Rush Limbaugh is cooked: The stunning fall of the right’s angriest bloviator

Your MessiahRushie certainly does play that perpetual VICTIM card a lot!
It's that VICTIM mentality that he cherishes.
No he doesn't. None of what I said came from him. And, he's not leaving the scene any time soon, no matter how intensely you want him to.
Bullshit, he is always whining about how he is victimized by anyone who dares criticizes him. In fact, nearly every day he plays clips of his being victimized by others. It is a regular part of his broadcast and he pretends to be shocked if he hasn't been attacked for his previous days broadcast.
Obviously, you listen to him far more than I do.
Unlike DittoNazis, I also remember what he says which is why I can always use his own words against him.

October 06, 2010
RUSH: I don't trust anybody this skinny, I just don't.

June 16, 2015
RUSH: Okay, so I officially today announced that I identify as skinny. From this day going forward, I am skinny.
First of all you JoeyB wannabe, here's the rest of Rush's 6/16 quote that you left out...
"...Now, in the old days, people's reaction to that would be to call me delusional and maybe think I needed some help. Today, I'm brave. It's a courageous act to identify as skinny when one is not."

In attempting to "use his own words against him" your pea brain made the leap that you had Rush in a gotcha moment, clearly inferring he's a liar, hypocrite, etc. relating to skinny.

Those of us with comprehension skills however knew exactly what Rush was doing, yanking the chains of you idiot lefties over your latest lunacy that anyone - see Jenner, Dolezal - who claims to "identify as" X, Y, or Z is in fact an X, Y, or Z, case closed.

I will give you an A grade though Eddie for likely convincing your fellow lunatic lefty clowns you scored some points against el Rushbo. Sure they got boners over it just like you.
No, I'm not saying your MessiahRushie is a liar for saying he's skinny, I'm clearly saying that by Porky saying he IDENTIFIES with skinny, then by his OWN opinion he is untrustworthy. I am clearly accepting his skinny identity!
Listeningbto Rush right now.
Then you heard your MessiahRushie politicize the church shooting while condemning politicizing the shooting. Porky used the shooting to play politics and attack the "Liberal" media.
No he doesn't. None of what I said came from him. And, he's not leaving the scene any time soon, no matter how intensely you want him to.
Bullshit, he is always whining about how he is victimized by anyone who dares criticizes him. In fact, nearly every day he plays clips of his being victimized by others. It is a regular part of his broadcast and he pretends to be shocked if he hasn't been attacked for his previous days broadcast.
Obviously, you listen to him far more than I do.
Unlike DittoNazis, I also remember what he says which is why I can always use his own words against him.

October 06, 2010
RUSH: I don't trust anybody this skinny, I just don't.

June 16, 2015
RUSH: Okay, so I officially today announced that I identify as skinny. From this day going forward, I am skinny.
First of all you JoeyB wannabe, here's the rest of Rush's 6/16 quote that you left out...
"...Now, in the old days, people's reaction to that would be to call me delusional and maybe think I needed some help. Today, I'm brave. It's a courageous act to identify as skinny when one is not."

In attempting to "use his own words against him" your pea brain made the leap that you had Rush in a gotcha moment, clearly inferring he's a liar, hypocrite, etc. relating to skinny.

Those of us with comprehension skills however knew exactly what Rush was doing, yanking the chains of you idiot lefties over your latest lunacy that anyone - see Jenner, Dolezal - who claims to "identify as" X, Y, or Z is in fact an X, Y, or Z, case closed.

I will give you an A grade though Eddie for likely convincing your fellow lunatic lefty clowns you scored some points against el Rushbo. Sure they got boners over it just like you.
No, I'm not saying your MessiahRushie is a liar for saying he's skinny, I'm clearly saying that by Porky saying he IDENTIFIES with skinny, then by his OWN opinion he is untrustworthy. I am clearly accepting his skinny identity!
IOW, the fact that he was mocking the current "trans" fad flew completely over your head and now you're stuck trying to convince us he was being serious.
I saw that on c-span. He didn't know who they were. Watch the video, dumbass. And NO, I don't place bets with lefties because they never honor their commitments. Just ask Ronald Reagan.
It was Reagan who welshed because he didn't want to cut his Star Wars pork, Damn you are brainwashed!

