Rush Limbaugh: Illegal Immigration Threatens 'Existence Of USA'

As the lefts heads explode... Rush lives in your god damn heads and its fun to watch you folks implode...

You can't "explode" and "implode" at the same time. It's physically impossible. Let me help you out...................

verb (used without object), ex·plod·ed, ex·plod·ing.
to expand with force and noise because of rapid chemical change or decomposition, as gunpowder or nitroglycerine (opposed to implode).
to burst, fly into pieces, or break up violently with a loud report, as a boiler from excessive pressure of steam.
to burst forth violently or emotionally, especially with noise, laughter, violent speech, etc.: He exploded with rage when contradicted.
verb (used with object), ex·plod·ed, ex·plod·ing.
to cause (gunpowder, a boiler, etc.) to explode.
to cause to be rejected; destroy the repute of; discredit or disprove: to explode a theory.
Phonetics . to end with plosion.

verb (used without object), im·plod·ed, im·plod·ing.
to burst inward (opposed to explode).
verb (used with object), im·plod·ed, im·plod·ing.
Phonetics . to pronounce by implosion.

Explosion and implosion don't belong in the same sentence, as they are direct opposites of each other.

So, which did you mean, explode or implode?
He's so right. White-Genocide is real and our borders, language, and White European heritage and culture is at stake. That's why it's imperative that the Wall gets built. We are a country built on White ideology, an ideology of intelligence that has made us superior to all others.

Limbaugh: Immigration Is an Emergency --- Our 'Culture' at Risk from 'Parade of Illegal People Who Are Uneducated' | Breitbart

You're a liberal troll trying to make Trump supporters look retarded, aren't you?
No! I'm a nationalist!

No matter what you call yourself, you're an idiot! White nationalism is the last resort of the retarded class.

There is such thing as a WHITE GENOCIDE. There are only stupid fools like you who are afraid of their own shadows, and don't have the good sense God gave a goose.
Nationalism must exist in order to make America great again!
They hijacked the word nationalism. They are and have been changing thought, by the power of group think. Through hype and mass propaganda.

The Confederate flag, next up, the American flag. That is already being done as we all know.

Loved when the democrap party "forgot" to have the American flag ANYWHERE at the democrat convention for their kuuuunt.

They did have commie flags and Palestinian flags though.

They curse the Israeli flag too, and yet American Jews vote 80% for the commies. Still dancing around whichever version of the golden calf today.

They consider themselves socialists long before they consider themselves "Jews." Been that way since Jewish karl marx made his theories known and then they emigrated in large numbers from Russia. Influenced by the likes of Emma goldman, to the traitor rosenbergs.

All disgraces and all enemies to Israel and free market America.
He's so right. White-Genocide is real and our borders, language, and White European heritage and culture is at stake. That's why it's imperative that the Wall gets built. We are a country built on White ideology, an ideology of intelligence that has made us superior to all others.

Limbaugh: Immigration Is an Emergency --- Our 'Culture' at Risk from 'Parade of Illegal People Who Are Uneducated' | Breitbart

You're a liberal troll trying to make Trump supporters look retarded, aren't you?

Unfortunately no.

Look at the date that person came to this board.

That poster has been here a few weeks.

The russian trolls are restarting their campaign to reelect trump already.

This person is a russian bot.

It's best to ask it , "how's the weather in moscow comrade?" Then ignore it's propaganda posts.

It doesn't even do it's job of trying to divide Americans well. It's so obvious.

Don't tell Hillary that. She'll try to sell him some Uranium....
Without Rush Limbaugh to bash there's a good chance Democrats would turn on one of their own. They have to hate someone or they cannot exist.
Without Rush Limbaugh to bash there's a good chance Democrats would turn on one of their own. They have to hate someone or they cannot exist.

Actually, that is your side. Conservatives, when they have nothing to defend Trump, immediately deflect to Obama and Hillary, even though the election was 2 years ago, and Trump is president.
He's so right. White-Genocide is real and our borders, language, and White European heritage and culture is at stake. That's why it's imperative that the Wall gets built. We are a country built on White ideology, an ideology of intelligence that has made us superior to all others.

Limbaugh: Immigration Is an Emergency --- Our 'Culture' at Risk from 'Parade of Illegal People Who Are Uneducated' | Breitbart

The number one threat to the existence of the United States is Russian scum like you.
Actually, that is your side. Conservatives, when they have nothing to defend Trump, immediately deflect to Obama and Hillary, even though the election was 2 years ago, and Trump is president.


