Rush Limbaugh is cooked: The stunning fall of the right’s angriest bloviator

I know, I know - we've heard it before, but there's no denying the plain truth and the evidence. Sane people, I mean.

I predict he will quit his show in the next year when his contract expires. He will never get big money again, and his ego won't allow him to take any less.

Rush Limbaugh is cooked: The stunning fall of the right’s angriest bloviator
Indianapolis' WIBC is just the latest station to drop him like a bad habit. His days of relevance are numbered

The bad news just keeps coming for conservative talker Rush Limbaugh.

Which bulletin was worse, though? The news in April that he was being dropped by WIBC in Indianapolis, a booming talk powerhouse that played home to Limbaugh’s radio show for more than two decades, or the news this week that the talker’s new address on the Indianapolis dial is going to be WNDE, a ratings doormat AM sports station that has so few listeners it trails the commercial-free classical music outlet in town?

The humbling, red-state tumble is just the latest setback for the conservative talker who has seen his once-golden career suffer a steady series of losses recently.

Divorced from successful, longtime affiliates in places like New York, Los Angeles, Boston, and Indianapolis, Limbaugh’s professional trajectory is heading downward. That’s confirmed by the second and third-tier stations he now calls home in those important media markets, and the fact that when his show became available, general managers up and down the dial passed on it. Apparently turned off by the show’s hefty price tag, sagging ratings, and disappearing advertisers, Limbaugh continues to be a very hard sell.

It’s a precipitous fall from the glory days when the host posted huge ratings numbers, had affiliates clamoring to join his network, and dictated Republican politics. All of that seems increasingly distant now. With his comically inflated, $50 million-a-year syndication deal set to expire next year, Limbaugh’s future seems uncertain. “Who would even want someone whose audience is aging and is considered toxic to many advertisers,” askedRadioInsight last month.

For Limbaugh, the troubles were marked by key events from 2012 and 2013. The first came in the form of Limbaugh’s Sandra Fluke implosion, where he castigated and insulted for days the graduate student who testified before Congress about health care and access to contraception, calling her a “slut” and suggesting she post videos of herself having sex on the Internet. The astonishing monologues sparked an unprecedented advertiser exodus.

The following year, as the host struggled to hang on to fleeing sponsors, radio industry giant Cumulus Media decided to negotiate its Limbaugh contract in public, making it clear through the press that the company was willing to cut ties with the pricey host in major cities where Cumulus owned talk radio stations. In the end, Limbaugh stayed with Cumulus stations, but the company sent a clear signal to the industry: Limbaugh was no longer an untouchable and general managers weren’t clamoring to hire him. Since then, the talker’s fortunes have only faded.

Another looming problem? Conservative talk radio is a “format fewer advertisers are interested in buying because of its aging audience,” noted radio consultant and self-identified Republican Darryl Parks. Limbaugh himself recently conceded a generational disconnect: “Now that I’ve outgrown the 25-54 demographic, I’m no longer confident that the way I see the world is the way everybody else does.

That disconnect may be fueling Limbaugh’s waning political influence. Once a mighty player whose ring was constantly kissed by Republicans, this campaign season seems to be unfolding with Limbaugh on the sidelines, his clout and his ability to drive the conversation seemingly surpassed by other conservative media players.

How will you and Ed fill up your days when you can't write down everything Rush says so you can post it here and be all outraged??
Your MessiahRushie just blamed the SC church shooting on Liberals teaching evolution in the classroom. The asshole must really be desperate for attention.
I know, I know - we've heard it before, but there's no denying the plain truth and the evidence. Sane people, I mean.

I predict he will quit his show in the next year when his contract expires. He will never get big money again, and his ego won't allow him to take any less.

Rush Limbaugh is cooked: The stunning fall of the right’s angriest bloviator
Indianapolis' WIBC is just the latest station to drop him like a bad habit. His days of relevance are numbered

The bad news just keeps coming for conservative talker Rush Limbaugh.

Which bulletin was worse, though? The news in April that he was being dropped by WIBC in Indianapolis, a booming talk powerhouse that played home to Limbaugh’s radio show for more than two decades, or the news this week that the talker’s new address on the Indianapolis dial is going to be WNDE, a ratings doormat AM sports station that has so few listeners it trails the commercial-free classical music outlet in town?

The humbling, red-state tumble is just the latest setback for the conservative talker who has seen his once-golden career suffer a steady series of losses recently.