And Gore named specifically the left flank bust as Franklin, it is right there in the video. The fact that you didn't catch it just proves how easily you are brainwashed. Your brainwashers gave you a suggestion of what to pay attention to in the video, namely what the curator was saying, and as a result you missed both Gore naming Franklin and repointing to the left flank bust as he named it.

You are so thoroughly brainwashed that even with the clues I just gave you, you will STILL miss the truth!!!!!

Clinton Gore Monticello Video
It figures you would focus on Franklin and not Washington and Jefferson. "And who are these guys"? The fucking Vice President doesn't recognize the father of our country, and you ignore that. And you call ME brainwashed. Perfect. :lol:
Again you show your brainwashing by your MessiahRushie who injected Jefferson into the lie. There was no bust of Jefferson, it was Jefferson's home.

And Gore did not ask about Washington, he pointed to Lafayette and John Paul Jones when he asked "who are these people." Gore only pointed to the busts that were high on 4 wall sconces, the bust of Washington was much lower in a semi circular niche on the "extreme right" as described by the curator to distinguish it from the right sconce Adams position.

June 5, 2015
RUSH: It was kind of like when Algore was at Monticello walking around, and there presidential busts and such there.
He points at Benjamin Franklin and says (paraphrased), "Who are these people?" The curator says, "Ahem, ahem, Benjamin Franklin and Thomas Jefferson, Mr. Vice President?" "Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah. Benjamin Franklin."

November 17, 2010
RUSH: It's kind of like Algore walking into a museum and pointing, "Who was that?" "That's Benjamin Franklin, Mr. Vice President." "Well, who's that?" "That's Thomas Jefferson, Mr. Vice President." He was in Monticello, at Thomas Jefferson's house. "Who's that?" "Thomas Jefferson."
You're so full of shit. Gore pointed to George Washington, then all the others and said "Who are these people"? He never named one of them. The tour guide had to tell him who all of them were. That moron didn't recognize even one of them.

Clinton Gore Monticello Video
Now you are just playing dumb so you can lie.

When Gore points to the busts with a pan from right to left, his arm is at the same height the whole time, so he only pointed to the wall sconces. Washington was not on a wall sconce.

After Gore finished his pan at the left flank he starts to lower his arm and then almost immediately he repoints to the left flank bust and says one word, "Franklin." Gore said it talking over the curator saying "Washington on the extreme." When Gore repoints to the left flank bust he does not raise his arm as high as when he did his pan, his pointing finger just clears his right shoulder. The camera looks over his right shoulder as Tipper's moves her head down and to the left while he repoints to the left flank bust and name it "Franklin." So keep your eyes on Gore's right shoulder and Tipper's head when you see her head move and listen for Gore's distinct voice talking over the curator, and then tell the truth for once in your life.

Clinton Gore Monticello Video
He pointed at George Washington and said "Who are these people?". Let's say that he recognized Benjamin Franklin. Give him a medal but he failed to recognize the father of our country. Our Vice President didn't recognize George Washington! The man is an idiot, which is probably why you are defending him, you identify with him.
Bullshit, he is always whining about how he is victimized by anyone who dares criticizes him. In fact, nearly every day he plays clips of his being victimized by others. It is a regular part of his broadcast and he pretends to be shocked if he hasn't been attacked for his previous days broadcast.
Obviously, you listen to him far more than I do.
Unlike DittoNazis, I also remember what he says which is why I can always use his own words against him.

October 06, 2010
RUSH: I don't trust anybody this skinny, I just don't.

June 16, 2015
RUSH: Okay, so I officially today announced that I identify as skinny. From this day going forward, I am skinny.
First of all you JoeyB wannabe, here's the rest of Rush's 6/16 quote that you left out...
"...Now, in the old days, people's reaction to that would be to call me delusional and maybe think I needed some help. Today, I'm brave. It's a courageous act to identify as skinny when one is not."

In attempting to "use his own words against him" your pea brain made the leap that you had Rush in a gotcha moment, clearly inferring he's a liar, hypocrite, etc. relating to skinny.

Those of us with comprehension skills however knew exactly what Rush was doing, yanking the chains of you idiot lefties over your latest lunacy that anyone - see Jenner, Dolezal - who claims to "identify as" X, Y, or Z is in fact an X, Y, or Z, case closed.