Nobody could hate such ridiculous figures as Obama and his BFF Hil. We do tend to double over laughing at them but it's your problem that you perceive that joy as "hate".
He's so right. White-Genocide is real and our borders, language, and White European heritage and culture is at stake. That's why it's imperative that the Wall gets built. We are a country built on White ideology, an ideology of intelligence that has made us superior to all others.

Limbaugh: Immigration Is an Emergency --- Our 'Culture' at Risk from 'Parade of Illegal People Who Are Uneducated' | Breitbart

The number one threat to the existence of the United States is Russian scum like you.
Are you still seeing David Duke from Louisiana, your home state?
He's so right. White-Genocide is real and our borders, language, and White European heritage and culture is at stake. That's why it's imperative that the Wall gets built. We are a country built on White ideology, an ideology of intelligence that has made us superior to all others.

Limbaugh: Immigration Is an Emergency --- Our 'Culture' at Risk from 'Parade of Illegal People Who Are Uneducated' | Breitbart

You're a liberal troll trying to make Trump supporters look retarded, aren't you?
No! I'm a nationalist!

No matter what you call yourself, you're an idiot! White nationalism is the last resort of the retarded class.

There is such thing as a WHITE GENOCIDE. There are only stupid fools like you who are afraid of their own shadows, and don't have the good sense God gave a goose.
Nationalism must exist in order to make America great again!
They hijacked the word nationalism. They are and have been changing thought, by the power of group think. Through hype and mass propaganda.

The Confederate flag, next up, the American flag. That is already being done as we all know.

Loved when the democrap party "forgot" to have the American flag ANYWHERE at the democrat convention for their kuuuunt.

They did have commie flags and Palestinian flags though.

They curse the Israeli flag too, and yet American Jews vote 80% for the commies. Still dancing around whichever version of the golden calf today.

They consider themselves socialists long before they consider themselves "Jews." Been that way since Jewish karl marx made his theories known and then they emigrated in large numbers from Russia. Influenced by the likes of Emma goldman, to the traitor rosenbergs.

All disgraces and all enemies to Israel and free market America.

"Nationalism" has been a filthy word since the Nazis called themselves the Nationalist Socialist Party of Germany, and set about to restore the "Aryan Nation" to it's former glory. Hitler's actual motto was "Make Germany Great Again".

Actually there were American flags on the podium DNC, not that flying a flag means a damn thing. The Republican Party, which nominated a candidate who was working with Russia to undermine the federal election and the Constitution and government of the United States, positively draped their stage with dozens of flags, while they were working to undermine and destroy everything those flags stood for.

America will be destroyed by people who claim to be patriots, and wrap themselves in the flag, while destoying all of your strategic alliances, treaties and trade deals, that have kept America safe and made it the richest nation on earth.
America will be destroyed by people who claim to be patriots, and wrap themselves in the flag, while destoying all of your strategic alliances, treaties and trade deals, that have kept America safe and made it the richest nation on earth.

Trump fits that description to a t.
He's so right. White-Genocide is real and our borders, language, and White European heritage and culture is at stake. That's why it's imperative that the Wall gets built. We are a country built on White ideology, an ideology of intelligence that has made us superior to all others.

Limbaugh: Immigration Is an Emergency --- Our 'Culture' at Risk from 'Parade of Illegal People Who Are Uneducated' | Breitbart

You're a liberal troll trying to make Trump supporters look retarded, aren't you?
The trump bootlickers don't need any help looking retarded. They manage that quite nicely themselves.
Let me correct Rush, cause he didn't go far enough.

Illegal immigration threatens the existence of the US, therefore all democrats and all RINOS threaten the existence of the United States, therefore ALL GLOBALISTS threaten the existence of the United States.

Somebody please build a wall, I'm scared, I'm scared.
Rush fucking Limpdik?

No one (admits to) listening to that asshole

I love Rush....

I listen to him every chance I get....

That's why I am so much better informed than you..

Do you enjoy being ignorant?
Rush fucking Limpdik?

No one (admits to) listening to that asshole

I love Rush....

I listen to him every chance I get....

That's why I am so much better informed than you..

Do you enjoy being ignorant?

Back in the early 90's, when I was stationed with VFA-131 Wildcats, the office Chief liked to listen to Rush, so every afternoon, that is where the radio was set.

Well, when the Chief transferred, I asked the guys in the office what they wanted to listen to now, and all of them to a person said to stop putting Limbaugh on and put it on rock and roll.

And yes, I've thought Limbaugh was an idiot since the early 90s.

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