Rush LIES again!

Oh.....I forgot.....they were fighting "Socialism" and defending "Capitalism" as well.

That's funny.....gee Wally.....that's not what it says in the U.S. history books!"


I WONDER if Mr. Slimeball has ever read a history book????

"Probably not Beav......he BARELY made it through high school and flunked out of college ya know? In fact.....the only thing he's ever done well flap his gums about stuff!"

Well, I spotted your problem. You are using the US History books....

Try reading some of the real documents and accounts of history if you want an accurate look at history. The US History books are chock full of political lies.

Oh I see.

History is WRONG but Limbaugh is right!

Should have known lol!
How does a draft dodger honor the dead; Limbaugh pisses on veterans' graves.

Limbaugh did not dodge the draft any more than former impeached, sex-addicted president Clinton did.

And while talking about military service or lack thereof, why did not a strapping, strong, basketball playing, healthy young man register for military service, but chose to be a shit-disturber, aka "community organizer"?

And then proceed and never complete anything he started, including a State Senate term and a United States Senate term. Talking about a quitter! And then his sycophants and blind acolytes bitch about Sarah Palin not completing her term as Governor.

Will his daughters sign up for the armed forces? Yes, they will, right after graduating from PUBLIC SCHOOL.

After all we hear a lot of crap about Mitt Romney's sons not being in uniform.
"....he BARELY made it through high school and flunked out of college ya know?"

Kind of like Steve Jobs and Bill Gates?

Liberals apparently think the ultimate level of success is having graduated from some overrated institution as opposed to actually accomplishing success outside of one. Hence Obama somehow getting elected.
Oh.....I forgot.....they were fighting "Socialism" and defending "Capitalism" as well.

That's funny.....gee Wally.....that's not what it says in the U.S. history books!"


I WONDER if Mr. Slimeball has ever read a history book????

"Probably not Beav......he BARELY made it through high school and flunked out of college ya know? In fact.....the only thing he's ever done well flap his gums about stuff!"

Well, I spotted your problem. You are using the US History books....

Try reading some of the real documents and accounts of history if you want an accurate look at history. The US History books are chock full of political lies.

Those books were written by union slugs. No more need to be said.
Again Rush makes an egregious faux pax.

Here his is claiming that "ALL" soldiers who have perished defending our country died defending "COMMUNISM DAMN IT!"

He then goes on to insuate (Cuz Rush never REALLY says anything he could be held accountable for does he?) that ONLY CONservatives can celebrate Memorial day because liberals don't know how to truly "honor the dead's memory."

He then proceeds to "honor" the memory of the dead by using them for his own political gain!


This Memorial Day, Remember Those Who Died Defending Capitalism - The Rush Limbaugh Show

I think that Limbaugh is a scumbag, but I'm not seeing what you are seeing in that transcript.

The REAL scumbags are the ones who either want to shut Limbaugh down or think that Limbaugh is a scumbag.
"....he BARELY made it through high school and flunked out of college ya know?"

Kind of like Steve Jobs and Bill Gates?

Liberals apparently think the ultimate level of success is having graduated from some overrated institution as opposed to actually accomplishing success outside of one. Hence Obama somehow getting elected.


Who the HELL do them liberals think they are anyway???

Thinking education is like....IMPORTANT and stuff!

Darned uppity know it alls! :lol:
Again Rush makes an egregious faux pax.

Here his is claiming that "ALL" soldiers who have perished defending our country died defending "COMMUNISM DAMN IT!"

He then goes on to insuate (Cuz Rush never REALLY says anything he could be held accountable for does he?) that ONLY CONservatives can celebrate Memorial day because liberals don't know how to truly "honor the dead's memory."

He then proceeds to "honor" the memory of the dead by using them for his own political gain!


This Memorial Day, Remember Those Who Died Defending Capitalism - The Rush Limbaugh Show

I think that Limbaugh is a scumbag, but I'm not seeing what you are seeing in that transcript.

I think that was what he was suggesting,either that or other soldiers who have died don't care about Memorial Day. His most erroneous idiotic comment was "and the freedom that capitalism has brought us".

Nothing is erroneous about that!

I was born and raised in a socialist country, under the domination of that paradise loved by the likes of you, until I escaped and came here. Capitalism brought me freedom and prosperity. Because of that freedom I achieved my own prosperity, without a single penny of help from any kind of government or union.

I am not a millionaire, but color me as a happy and comfortable member of the middle class.
How does a draft dodger honor the dead; Limbaugh pisses on veterans' graves.

