Rumsfeld throws Bush under the bus.

Donald Rumsfeld: George W. Bush was wrong about Iraq

President George W. Bush was wrong to try to build democracy in Iraq, former Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld
said in a recent interview, marking a striking admission from a key player behind the 2003 U.S. invasion.

In an
interview with British newspaper The Times, Rumsfeld said that efforts to oust Saddam Hussein and replace his tyrannical regime with democracy were unworkable, and that he had concerns about the plan from the beginning.

White House says ISIS on defense in parts of Iraq

“I’m not one who thinks that our particular template of democracy is appropriate for other countries at every moment of their histories,” Rumsfeld told The Times. “The idea that we could fashion a democracy in Iraq seemed to me unrealistic. I was concerned about it when I first heard those words.”

Are there any rats left on the sunken ship at this point?

W was a puppet. Rumsfeld and Cheney and others the puppeteers. Having had their hands up his butt, everything he did as President was their own doing. That they're criticizing their puppet suggests they have some ambitions yet.

We're in the circular fingerpointing phase that inevitably occurs after every disastrous blunder of a war.
As if you give a crap.

They don't.

dimocraps are not good people with bad ideas. They are some evil motherfuckers.

The sooner we all realize that, the better off we'll be.

Understand that FACT and everything else falls into place.

Whenever you're trying to figure out what's in a the dimocrap scum mind, whenever you're trying to understand them or their actions....... Don't try.

Normal humans just don't understand evil. And that is what dimocraps are. Pure evil
AFTER all the needless death and destruction, vermin like Rumsfeld come out of hiding to try to rehabilitate their image.

I am sure our military thanks you for belittling their sacrifice. I know, I know, it has to be said by every howling liberal who forgot we bombed Serbia, Libya and Syria, but I am not sure why.

When our military is needlessly killed that decision deserves to be belittled
It would be a sight for sore eyes to see Bush, Cheney, Rumsfeld, Condi Rice, Colin Powell et all hanging form a gallows pole

Juke Box philosophy?

What a scumbag you are.

My 12 year old grandson would laugh in your stupid fucking face
AFTER all the needless death and destruction, vermin like Rumsfeld come out of hiding to try to rehabilitate their image.

I am sure our military thanks you for belittling their sacrifice. I know, I know, it has to be said by every howling liberal who forgot we bombed Serbia, Libya and Syria, but I am not sure why.

I opposed the war, asshole.
Iraq under Hussein was a save place and in the 80`s had a very good working education system and outstanding infrastructure.

Safe if you were not a woman and dating Saddam's sons.

Safe if you weren't in the opposition.

Safe if you were not a Kurd.

Safe if you didn't live in Iran or Kuwait.

The Iraq War Was a Good Idea If You Ask the Kurds - The Atlantic

yeah whatever wing nut sure....


Iraq under Hussein was a save place and in the 80`s had a very good working education system and outstanding infrastructure.

Stupid scrunt.

Tell the Kurds that


Tell the victims of Uday and Qusay's rape rooms.

You really are a useless cooze.
Rumfuck was a main component in providing the resources needed for producing the chemical weapons used to create the photo you have posted. The Reagan administration want to help Saddam with his war with Iran. The photo you have posted is the results of Rumsfuck and Reagan's "collateral" damage.
When our military is needlessly killed that decision deserves to be belittled

Unlike you, our Military Men are courageous and willing to risk it all for the sake of others.

You risk nothing. You venture nothing. You stay home cowering under your covers afraid to come out.

Our Military Men are Men. You are a sniveling coward.

And all cowards hate heroes. Just a fact of life. It's been in every morality play since the beginning of time.

Now shut up and clean that French Fry oil, bitch.
It would be a sight for sore eyes to see Bush, Cheney, Rumsfeld, Condi Rice, Colin Powell et all hanging form a gallows pole

Juke Box philosophy?

What a scumbag you are.

My 12 year old grandson would laugh in your stupid fucking face

Fk you smegma breath you are just another second banana to me...chicken hawk biotch LOL

Eat a dick you scum-sucking piece of shit.

The internet sure does make you brave.
When our military is needlessly killed that decision deserves to be belittled

Unlike you, our Military Men are courageous and willing to risk it all for the sake of others.

You risk nothing. You venture nothing. You stay home cowering under your covers afraid to come out.

Our Military Men are Men. You are a sniveling coward.

And all cowards hate heroes. Just a fact of life. It's been in every morality play since the beginning of time.

Now shut up and clean that French Fry oil, bitch.
There is no courage to you and the rest of the chickenhawk tough guys...just get bent ...
Iraq under Hussein was a save place and in the 80`s had a very good working education system and outstanding infrastructure.

Stupid scrunt.

Tell the Kurds that


Tell the victims of Uday and Qusay's rape rooms.

You really are a useless cooze.
Look, who´s talking. In the face of this, your unproven propaganda shit is just null and void.
Intangible, that those who have the most skeletons in their numberless closets, are the ones that constantly point at others while most of their accusations are simply lies.

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When our military is needlessly killed that decision deserves to be belittled

Unlike you, our Military Men are courageous and willing to risk it all for the sake of others.

You risk nothing. You venture nothing. You stay home cowering under your covers afraid to come out.

Our Military Men are Men. You are a sniveling coward.

And all cowards hate heroes. Just a fact of life. It's been in every morality play since the beginning of time.

Now shut up and clean that French Fry oil, bitch.

Our military entrusts our politicians to make prudent decisions as to when their lives should be risked
Their lives are literally in the hands of the "decision makers"

Making a decision to put hundreds of thousands of boots on the ground to nation build in a country that was no threat outside its borders is criminal
The pseudo tough guy wing nut still supports Bush Iraq folly because no one he cares about got killed in the unmitigated fiasco of Iraq.....I have utter contempt for people like that and I sure hopes that is apparent....

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