Divorced from successful, longtime affiliates in places like New York, Los Angeles, Boston, and Indianapolis, Limbaugh’s professional trajectory is heading downward. That’s confirmed by the second and third-tier stations he now calls home in those important media markets, and the fact that when his show became available, general managers up and down the dial passed on it. Apparently turned off by the show’s hefty price tag, sagging ratings, and disappearing advertisers, Limbaugh continues to be a very hard sell.

It’s a precipitous fall from the glory days when the host posted huge ratings numbers, had affiliates clamoring to join his network, and dictated Republican politics. All of that seems increasingly distant now. With his comically inflated, $50 million-a-year syndication deal set to expire next year, Limbaugh’s future seems uncertain. “Who would even want someone whose audience is aging and is considered toxic to many advertisers,” askedRadioInsight last month.

For Limbaugh, the troubles were marked by key events from 2012 and 2013. The first came in the form of Limbaugh’s Sandra Fluke implosion, where he castigated and insulted for days the graduate student who testified before Congress about health care and access to contraception, calling her a “slut” and suggesting she post videos of herself having sex on the Internet. The astonishing monologues sparked an unprecedented advertiser exodus.

The following year, as the host struggled to hang on to fleeing sponsors, radio industry giant Cumulus Media decided to negotiate its Limbaugh contract in public, making it clear through the press that the company was willing to cut ties with the pricey host in major cities where Cumulus owned talk radio stations. In the end, Limbaugh stayed with Cumulus stations, but the company sent a clear signal to the industry: Limbaugh was no longer an untouchable and general managers weren’t clamoring to hire him. Since then, the talker’s fortunes have only faded.

Another looming problem? Conservative talk radio is a “format fewer advertisers are interested in buying because of its aging audience,” noted radio consultant and self-identified Republican Darryl Parks. Limbaugh himself recently conceded a generational disconnect: “Now that I’ve outgrown the 25-54 demographic, I’m no longer confident that the way I see the world is the way everybody else does.

That disconnect may be fueling Limbaugh’s waning political influence. Once a mighty player whose ring was constantly kissed by Republicans, this campaign season seems to be unfolding with Limbaugh on the sidelines, his clout and his ability to drive the conversation seemingly surpassed by other conservative media players.

How will you and Ed fill up your days when you can't write down everything Rush says so you can post it here and be all outraged??
Your MessiahRushie just blamed the SC church shooting on Liberals teaching evolution in the classroom. The asshole must really be desperate for attention.

I wouldn't know what he said you see because I never listen to his show.

You better find another hobby before he goes off the air or your life is going to get very lonely
IOW, the fact that he was mocking the current "trans" fad flew completely over your head and now you're stuck trying to convince us he was being serious.
August 13, 2010
RUSH: I don't say something I don't mean. I live in Literalville.
I'll bet you half of my problems with liberals in the media is I live in Literalville. I say what I mean.
Yet you also claim he lies? Which is it?
He lies like someone who identifies with skinny.
Okay, so he does NOT say everything literally. It is obvious, therefore, that you really don't have anything substantive on which to stand. If you don't know when Rush is making fun of someone, why are you listening? You should be doing something more suited to a lesser intellect.
But he's lying when he says he is making fun of someone, he, as a liar, is serious.
Wow, you MUST pay a lot of attention to what he says, if you claim to know all that.
I know, I know - we've heard it before, but there's no denying the plain truth and the evidence. Sane people, I mean.

I predict he will quit his show in the next year when his contract expires. He will never get big money again, and his ego won't allow him to take any less.

Rush Limbaugh is cooked: The stunning fall of the right’s angriest bloviator
Indianapolis' WIBC is just the latest station to drop him like a bad habit. His days of relevance are numbered

The bad news just keeps coming for conservative talker Rush Limbaugh.

Which bulletin was worse, though? The news in April that he was being dropped by WIBC in Indianapolis, a booming talk powerhouse that played home to Limbaugh’s radio show for more than two decades, or the news this week that the talker’s new address on the Indianapolis dial is going to be WNDE, a ratings doormat AM sports station that has so few listeners it trails the commercial-free classical music outlet in town?

The humbling, red-state tumble is just the latest setback for the conservative talker who has seen his once-golden career suffer a steady series of losses recently.