Limbaugh was not drafted during the Vietnam War draft lottery, as his birth date's high rank (152) was well above the 125 rank below which service members were drafted. He was classified as "1-Y" (later reclassified "4-F") due to a pilonidal cyst. Rush Limbaugh's Pilonidal Cyst

Rush has always supported the troops. He's a favorite on Armed Forces Radio whether you like him or not.
Now if you had read your own link you would have caught your MessiahRushie lying even with his very carefully chosen words!

He had his personal doctor prepare and send a note getting him out of the draft, but later says he didn't know his pimple on his ass was a deferment, implying that the ARMY found it during a physical. Remember he boasts that words are his business and he lives in "literalville" so how can he know that his pimply ass was a deferment that he goes to his doctor to prepare a note for the Selective Service System and then claim he didn't know it was a deferment until the military found out about it after a physical!!!

From your link:

And since there are no records indicating that Limbaugh was ever examined by a physician at an Armed Forces Entrance Examining Station (i.e., he never underwent a pre-induction physical), the 1-Y classification was almost certainly assigned based on a report Limbaugh had his own doctor prepare and submit to his draft board.

Limbaugh's deferment was based upon an examination conducted by a private doctor, not one administered by an Armed Services physician.

Limbaugh's draft status arose during a 1992 appearance at the 92nd Street YM-YWHA in Manhattan. ABC newsman Jeff Greenfield, acting as moderator . . . posed to Limbaugh a written question from the audience about whether he had ever served in the military.

In response, Limbaugh chose his words slowly and cautiously. He seemed to be saying that he had not known ahead of time that whatever physical condition he had in 1970 would free him from draft consideration.

"I had student deferments in college and, upon taking a physical, was discovered to have a physical — uh, by virtue of what the military says, I didn't even know it existed — a physical deferment and then the lottery system came along, when they chose your lot by birthdate, and mine was high. And I did not want to go — just as Governor Clinton didn't." Rush Limbaugh's Pilonidal Cyst

It is quite possible to have a medical condition and not know about it.

A while ago I was rushed to the emergency with what later turned out to be atrial fibrillation, not heart attack. But the attending physician advised me that I HAD had a heart attack in the past, whether I knew it or not, which was news to me.

Friend of mine, who is/was a health freak discovered that he needed heart valve replacement during a routine annual check-up.

Of course, with sufficient malice and ill-will anything can be turned into an evil scheme.
OP can neither read nor comprehend or is intentionally misleading the reader. From the article:
...maybe this Memorial Day we ought to especially remember all of our soldiers who died defending capitalism and the freedom that capitalism has brought us. All of our soldiers who have died fighting communism. All of our soldiers who have died fighting National Socialism.
I don't listen to Rush, but OP is part of a group dedicated to taking down the biggest Conservative radio host in America. Why? Because they hate Freedom of Speech.

You see what the OP did? He took:

"All of our soldiers who have died fighting communism".
And changed it to:
"All of our soldiers have died fighting communism".

In the hopes that people like percysunshine wouldn't bother to actually read the article.

OP negged. :mad:


I am new here. How do you "NEG" a post??
Uh, lushbo is a fat, drug addicted, drug smuggling, alcoholic, hypocritical, pile of dog shit who will say anything to get brainless rw's to suck up to him.

Seriously folks, has this waste of lard ever done anything to earn a place on this planet?

Ignore him.

Please, tell the world how you REALLY feel about Rush Limbaugh. I would like to add: Without name-calling and vulgar profanity, but, since you are obviously a liberal, it is plain and clear to see that you can't express a single, rare thought without being a potty-mouth.
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Limbaugh was not drafted during the Vietnam War draft lottery, as his birth date's high rank (152) was well above the 125 rank below which service members were drafted. He was classified as "1-Y" (later reclassified "4-F") due to a pilonidal cyst. Rush Limbaugh's Pilonidal Cyst

Rush has always supported the troops. He's a favorite on Armed Forces Radio whether you like him or not.
Now if you had read your own link you would have caught your MessiahRushie lying even with his very carefully chosen words!

He had his personal doctor prepare and send a note getting him out of the draft, but later says he didn't know his pimple on his ass was a deferment, implying that the ARMY found it during a physical. Remember he boasts that words are his business and he lives in "literalville" so how can he know that his pimply ass was a deferment that he goes to his doctor to prepare a note for the Selective Service System and then claim he didn't know it was a deferment until the military found out about it after a physical!!!

From your link:

And since there are no records indicating that Limbaugh was ever examined by a physician at an Armed Forces Entrance Examining Station (i.e., he never underwent a pre-induction physical), the 1-Y classification was almost certainly assigned based on a report Limbaugh had his own doctor prepare and submit to his draft board.