I will give you an A grade though Eddie for likely convincing your fellow lunatic lefty clowns you scored some points against el Rushbo. Sure they got boners over it just like you.
No, I'm not saying your MessiahRushie is a liar for saying he's skinny, I'm clearly saying that by Porky saying he IDENTIFIES with skinny, then by his OWN opinion he is untrustworthy. I am clearly accepting his skinny identity!
IOW, the fact that he was mocking the current "trans" fad flew completely over your head and now you're stuck trying to convince us he was being serious.
August 13, 2010
RUSH: I don't say something I don't mean. I live in Literalville.
I'll bet you half of my problems with liberals in the media is I live in Literalville. I say what I mean.
Bullshit, he is always whining about how he is victimized by anyone who dares criticizes him. In fact, nearly every day he plays clips of his being victimized by others. It is a regular part of his broadcast and he pretends to be shocked if he hasn't been attacked for his previous days broadcast.
Obviously, you listen to him far more than I do.
Unlike DittoNazis, I also remember what he says which is why I can always use his own words against him.

October 06, 2010
RUSH: I don't trust anybody this skinny, I just don't.

June 16, 2015
RUSH: Okay, so I officially today announced that I identify as skinny. From this day going forward, I am skinny.
First of all you JoeyB wannabe, here's the rest of Rush's 6/16 quote that you left out...
"...Now, in the old days, people's reaction to that would be to call me delusional and maybe think I needed some help. Today, I'm brave. It's a courageous act to identify as skinny when one is not."

In attempting to "use his own words against him" your pea brain made the leap that you had Rush in a gotcha moment, clearly inferring he's a liar, hypocrite, etc. relating to skinny.

Those of us with comprehension skills however knew exactly what Rush was doing, yanking the chains of you idiot lefties over your latest lunacy that anyone - see Jenner, Dolezal - who claims to "identify as" X, Y, or Z is in fact an X, Y, or Z, case closed.

I will give you an A grade though Eddie for likely convincing your fellow lunatic lefty clowns you scored some points against el Rushbo. Sure they got boners over it just like you.
No, I'm not saying your MessiahRushie is a liar for saying he's skinny, I'm clearly saying that by Porky saying he IDENTIFIES with skinny, then by his OWN opinion he is untrustworthy. I am clearly accepting his skinny identity!
IOW, the fact that he was mocking the current "trans" fad flew completely over your head and now you're stuck trying to convince us he was being serious.
LOL...hadit, you may as well be talking to JoeyB on this one.
The ratings for talk radio have been trending down for some time, but Limbaugh is STILL a powerhouse.

Funny how the lefties keep hoping for his demise, while ignoring the many lib TV broadcast networks which have fallen dramatically. Look at the ratings of CNN or MSNBC, for example.

Here is the truth. Can lefties accept it?

again, ratings don't matter if you can't get advertisers.

Glen Beck won his time slot on Fox, but the fact was, no one wanted their ads on his show.

And in markets like Chicago and LA, Limbaugh's show is in the toilet. his show on WLS is in 25th place.
The biggest danger Limbaugh faces is a Republican controlled government. As long as he has a Democrat president to attack, he'll maintain his ratings. However, give him a Republican president to defend and he's in trouble because he's an attack dog, not a defender. Look at his ratings during the administration of Bush vs. Obama.
It is apparent from your post you are parroting what the left media tells you. Rush endured Bush I and II, and was number 1 the whole time.

It is hilarious how lefties prove they only know what the left media tells them. They are too lazy and closed minded to make their own assessment of Rush.

I don't like his strong ties to the GOP, but you have to love the way he skewers the stupid lefties and D party.
Limbaugh supported both Bushs and their war's on Iraq. His support for Bush II only faltered when when it became evident to the whole nation that he was incompetent ending his presidency with the worst presidential approval rating on record.
Listeningbto Rush right now.
Then you heard your MessiahRushie politicize the church shooting while condemning politicizing the shooting. Porky used the shooting to play politics and attack the "Liberal" media.

I'm surprised you were listening to Rush instead of your messiah president playing politics with it.
Oh, c'mon now play fair. How does one listen to someone out playing golf?
It was Reagan who welshed because he didn't want to cut his Star Wars pork, Damn you are brainwashed!

