'Run Away!' -- Gallup: Percentage of people identifying as Democrats reaches all time low

Posting the same crap from before is not people voting. Dead people being registered is not dead people voting. You have failed.

Registration fraud and voting fraud are not the same.

Yup, you ARE a very SPECIAL kind of stupid!

Gee, Sea, why would anyone take the time to register thousands of dead people if they had no intention of using these dead people / their info to commit voter fraud?
- Sorry, I shouldn't have asked as it seems deduction and common sense is NOT your strong point....


More Than 200 Dead People Shown to Have Voted in NY County Elections: Report
- 270 Dead People Shown to Have Voted in Nassau County

"More than 6,000 dead people are registered to vote in Nassau County and records show about 270 of them actually voted after their deaths..."


The case of ‘zombie’ voters in South Carolina
- The case of ‘zombie’ voters in South Carolina

We just recently learned that there are over 900 individuals who had died before the election (and had voted) and at least 600 of those individuals had died way outside the window that an absentee ballot could have been sent, so we know for a fact that there are deceased people whose identities are being used in elections in South Carolina.”

— South Carolina Attorney General Alan Wilson (R), on Fox News, Jan. 21, 2012

“We found out that there were over 900 people who died and then subsequently voted. That number could be even higher than that.”
— Wilson, on Fox News, Jan. 12, 2012


Liberals always make the declaration, as if their laughable opinion is 'fact', that there is no voter fraud, there are none on record, and no such thing can be proven (as long as you keep your eyes shut); yet, there are a plethora of examples like this that it does happen.

So YES, Faun, DEAD people have and do vote in elections...and it starts by having them and keeping them registered and ends with some dirtbag voting by using their identity.

From your own link

County elections commissioner Bill Biamonte said simple clerical errors make it seem as if the dead are voting. For example, a person voting could accidentally sign their name next to a dead person's name rather than their own in a poll registry book.

"There’s no malice, no evil intentions behind this," said Biamonte."Just election day workers or voters making mistakes."

"If it's a clerical error, it's a clerical error," said John Burwell, whose late mom, Evelyn Burwell, was identified as one of the dead Nassau residents who cast a vote in a recent election. "People make mistakes."

Biamonte said relatives of the deceased need to send something in writing to the county in order for their relations to be removed from voter rolls.
All these Republican voter fraud claims revolve around outdated voter rolls and ineligible voter registration forms.....none involve ineligible people actually voting
What B$....and spewed without hesitation:

Woman Votes Multiple Times in Election 2012 but Denies Voter Fraud!


No Justice Department Charges Against Ohio Woman Who Voted Six Times for Obama
- No Justice Department Charges Against Ohio Woman Who Voted Six Times for Obama - Breitbart

"Last week Al Sharpton embraced convicted vote fraudster Melowese Richardson at a “voting rights” rally in Cincinnati. The United States Department of Justice under Eric Holder has done nothing to Melowese Richardson 410 days after she admitted on camera that she committed multiple federal felonies by voting six times for President Obama’s reelection.

Federal law makes it a felony to vote more than once for President. In fact, 42 U.S.C. Section 1973i(e) subjects Richardson to twenty-five years in federal prison for her six votes for Obama."

Melowese was STUPID enough to brag to a national news crew how she had voted for Obama 6 times. Evidently Obama and his DOJ share the same opinion as Faun and NYC that voting 6 times is NOT voter fraud because the DOJ never did a thing. In another case a woman did a similar thing but she was arrested. The DOJ - Eric Holder, in fact, showed up and had her charges dropped.

THIS (NYC's false opinion-based declaration) is the B/S Liberals spew that I am talking about. Melowese Richardson was arrested and charged with a crime, rendering everything NYC just 'puked' up a LIE. It was nothing more than his OPINION that wilts....bursts into flame...when compared to the documented FACTS such as that above.

Liberals can claim until they are blue in the face that there is no such thing as voter fraud but they continue to be exposed as delusional morons or flat-out LIARS. NYC and Faun are perfect examples.

How long are you going to milk one case?

You use a case of one woman and try to claim rampant voter fraud nationwide. It doesn't exist
All these Republican voter fraud claims revolve around outdated voter rolls and ineligible voter registration forms.....none involve ineligible people actually voting
What B$....and spewed without hesitation:

Woman Votes Multiple Times in Election 2012 but Denies Voter Fraud!


