Running on the free sh!t and feelings platform…Is it still ‘sellable’ according to Trumps polling numbers?

Cool theory but that’s not what happens though. The Democrats refuse to support an aggressive and mandatory e-verify a bill…. Why do you think that might be?
Wages have been very stagnant for the last 30 years. We need a president to harp on businesses to start paying people. Yet no president does this. They favor the wealthy.
Wages have been very stagnant for the last 30 years. We need a president to harp on businesses to start paying people. Yet no president does this. They favor the wealthy.
Presidents don’t set wages.
Job market standards are set by the job markets and all wages pivot off menial wage jobs. Democrats have recruited too many of Mexicos people…The menial job market is far too saturated. Millions of brown people need to be sent home for things to correct itself.
Unions have lost public support in the 21st Century.

Presidents don’t set wages.
Job market standards are set by the job markets and all wages pivot off menial wage jobs. Democrats have recruited too many of Mexicos people…The menial job market is far too saturated. Millions of brown people need to be sent home for things to correct itself.
And businesses need to be nervous.
Meanwhile Biden proposes jacking up the price of natural gas on the poor and working class, as CLIMATE punishment.
initforme, that economics wizard, told me

Where exactly is this labor shortage occurring? Or are the open jobs those that are under bad employers? Maybe if they can't find workers they are failing to attract them. It's all on the employer.
Yep. It's time for a mass huge retirement to improve the economy. If we could get 7 million older workers to retire tomorrow things improve overnight.

If those million people of retirement age could retire they would, but they can't. So you hurt some to help others. That plan does nothing but push problems from one group to another.

We should be kicking out all illegals, shutting the border down, making our immigration system much stricter as to only allow in those that will benefit the nation, executing murders and child molesters and drug dealers, pushing companies to bring business back to America instead of sending millions of jobs outside of America, and so on. In a few years following that we will see a big upturn.

But ultimately the problem lies in our economy is tanking. We're nearing a 100 year currency cycle where it's become too bloated.

We went from gold, to paper backed by gold, to fiat and now we're moving into crypto. At the end of every cycle money becomes worth less and requires more in circulation. It's evidenced by our current inverted yield curve and that's where our crash will start is in the bond market. If we clean up the country before it happens then once the reset happens your 7 million people will be able to retire and be safe and the 7 million young people can slide in their place.

But to just say "we need X amount of people to retire and everything will be fine" is just simply not true at all. There is no magic bullet.
Resnic, do your homework.

Co-pilot AI reports that "According to a report by the Congressional Research Service, the number of retired individuals in the US has been increasing over the years. The report states that the share of the population aged 16 and over who were retired stayed relatively stable at 15%-16% from 2000 to 2011 before steadily increasing over the January 2012 (16.1%) to March 2022 (19.3%) period 1.

However, I could not find the exact number of people who retired annually during the last five years in the US. But, according to the U.S. Office of Personnel Management, the total number of retirements increased from 61,958 to 63,059 (1.78 percent) between FY 2015 and FY 2019 2."
Wages have been very stagnant for the last 30 years. We need a president to harp on businesses to start paying people. Yet no president does this. They favor the wealthy.

And businesses need to be nervous.
Nervous that a POTUS will force them to pay X wage?
If wages are shit it’s only because we have too many people vying for the same jobs….it’s a supply vs. demand sort of thing…If people stay working for shit money it’s only because they don’t have other options….Don’t buy that “lowest unemployment” bullshit.
Nervous that a POTUS will force them to pay X wage?
If wages are shit it’s only because we have too many people vying for the same jobs….it’s a supply vs. demand sort of thing…If people stay working for shit money it’s only because they don’t have other options….Don’t buy that “lowest unemployment” bullshit.
We have 8mm unfilled jobs with 3.7% UE. Overnight grill cleaners at Del Taco in this town make $20 hour. What is wrong with you?

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