Divorced from successful, longtime affiliates in places like New York, Los Angeles, Boston, and Indianapolis, Limbaugh’s professional trajectory is heading downward. That’s confirmed by the second and third-tier stations he now calls home in those important media markets, and the fact that when his show became available, general managers up and down the dial passed on it. Apparently turned off by the show’s hefty price tag, sagging ratings, and disappearing advertisers, Limbaugh continues to be a very hard sell.

It’s a precipitous fall from the glory days when the host posted huge ratings numbers, had affiliates clamoring to join his network, and dictated Republican politics. All of that seems increasingly distant now. With his comically inflated, $50 million-a-year syndication deal set to expire next year, Limbaugh’s future seems uncertain. “Who would even want someone whose audience is aging and is considered toxic to many advertisers,” askedRadioInsight last month.

For Limbaugh, the troubles were marked by key events from 2012 and 2013. The first came in the form of Limbaugh’s Sandra Fluke implosion, where he castigated and insulted for days the graduate student who testified before Congress about health care and access to contraception, calling her a “slut” and suggesting she post videos of herself having sex on the Internet. The astonishing monologues sparked an unprecedented advertiser exodus.

The following year, as the host struggled to hang on to fleeing sponsors, radio industry giant Cumulus Media decided to negotiate its Limbaugh contract in public, making it clear through the press that the company was willing to cut ties with the pricey host in major cities where Cumulus owned talk radio stations. In the end, Limbaugh stayed with Cumulus stations, but the company sent a clear signal to the industry: Limbaugh was no longer an untouchable and general managers weren’t clamoring to hire him. Since then, the talker’s fortunes have only faded.

Another looming problem? Conservative talk radio is a “format fewer advertisers are interested in buying because of its aging audience,” noted radio consultant and self-identified Republican Darryl Parks. Limbaugh himself recently conceded a generational disconnect: “Now that I’ve outgrown the 25-54 demographic, I’m no longer confident that the way I see the world is the way everybody else does.

That disconnect may be fueling Limbaugh’s waning political influence. Once a mighty player whose ring was constantly kissed by Republicans, this campaign season seems to be unfolding with Limbaugh on the sidelines, his clout and his ability to drive the conversation seemingly surpassed by other conservative media players.

How will you and Ed fill up your days when you can't write down everything Rush says so you can post it here and be all outraged??
Your MessiahRushie just blamed the SC church shooting on Liberals teaching evolution in the classroom. The asshole must really be desperate for attention.

I wouldn't know what he said you see because I never listen to his show.

You better find another hobby before he goes off the air or your life is going to get very lonely
Yeah, after he said that if I was a DittoNazi I would deny listening to him just like you
August 13, 2010
RUSH: I don't say something I don't mean. I live in Literalville.
I'll bet you half of my problems with liberals in the media is I live in Literalville. I say what I mean.
Yet you also claim he lies? Which is it?
He lies like someone who identifies with skinny.
Okay, so he does NOT say everything literally. It is obvious, therefore, that you really don't have anything substantive on which to stand. If you don't know when Rush is making fun of someone, why are you listening? You should be doing something more suited to a lesser intellect.
But he's lying when he says he is making fun of someone, he, as a liar, is serious.
Wow, you MUST pay a lot of attention to what he says, if you claim to know all that.
It doesn't take a lot of listening to figure that out, if you have a working brain.
Yet you also claim he lies? Which is it?
He lies like someone who identifies with skinny.
Okay, so he does NOT say everything literally. It is obvious, therefore, that you really don't have anything substantive on which to stand. If you don't know when Rush is making fun of someone, why are you listening? You should be doing something more suited to a lesser intellect.
But he's lying when he says he is making fun of someone, he, as a liar, is serious.
Wow, you MUST pay a lot of attention to what he says, if you claim to know all that.
It doesn't take a lot of listening to figure that out, if you have a working brain.
Then you haven't been paying much attention. One detects a fair amount of partisan dissonance going on here.
I know, I know - we've heard it before, but there's no denying the plain truth and the evidence. Sane people, I mean.

I predict he will quit his show in the next year when his contract expires. He will never get big money again, and his ego won't allow him to take any less.

Rush Limbaugh is cooked: The stunning fall of the right’s angriest bloviator
Indianapolis' WIBC is just the latest station to drop him like a bad habit. His days of relevance are numbered

The bad news just keeps coming for conservative talker Rush Limbaugh.

