Rumsfeld Dead

Yes, the Shah was overthrown before Rummy's visit. Rummy's visit solidified U.S. Support for Saddam and guaranteed ongoing support from the U.S. to Saddam, including ag credits and reagents for Chemical Weapons.

The Rummy's visit gave Saddam power, that he used. Without that support, Saddam would have dead in the water. Without U.S. Assistance in helping Saddam develop Chemical Weapons, Saddam would not have use Mustard Gas on his people or against Iran during the Iran/Iraq War.

You ignore the truth. Not at all surprising.

Precursor chemicals for chemical weapons are not actual chemical weapons themselves though.

And Saddam Husseins use of chemical weapons was not a major tactical advantage for Iraq.

Oh wow, I'm not used to seeing him look like this, I'm assuming that's a relatively recent pic. Unless it's just a really bad picture, it looks like he was not in good health and had lost a lot of body mass. I almost didn't recognize him. He was the same age as William Shatner who's still doing TV shows and commercials and looks about the same as he did at 78 if you can believe it. It's crazy how some people manage to continue avoiding father time through their 80s whereas others go completely downhill physically. RIP.

This is where the left turns into ghouls and start dancing around cheering.

Of course, if in a few months a lefty dies and someone cheers, they'll be all about the moral outrage.
Well ,I cheered when RBG croaked. Good riddance,
At the age of 88, Rumsfeld has passed away.

Now all the democrats here will display their lack of character by maligning the deceased - AGAIN.
I know, huh! They should stay those on the right did when McCain died~
excerpts from the Bob Woodward book "The War Within" about Rumsfeld and the Iraq War:

the Iraq War was a pivot point, one of history's hinges, a conflict that defined America's future standing in the world, Bush's legacy, and Rumsfeld's reputation as Secretary of Defense

"the problem is our attitude. the general attitude in the US military is: We can do this. Get out of our way. we'll take care of it. you guys stand over there.

that won't give us success in Iraq. the task in Iraq is to remove the training wheels and get American hands off the backs of the Iraqi bicycle seat" - Rumsfeld

Cheney and Rumsfeld were well versed in foreign policy, but Powell i would argue was more versed, and he hated both those guys

"these guys at DOD are just assholes, i have no patience for them", Powell bellowed

Powell became an outsider, the Reluctant Warrior out of step with the fulsome muscularity of the Bush Iraq team

Powell hated that Rumsfeld had said "stuff happens" when asked about rampant looting in Iraq. he quoted it with utter disdain, saying it was absurd and an abdication of responsability. Rumsfeld said that freedom is "untidy" and the looting was a result of "pent-up" feelings after decades of Saddam's oppression.

Powell singled out the firing of Army Chief Of Staff General Eric Shinseki, who argued for a larger force in Iraq. Powell said that Rumsfeld destroyed Eric's career. no one attended Eric's retirement ceremony. Dissent was not allowed at the Pentagon. those who speak up get treated like Eric

Bush signed a directive giving authority to Rumsfeld to control what happens in Iraq, much to Powell's and Condi Rice's chagrin

there is only one clear conclusion: America didn't know what it was doing in Iraq
"Oh Jesus Christ!" - Rumsfeld bellowed after hearing about the US killing Zarqawi. Rumsfeld was clearly unused to good news about Iraq, and it showed in his reaction

Rumsfeld described Al Qaeda as "just a bunch of ragbags in pickup trucks
Larry Elder interviewed Rumsfeld in 2013, and Rumsfeld quoted Huckleberry Finn to criticize Obama's foreign policy!

listen here:

Rumsfeld was sent by Reagan to meet Saddam Hussein in have to wonder what they discussed?
How did I miss this:oops:?!?!?!?
The Late Pat Tillman is NOW going to garb its ass the minute it gets there, and beat the Holy crap outta that satanic poufiasse. Then pass it on to other US as well as Foreign Soliders. Oh that foul demon is going to hell alright...

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