No Justice Department Charges Against Ohio Woman Who Voted Six Times for Obama
- No Justice Department Charges Against Ohio Woman Who Voted Six Times for Obama - Breitbart

"Last week Al Sharpton embraced convicted vote fraudster Melowese Richardson at a “voting rights” rally in Cincinnati. The United States Department of Justice under Eric Holder has done nothing to Melowese Richardson 410 days after she admitted on camera that she committed multiple federal felonies by voting six times for President Obama’s reelection.

Federal law makes it a felony to vote more than once for President. In fact, 42 U.S.C. Section 1973i(e) subjects Richardson to twenty-five years in federal prison for her six votes for Obama."

Melowese was STUPID enough to brag to a national news crew how she had voted for Obama 6 times. Evidently Obama and his DOJ share the same opinion as Faun and NYC that voting 6 times is NOT voter fraud because the DOJ never did a thing. In another case a woman did a similar thing but she was arrested. The DOJ - Eric Holder, in fact, showed up and had her charges dropped.

THIS (NYC's false opinion-based declaration) is the B/S Liberals spew that I am talking about. Melowese Richardson was arrested and charged with a crime, rendering everything NYC just 'puked' up a LIE. It was nothing more than his OPINION that wilts....bursts into flame...when compared to the documented FACTS such as that above.

Liberals can claim until they are blue in the face that there is no such thing as voter fraud but they continue to be exposed as delusional morons or flat-out LIARS. NYC and Faun are perfect examples.

How long are you going to milk one case?

You use a case of one woman and try to claim rampant voter fraud nationwide. It doesn't exist

Which has nothing to do with Votto's original claim, that dead people are voting "in mass". (he meant en masse). You'll note that Votto has not tried to support his original claim, only Stephanie's idiot brother has...and he failed in a most spectacular way.
There is voter fraud.
- NYC/Faun: Un-Uh

Dead People are registered and do 'vote'.
- NYC/Faun: Un-Uh

Here are the Links:
- NYC/Faun: Dead people are only REGISTERED to vote - it never happens.

Here are the links that prove the identities of deceased people have been used (documented) to cast fraudulent votes
- NYC/FAUN: Uh-uh...there is no voter fraud

Here is the case of Melowese Richardson and others who have ADMITTED OPENLY to voter fraud (with links)
- NYC/Faun: Uh-uh...doesn't happen

In the mystical, mythical land of Liberal delusion voter fraud does not exist...never happens. Even when people are arrested, didn't happen. 'La, la, la...nothing to see here.' They make these claims by using generalizations: 'EVERY economist in America disagrees with Trump', 'There is NO Voter Fraud in America', etc... Using 'absolutes' is an immediate flag that you are wrong....

But please, do continue your denial-fest...
Which has nothing to do with Votto's original claim, that dead people are voting "in mass". (he meant en masse). You'll note that Votto has not tried to support his original claim, only Stephanie's idiot brother has...and he failed in a most spectacular way.
I never said dead people were voting 'en masse'. The only person I have seen use those words are YOU, which tells me you KNOW voter fraud is happening using deceased people's ID but now feel that you have to falsely claim I / someone used the term 'en masse' to salvage a 'win'... :p
I thought I was going to have to go all day without experiencing g and his daily urine fetish! Not so - thanks, g.
You know how you can go a day without being called a piss drinker?

You know how you can go a day without being called a piss drinker?
There are a few thinks in life that are certainties, things you can count on to be there rian or shine, life or death. One is taxes, one is death, and one is G's profanity for and the desire to share his obsession with urine....

You know how you can go a day without being called a piss drinker?
There are a few thinks in life that are certainties, things you can count on to be there rian or shine, life or death. One is taxes, one is death, and one is G's profanity for and the desire to share his obsession with urine....

Those who drink are the obsessed. You should join a 12 step program. The first step to getting better is admitting you have a problem.

"Admitted we were powerless over piss and that our political biases had become unmanageable."
Check the bottom of the post, NYC.
Not only is one required, but I would hate for you to have to try to cut-n-paste the Heading into google and find it yourself... :p

Why are you afraid to link to the actual poll? Y'all always have to get HotAir or somebody to masticate and regurgitate information for you.

It should also be noted that in many states the Democratic primaries are open to non-affiliated voters as well. Only the GOP insists on party loyalty in order to vote in the primaries. Very telling.
don't forget the hack pledge they have to sign to even compete!
Posting the same crap from before is not people voting. Dead people being registered is not dead people voting. You have failed.

Registration fraud and voting fraud are not the same.

Yup, you ARE a very SPECIAL kind of stupid!