Which bulletin was worse, though? The news in April that he was being dropped by WIBC in Indianapolis, a booming talk powerhouse that played home to Limbaugh’s radio show for more than two decades, or the news this week that the talker’s new address on the Indianapolis dial is going to be WNDE, a ratings doormat AM sports station that has so few listeners it trails the commercial-free classical music outlet in town?

The humbling, red-state tumble is just the latest setback for the conservative talker who has seen his once-golden career suffer a steady series of losses recently.

Divorced from successful, longtime affiliates in places like New York, Los Angeles, Boston, and Indianapolis, Limbaugh’s professional trajectory is heading downward. That’s confirmed by the second and third-tier stations he now calls home in those important media markets, and the fact that when his show became available, general managers up and down the dial passed on it. Apparently turned off by the show’s hefty price tag, sagging ratings, and disappearing advertisers, Limbaugh continues to be a very hard sell.

It’s a precipitous fall from the glory days when the host posted huge ratings numbers, had affiliates clamoring to join his network, and dictated Republican politics. All of that seems increasingly distant now. With his comically inflated, $50 million-a-year syndication deal set to expire next year, Limbaugh’s future seems uncertain. “Who would even want someone whose audience is aging and is considered toxic to many advertisers,” askedRadioInsight last month.

For Limbaugh, the troubles were marked by key events from 2012 and 2013. The first came in the form of Limbaugh’s Sandra Fluke implosion, where he castigated and insulted for days the graduate student who testified before Congress about health care and access to contraception, calling her a “slut” and suggesting she post videos of herself having sex on the Internet. The astonishing monologues sparked an unprecedented advertiser exodus.

The following year, as the host struggled to hang on to fleeing sponsors, radio industry giant Cumulus Media decided to negotiate its Limbaugh contract in public, making it clear through the press that the company was willing to cut ties with the pricey host in major cities where Cumulus owned talk radio stations. In the end, Limbaugh stayed with Cumulus stations, but the company sent a clear signal to the industry: Limbaugh was no longer an untouchable and general managers weren’t clamoring to hire him. Since then, the talker’s fortunes have only faded.

Another looming problem? Conservative talk radio is a “format fewer advertisers are interested in buying because of its aging audience,” noted radio consultant and self-identified Republican Darryl Parks. Limbaugh himself recently conceded a generational disconnect: “Now that I’ve outgrown the 25-54 demographic, I’m no longer confident that the way I see the world is the way everybody else does.

That disconnect may be fueling Limbaugh’s waning political influence. Once a mighty player whose ring was constantly kissed by Republicans, this campaign season seems to be unfolding with Limbaugh on the sidelines, his clout and his ability to drive the conversation seemingly surpassed by other conservative media players.

How will you and Ed fill up your days when you can't write down everything Rush says so you can post it here and be all outraged??
Your MessiahRushie just blamed the SC church shooting on Liberals teaching evolution in the classroom. The asshole must really be desperate for attention.

I wouldn't know what he said you see because I never listen to his show.

You better find another hobby before he goes off the air or your life is going to get very lonely
Hate to say it, but he's not about to go off the air. He has a large audience of hard core conservatives, that need their batteries charged daily. People with more middle of road politics simply don't need that constant affirmation of their beliefs. For most of us, that don't froth at the mouth at the mention of big government, his programs are a bit boring unless you love listening to endless commercials.
I know, I know - we've heard it before, but there's no denying the plain truth and the evidence. Sane people, I mean.

I predict he will quit his show in the next year when his contract expires. He will never get big money again, and his ego won't allow him to take any less.

Rush Limbaugh is cooked: The stunning fall of the right’s angriest bloviator
Indianapolis' WIBC is just the latest station to drop him like a bad habit. His days of relevance are numbered

The bad news just keeps coming for conservative talker Rush Limbaugh.

Which bulletin was worse, though? The news in April that he was being dropped by WIBC in Indianapolis, a booming talk powerhouse that played home to Limbaugh’s radio show for more than two decades, or the news this week that the talker’s new address on the Indianapolis dial is going to be WNDE, a ratings doormat AM sports station that has so few listeners it trails the commercial-free classical music outlet in town?

The humbling, red-state tumble is just the latest setback for the conservative talker who has seen his once-golden career suffer a steady series of losses recently.

