Rush Limbaugh is cooked: The stunning fall of the right’s angriest bloviator

No, Joey, WSUA - call letters you previously posted - is a Spanish station in Miami.
Once I found that out yesterday, and knowing you'd also previously posted a Wisconsin station airing Rush only ran one ad and the rest PSAs, I looked up WI stations and found WSAU in Wausau, WI. So I naturally tuned in during Rush's show and I'll give you one guess what I found out about your allegation.

That you apparently have a magic radio that can get any station in the country? I think that's the drugs.

Congrats, JoeyB. That is without a doubt the dumbest thing I've heard from a lefty nitwit since Hillary assured everyone her emails were 100% safe from snooping/being stolen because the Secret Service stands guard at her NY home 24/7, making it impossible for her to be hacked.

Here's the deal, JoeyB. And it might come as a shock to you so you'd best sit down first. Today, you don't need a radio, magic or otherwise, to listen to stations anywhere. Anyone who wants to tune into, for example, WLS in Chicago or WSAU in Wausau, WI to listen to Rush's show, chock full of national/local ads, can do so sans a radio. I'll bet even you could figure out how to do it so you could hear his commentary and many commercials too.
How many times have you morons announced the end of Rush's career? Keep wishin' and hopin', losers.
Then explain what's happening to him. You did read it didn't you? You can read, can't you?


Explain that.
Indianapolis is a stupid comparison, considering during the day Chicago's WLS megastaion can be heard all the way to Louisville and they carry Rush.

Oh no I doubt that...

Those are not hard and fast rules. I've picked up WABC in NY on the east coast of Florida, and I've picked up the mega-station in St. Louis on the Florida panhandle.

The conditions have to be right.

That (above) is the daytime contour. After sunset the range of a clear-channel station is all over the map, a thousand miles or more. But Limblob is on in the afternoon, and I don't believe WLS is audible as far out as Louisville in the daytime. Even Indianapolis would be a reach (and noisy) -- that's 150 miles. Maybe if you had an antena stretched out over several acres -- for the purpose of hearing Limblob... :rofl:

But night time, all bets are off. When he was a kid in Philadelphia my dad picked up KFI-AM. Which is in Los Angeles.
It's amazing how radio waves and such are inhibited, or can travel thousands of miles. When I was last at the top of the Empire State Building my buddy's watch did an automatic linkup with the atomic clock in Denver. Total line of sight, no obstruction. When I was in Guam it was radio heaven, picking up stations from everywhere.
As I've already pointed out, Liberals are too busy working at jobs to sit around being told what to think. Laziness and gullibility are conservative traits.
Lib talk shows fail because they are just shit. Emotional garbage, hate filled rhetoric and no audience wants to hear it. Not even other libs.
You just described Right-Wing radio. And you're a good little dittohead by parroting Rush's mantra: Accuse the other side of doing whatever it is you are doing.
I would be describing left wing radio if any could stay around long enough. Your spin doesn't cut it and guys like Rush make a living pointing it out. Sorry.
Yup - Liberal talk radio is never going to be wildly popular.

  1. Liberals are too busy working for a living to spend the day getting angry listening to the radio.
  2. Facts are boring.
For somebody who doesn't have time to listen to him you sure seem to listen to him a lot. Maybe you goof off a lot or maybe you're lying about having a job.
I hear him frequently a few days a week, but only for 5-10 min at a time, driving to an appointment. Same with Beck in the morning.

But even then I only turn to them when NPR is boring me to tears, about 30% of the time. More during pledge drive.
Then explain what's happening to him. You did read it didn't you? You can read, can't you?


Explain that.
Indianapolis is a stupid comparison, considering during the day Chicago's WLS megastaion can be heard all the way to Louisville and they carry Rush.

Oh no I doubt that...

Those are not hard and fast rules. I've picked up WABC in NY on the east coast of Florida, and I've picked up the mega-station in St. Louis on the Florida panhandle.

The conditions have to be right.

