'Run Away!' -- Gallup: Percentage of people identifying as Democrats reaches all time low

Instead of going to the source, rubes always get their information from piss outlets.

Now take a look at what the source headline says:
Democratic, Republican Identification Near Historical Lows

  • 42% identify as independents, 29% as Democrats, 26% as Republicans
I don know what you're crowing about.

All this means is Trump wins. Establishment candidates are losing support big-time.

Is that happening in your country too?

Gallup reports Democrats are abandoning the DNC, like they did in historic, record-setting fashion in 2014, and the best you can do is avoud addressing the poll that shows it's happening and attacking me instead....

That's truly funny....and sad....you really have NOTHING solid with which to respond, a sign that liberals quietly know how low their party has sunk.

Whatever gets you through the nightmare, guys....go for it. What will you do, though, when Hillary goes to jail and Bernie is the only candidate you have left?! :p
This Gallup poll and other polls show a definite dissatisfaction with both parties. And I'm one of those who thinks both parties suck.
Look who they got running for president! It's a fucking joke! And looking who the leaders are on both sides isn't a joke, it's sad, sad, sad.
On the Dem side we have the old rerun Hillary Clinton, who basically no one trusts (outside her loyalist) and on the GOP side, we have Trump, who ranks right behind Hillary regarding lack of trust by the general public. Hillary is a Clinton, exactly what is there to trust or believe. Ask yourself, would you buy a used car from that woman? The GOP has the most qualified candidate by far, with Kasich. But he's too main stream, too centralist and too normal. So, he's sucking hind teat, just because he's so normal and mirrors a majority of Americans. Nope, the base wants one of the biggest bullshitters that American politics has ever seen and he has no substance and foreign policy experts basically think he's a dunce. But, but he doesn't believe in being PC, so he must be qualified! What?
Both parties are so out of touch with reality, it's un-fucking believable. I expect to see the GOP and Dem numbers to keep on dropping. Now, because they have controlled congress, the presidency and the Supreme Court, they have written laws to damn near guarantee that we'll be stuck with those losers until hell freezes over.
Good job suckers!
Now go back to the hyper-partisan talking points that you get that you swear are true, even though not too many of you have actually put the effort in to see if they are true. That'd be a big bummer for you anyways, finally finding out you are again, being played.
There, I got that off my chest.
This is encouraging news, both of the major parties "bases" are disintegrating; maybe the American Public is finally waking up to the fact that both parties are nothing more than houses of ill repute run by the same corrupt, power hungry assholes.

The last partisan lemming to leave the cage please remember to turn the lights out.

"However [political parties] may now and then answer popular ends, they are likely in the course of time and things, to become potent engines, by which cunning, ambitious, and unprincipled men will be enabled to subvert the power of the people and to usurp for themselves the reins of government, destroying afterwards the very engines which have lifted them to unjust dominion." -- George Washington
You'd have more credibility in citing a Gallup poll if you included the actual poll. If you prefer sensationalism to credibility, that's fine.

Analogy: I post a thread about an article that talks about Trump going to a campaign dinner where the meal is provided by a world famous chef who cooks incredible ribs....and even though I provide a link to the article you claim it is not valid because I don't post a link to the chef's web age non which he has his recipe for those ribs.

You are a SPECIAL kind of stupid.... :lmao:

For my own sanity I think I am just going to ignore you for a bit. My ears pop too much when I have to fly down that low to talk to you. :p

You dumb shit. One of your sources lied to you and you ate it up like a sick dog eats vomit.

Now....you are upset that everyone sees how stupid you are.

Great thread.
Yup, the Pubs are losing members more quickly than the Dems, and the millennialsl' political identification tell the real story.

You'd have more credibility in citing a Gallup poll if you included the actual poll. If you prefer sensationalism to credibility, that's fine.

Analogy: I post a thread about an article that talks about Trump going to a campaign dinner where the meal is provided by a world famous chef who cooks incredible ribs....and even though I provide a link to the article you claim it is not valid because I don't post a link to the chef's web age non which he has his recipe for those ribs.

You are a SPECIAL kind of stupid.... :lmao:

For my own sanity I think I am just going to ignore you for a bit. My ears pop too much when I have to fly down that low to talk to you. :p

You dumb shit. One of your sources lied to you and you ate it up like a sick dog eats vomit.

Now....you are upset that everyone sees how stupid you are.

Great thread.
Prove they lied....link?
thanks Obama, you were good for something. mostly good for the Republican party and helping in destroying that party calling themselves, Democrats
You'd have more credibility in citing a Gallup poll if you included the actual poll. If you prefer sensationalism to credibility, that's fine.

Analogy: I post a thread about an article that talks about Trump going to a campaign dinner where the meal is provided by a world famous chef who cooks incredible ribs....and even though I provide a link to the article you claim it is not valid because I don't post a link to the chef's web age non which he has his recipe for those ribs.

You are a SPECIAL kind of stupid.... :lmao:

For my own sanity I think I am just going to ignore you for a bit. My ears pop too much when I have to fly down that low to talk to you. :p

You dumb shit. One of your sources lied to you and you ate it up like a sick dog eats vomit.

Now....you are upset that everyone sees how stupid you are.

Great thread.
Prove they lied....link?

How adorable...you demanding links. I'm still waiting for you to link to all the dead people voting.
No matter the polls the election is going to be razor close and that bothers some IDIOTS out there. I just laugh Luke crazy who would go more crazy, extreme left cooks if trump wins or extreme conservative wackos if Hillary wins. Neither group has a clue. Both scenarios are funny. If anyone thinks the difference is that great boy you are as dumb as rocks.
How adorable...you demanding links. I'm still waiting for you to link to all the dead people voting.
WTF are you talking about? I posted 3 - 4 links / stories.

I understand....you hate when people post things that make you uncomfortable, so you claim their sources are no good / not valid, you make claims to the contrary with nothing to back it up..... Awwww...how PATHETIC. Saul Alinsky would be proud....

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