Limbaugh's deferment was based upon an examination conducted by a private doctor, not one administered by an Armed Services physician.

Limbaugh's draft status arose during a 1992 appearance at the 92nd Street YM-YWHA in Manhattan. ABC newsman Jeff Greenfield, acting as moderator . . . posed to Limbaugh a written question from the audience about whether he had ever served in the military.

In response, Limbaugh chose his words slowly and cautiously. He seemed to be saying that he had not known ahead of time that whatever physical condition he had in 1970 would free him from draft consideration.

"I had student deferments in college and, upon taking a physical, was discovered to have a physical — uh, by virtue of what the military says, I didn't even know it existed — a physical deferment and then the lottery system came along, when they chose your lot by birthdate, and mine was high. And I did not want to go — just as Governor Clinton didn't." Rush Limbaugh's Pilonidal Cyst

It is quite possible to have a medical condition and not know about it.

A while ago I was rushed to the emergency with what later turned out to be atrial fibrillation, not heart attack. But the attending physician advised me that I HAD had a heart attack in the past, whether I knew it or not, which was news to me.

Friend of mine, who is/was a health freak discovered that he needed heart valve replacement during a routine annual check-up.

Of course, with sufficient malice and ill-will anything can be turned into an evil scheme.
He obviously knew he had an ass pimple and he obviously knew it was good for a deferment by the fact that he had his personal doctor write a note for the draft board. With his carefully worded "upon taking a physical, was discovered to have a physical — uh, by virtue of what the military says" implication that the military gave him the physical, he deceives the gullible into thinking he didn't actively pursue his ass pimple deferment, but stumbled onto it accidently.

Face facts, there is nothing your MessiahRushie won't lie about, big or small. In fact no lie is too small for him.

October 21, 2009
RUSH: "I will be honest with you: early on in my star-studded career, I wanted to be the smartest guy in the country. I've succeeded, but it's depressing because I am surrounded by pure idiocy."

May 25, 2012
RUSH: I don't think I'm that smart.
Oh.....I forgot.....they were fighting "Socialism" and defending "Capitalism" as well.

That's funny.....gee Wally.....that's not what it says in the U.S. history books!"


I WONDER if Mr. Slimeball has ever read a history book????

"Probably not Beav......he BARELY made it through high school and flunked out of college ya know? In fact.....the only thing he's ever done well flap his gums about stuff!"

Well, I spotted your problem. You are using the US History books....

Try reading some of the real documents and accounts of history if you want an accurate look at history. The US History books are chock full of political lies.

Oh I see.

History is WRONG but Limbaugh is right!

Should have known lol!

Give it a rest. Mad Scientist exposed your ass way back in post # 5.
Oh.....I forgot.....they were fighting "Socialism" and defending "Capitalism" as well.

That's funny.....gee Wally.....that's not what it says in the U.S. history books!"


I WONDER if Mr. Slimeball has ever read a history book????

"Probably not Beav......he BARELY made it through high school and flunked out of college ya know? In fact.....the only thing he's ever done well flap his gums about stuff!"


You obviously, don't know the difference between education and knowledge.

You are similarly clueless about the difference between intelligence and wisdom.

You are at loss to know that a university degree granted based on affirmative action does not measure up to a "degree" from the School Of Hard Knocks.

You have no idea why Rush Limbaugh quit college. Perhaps it was because he was looking for and found greener pastures elsewhere? Kind of like Obama quitting his totally non-remarkable tenure as a State Senator? Followed by quitting an even less remarkable stretch at the United States Senate? All for personal gain, satisfaction and profit?

Similar, but there is one major difference: Limbaugh never free-loaded off the taxpayers.
Uh, lushbo is a fat, drug addicted, drug smuggling, alcoholic, hypocritical, pile of dog shit who will say anything to get brainless rw's to suck up to him.

Seriously folks, has this waste of lard ever done anything to earn a place on this planet?

Ignore him.

Replace "lushbo" with "obimbo".
Replace "rw's" with "lw's".

Then consider the rest of the post by the luddite.
Now if you had read your own link you would have caught your MessiahRushie lying even with his very carefully chosen words!

He had his personal doctor prepare and send a note getting him out of the draft, but later says he didn't know his pimple on his ass was a deferment, implying that the ARMY found it during a physical. Remember he boasts that words are his business and he lives in "literalville" so how can he know that his pimply ass was a deferment that he goes to his doctor to prepare a note for the Selective Service System and then claim he didn't know it was a deferment until the military found out about it after a physical!!!

