Rush Limbaugh: Illegal Immigration Threatens 'Existence Of USA'

The founding fathers warned about what an ignorant populace would do to the nation. Rush is right... These people think what we have is theirs for the taking. Rush however did not state it was a white thing... Not sure where they got that crap from..
He's so right. White-Genocide is real and our borders, language, and White European heritage and culture is at stake. That's why it's imperative that the Wall gets built. We are a country built on White ideology, an ideology of intelligence that has made us superior to all others.

Limbaugh: Immigration Is an Emergency --- Our 'Culture' at Risk from 'Parade of Illegal People Who Are Uneducated' | Breitbart

White genocide is real? Millions of white people are being murdered in the USA because they're white?

WTF are you smoking? Stop. It's killed what few brain cells you had.
He's so right. White-Genocide is real and our borders, language, and White European heritage and culture is at stake. That's why it's imperative that the Wall gets built. We are a country built on White ideology, an ideology of intelligence that has made us superior to all others.

Limbaugh: Immigration Is an Emergency --- Our 'Culture' at Risk from 'Parade of Illegal People Who Are Uneducated' | Breitbart

You're a liberal troll trying to make Trump supporters look retarded, aren't you?
He's so right. White-Genocide is real and our borders, language, and White European heritage and culture is at stake. That's why it's imperative that the Wall gets built. We are a country built on White ideology, an ideology of intelligence that has made us superior to all others.

Limbaugh: Immigration Is an Emergency --- Our 'Culture' at Risk from 'Parade of Illegal People Who Are Uneducated' | Breitbart

White genocide is real? Millions of white people are being murdered in the USA because they're white?

WTF are you smoking? Stop. It's killed what few brain cells you had.
(here comes the abortion retort)
He's so right. White-Genocide is real and our borders, language, and White European heritage and culture is at stake. That's why it's imperative that the Wall gets built. We are a country built on White ideology, an ideology of intelligence that has made us superior to all others.

Limbaugh: Immigration Is an Emergency --- Our 'Culture' at Risk from 'Parade of Illegal People Who Are Uneducated' | Breitbart

You're a liberal troll trying to make Trump supporters look retarded, aren't you?
Nah it's highly apparent they are retarded.
Rush fucking Limpdik?

No one (admits to) listening to that asshole
He's so right. White-Genocide is real and our borders, language, and White European heritage and culture is at stake. That's why it's imperative that the Wall gets built. We are a country built on White ideology, an ideology of intelligence that has made us superior to all others.

Limbaugh: Immigration Is an Emergency --- Our 'Culture' at Risk from 'Parade of Illegal People Who Are Uneducated' | Breitbart

You're a liberal troll trying to make Trump supporters look retarded, aren't you?
No! I'm a nationalist!
The founding fathers warned about what an ignorant populace would do to the nation. Rush is right... These people think what we have is theirs for the taking. Rush however did not state it was a white thing... Not sure where they got that crap from..

Rush Limbaugh has gotten himself a bad batch of drugs and needs to go back to rehab.

It's not the brown people who think that what you have is theirs for the taking. It's the Donald Trumps and the Rush Limbaugh's who believe that what's yours is theirs, and they're right. Donald Trump just raised your taxes to pay for HIS tax cuts.

That's the way you do it. Sign yourself the "biggest tax cut in history", make the middle class pay for it. Money for nothing and your chicks for free.
He's so right. White-Genocide is real and our borders, language, and White European heritage and culture is at stake. That's why it's imperative that the Wall gets built. We are a country built on White ideology, an ideology of intelligence that has made us superior to all others.

Limbaugh: Immigration Is an Emergency --- Our 'Culture' at Risk from 'Parade of Illegal People Who Are Uneducated' | Breitbart

You're a liberal troll trying to make Trump supporters look retarded, aren't you?
No! I'm a nationalist!

No matter what you call yourself, you're an idiot! White nationalism is the last resort of the retarded class.

