racially motivated. It's motivated by his belief that Obama lacks knowledge of foreign policy. However, this seems rather strange considering the mess that Rumsfeld made.


I offer you a free and completely accurate correction to your silly sentence:

Rumsfeld's comparison of Obama to an ape is non existent.

Obumbler's grasp on foreign policy is also non existent.

Our resident Bumbler in Chief couldn't articulate his own "foreign policy" even if he had one. The incumbent President is a dangerously inept clusterfuck.
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Ur idiocy is simply not worthy of a response.

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OK, I guess I have to break it down for the slower members:

This is what "Rummy" said:

“We have status of forces agreements probably with 100, 125 countries in the world," Rumsfeld said. "This administration, the White House, and the State Department, have failed to get a status of forces agreement. A trained ape could get a status of forces agreement. It doesn’t take a genius."

Rummy said a "trained ape" could do something that "this administration" failed to do. Notice he didn't say a "group of trained apes" which would have been correct if he was talking about the group of people that make up the administration. He specifically said "a trained ape"(singular). That was his chicken-shit way of talking directly about Obama. As far as it not "being a comparison" to an "ape", any shit for brains could figure that out. See what I did? I compared anyone who can't figure it out to a "shit for brains".

YOU ARE the slower member.

You just quoted Rumsfeld and you STILL cannot grasp the undeniable FACT that he did NOT compare Obumbler to an Ape, you chimp.

Rummy said a "trained ape" could do something that "this administration" failed to do. Notice he didn't say a "group of trained apes" which would have been correct if he was talking about the group of people that make up the administration. He specifically said "a trained ape"(singular). That was his chicken-shit way of talking directly about Obama. As far as it not "being a comparison" to an "ape", any shit for brains could figure that out. See what I did? I compared anyone who can't figure it out to a "shit for brains".
OK, I guess I have to break it down for the slower members:

This is what "Rummy" said:

“We have status of forces agreements probably with 100, 125 countries in the world," Rumsfeld said. "This administration, the White House, and the State Department, have failed to get a status of forces agreement. A trained ape could get a status of forces agreement. It doesn’t take a genius."

Rummy said a "trained ape" could do something that "this administration" failed to do. Notice he didn't say a "group of trained apes" which would have been correct if he was talking about the group of people that make up the administration. He specifically said "a trained ape"(singular). That was his chicken-shit way of talking directly about Obama. As far as it not "being a comparison" to an "ape", any shit for brains could figure that out. See what I did? I compared anyone who can't figure it out to a "shit for brains".

YOU ARE the slower member.

You just quoted Rumsfeld and you STILL cannot grasp the undeniable FACT that he did NOT compare Obumbler to an Ape, you chimp.

Rummy said a "trained ape" could do something that "this administration" failed to do. Notice he didn't say a "group of trained apes" which would have been correct if he was talking about the group of people that make up the administration. He specifically said "a trained ape"(singular). That was his chicken-shit way of talking directly about Obama. As far as it not "being a comparison" to an "ape", any shit for brains could figure that out. See what I did? I compared anyone who can't figure it out to a "shit for brains".

But ONE (1) trained APE CAN do a better job than 100 of the Regime!! As for you being offended...

Little clueless skiny monkey swing through the trees looking for a free "banana" scared of his shadow.

What does "skiny" mean? Is that a new word?

"looking for a free "banana" scared..."

"monkey swing through the trees"?

That is about the most ignorant sounding sentence I have ever seen.
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YOU ARE the slower member.

You just quoted Rumsfeld and you STILL cannot grasp the undeniable FACT that he did NOT compare Obumbler to an Ape, you chimp.

Rummy said a "trained ape" could do something that "this administration" failed to do. Notice he didn't say a "group of trained apes" which would have been correct if he was talking about the group of people that make up the administration. He specifically said "a trained ape"(singular). That was his chicken-shit way of talking directly about Obama. As far as it not "being a comparison" to an "ape", any shit for brains could figure that out. See what I did? I compared anyone who can't figure it out to a "shit for brains".

