Rumsfeld Dead

At the age of 88, Rumsfeld has passed away.

Now all the democrats here will display their lack of character by maligning the deceased - AGAIN.

So you admit Trump lacked character. So why did you vote for him then?

'He's Not a War Hero': Donald Trump Mocks John McCain's Service​

Trump, a Republican presidential contender for 2016, had McCain in his cross hairs again following the senator's critical comments this week. And Republicans voted for Trump after he said that. So fuck off.

Then this after McCain died

More Republicans are urging President Donald Trump to halt his attacks on the late Sen. John McCain. But Trump is continuing to complain about the Arizona senator’s health care vote seven months after McCain died of brain cancer.
How off-topic can you get?

Republican predicts democrats will not be respectful of tummy’s passing. I remind you that trump pissed on McCain’s grave and you voted for him.

You don’t see the hypocrisy? You dare say anything about us talking bad about the dead and you vote for a man who does it? Fuck you, sir. No offense.
Peace for his family. 88 is not too bad.
Rumsfeld’s only son Nick, who had struggled with drug addiction....

I'm sure he was a great father. LOL

I have a cousin who was a drug addict and an alcoholic. He drank himself to death. His father, my uncle, was one of the greatest men I ever knew. You need to STFU about parental responsibilities and go back to raising your gerbils.
... So why did you vote for him then?


You don't know who I ever voted for, stupid.
You said Democrats would now be disrespectful. Clearly you're not a Democrat. Maybe you could be a libertarian. All we know is Trump got blown out in MA

Biden won 301 of the 351 municipalities. Biden swept all demographic groups, garnering 63% of whites, 84% of Latinos, 58% of Catholics, 56% of Protestants, and 86% of Jewish voters. Trump had the worst vote share in Massachusetts of any Republican nominee since 1996, and slightly underperformed George W.

No wonder you're so angry.

And Trump won every single county in West Virginia. Whats your point?
At the age of 88, Rumsfeld has passed away.

Now all the democrats here will display their lack of character by maligning the deceased - AGAIN.

So you admit Trump lacked character. So why did you vote for him then?

'He's Not a War Hero': Donald Trump Mocks John McCain's Service​

Trump, a Republican presidential contender for 2016, had McCain in his cross hairs again following the senator's critical comments this week. And Republicans voted for Trump after he said that. So fuck off.

Then this after McCain died

More Republicans are urging President Donald Trump to halt his attacks on the late Sen. John McCain. But Trump is continuing to complain about the Arizona senator’s health care vote seven months after McCain died of brain cancer.
How off-topic can you get?

Republican predicts democrats will not be respectful of tummy’s passing. I remind you that trump pissed on McCain’s grave and you voted for him.

You don’t see the hypocrisy? You dare say anything about us talking bad about the dead and you vote for a man who does it? Fuck you, sir. No offense.
Whose passing, dumbass?
"don't tell me the white house is calling. buildings can't call!"

Rumsfeld was a wrestler for 10 years...that explains his TENACITY
At the age of 88, Rumsfeld has passed away.

Now all the democrats here will display their lack of character by maligning the deceased - AGAIN.

So you admit Trump lacked character. So why did you vote for him then?

'He's Not a War Hero': Donald Trump Mocks John McCain's Service​

Trump, a Republican presidential contender for 2016, had McCain in his cross hairs again following the senator's critical comments this week. And Republicans voted for Trump after he said that. So fuck off.

Then this after McCain died

More Republicans are urging President Donald Trump to halt his attacks on the late Sen. John McCain. But Trump is continuing to complain about the Arizona senator’s health care vote seven months after McCain died of brain cancer.
How off-topic can you get?

Republican predicts democrats will not be respectful of tummy’s passing. I remind you that trump pissed on McCain’s grave and you voted for him.

You don’t see the hypocrisy? You dare say anything about us talking bad about the dead and you vote for a man who does it? Fuck you, sir. No offense.
So you are holding yourselves to the "Donald Trump standard" then?
Rumsfeld was a neocon's neocon. He, along with Cheney, Paul Wolfowitz and Richard Pearle, led us into the war in Iraq. They got us into that fiasco which has left countless dead and millions displaced.