Divorced from successful, longtime affiliates in places like New York, Los Angeles, Boston, and Indianapolis, Limbaugh’s professional trajectory is heading downward. That’s confirmed by the second and third-tier stations he now calls home in those important media markets, and the fact that when his show became available, general managers up and down the dial passed on it. Apparently turned off by the show’s hefty price tag, sagging ratings, and disappearing advertisers, Limbaugh continues to be a very hard sell.

It’s a precipitous fall from the glory days when the host posted huge ratings numbers, had affiliates clamoring to join his network, and dictated Republican politics. All of that seems increasingly distant now. With his comically inflated, $50 million-a-year syndication deal set to expire next year, Limbaugh’s future seems uncertain. “Who would even want someone whose audience is aging and is considered toxic to many advertisers,” askedRadioInsight last month.

For Limbaugh, the troubles were marked by key events from 2012 and 2013. The first came in the form of Limbaugh’s Sandra Fluke implosion, where he castigated and insulted for days the graduate student who testified before Congress about health care and access to contraception, calling her a “slut” and suggesting she post videos of herself having sex on the Internet. The astonishing monologues sparked an unprecedented advertiser exodus.

The following year, as the host struggled to hang on to fleeing sponsors, radio industry giant Cumulus Media decided to negotiate its Limbaugh contract in public, making it clear through the press that the company was willing to cut ties with the pricey host in major cities where Cumulus owned talk radio stations. In the end, Limbaugh stayed with Cumulus stations, but the company sent a clear signal to the industry: Limbaugh was no longer an untouchable and general managers weren’t clamoring to hire him. Since then, the talker’s fortunes have only faded.

Another looming problem? Conservative talk radio is a “format fewer advertisers are interested in buying because of its aging audience,” noted radio consultant and self-identified Republican Darryl Parks. Limbaugh himself recently conceded a generational disconnect: “Now that I’ve outgrown the 25-54 demographic, I’m no longer confident that the way I see the world is the way everybody else does.

That disconnect may be fueling Limbaugh’s waning political influence. Once a mighty player whose ring was constantly kissed by Republicans, this campaign season seems to be unfolding with Limbaugh on the sidelines, his clout and his ability to drive the conversation seemingly surpassed by other conservative media players.

How will you and Ed fill up your days when you can't write down everything Rush says so you can post it here and be all outraged??
Your MessiahRushie just blamed the SC church shooting on Liberals teaching evolution in the classroom. The asshole must really be desperate for attention.

I wouldn't know what he said you see because I never listen to his show.

You better find another hobby before he goes off the air or your life is going to get very lonely
Hate to say it, but he's not about to go off the air. He has a large audience of hard core conservatives, that need their batteries charged daily. People with more middle of road politics simply don't need that constant affirmation of their beliefs. For most of us, that don't froth at the mouth at the mention of big government, his programs are a bit boring unless you love listening to endless commercials.
Sounds more like he has a large audience of hard core liberals. And thanks for admitting he has plenty of sponsors.
I keep seeing this thread, and I wonder why it's still alive and with so many responses. Does anyone really care one iota about whether or not Rush Limbaugh stays on the air forever or disappears tomorrow? Seriously? :confused-84:
Anybody who wants to see for themselves can watch the video I posted of Gore making a fool of himself. You can see Gore pointing at Washington in the right hand corner and he is at the same level as the others. It's NOT waist high, moron. Anyone can see it if they look. You can see it in this picture you posted too, you stupid jerk. Look at it, see the 3 framed photos or plaques (whatever they are) underneath it (like all the others)? Damn, you're stupid.
Damn you can't count, the curator named 5 (FIVE) bust positions, starting with Franklin on the left, Lafayette, John Paul Jones, Adams, and that would put Washington, on the EXTREME right past the 4th wall sconce, of only 4 wall sconces. As the interactive panoramic link I provided shows, the only place past the 4th wall sconce for a bust is the waist high semi circular niche where the tea service set is in the panorama, between the 4th wall sconce and the door.