But ONE (1) trained APE CAN do a better job than 100 of the Regime!! As for you being offended...

Being "offended"? What the fuck is wrong with you? Please bold the part where I was "offended".

No wonder none of the right wingers can comprehend what "Rummy" said.
Little clueless skiny monkey swing through the trees looking for a free "banana" scared of his shadow.

What does "skiny" mean? Is that a new word?

"looking for a free "banana" scared..."

"monkey swing through the trees"?

got to you real easy!!!huh???????ROFLMAO!!!

What the fuck are you talking about? Maybe you should put some of this energy into studying for your GED.

Also, why did you take the time to edit out the part of my post where I said it was the most ignorant sounding sentence I have ever seen?
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Rummy said a "trained ape" could do something that "this administration" failed to do. Notice he didn't say a "group of trained apes" which would have been correct if he was talking about the group of people that make up the administration. He specifically said "a trained ape"(singular). That was his chicken-shit way of talking directly about Obama. As far as it not "being a comparison" to an "ape", any shit for brains could figure that out. See what I did? I compared anyone who can't figure it out to a "shit for brains".

But ONE (1) trained APE CAN do a better job than 100 of the Regime!! As for you being offended...

Being "offended"? What the fuck is wrong with you? Please bold the part where I was "offended".

No wonder none of the right wingers can comprehend what "Rummy" said.

Highlighted sure sounds like you took exception!

BTW, here's small gif of Rummy walking into a room full of liberals!

Aren't we all related to the ape? Believers on the left of evolution would have to agree with me. ;)
Some are a lot more closely related than others. Rumsfeld has to be right up there with first cousin or brother status.
But ONE (1) trained APE CAN do a better job than 100 of the Regime!! As for you being offended...

Being "offended"? What the fuck is wrong with you? Please bold the part where I was "offended".

No wonder none of the right wingers can comprehend what "Rummy" said.

Highlighted sure sounds like you took exception!

You don't seem to be able to read things in context. I was responding to a post where someone said that it wasn't a comparison to Obama.

Here is how I responded:

...Notice he didn't say a "group of trained apes" which would have been correct if he was talking about the group of people that make up the administration. He specifically said "a trained ape"(singular). That was his chicken-shit way of talking directly about Obama. That was his chicken-shit way of talking directly about Obama.

It was a singular comparison and therefore specifically talking about Obama but he was doing it in a chicken-shit way.

It is becoming apparent that the only thing the right wingers have so far are personal attacks and attempts to mischaracterize. Is there not one single right winger who can take up for "Rummy"? When personal attacks are the only response, then as far as the debate goes, the "rummy" defenders are stumped.
Being "offended"? What the fuck is wrong with you? Please bold the part where I was "offended".

No wonder none of the right wingers can comprehend what "Rummy" said.

Highlighted sure sounds like you took exception!

You don't seem to be able to read things in context. I was responding to a post where someone said that it wasn't a comparison to Obama.

Here is how I responded:

...Notice he didn't say a "group of trained apes" which would have been correct if he was talking about the group of people that make up the administration. He specifically said "a trained ape"(singular). That was his chicken-shit way of talking directly about Obama. That was his chicken-shit way of talking directly about Obama.

It was a singular comparison and therefore specifically talking about Obama but he was doing it in a chicken-shit way.

It is becoming apparent that the only thing the right wingers have so far are personal attacks and attempts to mischaracterize. Is there not one single right winger who can take up for "Rummy"? When personal attacks are the only response, then as far as the debate goes, the "rummy" defenders are stumped.

Up and through 2006 he did this list, but many have since the Manchurian muslim's regime took over have been nullified!