From your link:

And since there are no records indicating that Limbaugh was ever examined by a physician at an Armed Forces Entrance Examining Station (i.e., he never underwent a pre-induction physical), the 1-Y classification was almost certainly assigned based on a report Limbaugh had his own doctor prepare and submit to his draft board.

Limbaugh's deferment was based upon an examination conducted by a private doctor, not one administered by an Armed Services physician.

Limbaugh's draft status arose during a 1992 appearance at the 92nd Street YM-YWHA in Manhattan. ABC newsman Jeff Greenfield, acting as moderator . . . posed to Limbaugh a written question from the audience about whether he had ever served in the military.

In response, Limbaugh chose his words slowly and cautiously. He seemed to be saying that he had not known ahead of time that whatever physical condition he had in 1970 would free him from draft consideration.

"I had student deferments in college and, upon taking a physical, was discovered to have a physical — uh, by virtue of what the military says, I didn't even know it existed — a physical deferment and then the lottery system came along, when they chose your lot by birthdate, and mine was high. And I did not want to go — just as Governor Clinton didn't." Rush Limbaugh's Pilonidal Cyst

It is quite possible to have a medical condition and not know about it.

A while ago I was rushed to the emergency with what later turned out to be atrial fibrillation, not heart attack. But the attending physician advised me that I HAD had a heart attack in the past, whether I knew it or not, which was news to me.

Friend of mine, who is/was a health freak discovered that he needed heart valve replacement during a routine annual check-up.

Of course, with sufficient malice and ill-will anything can be turned into an evil scheme.
He obviously knew he had an ass pimple and he obviously knew it was good for a deferment by the fact that he had his personal doctor write a note for the draft board. With his carefully worded "upon taking a physical, was discovered to have a physical — uh, by virtue of what the military says" implication that the military gave him the physical, he deceives the gullible into thinking he didn't actively pursue his ass pimple deferment, but stumbled onto it accidently.

Face facts, there is nothing your MessiahRushie won't lie about, big or small. In fact no lie is too small for him.

October 21, 2009
RUSH: "I will be honest with you: early on in my star-studded career, I wanted to be the smartest guy in the country. I've succeeded, but it's depressing because I am surrounded by pure idiocy."

May 25, 2012
RUSH: I don't think I'm that smart.

Obviously Limbaugh's thought process evolved, like Obama's, about same-sex marriage.
Limbaugh makes money telling conservatives what they want to hear. Whether it's true or not isn't important. He reminds me of a coach I had in high school.
Uh, lushbo is a fat, drug addicted, drug smuggling, alcoholic, hypocritical, pile of dog shit who will say anything to get brainless rw's to suck up to him.

Seriously folks, has this waste of lard ever done anything to earn a place on this planet?

Ignore him.

Let's see you match this luddly.neddite. By all means, step up to the plate and tell the world of the internet your great contributions to society.

Why don't you justify your place on the planet versus Rush Limbaugh's place?

Top this.:lol:

Rush has "raised and donated millions of dollars to the Marine Corps Law Enforcement Foundation,which provides college scholarships to the children of Marines and veterans of other branches killed in action."

That charity is officially listed here.


On Behalf of the Children We Serve

The recent war in Iraq has certainly illuminated America’s commitment to freedom. We are reminded that freedom is not free. The price is great.

No one knows that better than the left-behind sons and daughters of America’s fallen heroes.Through the continuous support of our donors, we have distributed aid with a value of more than $54,000,000.00 to eligible children.

This assistance was primarily rendered to children of Marines or Federal law enforcement personnel who were killed on duty or died under extraordinary circumstances while serving our country at home or abroad. These funds enable us to provide these children with scholarships for their higher education.

When a child of a United States Marine is afflicted with a physical or mental disability and requires special medical equipment or tutoring, our Foundation may grant financial assistance to that family if their personal insurance does not cover the complete cost of treatment for this child.

And he is a dedicated supporter of the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society. Rush does a major radio telethon for the foundation yearly to go along with his personal donations. And he's held this telethon for over 20 years now.

Every year for the past 20 years, Rush Limbaugh, controversial conservative radio host, holds an annual fund-raising telethon called the "EIB Cure-A-Thon" for the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society. Today, Rush Limbaugh pledged a personal donation of $400,000, which was matched by two anonymous sisters in the Portland area. The sisters also participated in the 2009 EIB Cure-A-Thon.

Portland sisters join Rush Limbaugh in the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society Cure-A-Thon - Portland Religion & Politics |

Rush is a great American.

Luddly would view Rush as a better man if Rush instead of giving those college scholarships to kids he would murder them, then use his airwaves to promote Obama.

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