Are you really stupid enough to think Gore could read a name that isn't there off those tiny plaques from his distance???
Why yes, yes you are, or at least you have to pretend to be to rationalize to yourself that you are not lying.
He named 4, starting with Washington, moron. He said usually Adams is there but wasn't at the time. You can see all 4 busts in the video, the only 4 that are there. Go back and watch it again, stupid.
You can see only 3, the right wall sconce is empty. And the fact that the curator named Adams even though it was not there proves the curator named more bust than Gore pointed to.
There were 4 in the video. You can post as many pictures as you like, I'm talking about the video that GORE was in. There were 4 busts and the host named 4, then said Adams was usually there but not that day. He said Washington was on the extreme right, and you can see all 4 busts, meaning that the one on the far right had to be Washington. The more you try to lie for Gore, the more ridiculous you look. But keep digging, I enjoy watching you bury yourself along with the idiot Al Gore (you know, the guy who invented the internet). :lol:
You are seeing things, all you can see of the 4th sconce is the base through the windows of the door. There is nothing sitting on the base which is why you can see the folds of the drapes above the base of the sconce. The fact that the curator named Adams proves the curator gave more information than Gore asked for because it would be impossible for Gore to ask him to name a bust that wasn't there. The position the bust of Adams usually took was the 4th wall sconce, but since Adams was not there the 4th sconce was empty. You can see the bust of Washington on the 4th sconce like you saw the Gore reading name Franklin off the bottom of the bust and like you saw Franklin's name on the plaques under the bust and like you saw the bust of Jefferson. You see what you want to see and not what is there.

Just admit it your MessiahRushie lied to you and you swallowed his lie and you can't admit you are that stupid and gullible.

November 17, 2010
RUSH: It's kind of like Algore walking into a museum and pointing, "Who was that?" "That's Benjamin Franklin, Mr. Vice President." "Well, who's that?" "That's Thomas Jefferson, Mr. Vice President." He was in Monticello, at Thomas Jefferson's house. "Who's that?" "Thomas Jefferson."
This is the last post before I put you on ignore, fuckwad. Anybody can watch the video I posted (with Gore in it) and see that he had to ask who they were. Just admit it, Gore is an idiot and you're going to great lengths to make him look like less of an idiot (which makes you look like MORE of one). Now you can go back to listening to Rush.
Damn you can't count, the curator named 5 (FIVE) bust positions, starting with Franklin on the left, Lafayette, John Paul Jones, Adams, and that would put Washington, on the EXTREME right past the 4th wall sconce, of only 4 wall sconces. As the interactive panoramic link I provided shows, the only place past the 4th wall sconce for a bust is the waist high semi circular niche where the tea service set is in the panorama, between the 4th wall sconce and the door.

Are you really stupid enough to think Gore could read a name that isn't there off those tiny plaques from his distance???
Why yes, yes you are, or at least you have to pretend to be to rationalize to yourself that you are not lying.
He named 4, starting with Washington, moron. He said usually Adams is there but wasn't at the time. You can see all 4 busts in the video, the only 4 that are there. Go back and watch it again, stupid.
You can see only 3, the right wall sconce is empty. And the fact that the curator named Adams even though it was not there proves the curator named more bust than Gore pointed to.
There were 4 in the video. You can post as many pictures as you like, I'm talking about the video that GORE was in. There were 4 busts and the host named 4, then said Adams was usually there but not that day. He said Washington was on the extreme right, and you can see all 4 busts, meaning that the one on the far right had to be Washington. The more you try to lie for Gore, the more ridiculous you look. But keep digging, I enjoy watching you bury yourself along with the idiot Al Gore (you know, the guy who invented the internet). :lol:
You are seeing things, all you can see of the 4th sconce is the base through the windows of the door. There is nothing sitting on the base which is why you can see the folds of the drapes above the base of the sconce. The fact that the curator named Adams proves the curator gave more information than Gore asked for because it would be impossible for Gore to ask him to name a bust that wasn't there. The position the bust of Adams usually took was the 4th wall sconce, but since Adams was not there the 4th sconce was empty. You can see the bust of Washington on the 4th sconce like you saw the Gore reading name Franklin off the bottom of the bust and like you saw Franklin's name on the plaques under the bust and like you saw the bust of Jefferson. You see what you want to see and not what is there.

Just admit it your MessiahRushie lied to you and you swallowed his lie and you can't admit you are that stupid and gullible.

November 17, 2010
RUSH: It's kind of like Algore walking into a museum and pointing, "Who was that?" "That's Benjamin Franklin, Mr. Vice President." "Well, who's that?" "That's Thomas Jefferson, Mr. Vice President." He was in Monticello, at Thomas Jefferson's house. "Who's that?" "Thomas Jefferson."
This is the last post before I put you on ignore, fuckwad. Anybody can watch the video I posted (with Gore in it) and see that he had to ask who they were. Just admit it, Gore is an idiot and you're going to great lengths to make him look like less of an idiot (which makes you look like MORE of one). Now you can go back to listening to Rush.
The video clearly shows Gore asked for the name of the 2 center busts, he named Franklin himself and never pointed to Washington.