And Gore named specifically the left flank bust as Franklin, it is right there in the video. The fact that you didn't catch it just proves how easily you are brainwashed. Your brainwashers gave you a suggestion of what to pay attention to in the video, namely what the curator was saying, and as a result you missed both Gore naming Franklin and repointing to the left flank bust as he named it.

You are so thoroughly brainwashed that even with the clues I just gave you, you will STILL miss the truth!!!!!

Clinton Gore Monticello Video
It figures you would focus on Franklin and not Washington and Jefferson. "And who are these guys"? The fucking Vice President doesn't recognize the father of our country, and you ignore that. And you call ME brainwashed. Perfect. :lol:
Again you show your brainwashing by your MessiahRushie who injected Jefferson into the lie. There was no bust of Jefferson, it was Jefferson's home.

And Gore did not ask about Washington, he pointed to Lafayette and John Paul Jones when he asked "who are these people." Gore only pointed to the busts that were high on 4 wall sconces, the bust of Washington was much lower in a semi circular niche on the "extreme right" as described by the curator to distinguish it from the right sconce Adams position.

June 5, 2015
RUSH: It was kind of like when Algore was at Monticello walking around, and there presidential busts and such there.
He points at Benjamin Franklin and says (paraphrased), "Who are these people?" The curator says, "Ahem, ahem, Benjamin Franklin and Thomas Jefferson, Mr. Vice President?" "Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah. Benjamin Franklin."

November 17, 2010
RUSH: It's kind of like Algore walking into a museum and pointing, "Who was that?" "That's Benjamin Franklin, Mr. Vice President." "Well, who's that?" "That's Thomas Jefferson, Mr. Vice President." He was in Monticello, at Thomas Jefferson's house. "Who's that?" "Thomas Jefferson."
You're so full of shit. Gore pointed to George Washington, then all the others and said "Who are these people"? He never named one of them. The tour guide had to tell him who all of them were. That moron didn't recognize even one of them.

Clinton Gore Monticello Video
Now you are just playing dumb so you can lie.

When Gore points to the busts with a pan from right to left, his arm is at the same height the whole time, so he only pointed to the wall sconces. Washington was not on a wall sconce.

After Gore finished his pan at the left flank he starts to lower his arm and then almost immediately he repoints to the left flank bust and says one word, "Franklin." Gore said it talking over the curator saying "Washington on the extreme." When Gore repoints to the left flank bust he does not raise his arm as high as when he did his pan, his pointing finger just clears his right shoulder. The camera looks over his right shoulder as Tipper's moves her head down and to the left while he repoints to the left flank bust and name it "Franklin." So keep your eyes on Gore's right shoulder and Tipper's head when you see her head move and listen for Gore's distinct voice talking over the curator, and then tell the truth for once in your life.

Clinton Gore Monticello Video
He pointed at George Washington and said "Who are these people?". Let's say that he recognized Benjamin Franklin. Give him a medal but he failed to recognize the father of our country. Our Vice President didn't recognize George Washington! The man is an idiot, which is probably why you are defending him, you identify with him.
Well we have made progress. You no longer claim Gore couldn't name the bust of Jefferson since there was no bust of Jefferson, and while you obviously heard Gore name the bust of Franklin, the other bust your MessiahRushie lied about, since you are conceding it without being honest enough to affirm it, you now what to argue about Washington.

First of all, the bust of Washington is not visible in the video, so how can YOU prove Gore pointed to his bust?
Remember the curator gave 5 names and there are only 4 wall sconces and the position of the Washington bust was described as "on the EXTREME right." The 4 sconce positions were named as L to R, Franklin, Lafayette, John Paul Jones and Adams. So where do you think the EXTREME right position is?

Now I have been to Monticello before that 1993 visit when there were 5 busts and I saw that Washington's bust was parked in a small semi circular niche to the right of the wall sconces and much lower than the sconces. The bust of Adams in no longer there and Washington has been moved to the middle of the sconces along with Franklin after the 1993 tour.
Here is a panoramic view of the way the Tea Room is laid out now and you can see where the niche is relative to the wall sconces and the door.. Click in the image and move your mouse to rotate the view 360 degrees.

