Rumsfeld Dead

What I liked about him he was always available for live interviews before the public explaining policy. They always had him on the big screen answering questions on all networks or there in the studio on the Sunday news shows. Overall I would say he was a good patriot .
What I liked about him he was always available for live interviews before the public explaining policy. They always had him on the big screen answering questions on all networks or there in the studio on the Sunday news shows. Overall I would say he was a good patriot .
Patriotism is the last refuge of a scoundrel

Colbert: "are you jealous of the other Donald?"

Rumsfeld: "I don't even know Trump...i can't believe he and Bernie get those big crowds"

What I liked about him he was always available for live interviews before the public explaining policy. They always had him on the big screen answering questions on all networks or there in the studio on the Sunday news shows. Overall I would say he was a good patriot .
Patriotism is the last refuge of a scoundrel

I thought online discussion boards were.
At the age of 88, Rumsfeld has passed away.

Now all the democrats here will display their lack of character by maligning the deceased - AGAIN.

So you admit Trump lacked character. So why did you vote for him then?

'He's Not a War Hero': Donald Trump Mocks John McCain's Service​

Trump, a Republican presidential contender for 2016, had McCain in his cross hairs again following the senator's critical comments this week. And Republicans voted for Trump after he said that. So fuck off.

Then this after McCain died

More Republicans are urging President Donald Trump to halt his attacks on the late Sen. John McCain. But Trump is continuing to complain about the Arizona senator’s health care vote seven months after McCain died of brain cancer.

Trump shouldn't have said those things.

Y'all really need to talk about and think about something other than Trump.

Waitress- Can I take your order?

Sillybo- Yes, I'll have anything Trump wouldn't order, cuz Trump.
Sez the team that still trots out Carter, Clinton, Hillary years later. But yeah, I can understand why the Right would be upset when Rump is brought up. I too would be ashamed if I was a Republican.

I'm not a republican. I'm my own team. And Trump made my eye twitch here and there, but I wasn't ashamed of him. I thought he did a decent job.

Carter should be put in the big book of horrendous disasters this country has experienced. But former President Peanuthead still ain't brought up by anyone on any side.

Clinton- meh.

I admit I may have become somewhat demonic in regards to that fuckin bitch Hagatha the Hillary.

But I feel MUCH better now...
If you vote republican, you are a republican, no matter how embarrassing that might be.
Rumsfeld was a neocon's neocon. He, along with Cheney, Paul Wolfowitz and Richard Pearle, led us into the war in Iraq. They got us into that fiasco which has left countless dead and millions displaced.

He was also quite the wordsmith:

“There are known knowns, things we know that we know; and there are known unknowns, things that we know we don't know. But there are also unknown unknowns, things we do not know we don't know.”

We will be living with his legacy for generations to come.

Thousands of Innocent Men, Women and Children died because Rummy. No W.M.D. No mobile weapons labs.

Operation Iraqi Freedom...O.I.L.

The original name of the cluster fuck Rummy created.
At the age of 88, Rumsfeld has passed away.

Now all the democrats here will display their lack of character by maligning the deceased - AGAIN.

So you admit Trump lacked character. So why did you vote for him then?

'He's Not a War Hero': Donald Trump Mocks John McCain's Service​

Trump, a Republican presidential contender for 2016, had McCain in his cross hairs again following the senator's critical comments this week. And Republicans voted for Trump after he said that. So fuck off.

Then this after McCain died

More Republicans are urging President Donald Trump to halt his attacks on the late Sen. John McCain. But Trump is continuing to complain about the Arizona senator’s health care vote seven months after McCain died of brain cancer.

Trump shouldn't have said those things.

Y'all really need to talk about and think about something other than Trump.

Waitress- Can I take your order?

Sillybo- Yes, I'll have anything Trump wouldn't order, cuz Trump.
Sez the team that still trots out Carter, Clinton, Hillary years later. But yeah, I can understand why the Right would be upset when Rump is brought up. I too would be ashamed if I was a Republican.

I'm not a republican. I'm my own team. And Trump made my eye twitch here and there, but I wasn't ashamed of him. I thought he did a decent job.

Carter should be put in the big book of horrendous disasters this country has experienced. But former President Peanuthead still ain't brought up by anyone on any side.

Clinton- meh.

I admit I may have become somewhat demonic in regards to that fuckin bitch Hagatha the Hillary.

But I feel MUCH better now...
If you vote republican, you are a republican, no matter how embarrassing that might be.

Well shit.

I guess if you say so
At the age of 88, Rumsfeld has passed away.

Now all the democrats here will display their lack of character by maligning the deceased - AGAIN.

So you admit Trump lacked character. So why did you vote for him then?

'He's Not a War Hero': Donald Trump Mocks John McCain's Service​

Trump, a Republican presidential contender for 2016, had McCain in his cross hairs again following the senator's critical comments this week. And Republicans voted for Trump after he said that. So fuck off.

Then this after McCain died

More Republicans are urging President Donald Trump to halt his attacks on the late Sen. John McCain. But Trump is continuing to complain about the Arizona senator’s health care vote seven months after McCain died of brain cancer.

Trump shouldn't have said those things.

Y'all really need to talk about and think about something other than Trump.

Waitress- Can I take your order?

Sillybo- Yes, I'll have anything Trump wouldn't order, cuz Trump.
Sez the team that still trots out Carter, Clinton, Hillary years later. But yeah, I can understand why the Right would be upset when Rump is brought up. I too would be ashamed if I was a Republican.

I'm not a republican. I'm my own team. And Trump made my eye twitch here and there, but I wasn't ashamed of him. I thought he did a decent job.

Carter should be put in the big book of horrendous disasters this country has experienced. But former President Peanuthead still ain't brought up by anyone on any side.

Clinton- meh.

I admit I may have become somewhat demonic in regards to that fuckin bitch Hagatha the Hillary.

But I feel MUCH better now...
If you vote republican, you are a republican, no matter how embarrassing that might be.

Well shit.

I guess if you say so
Glad I could clear that up for you.
Rumsfeld called the Iraq War "this maddening war in this maddening land"

if only he was in some position of power to do something about it!

"if i feel it, he feels it...if he feels it, i feel"...that's how George W Bush described his relationship with Donnie
Rumsfeld insisted to his last day that he would have done the same thing in Iraq if he had to do it all over again

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