What is idiotic is you still believing the lie after you got caught mindlessly parroting the lie that Gore could not recognize busts of Franklin and Jefferson. Rather than admit the truth, you invented a name plaque under the bust of Franklin and repositioned the bust of Washington. All you show is just how the Right will rationalize anything to cling to a lie they have been programmed to swallow and no amount of truth can deprogram a CON$ervative.

You can run and hide from the truth now with your ignore button.
I keep seeing this thread, and I wonder why it's still alive and with so many responses. Does anyone really care one iota about whether or not Rush Limbaugh stays on the air forever or disappears tomorrow? Seriously? :confused-84:

Yeah it is very surprising. I've been rather amused by the entire thread, because in the act of posting now 18 pages worth of posts about Rush Limbaugh, they have inadvertently completely destroyed their own argument that he's irrelevant.

If Rush Limbaugh was in fact irrelevant....... no one would care enough to make 350 posts about how irrelevant he is.

The most amusing of these, is "edthecynic". This guy is a trip.... he claims no one cares what Rush says, that he's irrelevant now..... but then.... has a dozen Rush quotes in his own signature.... proving he cares, and apparently believes Rush is relevant enough to everyone that we'd care to read Rush's quotes.

The contradictions throughout this thread are just hilarious to me.
The most amusing of these, is "edthecynic". This guy is a trip.... he claims no one cares what Rush says, that he's irrelevant now..... but then.... has a dozen Rush quotes in his own signature....
You lie and exaggerate just like your MessiahRushie!!!
I made no such claim, and I have exactly 3 quotes in my sig, which thoroughly expose Porky's hypocrisy!!!
I know, I know - we've heard it before, but there's no denying the plain truth and the evidence. Sane people, I mean.

I predict he will quit his show in the next year when his contract expires. He will never get big money again, and his ego won't allow him to take any less.

Rush Limbaugh is cooked: The stunning fall of the right’s angriest bloviator
Indianapolis' WIBC is just the latest station to drop him like a bad habit. His days of relevance are numbered

The bad news just keeps coming for conservative talker Rush Limbaugh.

Which bulletin was worse, though? The news in April that he was being dropped by WIBC in Indianapolis, a booming talk powerhouse that played home to Limbaugh’s radio show for more than two decades, or the news this week that the talker’s new address on the Indianapolis dial is going to be WNDE, a ratings doormat AM sports station that has so few listeners it trails the commercial-free classical music outlet in town?

The humbling, red-state tumble is just the latest setback for the conservative talker who has seen his once-golden career suffer a steady series of losses recently.

Divorced from successful, longtime affiliates in places like New York, Los Angeles, Boston, and Indianapolis, Limbaugh’s professional trajectory is heading downward. That’s confirmed by the second and third-tier stations he now calls home in those important media markets, and the fact that when his show became available, general managers up and down the dial passed on it. Apparently turned off by the show’s hefty price tag, sagging ratings, and disappearing advertisers, Limbaugh continues to be a very hard sell.

It’s a precipitous fall from the glory days when the host posted huge ratings numbers, had affiliates clamoring to join his network, and dictated Republican politics. All of that seems increasingly distant now. With his comically inflated, $50 million-a-year syndication deal set to expire next year, Limbaugh’s future seems uncertain. “Who would even want someone whose audience is aging and is considered toxic to many advertisers,” askedRadioInsight last month.

For Limbaugh, the troubles were marked by key events from 2012 and 2013. The first came in the form of Limbaugh’s Sandra Fluke implosion, where he castigated and insulted for days the graduate student who testified before Congress about health care and access to contraception, calling her a “slut” and suggesting she post videos of herself having sex on the Internet. The astonishing monologues sparked an unprecedented advertiser exodus.

The following year, as the host struggled to hang on to fleeing sponsors, radio industry giant Cumulus Media decided to negotiate its Limbaugh contract in public, making it clear through the press that the company was willing to cut ties with the pricey host in major cities where Cumulus owned talk radio stations. In the end, Limbaugh stayed with Cumulus stations, but the company sent a clear signal to the industry: Limbaugh was no longer an untouchable and general managers weren’t clamoring to hire him. Since then, the talker’s fortunes have only faded.