Monticello Panoramic Image of Tea Room
It figures you would focus on Franklin and not Washington and Jefferson. "And who are these guys"? The fucking Vice President doesn't recognize the father of our country, and you ignore that. And you call ME brainwashed. Perfect. :lol:
Again you show your brainwashing by your MessiahRushie who injected Jefferson into the lie. There was no bust of Jefferson, it was Jefferson's home.

And Gore did not ask about Washington, he pointed to Lafayette and John Paul Jones when he asked "who are these people." Gore only pointed to the busts that were high on 4 wall sconces, the bust of Washington was much lower in a semi circular niche on the "extreme right" as described by the curator to distinguish it from the right sconce Adams position.

June 5, 2015
RUSH: It was kind of like when Algore was at Monticello walking around, and there presidential busts and such there.
He points at Benjamin Franklin and says (paraphrased), "Who are these people?" The curator says, "Ahem, ahem, Benjamin Franklin and Thomas Jefferson, Mr. Vice President?" "Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah. Benjamin Franklin."

November 17, 2010
RUSH: It's kind of like Algore walking into a museum and pointing, "Who was that?" "That's Benjamin Franklin, Mr. Vice President." "Well, who's that?" "That's Thomas Jefferson, Mr. Vice President." He was in Monticello, at Thomas Jefferson's house. "Who's that?" "Thomas Jefferson."
You're so full of shit. Gore pointed to George Washington, then all the others and said "Who are these people"? He never named one of them. The tour guide had to tell him who all of them were. That moron didn't recognize even one of them.

Clinton Gore Monticello Video
Now you are just playing dumb so you can lie.

When Gore points to the busts with a pan from right to left, his arm is at the same height the whole time, so he only pointed to the wall sconces. Washington was not on a wall sconce.

After Gore finished his pan at the left flank he starts to lower his arm and then almost immediately he repoints to the left flank bust and says one word, "Franklin." Gore said it talking over the curator saying "Washington on the extreme." When Gore repoints to the left flank bust he does not raise his arm as high as when he did his pan, his pointing finger just clears his right shoulder. The camera looks over his right shoulder as Tipper's moves her head down and to the left while he repoints to the left flank bust and name it "Franklin." So keep your eyes on Gore's right shoulder and Tipper's head when you see her head move and listen for Gore's distinct voice talking over the curator, and then tell the truth for once in your life.

Clinton Gore Monticello Video
He pointed at George Washington and said "Who are these people?". Let's say that he recognized Benjamin Franklin. Give him a medal but he failed to recognize the father of our country. Our Vice President didn't recognize George Washington! The man is an idiot, which is probably why you are defending him, you identify with him.
Well we have made progress. You no longer claim Gore couldn't name the bust of Jefferson since there was no bust of Jefferson, and while you obviously heard Gore name the bust of Franklin, the other bust your MessiahRushie lied about, since you are conceding it without being honest enough to affirm it, you now what to argue about Washington.

First of all, the bust of Washington is not visible in the video, so how can YOU prove Gore pointed to his bust?
Remember the curator gave 5 names and there are only 4 wall sconces and the position of the Washington bust was described as "on the EXTREME right." The 4 sconce positions were named as L to R, Franklin, Lafayette, John Paul Jones and Adams. So where do you think the EXTREME right position is?

Now I have been to Monticello before that 1993 visit when there were 5 busts and I saw that Washington's bust was parked in a small semi circular niche to the right of the wall sconces and much lower than the sconces. The bust of Adams in no longer there and Washington has been moved to the middle of the sconces along with Franklin after the 1993 tour.
Here is a panoramic view of the way the Tea Room is laid out now and you can see where the niche is relative to the wall sconces and the door.. Click in the image and move your mouse to rotate the view 360 degrees.

Monticello Panoramic Image of Tea Room
Give it up, ed. You lost this argument when I posted the link. Anyone can watch it and see that Gore was clueless about those busts. You would admit it too if you were honest.
Our Vice President didn't recognize George Washington! The man is an idiot, which is probably why you are defending him, you identify with him.
First of all, how does that change the fact that your MessiahRushie and every other Right-wing source lied about Gore, and how much of an idiot does that make you that you still believed them after viewing the video that exposed their lies that you yourself posted before I posted the C-SPAN video you said you saw but didn't post? Remember it is these same proven liars that are telling you Gore couldn't ID Washington. Why would they suddenly start telling the truth about Washington after lying about Franklin? Why would they have to lie about Franklin if they could tell the truth about Washington?

