Donald Sutherland will not be down for breakfast

USA has become the new USSR
The Ukraine girls really knock me out
They know the West is blind
And Moscow girls make me sing and shout
And Goldman Sachs is always on
My, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my mind.....

Z only needs another 100 billion and this horrible war will be over ??

I mean inflation is so bad and Z needs to live in basic comfort , right ?
Well he is just a nice Jewish man with a beard that dresses like a regular common person!

Surely we can trust him and he would never lie .

That Putin is just a meanie
You grew up?

Gives me the sad...The man who breathed life into the character whose handle I stole has passed.

RIP, Oddball...Sending all the cosmic positive waves your way.



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