Another looming problem? Conservative talk radio is a “format fewer advertisers are interested in buying because of its aging audience,” noted radio consultant and self-identified Republican Darryl Parks. Limbaugh himself recently conceded a generational disconnect: “Now that I’ve outgrown the 25-54 demographic, I’m no longer confident that the way I see the world is the way everybody else does.

That disconnect may be fueling Limbaugh’s waning political influence. Once a mighty player whose ring was constantly kissed by Republicans, this campaign season seems to be unfolding with Limbaugh on the sidelines, his clout and his ability to drive the conversation seemingly surpassed by other conservative media players.

How will you and Ed fill up your days when you can't write down everything Rush says so you can post it here and be all outraged??
Your MessiahRushie just blamed the SC church shooting on Liberals teaching evolution in the classroom. The asshole must really be desperate for attention.

I wouldn't know what he said you see because I never listen to his show.

You better find another hobby before he goes off the air or your life is going to get very lonely
Hate to say it, but he's not about to go off the air. He has a large audience of hard core conservatives, that need their batteries charged daily. People with more middle of road politics simply don't need that constant affirmation of their beliefs. For most of us, that don't froth at the mouth at the mention of big government, his programs are a bit boring unless you love listening to endless commercials.
Sounds more like he has a large audience of hard core liberals. And thanks for admitting he has plenty of sponsors.
I think a lot liberals catch his program from time to time. If you're traveling and get tired of listening to music, the choices are often limited to conservative talk radio, or evangelical preachers.
How will you and Ed fill up your days when you can't write down everything Rush says so you can post it here and be all outraged??
Your MessiahRushie just blamed the SC church shooting on Liberals teaching evolution in the classroom. The asshole must really be desperate for attention.

I wouldn't know what he said you see because I never listen to his show.

You better find another hobby before he goes off the air or your life is going to get very lonely
Hate to say it, but he's not about to go off the air. He has a large audience of hard core conservatives, that need their batteries charged daily. People with more middle of road politics simply don't need that constant affirmation of their beliefs. For most of us, that don't froth at the mouth at the mention of big government, his programs are a bit boring unless you love listening to endless commercials.
Sounds more like he has a large audience of hard core liberals. And thanks for admitting he has plenty of sponsors.
I think a lot liberals catch his program from time to time. If you're traveling and get tired of listening to music, the choices are often limited to conservative talk radio, or evangelical preachers.
Ok, Flopper (wink, nod). :biggrin:
I keep seeing this thread, and I wonder why it's still alive and with so many responses. Does anyone really care one iota about whether or not Rush Limbaugh stays on the air forever or disappears tomorrow? Seriously? :confused-84:

Yeah it is very surprising. I've been rather amused by the entire thread, because in the act of posting now 18 pages worth of posts about Rush Limbaugh, they have inadvertently completely destroyed their own argument that he's irrelevant.

If Rush Limbaugh was in fact irrelevant....... no one would care enough to make 350 posts about how irrelevant he is.

The most amusing of these, is "edthecynic". This guy is a trip.... he claims no one cares what Rush says, that he's irrelevant now..... but then.... has a dozen Rush quotes in his own signature.... proving he cares, and apparently believes Rush is relevant enough to everyone that we'd care to read Rush's quotes.

The contradictions throughout this thread are just hilarious to me.
Ed is definitely obsessed with Rush. It's his life.
Must really tick you off that he couldn't care less what you think, huh? It's not like still being number 1 in talk radio, is a heavy cross to bear....

I think Rush is very concerned that his contract is up and most stations don't want him anymore.
Must really tick you off that he couldn't care less what you think, huh? It's not like still being number 1 in talk radio, is a heavy cross to bear....

I think Rush is very concerned that his contract is up and most stations don't want him anymore.
He's been ranting and raving about Hillary and Obama for about 10 years. The public does get tired of this.
Your MessiahRushie just blamed the SC church shooting on Liberals teaching evolution in the classroom. The asshole must really be desperate for attention.

Sadly, given the other batshit crazy stuff he's said over the years, I'm amazed he is showing so much restraint.
Your MessiahRushie just blamed the SC church shooting on Liberals teaching evolution in the classroom. The asshole must really be desperate for attention.

Sadly, given the other batshit crazy stuff he's said over the years, I'm amazed he is showing so much restraint.
He is a reflection of his audience, which tells you a lot about conservatives.


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