Rumsfeld Dead

Rumsfeld served as chief executive officer, president, and then chairman of G. D. Searle & Company, a worldwide pharmaceutical company

Rumsfeld served as chairman and chief executive officer of General Instrument Corporation from 1990 to 1993. A leader in broadband transmission, distribution, and access control technologies for cable, satellite and terrestrial broadcasting applications

Rumsfeld served as chairman of Gilead Sciences, Inc. Gilead is the developer of Tamiflu (Oseltamivir), which is used in the treatment of bird flu.[43] As a result, Rumsfeld's holdings in the company grew significantly when avian flu became a subject of popular anxiety during his later term as Secretary of Defense. Following standard practice, Rumsfeld recused himself from any decisions involving Gilead, and he directed the Pentagon's General Counsel to issue instructions outlining what he could and could not be involved in if there were an avian flu pandemic and the Pentagon had to respond.

All shady shit. When we talk about the Deep State we should mention Rummy.
Peace for his family. 88 is not too bad.
Rumsfeld’s only son Nick, who had struggled with drug addiction....

I'm sure he was a great father. LOL

You're being awfully gross. I've known plenty of wonderful, decent parents see their children slip into and struggle with drug/alcohol abuse. Addiction isn't political as it touches people from all walks of life.

Also, I'm not sure if this is the flex you wish to make considering President Biden has a child that struggles with addiction as well, but I'm sure you see *that* somehow if differently.
Yes we know because Republicans brought it up when Trump was running against him. Now suddenly it's not cool to mention?

Also, I'm not sure if this is the flex you wish to make considering President Biden has a child that struggles with addiction as well, but I'm sure you see *that* somehow if differently.


Thousands of Innocent Iraqi Men, Women and Children died because Rummy lied.
We know Bush and his team were planning to invade Iraq long before Jeb stole Florida for George in 2000.

In 1998, Kristol and Kagan advocated regime change in Iraq throughout the Iraq disarmament process through articles that were published in the New York Times.[25][26] Following perceived Iraqi unwillingness to co-operate with UN weapons inspections, core members of the PNAC including Richard Perle, Paul Wolfowitz, R. James Woolsey, Elliot Abrams, Donald Rumsfeld, Robert Zoellick, and John Bolton were among the signatories of an open letter initiated by the PNAC to President Bill Clinton calling for the removal of Saddam Hussein.

DEEP STATE Republicans.
Rumsfeld did a great job during the first Iraq war

His performance during the second Iraq war was horrific as he led us into an unnecessary war that led to over a hundred thousand unnecessary deaths
Peace for his family. 88 is not too bad.
Rumsfeld’s only son Nick, who had struggled with drug addiction....

I'm sure he was a great father. LOL

You're being awfully gross. I've known plenty of wonderful, decent parents see their children slip into and struggle with drug/alcohol abuse. Addiction isn't political as it touches people from all walks of life.

Also, I'm not sure if this is the flex you wish to make considering President Biden has a child that struggles with addiction as well, but I'm sure you see *that* somehow if differently.
Yes we know because Republicans brought it up when Trump was running against him. Now suddenly it's not cool to mention?
So you're acting exactly like the people you claim to dislike so much? How noble of you. :lol:
Rumsfeld did a great job during the first Iraq war

His performance during the second Iraq war was horrific as he led us into an unnecessary war that led to over a hundred thousand unnecessary deaths
I'm glad finally people are saying out loud LIED and we're no longer getting push back from USMB Republicans. They finally admit they lied. Maybe Trump has something to do with it. When he was a candidate running in the Republican primaries he said flat out THEY LIED, THERE WERE NO WMD's AND THEY KNEW IT.
At the age of 88, Rumsfeld has passed away.

Now all the democrats here will display their lack of character by maligning the deceased - AGAIN.

So you admit Trump lacked character. So why did you vote for him then?

'He's Not a War Hero': Donald Trump Mocks John McCain's Service​

Trump, a Republican presidential contender for 2016, had McCain in his cross hairs again following the senator's critical comments this week. And Republicans voted for Trump after he said that. So fuck off.

Then this after McCain died

More Republicans are urging President Donald Trump to halt his attacks on the late Sen. John McCain. But Trump is continuing to complain about the Arizona senator’s health care vote seven months after McCain died of brain cancer.
Buh...buh...but that is different. Der Fuhrer is allowed to say anything he wants.
Did not agree with Rumsfeld in many areas, my condolences to his family and friends.
They should have to give his $20 million to all the families who's sons died in the Iraq war.