There is such thing as a WHITE GENOCIDE. There are only stupid fools like you who are afraid of their own shadows, and don't have the good sense God gave a goose.
Let me correct Rush, cause he didn't go far enough.

Illegal immigration threatens the existence of the US, therefore all democrats and all RINOS threaten the existence of the United States, therefore ALL GLOBALISTS threaten the existence of the United States.
He's so right. White-Genocide is real and our borders, language, and White European heritage and culture is at stake. That's why it's imperative that the Wall gets built. We are a country built on White ideology, an ideology of intelligence that has made us superior to all others.

Limbaugh: Immigration Is an Emergency --- Our 'Culture' at Risk from 'Parade of Illegal People Who Are Uneducated' | Breitbart

You're a liberal troll trying to make Trump supporters look retarded, aren't you?
No! I'm a nationalist!

No matter what you call yourself, you're an idiot! White nationalism is the last resort of the retarded class.

There is such thing as a WHITE GENOCIDE. There are only stupid fools like you who are afraid of their own shadows, and don't have the good sense God gave a goose.
Nationalism must exist in order to make America great again!
Let me correct Rush, cause he didn't go far enough.

Illegal immigration threatens the existence of the US, therefore all democrats and all RINOS threaten the existence of the United States, therefore ALL GLOBALISTS threaten the existence of the United States.
Well said! I should also add with the 1965 Immigration Act the Democrats decided that they would turn the US into a third world s___hole for their selfish political advantage.
Limbaugh was discredited long ago. This pathetic attempt to return his bull shit to the discussion shows the desperation of the right. Limbaugh is a joke, and can only be seen as a joke.
He's so right. White-Genocide is real and our borders, language, and White European heritage and culture is at stake. That's why it's imperative that the Wall gets built. We are a country built on White ideology, an ideology of intelligence that has made us superior to all others.

Limbaugh: Immigration Is an Emergency --- Our 'Culture' at Risk from 'Parade of Illegal People Who Are Uneducated' | Breitbart

You're a liberal troll trying to make Trump supporters look retarded, aren't you?

Unfortunately no.

Look at the date that person came to this board.

That poster has been here a few weeks.

The russian trolls are restarting their campaign to reelect trump already.

This person is a russian bot.

It's best to ask it , "how's the weather in moscow comrade?" Then ignore it's propaganda posts.

It doesn't even do it's job of trying to divide Americans well. It's so obvious.
He's so right. White-Genocide is real and our borders, language, and White European heritage and culture is at stake. That's why it's imperative that the Wall gets built. We are a country built on White ideology, an ideology of intelligence that has made us superior to all others.

Limbaugh: Immigration Is an Emergency --- Our 'Culture' at Risk from 'Parade of Illegal People Who Are Uneducated' | Breitbart

You know, it really helps when you know what a word means before trying to use it in a sentence. It keeps you from looking like you don't know anything other than how to string together scary sounding words. On of the words you misused was "genocide" when you used the term "white genocide". Here, let me help you out with the definition of genocide................

the deliberate and systematic extermination of a national, racial, political, or cultural group.

As far as I can tell, white people are still flourishing in this country. I have yet to see any white people be exterminated.

Oh................wait...................."extermination" might be too big a word for you. It is the past tense of the word "exterminate". Let me help you out yet again..................

verb (used with object), ex·ter·mi·nat·ed, ex·ter·mi·nat·ing.
to get rid of by destroying; destroy totally; extirpate: to exterminate an enemy; to exterminate insects.

If you have an actual link that proves white genocide is happening, please provide it.
Limbaugh was discredited long ago. This pathetic attempt to return his bull shit to the discussion shows the desperation of the right. Limbaugh is a joke, and can only be seen as a joke.

Translation...Rush gets under the left's skin with truth!
As the lefts heads explode... Rush lives in your god damn heads and its fun to watch you folks implode...

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