Rumsfeld Dead

Rumsfeld was a neocon's neocon. He, along with Cheney, Paul Wolfowitz and Richard Pearle, led us into the war in Iraq. They got us into that fiasco which has left countless dead and millions displaced.

He was also quite the wordsmith:

“There are known knowns, things we know that we know; and there are known unknowns, things that we know we don't know. But there are also unknown unknowns, things we do not know we don't know.”

We will be living with his legacy for generations to come.
Peace for his family. 88 is not too bad.
Rumsfeld’s only son Nick, who had struggled with drug addiction....

I'm sure he was a great father. LOL
Wouldnt you be on drugs if your dad was a mass murderer?

How much would it cost for the devil to buy your soul?

Donald Rumsfeld Net Worth:
$20 Million

Between his terms as Secretary of Defense, he served as the CEO and chairman of several companies.

Born in Illinois, Rumsfeld attended Princeton University, graduating in 1954 with a degree in political science.

Shady. No one with a political science degree becomes CEO. And Republicans complain about Hunter Biden making as much as he did? What about Rummy? What did he do for those companies for them to make him CEO? Do you know what it takes to be a CEO? Finance, business, etc....
Peace for his family. 88 is not too bad.
Rumsfeld’s only son Nick, who had struggled with drug addiction....

I'm sure he was a great father. LOL
What a low class piece of shit you are. You're a much better father, right?
Go spend time with your kids loser.

And it's funny you can talk all kinds of shit about FDR but I can't talk shit about a mass murderer like rummy?
FDR was worse
Peace for his family. 88 is not too bad.
Rumsfeld’s only son Nick, who had struggled with drug addiction....

I'm sure he was a great father. LOL

You're being awfully gross. I've known plenty of wonderful, decent parents see their children slip into and struggle with drug/alcohol abuse. Addiction isn't political as it touches people from all walks of life.

Also, I'm not sure if this is the flex you wish to make considering President Biden has a child that struggles with addiction as well, but I'm sure you see *that* somehow differently.

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