How many people died because of him? And you give his family condolences? Do you give Hitler's family condolences? What about when Putin dies are you going to give his family condolences?

Population-based studies produce estimates of the number of Iraq War casualties ranging from 151,000 violent deaths to 1,033,000 All estimates of Iraq War casualties are disputed.

Either way, it's a lot of deaths.

  • A 2006 study by the Walter Reed Medical Center, which serves more critically injured soldiers than most VA hospitals, concluded that 62 percent of patients there had suffered a brain injury.[80]
  • In March 2003, U.S. military personnel were wounded in action at a rate averaging about 350 per month. As of September 2007, this rate has increased to about 675 per month.[57]
This was back when you were defending the war remember? Saddam had WMD's you swore. Idiot.

By March 2009, the Pentagon estimated as many as 360,000 U.S. veterans of the Iraq and Afghanistan conflicts may have suffered traumatic brain injuries

in March 2008 that nearly 30% of troops on their third deployment suffered from serious mental-health problems, and that one year was not enough time between combat tours.

But we were spread so thin they had to.

Let's not forget what a scumbag Rummy was. If he's not in hell today who is?
Rumsfeld did a great job during the first Iraq war

His performance during the second Iraq war was horrific as he led us into an unnecessary war that led to over a hundred thousand unnecessary deaths
I'm glad finally people are saying out loud LIED and we're no longer getting push back from USMB Republicans. They finally admit they lied. Maybe Trump has something to do with it. When he was a candidate running in the Republican primaries he said flat out THEY LIED, THERE WERE NO WMD's AND THEY KNEW IT.
Yeah, I remember battling with right-wing nuts on another site about the WMDs or lack thereof. They would never believe that there were no WMDs or that the Iraq war was in vain.

But now? After der fuhrer has put down GWB & co? Suddenly all right-wingers are against wars & they think GWB/Cheney/Rumsfeld were all traitors!! LOL
i remember all the respect the gop gave take your hypocritical bs and shove it

and do you think these people care if you live or die....
Rumsfeld did a great job during the first Iraq war

His performance during the second Iraq war was horrific as he led us into an unnecessary war that led to over a hundred thousand unnecessary deaths

Except they were found a few years later, buried far out deep in the desert, and everyone agreed to it including BIDEN.

Rumsfeld did a great job during the first Iraq war

His performance during the second Iraq war was horrific as he led us into an unnecessary war that led to over a hundred thousand unnecessary deaths
I'm glad finally people are saying out loud LIED and we're no longer getting push back from USMB Republicans. They finally admit they lied. Maybe Trump has something to do with it. When he was a candidate running in the Republican primaries he said flat out THEY LIED, THERE WERE NO WMD's AND THEY KNEW IT.
Yeah, I remember battling with right-wing nuts on another site about the WMDs or lack thereof. They would never believe that there were no WMDs or that the Iraq war was in vain.

But now? After der fuhrer has put down GWB & co? Suddenly all right-wingers are against wars & they think GWB/Cheney/Rumsfeld were all traitors!! LOL
They why are they kissing his ass here? He lied us into a very costly war. Money and lives. They should have done to him and Bush what they did to Saddam

At the age of 88, Rumsfeld has passed away.

Now all the democrats here will display their lack of character by maligning the deceased - AGAIN.

So you admit Trump lacked character. So why did you vote for him then?

'He's Not a War Hero': Donald Trump Mocks John McCain's Service​

Trump, a Republican presidential contender for 2016, had McCain in his cross hairs again following the senator's critical comments this week. And Republicans voted for Trump after he said that. So fuck off.

Then this after McCain died

More Republicans are urging President Donald Trump to halt his attacks on the late Sen. John McCain. But Trump is continuing to complain about the Arizona senator’s health care vote seven months after McCain died of brain cancer.

Trump shouldn't have said those things.

Y'all really need to talk about and think about something other than Trump.

Waitress- Can I take your order?

Sillybo- Yes, I'll have anything Trump wouldn't order, cuz Trump.
Sez the team that still trots out Carter, Clinton, Hillary years later. But yeah, I can understand why the Right would be upset when Rump is brought up. I too would be ashamed if I was a Republican.

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