Overall: A multinational coalition has liberated 50 million people in Afghanistan and Iraq, with formation of representative governments and security forces.
Liberated 31 million Afghans from Taliban control and destroyed Al-Qaeda sanctuary – conquering elements that successfully fought off the Soviet Union for over nine years – and stood up a Loya Jurga governing council eight months after operations began.
Liberated 26.7 million Iraqis from a brutal dictatorship and turned over sovereignty of the country to an Iraqi government in 16 months.
Recruited, Organized, Trained, and Equipped Iraqi and Afghan Security Forces:

  • 129,000 for Iraqi Ministry of Defense
  • 165,100 for Iraqi Ministry of Interior
  • 33,000 for Afghan National Army
  • 37,000 for Afghan National Police
Conducted safe and secure elections in Afghanistan and Iraq:

  • Elections in Iraq
    • January 30, 2005 election—55 percent turnout
    • October 15, 2005 constitutional ratification—63 percent turnout
    • December 15, 2005 election—78 percent turnout
    • March 16, 2006—permanent Iraqi Government seated
  • Elections in Afghanistan
    • October 9, 2005 election—roughly 80 percent of voters turnout
    • December 7, 2005—Afghan President inaugurated
Senior leadership of America’s enemies have been captured, killed, or made to run:

  • Khalid Sheik Mohammad, Al-Qaeda’s Director of Operations—captured March 1, 2003
  • Saddam Hussein’s sons—killed July 22, 2003
  • Saddam Hussein—captured December 13, 2003
  • Ali Hassan Mahmud al-Tikriti, AKA Chemical Ali—captured August 21, 2003
  • Al Zarqawi, leader of Al Qaeda in Iraq—killed June 7, 2006
  • Forty-five of fifty-five of Saddam’s top regime—the deck of cards—have been killed or captured

  • Conducted hundreds of intelligence and tactical operations—many with partner nations—throughout the world against terrorist organizations directly or loosely affiliated with Al-Qaeda.

  • NATO has expanded its reach in Afghanistan—the first time the Alliance has acted outside of its traditional boundaries.

  • Suspected terrorists held at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, have revealed information that has helped thwart attacks against our troops, the American people and our allies.
Highlighted sure sounds like you took exception!

You don't seem to be able to read things in context. I was responding to a post where someone said that it wasn't a comparison to Obama.

Here is how I responded:

...Notice he didn't say a "group of trained apes" which would have been correct if he was talking about the group of people that make up the administration. He specifically said "a trained ape"(singular). That was his chicken-shit way of talking directly about Obama. That was his chicken-shit way of talking directly about Obama.

It was a singular comparison and therefore specifically talking about Obama but he was doing it in a chicken-shit way.

It is becoming apparent that the only thing the right wingers have so far are personal attacks and attempts to mischaracterize. Is there not one single right winger who can take up for "Rummy"? When personal attacks are the only response, then as far as the debate goes, the "rummy" defenders are stumped.

Up and through 2006 he did this list, but many have since the Manchurian muslim's regime took over have been nullified!

Overall: A multinational coalition has liberated 50 million people in Afghanistan and Iraq, with formation of representative governments and security forces.
Liberated 31 million Afghans from Taliban control and destroyed Al-Qaeda sanctuary – conquering elements that successfully fought off the Soviet Union for over nine years – and stood up a Loya Jurga governing council eight months after operations began.
Liberated 26.7 million Iraqis from a brutal dictatorship and turned over sovereignty of the country to an Iraqi government in 16 months.
Recruited, Organized, Trained, and Equipped Iraqi and Afghan Security Forces:

  • 129,000 for Iraqi Ministry of Defense
  • 165,100 for Iraqi Ministry of Interior
  • 33,000 for Afghan National Army
  • 37,000 for Afghan National Police
Conducted safe and secure elections in Afghanistan and Iraq:

  • Elections in Iraq
    • January 30, 2005 election—55 percent turnout
    • October 15, 2005 constitutional ratification—63 percent turnout
    • December 15, 2005 election—78 percent turnout
    • March 16, 2006—permanent Iraqi Government seated
  • Elections in Afghanistan
    • October 9, 2005 election—roughly 80 percent of voters turnout
    • December 7, 2005—Afghan President inaugurated
Senior leadership of America’s enemies have been captured, killed, or made to run:

  • Khalid Sheik Mohammad, Al-Qaeda’s Director of Operations—captured March 1, 2003
  • Saddam Hussein’s sons—killed July 22, 2003
  • Saddam Hussein—captured December 13, 2003
  • Ali Hassan Mahmud al-Tikriti, AKA Chemical Ali—captured August 21, 2003
  • Al Zarqawi, leader of Al Qaeda in Iraq—killed June 7, 2006
  • Forty-five of fifty-five of Saddam’s top regime—the deck of cards—have been killed or captured

  • Conducted hundreds of intelligence and tactical operations—many with partner nations—throughout the world against terrorist organizations directly or loosely affiliated with Al-Qaeda.

  • NATO has expanded its reach in Afghanistan—the first time the Alliance has acted outside of its traditional boundaries.

  • Suspected terrorists held at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, have revealed information that has helped thwart attacks against our troops, the American people and our allies.

You copied and pasted from the following link:



Video of Farewell Message to the Troops - Secretary of Defense Donald H. Rumsfeld

Print Version of Message >

Video - Farewell Parade for Secretary of Defense Donald H. Rumsfeld - Pentagon, Dec. 15

Photos: SECDEF Final Morning >
Photos: Farewell Parade >

In the last six years, the Department has made great strides in modernizing its forces to address the threats of the 21st century.

•Overall: A multinational coalition has liberated 50 million people in Afghanistan and Iraq, with formation of representative governments and security forces.
•Liberated 31 million Afghans from Taliban control and destroyed Al-Qaeda sanctuary – conquering elements that successfully fought off the Soviet Union for over nine years – and stood up a Loya Jurga governing council eight months after operations began.
•Liberated 26.7 million Iraqis from a brutal dictatorship and turned over sovereignty of the country to an Iraqi government in 16 months.
•Recruited, Organized, Trained, and Equipped Iraqi and Afghan Security Forces:
◦129,000 for Iraqi Ministry of Defense
◦165,100 for Iraqi Ministry of Interior
◦33,000 for Afghan National Army
◦37,000 for Afghan National Police
•Conducted safe and secure elections in Afghanistan and Iraq:
◦Elections in Iraq
◾January 30, 2005 election—55 percent turnout
◾October 15, 2005 constitutional ratification—63 percent turnout
◾December 15, 2005 election—78 percent turnout
◾March 16, 2006—permanent Iraqi Government seated
◦Elections in Afghanistan
◾October 9, 2005 election—roughly 80 percent of voters turnout
◾December 7, 2005—Afghan President inaugurated
•Senior leadership of America’s enemies have been captured, killed, or made to run:
◦Khalid Sheik Mohammad, Al-Qaeda’s Director of Operations—captured March 1, 2003
◦Saddam Hussein’s sons—killed July 22, 2003
◦Saddam Hussein—captured December 13, 2003
◦Ali Hassan Mahmud al-Tikriti, AKA Chemical Ali—captured August 21, 2003
◦Al Zarqawi, leader of Al Qaeda in Iraq—killed June 7, 2006
◦Forty-five of fifty-five of Saddam’s top regime—the deck of cards—have been killed or captured
•Conducted hundreds of intelligence and tactical operations—many with partner nations—throughout the world against terrorist organizations directly or loosely affiliated with Al-Qaeda.
•NATO has expanded its reach in Afghanistan—the first time the Alliance has acted outside of its traditional boundaries.
•Suspected terrorists held at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, have revealed information that has helped thwart attacks against our troops, the American people and our allies.

That was all prepared by "Rummy's" people.

You know, I don't know if I want to even waste my time with someone who uses the copy-and-past tactic but doesn't include a link. What a bullshit tactic. The other thing is that it didn't address anything I said. That is some weak shit. Are all right wingers this weak? Come on, there has to be someone with a brain who wants to take up for "Rummy".
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