Rush Limbaugh Claims Conservative States Are ‘Trending Toward Secession’


Gold Member
Jun 11, 2015
Well, it is probobly just more of his hyperbolic logorrhea but its an interesting prospect. I say let them go! The Blue States would be better off. Red states contribute less in Federal tax revenues while getting more aid. They elect bigots and Fascists to state and national office. They want to deny people the right to vote and want to stifle the free press. They want to deprive people of access to health care including reproductive care ., and there is so much more.

As I have said before, perhaps we should have not have fought the Civil War. If we had just let the south go , we would have been better off in the long run. Sure the scourge of slavery would have lingered longer but that system would crumbled in time as it has elsewhere. It can also be said that slavery never really ended but rather, it morphed into and system of indentured servitude in the form of prison labor camps comprised mostly of black men. So what dis the Civil War really accomplish. Not much other that preserving the union consisting of states with vastly different view and values and producing an increasingly divided nation.

Rush Limbaugh Claims Conservative States Are ‘Trending Toward Secession’ | Michael Stone (

I actually think that we’re trending toward secession. I see more and more people asking what in the world do we have in common with the people who live in, say, New York? What is there that makes us believe that there is enough of us there to even have a chance at winning New York? Especially if you’re talking about votes.
they can secede somewhere else if they want to...
my proposal is send them away over to papua new guinea...
and get the nice people of papua new guinea over...
and they can secede over there all day long...
till the global warming catch up with them... :)
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Well, it is probobly just more of his hyperbolic logorrhea but its an interesting prospect. I say let them go! The Blue States would be better off. Red states contribute less in Federal tax revenues while getting more aid. They elect bigots and Fascists to state and national office. They want to deny people the right to vote and want to stifle the free press. They want to deprive people of access to health care including reproductive care ., and there is so much more.

As I have said before, perhaps we should have not have fought the Civil War. If we had just let the south go , we would have been better off in the long run. Sure the scourge of slavery would have lingered longer but that system would crumbled in time as it has elsewhere. It can also be said that slavery never really ended but rather, it morphed into and system of indentured servitude in the form of prison labor camps comprised mostly of black men. So what dis the Civil War really accomplish. Not much other that preserving the union consisting of states with vastly different view and values and producing an increasingly divided nation.

Rush Limbaugh Claims Conservative States Are ‘Trending Toward Secession’ | Michael Stone (

I actually think that we’re trending toward secession. I see more and more people asking what in the world do we have in common with the people who live in, say, New York? What is there that makes us believe that there is enough of us there to even have a chance at winning New York? Especially if you’re talking about votes.

I prefer Trump and his looney tunes either start a new Jonestown somewhere or get on that spaceship to planet Q that QAnon has ready for launch.
For starters the states wanting to secede (legally) would have to get around the SCOTUS ruling of Texas vs White.
By the way, since we all know we are never again going to be united, I think it would be for the betterment of all Americans to split into at least two separate nations with their own constitution.
If that's the route they Conned States take I think they will be facing immediate civil strife inside their own boarders.

The next last hope will Congressional Protests during the counting of the EC votes.
If that's the route they Conned States take I think they will be facing immediate civil strife inside their own boarders.

The next last hope will Congressional Protests during the counting of the EC votes.

I dont have any boarders.
Each nation will have to find cheap labor. I hope people tell them "good luck.". $20 per hour isn't a real wage.
Well, it is probobly just more of his hyperbolic logorrhea but its an interesting prospect. I say let them go! The Blue States would be better off. Red states contribute less in Federal tax revenues while getting more aid. They elect bigots and Fascists to state and national office. They want to deny people the right to vote and want to stifle the free press. They want to deprive people of access to health care including reproductive care ., and there is so much more.

As I have said before, perhaps we should have not have fought the Civil War. If we had just let the south go , we would have been better off in the long run. Sure the scourge of slavery would have lingered longer but that system would crumbled in time as it has elsewhere. It can also be said that slavery never really ended but rather, it morphed into and system of indentured servitude in the form of prison labor camps comprised mostly of black men. So what dis the Civil War really accomplish. Not much other that preserving the union consisting of states with vastly different view and values and producing an increasingly divided nation.

Rush Limbaugh Claims Conservative States Are ‘Trending Toward Secession’ | Michael Stone (

I actually think that we’re trending toward secession. I see more and more people asking what in the world do we have in common with the people who live in, say, New York? What is there that makes us believe that there is enough of us there to even have a chance at winning New York? Especially if you’re talking about votes.
The red states should be encouraged to secede. As the OP stated, "Red states contribute less in Federal tax revenues while getting more aid," which is another well known fact the RWNJs deny.

After the red states secede, immigrants from red states, wanting to move to the blue states, must be stopped at the borders. With the scant tax revenue their 21st century conservative Confederacy would collect, government services necessary to the operation of a developed nation would be impossible, and leaders of the united blue states would be fools to permit the red states to come back.

It's time we find a new name for conservatives because they damned sure are not conservative anymore. They get more radical everyday and it's because of outrage merchants like Rush pushing absolutist hyperbolic rhetoric. Secession is a stupid idea for a lot of reasons but the one question that I wonder about is who is going to volunteer to be the underclass in their fascist society? Rightist government does not function without an oppressed minority / enemy within / scapegoat population to justify the police state they crave.
Well, it is probobly just more of his hyperbolic logorrhea but its an interesting prospect. I say let them go! The Blue States would be better off. Red states contribute less in Federal tax revenues while getting more aid. They elect bigots and Fascists to state and national office. They want to deny people the right to vote and want to stifle the free press. They want to deprive people of access to health care including reproductive care ., and there is so much more.

As I have said before, perhaps we should have not have fought the Civil War. If we had just let the south go , we would have been better off in the long run. Sure the scourge of slavery would have lingered longer but that system would crumbled in time as it has elsewhere. It can also be said that slavery never really ended but rather, it morphed into and system of indentured servitude in the form of prison labor camps comprised mostly of black men. So what dis the Civil War really accomplish. Not much other that preserving the union consisting of states with vastly different view and values and producing an increasingly divided nation.

Rush Limbaugh Claims Conservative States Are ‘Trending Toward Secession’ | Michael Stone (

I actually think that we’re trending toward secession. I see more and more people asking what in the world do we have in common with the people who live in, say, New York? What is there that makes us believe that there is enough of us there to even have a chance at winning New York? Especially if you’re talking about votes.

I say let them go! The Blue States would be better off.

They wouldn't be better off for long, since the vast majority of the crude oil production comes from Red States. That $8/gallon gas might sting the ol' pocketbook of those Blue Staters before too long. Especially with the regular tax increases at home.
It's time we find a new name for conservatives because they damned sure are not conservative anymore. They get more radical everyday and it's because of outrage merchants like Rush pushing absolutist hyperbolic rhetoric. Secession is a stupid idea for a lot of reasons but the one question that I wonder about is who is going to volunteer to be the underclass in their fascist society? Rightist government does not function without an oppressed minority / enemy within / scapegoat population to justify the police state they crave.

Total delusion
I mean Jesus fucking christ total delusion.

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