That (above) is the daytime contour. After sunset the range of a clear-channel station is all over the map, a thousand miles or more. But Limblob is on in the afternoon, and I don't believe WLS is audible as far out as Louisville in the daytime. Even Indianapolis would be a reach (and noisy) -- that's 150 miles. Maybe if you had an antena stretched out over several acres -- for the purpose of hearing Limblob... :rofl:

But night time, all bets are off. When he was a kid in Philadelphia my dad picked up KFI-AM. Which is in Los Angeles.
It's amazing how radio waves and such are inhibited, or can travel thousands of miles. When I was last at the top of the Empire State Building my buddy's watch did an automatic linkup with the atomic clock in Denver. Total line of sight, no obstruction. When I was in Guam it was radio heaven, picking up stations from everywhere.

Yabbut the atomic clock (WWVB in Fort Collins) is longwave. It's designed to cover whatever area you push it to consistently (without fading). And you don't need to be high up; that one's a ground wave. It sets all the clocks that are designed to set that way, all over the country. We don't use longwave for general broadcast here but Europe does.

But I do remember flipping on an FM radio aboard a plane over New Jersey and picking up WGBH-FM in Boston. That's where line-of-sight pays off, on those higher frequencies.

There's been a lot of Sporadic E-skip in the last week, which is a phenomenon where VHF signals (including FM and the old analogue TV lower channels) can show up a thousand miles away. So you might wanna look around on FM, though I'm not sure it's still active.
Congrats, JoeyB. That is without a doubt the dumbest thing I've heard from a lefty nitwit since Hillary assured everyone her emails were 100% safe from snooping/being stolen because the Secret Service stands guard at her NY home 24/7, making it impossible for her to be hacked.

Not even sure how that is relevent to anything, but do carry on...

Here's the deal, JoeyB. And it might come as a shock to you so you'd best sit down first. Today, you don't need a radio, magic or otherwise, to listen to stations anywhere. Anyone who wants to tune into, for example, WLS in Chicago or WSAU in Wausau, WI to listen to Rush's show, chock full of national/local ads, can do so sans a radio. I'll bet even you could figure out how to do it so you could hear his commentary and many commercials too.

Actually, the internet broadcast and the terrestrial broadcasts have different commercials... but to the point, the last time I listened to Rush on WSAU, they had one commercial for a local business and then six public service announcements.

Rush has lost a lot of advertisers, and stations want to dump him.
Congrats, JoeyB. That is without a doubt the dumbest thing I've heard from a lefty nitwit since Hillary assured everyone her emails were 100% safe from snooping/being stolen because the Secret Service stands guard at her NY home 24/7, making it impossible for her to be hacked.

Not even sure how that is relevent to anything, but do carry on...

Here's the deal, JoeyB. And it might come as a shock to you so you'd best sit down first. Today, you don't need a radio, magic or otherwise, to listen to stations anywhere. Anyone who wants to tune into, for example, WLS in Chicago or WSAU in Wausau, WI to listen to Rush's show, chock full of national/local ads, can do so sans a radio. I'll bet even you could figure out how to do it so you could hear his commentary and many commercials too.

Actually, the internet broadcast and the terrestrial broadcasts have different commercials... but to the point, the last time I listened to Rush on WSAU, they had one commercial for a local business and then six public service announcements.

Rush has lost a lot of advertisers, and stations want to dump him.
Sorry, Joey, you're lying to the class, again. Recall last week listening on line WLS ran the same three national spots during the first commercial break that ran on WOODs terrestrial broadcast in MI during its first break. It's all a matter of record anyone can verify with either station, lest someone think I'm doing a JoeyB job here.

You should read through your posts on this thread to get an idea how truly deranged you are. "No one wants to advertise on his show...he has no advertisers worth having..."

Meanwhile, anyone in here can tune into his show via radio or on line and know as soon as the next commercial break that JoeyB is a lying sack of shit. And your reaction? Simple, you just move the goalposts, change the argument, fire up the bouncing ball, etc. Suddenly the ads you claimed didn't exist now do, but they're not "worth having."
It's like magic, Joey. One second he has no advertisers and then, poof, he does have advertisers, local and national as it turns out on WLS.

Here's a free tip for you Joey. Don't ever get on a shrink's couch. You'll never get up.
Sorry, Joey, you're lying to the class, again. Recall last week listening on line WLS ran the same three national spots during the first commercial break that ran on WOODs terrestrial broadcast in MI during its first break. It's all a matter of record anyone can verify with either station, lest someone think I'm doing a JoeyB job here.

whatever, guy. Rush has lost most of his national sponsors. Most of the rest will follow.

He's toast.