Gee, Sea, why would anyone take the time to register thousands of dead people if they had no intention of using these dead people / their info to commit voter fraud?
- Sorry, I shouldn't have asked as it seems deduction and common sense is NOT your strong point....


More Than 200 Dead People Shown to Have Voted in NY County Elections: Report
- 270 Dead People Shown to Have Voted in Nassau County

"More than 6,000 dead people are registered to vote in Nassau County and records show about 270 of them actually voted after their deaths..."


The case of ‘zombie’ voters in South Carolina
- The case of ‘zombie’ voters in South Carolina

We just recently learned that there are over 900 individuals who had died before the election (and had voted) and at least 600 of those individuals had died way outside the window that an absentee ballot could have been sent, so we know for a fact that there are deceased people whose identities are being used in elections in South Carolina.”

— South Carolina Attorney General Alan Wilson (R), on Fox News, Jan. 21, 2012

“We found out that there were over 900 people who died and then subsequently voted. That number could be even higher than that.”
— Wilson, on Fox News, Jan. 12, 2012


Liberals always make the declaration, as if their laughable opinion is 'fact', that there is no voter fraud, there are none on record, and no such thing can be proven (as long as you keep your eyes shut); yet, there are a plethora of examples like this that it does happen.

So YES, Faun, DEAD people have and do vote in elections...and it starts by having them and keeping them registered and ends with some dirtbag voting by using their identity.

That story is from 2013, piss drinker.

You didn't follow up on those alleged dead voters.

As the Brennan Center for Justice found in The Truth About Voter Fraud, these “cases of voter fraud” are generally nothing more than:
  • Citizens who have died since voting
  • Flawed matching of lists
  • Flawed interpretations of lists
  • Other clerical errors

Other accusations of vote fraud turn out to be similarly innocuous. Nevertheless, the initialreports of “dead voters” are rarely followed up on when corrections are made, as they don’t grab the same level of attention.

re Dead People Voting? | Fact and Myth
Gop primaries are open in Miss. We don't hate. LOL

The truly ironic thing about this thread is that it'\s lie of an OP is posted by someone who seems to prefer the Big Quack. Yet, the data in the poll, showing BOTH parties losing affiliated voters to unaffiliated voters in the middle, supports the position that nominating the Big Quack is the gop's least best chance of winning the WH. LOL
Which has nothing to do with Votto's original claim, that dead people are voting "in mass". (he meant en masse). You'll note that Votto has not tried to support his original claim, only Stephanie's idiot brother has...and he failed in a most spectacular way.
I never said dead people were voting 'en masse'. The only person I have seen use those words are YOU, which tells me you KNOW voter fraud is happening using deceased people's ID but now feel that you have to falsely claim I / someone used the term 'en masse' to salvage a 'win'... :p

You're not reading your own thread? Votto made the claim that dead voters were voting, and I quote, "in mass". When I asked HIM to prove his claims, you jumped in with examples of registration fraud.
I think the Communists/Progressives over-played their hand. It might not matter who the Republcans run. It could be an easy victory for em. If just a small percentage of Democrats cross over to the Republican side, the Democrats are done.

And i think most, especially the Left-biased MSM, are underestimating the Gun-Grabber impact on voters. Many lifelong Democrats truly support the 2nd Amendment. They'll cross over to the Republican side this time around. They're ignored by the MSM, but they may have a big impact on the Election.
Independents gain more ground every day
Thank gawd!
Do you notice how that is effecting the duopoly because I sure don't?
Third parties are as likely to get traction as ever which is to say not at all. Apparently the identification as independent is irrelevant in the big picture - people still vote for one of the two no matter what.
Independents gain more ground every day
Thank gawd!
Do you notice how that is effecting the duopoly because I sure don't?
Third parties are as likely to get traction as ever which is to say not at all. Apparently the identification as independent is irrelevant in the big picture - people still vote for one of the two no matter what.
Takes time man. If republicans would vote for Trump by the millions and abandon a lot of their principles, something is happening..
I think the Communists/Progressives over-played their hand. It might not matter who the Republcans run. It could be an easy victory for em. If just a small percentage of Democrats cross over to the Republican side, the Democrats are done.

And i think most, especially the Left-biased MSM, are underestimating the Gun-Grabber impact on voters. Many lifelong Democrats truly support the 2nd Amendment. They'll cross over to the Republican side this time around. They're ignored by the MSM, but they may have a big impact on the Election.
Obama got a lot of votes from NRA members.

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