He was also quite the wordsmith:

“There are known knowns, things we know that we know; and there are known unknowns, things that we know we don't know. But there are also unknown unknowns, things we do not know we don't know.”

We will be living with his legacy for generations to come.

Thousands of Innocent Men, Women and Children died because Rummy. No W.M.D. No mobile weapons labs.

Operation Iraqi Freedom...O.I.L.

The original name of the cluster fuck Rummy created.
The U.S. would've invaded Iraq eventually anyway.

Post your fucking proof.

Saddam was the Chief U.S. Butt Boy in charge of blocking the spread of Radical Islam after the Shah bit the big one.

Rummy made a Whisky-Handshake deal with him that allowed Saddam execute whole helluva lot of opponents and insured Saddam's Dictatorship.

As for biological and chemical weapons, Saddam used Mustard Gas against his people AND of course against Iranian Soldiers during Iran/Iraq War. Reagents for Mustard were supplied by the U.S.

By the time of the U.S. Led Invasion however, all Biological and Chemical Weapons capability in Iraq were destroyed, but hey that was the one lie that stuck (Iraq had WMD...they did not and they sure as hell have a nuclear weapons program).

There were no ties to or connections with Al_Qeada, Saddam was a Secular Dictator and Usama hated him for it.

Rummy lied and people died.
"The American warfare state’s upper reaches are filled with bloodthirsty megalomaniacs. But few have been as deranged as Donald Rumsfeld, whose appetite for imperial violence combined with free market zealotry produced one of the most spectacular failures in all of US military history

no other figure in my lifetime has embodied the vain, cruel, and ultimately self-defeating hubris of American militarism more powerfully than Donald Rumsfeld.

It is no coincidence that the epochal failure of the United States military in the twenty-first century was also the personal failure that will forever define Rumsfeld himself. The small man and the mighty army were each done in by the same insurmountable tensions, each impaled on the same sword."

How did the U.S. fail in Iraq? We killed one hell of a lot of Iraqis (though not as many as people think), destroyed their military, eliminated their rulers and occupied their country. By almost any historical standard that is an overwhelming victory.

No we didn't manage to build a western style democracy there but in life you don't get everything you hope for.

Estimates are up One Half Million Iraqi's died. Men, Women and Children dead. Then there of course the "Pre-Born"...."Un-Born" that you people that claim had that non-Existent "Right To Life". But fuck it right, they were NOT White, NOT American and most of all NOT CHRISTIAN!!!!
Ronnie Ray-Gun sent Rummy to Iraq in December of 1983. On December 20, 1983 Rummy shook hands with Saddam.

Rummy Continued To Support Saddam After Chemical Attacks.

No Weapons of Mass Destruction (W.M.D.) Found In Iraq.

How The U.S. Helped Saddam Use Chemical Weapons.

New Documents Detail U.S. Involvement In Saddam's Nerve Gas Attacks.

Exclusive Files Prove U.S. (Under Ray-Gun) Helped Saddam As He (Saddam) Gassed Iraq.

Denying the truth does not change the truth.

Rummy was Ray-Gun's go to man for Saddam. Facts are facts.
Ronnie Ray-Gun sent Rummy to Iraq in December of 1983. On December 20, 1983 Rummy shook hands with Saddam.

Rummy Continued To Support Saddam After Chemical Attacks.

No Weapons of Mass Destruction (W.M.D.) Found In Iraq.

How The U.S. Helped Saddam Use Chemical Weapons.

New Documents Detail U.S. Involvement In Saddam's Nerve Gas Attacks.

Exclusive Files Prove U.S. (Under Ray-Gun) Helped Saddam As He (Saddam) Gassed Iraq.

Denying the truth does not change the truth.

Rummy was Ray-Gun's go to man for Saddam. Facts are facts.

Rumsfeld shaking hands with Saddam Hussein doesn't mean anything. Just as FDR embracing Stalin didn't mean that the U.S. supported the Soviets or Jimmy Carter exchanging kisses with Brezhnev.
Ronnie Ray-Gun sent Rummy to Iraq in December of 1983. On December 20, 1983 Rummy shook hands with Saddam.