I could say you defend the liar Porky because you always identify with a liar!
Again you show your brainwashing by your MessiahRushie who injected Jefferson into the lie. There was no bust of Jefferson, it was Jefferson's home.

And Gore did not ask about Washington, he pointed to Lafayette and John Paul Jones when he asked "who are these people." Gore only pointed to the busts that were high on 4 wall sconces, the bust of Washington was much lower in a semi circular niche on the "extreme right" as described by the curator to distinguish it from the right sconce Adams position.

June 5, 2015
RUSH: It was kind of like when Algore was at Monticello walking around, and there presidential busts and such there.
He points at Benjamin Franklin and says (paraphrased), "Who are these people?" The curator says, "Ahem, ahem, Benjamin Franklin and Thomas Jefferson, Mr. Vice President?" "Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah. Benjamin Franklin."

November 17, 2010
RUSH: It's kind of like Algore walking into a museum and pointing, "Who was that?" "That's Benjamin Franklin, Mr. Vice President." "Well, who's that?" "That's Thomas Jefferson, Mr. Vice President." He was in Monticello, at Thomas Jefferson's house. "Who's that?" "Thomas Jefferson."
You're so full of shit. Gore pointed to George Washington, then all the others and said "Who are these people"? He never named one of them. The tour guide had to tell him who all of them were. That moron didn't recognize even one of them.

Clinton Gore Monticello Video
Now you are just playing dumb so you can lie.

When Gore points to the busts with a pan from right to left, his arm is at the same height the whole time, so he only pointed to the wall sconces. Washington was not on a wall sconce.

After Gore finished his pan at the left flank he starts to lower his arm and then almost immediately he repoints to the left flank bust and says one word, "Franklin." Gore said it talking over the curator saying "Washington on the extreme." When Gore repoints to the left flank bust he does not raise his arm as high as when he did his pan, his pointing finger just clears his right shoulder. The camera looks over his right shoulder as Tipper's moves her head down and to the left while he repoints to the left flank bust and name it "Franklin." So keep your eyes on Gore's right shoulder and Tipper's head when you see her head move and listen for Gore's distinct voice talking over the curator, and then tell the truth for once in your life.

Clinton Gore Monticello Video
He pointed at George Washington and said "Who are these people?". Let's say that he recognized Benjamin Franklin. Give him a medal but he failed to recognize the father of our country. Our Vice President didn't recognize George Washington! The man is an idiot, which is probably why you are defending him, you identify with him.
Well we have made progress. You no longer claim Gore couldn't name the bust of Jefferson since there was no bust of Jefferson, and while you obviously heard Gore name the bust of Franklin, the other bust your MessiahRushie lied about, since you are conceding it without being honest enough to affirm it, you now what to argue about Washington.

First of all, the bust of Washington is not visible in the video, so how can YOU prove Gore pointed to his bust?
Remember the curator gave 5 names and there are only 4 wall sconces and the position of the Washington bust was described as "on the EXTREME right." The 4 sconce positions were named as L to R, Franklin, Lafayette, John Paul Jones and Adams. So where do you think the EXTREME right position is?

Now I have been to Monticello before that 1993 visit when there were 5 busts and I saw that Washington's bust was parked in a small semi circular niche to the right of the wall sconces and much lower than the sconces. The bust of Adams in no longer there and Washington has been moved to the middle of the sconces along with Franklin after the 1993 tour.
Here is a panoramic view of the way the Tea Room is laid out now and you can see where the niche is relative to the wall sconces and the door.. Click in the image and move your mouse to rotate the view 360 degrees.

Monticello Panoramic Image of Tea Room
Give it up, ed. You lost this argument when I posted the link. Anyone can watch it and see that Gore was clueless about those busts. You would admit it too if you were honest.
You just can't admit the truth even when it is staring you in your face. Gore was clearly pointing to the two busts in the middle and he got impatient when the curator named the busts he knew and pointed to them AGAIN holding out his first finger and pinky to get the curator to name them after Gore named the bust of Franklin.

