'Run Away!' -- Gallup: Percentage of people identifying as Democrats reaches all time low

The actual poll indicates that voters are leaving both parties in significant numbers, but that wasn't the message you were trying to convey....

From the initial Post:

"Both party bases have been and are beginning to feel more and more LESS represented and more DICTATED to, both struggling to energize and maintain a handle on their bases / constituents. While 'hardcore' die-hards on both sides continue to claim superiority, the other members are beginning to lay down their banners to go in search of a new 'team' to join!

Hallelujah! I hope this is a sign that Americans are tired of the B$ from BOTH Parties and are walking away from them BOTH! Time for Americans to wake up and decide for themselves what is best for America instead of what is politicians pushing onto us what is best for them, their donors, and their buddies!"


Do you ever hate being so WRONG?

Do you wake up in the middle of the night, after your brain has caught up with your ignorance, screaming "NO, Don't post that - it's wrong'?!

Or are your mind and body in sync and happy to be stupid together?

Why were you afraid to post the actual poll?
I could care less about the living democrats. They can't even read well enough to vote. My concern are the dead ones that vote in mass every election
I could care less about the living democrats. They can't even read well enough to vote. My concern are the dead ones that vote in mass every election

And of course you can link to the reports on all these dead voters voting?

I can...and it's a BONUS because it deals with / is linked to, ironically, the CLINTONS:

Clinton Campaign Lawyer Linked to DEAD PEOPLE VOTING SCAM
- Clinton Campaign Lawyer Linked to DEAD PEOPLE VOTING SCAM - Progressives Today

"A lawyer named Marc Elias who has strong ties to the Clintons and Hillary’s presidential campaign is being investigated for voter fraud. His previous work includes fighting voter IDs."


:mm: :happy-1::clap:
And another....

In New Hampshire Dead Democrats Get to Vote
Katie Pavlich - In New Hampshire Dead Democrats Get to Vote

The voter fraud issue is only going to get worse from this point forward. Eric Holder is using Justice Department resources to sue states like South Carolina for enforcing voter identification at the polls while ignoring blatant cases of voter fraud.
Dems down, GOP down... got it. Hence the Democrat hopefuls being a complete scumbag and a 300 year-old socialist. And on the other side, Trump.


Both parties are in trouble...
You'd have more credibility in citing a Gallup poll if you included the actual poll. If you prefer sensationalism to credibility, that's fine.

Analogy: I post a thread about an article that talks about Trump going to a campaign dinner where the meal is provided by a world famous chef who cooks incredible ribs....and even though I provide a link to the article you claim it is not valid because I don't post a link to the chef's web age non which he has his recipe for those ribs.

The actual poll indicates that voters are leaving both parties in significant numbers, but that wasn't the message you were trying to convey, so you went to a secondary source that claimed the poll said something else.

That's known as mendacity.
The OP was not shy in claiming that both parties have this issue. The reality is that the right realized this 8 years ago when Bush absolutely obliterated the number of people that identified as republicans. They know their voter rolls are decimated. The democrats sinking to lows like this is new.
I could care less about the living democrats. They can't even read well enough to vote. My concern are the dead ones that vote in mass every election

And of course you can link to the reports on all these dead voters voting?

I can...and it's a BONUS because it deals with / is linked to, ironically, the CLINTONS:

Clinton Campaign Lawyer Linked to DEAD PEOPLE VOTING SCAM
- Clinton Campaign Lawyer Linked to DEAD PEOPLE VOTING SCAM - Progressives Today

"A lawyer named Marc Elias who has strong ties to the Clintons and Hillary’s presidential campaign is being investigated for voter fraud. His previous work includes fighting voter IDs."


:mm: :happy-1::clap:

There was nothing about dead people voting in the article you linked to.

You need to learn the difference between voting fraud and registration fraud.

Votto claimed that dead people VOTE "in mass". Link to that.
You'd have more credibility in citing a Gallup poll if you included the actual poll. If you prefer sensationalism to credibility, that's fine.

Analogy: I post a thread about an article that talks about Trump going to a campaign dinner where the meal is provided by a world famous chef who cooks incredible ribs....and even though I provide a link to the article you claim it is not valid because I don't post a link to the chef's web age non which he has his recipe for those ribs.

The actual poll indicates that voters are leaving both parties in significant numbers, but that wasn't the message you were trying to convey, so you went to a secondary source that claimed the poll said something else.

That's known as mendacity.
The OP was not shy in claiming that both parties have this issue. The reality is that the right realized this 8 years ago when Bush absolutely obliterated the number of people that identified as republicans. They know their voter rolls are decimated. The democrats sinking to lows like this is new.


I could care less about the living democrats. They can't even read well enough to vote. My concern are the dead ones that vote in mass every election

And of course you can link to the reports on all these dead voters voting?

I can...and it's a BONUS because it deals with / is linked to, ironically, the CLINTONS:

Clinton Campaign Lawyer Linked to DEAD PEOPLE VOTING SCAM
- Clinton Campaign Lawyer Linked to DEAD PEOPLE VOTING SCAM - Progressives Today

"A lawyer named Marc Elias who has strong ties to the Clintons and Hillary’s presidential campaign is being investigated for voter fraud. His previous work includes fighting voter IDs."


:mm: :happy-1::clap:
His work was preventing voters from not being able to vote.
Peace & Freedom Party used to refer to the majority party as DemoPubs to highlight that mostly they are not different. Now it is noted that Sanders is Different, and catching up to Clinton, and the Cruz and Trump are different, mostly have nothing to do with the Republicans.

Noting that the Poll noted the lack of identification in the electorate with either party, then actually the Republicans come off the bench with less going for them. The Democrats are debating among factions within their leadership. The Republicans have no apparent leadership that anyone wants to be seen with.

Independents break evenly for the two parties--16% for each, when leaning voters are included. There is still a split between the two major parties. The Independents are not running off to the fringe parties.

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Many young warriors detail fringe along sleeves and backs of shirts. Many young warriors see many blacks doing same thing to scalps(?)! Great Spirit, "Seven Come Eleven," mainly welcomes blacks to Lands of Many Nations, without reservations(?). . .into game! Hmmmm!)

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