Rummy Continued To Support Saddam After Chemical Attacks.

No Weapons of Mass Destruction (W.M.D.) Found In Iraq.

How The U.S. Helped Saddam Use Chemical Weapons.

New Documents Detail U.S. Involvement In Saddam's Nerve Gas Attacks.

Exclusive Files Prove U.S. (Under Ray-Gun) Helped Saddam As He (Saddam) Gassed Iraq.

Denying the truth does not change the truth.

Rummy was Ray-Gun's go to man for Saddam. Facts are facts.

Rumsfeld shaking hands with Saddam Hussein doesn't mean anything. Just as FDR embracing Stalin didn't mean that the U.S. supported the Soviets or Jimmy Carter exchanging kisses with Brezhnev.

It means everything. Rummy was Ray-Guns Rep. He set wheels in motion. Denying facts does not change facts.
Ronnie Ray-Gun sent Rummy to Iraq in December of 1983. On December 20, 1983 Rummy shook hands with Saddam.

Rummy Continued To Support Saddam After Chemical Attacks.

No Weapons of Mass Destruction (W.M.D.) Found In Iraq.

How The U.S. Helped Saddam Use Chemical Weapons.

New Documents Detail U.S. Involvement In Saddam's Nerve Gas Attacks.

Exclusive Files Prove U.S. (Under Ray-Gun) Helped Saddam As He (Saddam) Gassed Iraq.

Denying the truth does not change the truth.S.

Rummy was Ray-Gun's go to man for Saddam. Facts are facts.

Rumsfeld shaking hands with Saddam Hussein doesn't mean anything. Just as FDR embracing Stalin didn't mean that the U.S. supported the Soviets or Jimmy Carter exchanging kisses with Brezhnev.

It means everything. Rummy was Ray-Guns Rep. He set wheels in motion. Denying facts does not change facts.

The U.S. supported Iraq as opposed to Iran long before Reagan took office.
Rummy set things in motion. The U.S. Ally was Iran, under the Shah, you did know that right?

The alliance with Saddam was meant to block the spread of Radical Islam AFTER the fall of the Shah and rise of the Islamic Republic of Iran.

Rummy shaking hands with Saddam created the shit storm that created the Iraqi War in the first damn place.

As long as Saddam was killing Iranians the U.S. had no problem with Iraq or how Saddam ran it.

U.S. gave financial support Iraq after Rummy's handshake, NOT before.

IF not Ray-Gun, Rummy and Cheney Saddam would NOT have happened.
Rummy set things in motion. The U.S. Ally was Iran, under the Shah, you did know that right?

The alliance with Saddam was meant to block the spread of Radical Islam AFTER the fall of the Shah and rise of the Islamic Republic of Iran.

Rummy shaking hands with Saddam created the shit storm that created the Iraqi War in the first damn place.

As long as Saddam was killing Iranians the U.S. had no problem with Iraq or how Saddam ran it.

U.S. gave financial support Iraq after Rummy's handshake, NOT before.

IF not Ray-Gun, Rummy and Cheney Saddam would NOT have happened.
The Shah was overthrown well before then.

And Iraq and Iran had major disagreements including armed ones long before the Rumsfeld visit.

Saddam Hussein was in power years before Reagan became president. And why do you deliberately misspell the name of President Reagan?
I <3 Rummy for things like this:

Screen Shot 2021-07-02 at 2.12.07 PM.png
Yes, the Shah was overthrown before Rummy's visit. Rummy's visit solidified U.S. Support for Saddam and guaranteed ongoing support from the U.S. to Saddam, including ag credits and reagents for Chemical Weapons.

The Rummy's visit gave Saddam power, that he used. Without that support, Saddam would have dead in the water. Without U.S. Assistance in helping Saddam develop Chemical Weapons, Saddam would not have use Mustard Gas on his people or against Iran during the Iran/Iraq War.

You ignore the truth. Not at all surprising.

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