When exactly in the video did you "see" Gore point to the semi circular niche to the extreme right of the 4 wall sconces?????
It is all about money, not the ratings. It is fine, but hey, I would like to trash a lib radio host who is big, but I will be darned if I can find one anyone will listen to long enough to keep them on the radio.
There are no really big liberal radio talk show hosts as compared to conservatives because radio is not the medium of choice for liberals Liberals are on the Internet and they generate amazing streaming numbers. The older crowds uses radio and definitely lean conservative.

Talk radio doesn't challenge people to question their ideas, it reinforces existing narratives. That's not a good format for most liberals.

There is a reason for that, liberals (and they are not really liberals, but that is for another discussion) are either 60s radicals, or younger people who were taught by 60s radicals. You communicate with people the way they are most comfortable.

We have seen 1st hand how constant indoctrination of an idea, makes people do things that are really illogical. (suicide bombers) We have also seen the less a person believes an idea will affect them adversely, the more they support it if they think it is a good idea. (think Obamacare, and if you like your doctor, you can keep your doctor, while saving 2500 bucks)

All modern liberalism is, is sleight of hand; but then that could also be said in many instances for the rinos.

As far as Rush goes, if his show fades away, I could care less. Anyone who claims to want to save the country then demands 50 bucks to download his shows is all about himself; same goes for Laura Ingrham and Shaun Hannity. He made his money, let him retire!
Let me explain. The article does not explain or mention how many other stations picked him up. Nor does it explain that at his peak, he was virtually the only one doing it. Now you can hardly pick an AM station the doesn't have conservative talk.

Keep wishing you nutters, and we'll keep laughing at you.

Other stations are only picking him up because IHeartRadio has to put the show SOMEWHERE when a station refuses to carry it.

The real problem with Rush is not his ratings, which are declining. They are his demographics. The average age of his listener is 45-65. This is not a key demographic, because they don't really guy as much. Traffic and Demographic Statistics by Quantcast

More to the point, advertisers don't want to put their products on his show. seriously, I listened to his show when I was in Wisconsin last week. There was only one private business advertiser. The rest was all filled with Public Service Announcements the station was using as filler.
Oh, Joey, great news for those of us accusing you of being an outright liar re your various allegations about Rush's lack of sponsorship.

Yesterday I emailed WSAU in Wausau, Wi the following:
Is it true the station's advertisers are in revolt over Rush's show and refusing to advertise on it, forcing you to air PSAs and station self-promos instead?

Reply received a few minutes ago from Chris:
This is not correct. The program regularly sells-out (it is today, and I was 1 unit from sell-out yesterday).

Don't have permission to use his/her last name on the internet so I've not included it. But anyone can go to the WSAU web site as I did and email them. My reply was from
Chris.(last name)

So, Joey, you're busted again.
No, Joey, WSUA - call letters you previously posted - is a Spanish station in Miami.
Once I found that out yesterday, and knowing you'd also previously posted a Wisconsin station airing Rush only ran one ad and the rest PSAs, I looked up WI stations and found WSAU in Wausau, WI. So I naturally tuned in during Rush's show and I'll give you one guess what I found out about your allegation.

That you apparently have a magic radio that can get any station in the country? I think that's the drugs.
Yesterday I emailed WSAU in Wausau, Wi the following:
Is it true the station's advertisers are in revolt over Rush's show and refusing to advertise on it, forcing you to air PSAs and station self-promos instead?

I thought you said you LISTENED to the station from Michigan. Which would be a really good trick, I can barely get it in on radio in Vilas County.... Now you are taking the word of a station staffer who probably has been told to repeat the happy speech that everything is fine and we are totally selling commercials up here. no really.
The ratings for talk radio have been trending down for some time, but Limbaugh is STILL a powerhouse.

Funny how the lefties keep hoping for his demise, while ignoring the many lib TV broadcast networks which have fallen dramatically. Look at the ratings of CNN or MSNBC, for example.

Here is the truth. Can lefties accept it?

again, ratings don't matter if you can't get advertisers.

Glen Beck won his time slot on Fox, but the fact was, no one wanted their ads on his show.

And in markets like Chicago and LA, Limbaugh's show is in the toilet. his show on WLS is in 25th place.
The biggest danger Limbaugh faces is a Republican controlled government. As long as he has a Democrat president to attack, he'll maintain his ratings. However, give him a Republican president to defend and he's in trouble because he's an attack dog, not a defender. Look at his ratings during the administration of Bush vs. Obama.
It is apparent from your post you are parroting what the left media tells you. Rush endured Bush I and II, and was number 1 the whole time.

It is hilarious how lefties prove they only know what the left media tells them. They are too lazy and closed minded to make their own assessment of Rush.

I don't like his strong ties to the GOP, but you have to love the way he skewers the stupid lefties and D party.
Limbaugh supported both Bushs and their war's on Iraq. His support for Bush II only faltered when when it became evident to the whole nation that he was incompetent ending his presidency with the worst presidential approval rating on record.
Agreed...for this he deserves criticism, but don't you love the way he exposes the fallacy and idiocy of leftism?
You're so full of shit. Gore pointed to George Washington, then all the others and said "Who are these people"? He never named one of them. The tour guide had to tell him who all of them were. That moron didn't recognize even one of them.

Clinton Gore Monticello Video
Now you are just playing dumb so you can lie.

When Gore points to the busts with a pan from right to left, his arm is at the same height the whole time, so he only pointed to the wall sconces. Washington was not on a wall sconce.

After Gore finished his pan at the left flank he starts to lower his arm and then almost immediately he repoints to the left flank bust and says one word, "Franklin." Gore said it talking over the curator saying "Washington on the extreme." When Gore repoints to the left flank bust he does not raise his arm as high as when he did his pan, his pointing finger just clears his right shoulder. The camera looks over his right shoulder as Tipper's moves her head down and to the left while he repoints to the left flank bust and name it "Franklin." So keep your eyes on Gore's right shoulder and Tipper's head when you see her head move and listen for Gore's distinct voice talking over the curator, and then tell the truth for once in your life.

Clinton Gore Monticello Video
He pointed at George Washington and said "Who are these people?". Let's say that he recognized Benjamin Franklin. Give him a medal but he failed to recognize the father of our country. Our Vice President didn't recognize George Washington! The man is an idiot, which is probably why you are defending him, you identify with him.
Well we have made progress. You no longer claim Gore couldn't name the bust of Jefferson since there was no bust of Jefferson, and while you obviously heard Gore name the bust of Franklin, the other bust your MessiahRushie lied about, since you are conceding it without being honest enough to affirm it, you now what to argue about Washington.

First of all, the bust of Washington is not visible in the video, so how can YOU prove Gore pointed to his bust?
Remember the curator gave 5 names and there are only 4 wall sconces and the position of the Washington bust was described as "on the EXTREME right." The 4 sconce positions were named as L to R, Franklin, Lafayette, John Paul Jones and Adams. So where do you think the EXTREME right position is?

Now I have been to Monticello before that 1993 visit when there were 5 busts and I saw that Washington's bust was parked in a small semi circular niche to the right of the wall sconces and much lower than the sconces. The bust of Adams in no longer there and Washington has been moved to the middle of the sconces along with Franklin after the 1993 tour.
Here is a panoramic view of the way the Tea Room is laid out now and you can see where the niche is relative to the wall sconces and the door.. Click in the image and move your mouse to rotate the view 360 degrees.

Monticello Panoramic Image of Tea Room
Give it up, ed. You lost this argument when I posted the link. Anyone can watch it and see that Gore was clueless about those busts. You would admit it too if you were honest.
You just can't admit the truth even when it is staring you in your face. Gore was clearly pointing to the two busts in the middle and he got impatient when the curator named the busts he knew and pointed to them AGAIN holding out his first finger and pinky to get the curator to name them after Gore named the bust of Franklin.

When exactly in the video did you "see" Gore point to the semi circular niche to the extreme right of the 4 wall sconces?????
You just don't know when to quit, do you? One more time, now pay attention. Gore pointed into the room and to the right (at Washington) and panned to the left and said "Who are these people?". He didn't say "Who is this person" or Who is that person", he said "PEOPLE". That means ALL of them. And when he said "Franklin" (after he asked who they were), it looked like he was reading it (probably saw the name underneath the bust). And clearly, Washington was at the SAME LEVEL as the rest of them. Don't try to lie about it's placement. Gore did not know who any of them were and all of your hair splitting about his pinky finger isn't going to change that. Anyone can watch the video and see that you're trying to cover for Gore's utter stupidity (with your own).

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