Dominican Rent Boy will be sad.
When Mr. Limbaugh decides he has enough money for two lifetimes and retires the suicide rate among liberals, left with nobody tohate, will skyrocket.

Now somebody tell me how that might not be a good thing.
Sorry, Joey, you're lying to the class, again. Recall last week listening on line WLS ran the same three national spots during the first commercial break that ran on WOODs terrestrial broadcast in MI during its first break. It's all a matter of record anyone can verify with either station, lest someone think I'm doing a JoeyB job here.

whatever, guy. Rush has lost most of his national sponsors. Most of the rest will follow.

He's toast.

Dominican Rent Boy will be sad.
Lying again, JoeyB. Rush lost some sponsors. Some of them have come back while others were replaced a la LifeLock in lieu of Carbonite. That's the part you always conveniently forget to point out, understandable as it doesn't fit with your "...he has no advertisers, only local advertisers..." or whatever bullshit you're spouting that day.

Meanwhile the #1 rated radio program of all time rolls on every day, commercials and all in spite of your la la land wishes.

But have at it as you are certainly one of the more entertaining loons in the lefty booby hatch.
Lying again, JoeyB. Rush lost some sponsors. Some of them have come back while others were replaced a la LifeLock in lieu of Carbonite. That's the part you always conveniently forget to point out, understandable as it doesn't fit with your "...he has no advertisers, only local advertisers..." or whatever bullshit you're spouting that day.

Meanwhile the #1 rated radio program of all time rolls on every day, commercials and all in spite of your la la land wishes.

But have at it as you are certainly one of the more entertaining loons in the lefty booby hatch.

Guy, Rush isn't getting dumped into bottom rated stations in markets like Indy and Boston because he is doing "so well". Radio stations LOSE MONEY airing his show.
I've heard that some who "left" and wanted to come back have been refused. Others in the same product lines have taken their place. Sucks to be them!
You have to be pretty stupid to believe that, as the source was your MessiahRushie who is incapable of telling the truth. After he said that he also said he hasn't lost any audience either from his Feb 2012 slut comment, but by his own mouth he lost nearly half his audience in only one month, and a short month at that.

May 26, 2011
RUSH:. According to reports at the peak of The Oprah's popularity, her show had 40 million weekly viewers. Now, that's not bad. That's almost as many as we have every day here. So our hat's off to The Oprah, 40 million viewers a week, not bad.

March 28, 2012
RUSH: We haven't lost any audience in this program. The audience is larger than it's ever been... But the advertisers who've really been hurt are the ones who've abandoned here. I just assume everybody understood that. Let me tell you: We have 22 million people here
Lying again, JoeyB. Rush lost some sponsors. Some of them have come back while others were replaced a la LifeLock in lieu of Carbonite. That's the part you always conveniently forget to point out, understandable as it doesn't fit with your "...he has no advertisers, only local advertisers..." or whatever bullshit you're spouting that day.

Meanwhile the #1 rated radio program of all time rolls on every day, commercials and all in spite of your la la land wishes.

But have at it as you are certainly one of the more entertaining loons in the lefty booby hatch.

Guy, Rush isn't getting dumped into bottom rated stations in markets like Indy and Boston because he is doing "so well". Radio stations LOSE MONEY airing his show.
Well of course they lose money, Joey. After all, as you've informed the class repeatedly in this thread and others, he has no sponsors so thus no ad revenue and the stations are forced, according to you, to air PSAs and self-promos during what would be commercial breaks and...

Oops, I forgot you changed your story to he only has a handful of local advertisers because the national ones all abandoned him and...

Darn, forgot again. Then you contradicted yourself by claiming the national advertisers he didn't have but really does aren't "worth having," in your extremely convoluted four-year-old's style of playground debate and...

Hey, wait a second here. Did I get all the above stuff in the right order? Apologize if I screwed anything up but it's so hard to keep up with you because hour by hour or day by day your bullshit keeps changing and it really is tough to follow all the bouncing balls, so I have a suggestion that could help me and others keep track. You could designate say Mondays as "No Advertisers Day." Tuesdays could be "Only Local Advertisers Day," and so on. Then if you could somehow stay within each day's designation it would be a lot easier for folks to know what you're lying about on any given day! So please give it some thought. Thanks.
Hey, wait a second here. Did I get all the above stuff in the right order? Apologize if I screwed anything up but it's so hard to keep up with you because hour by hour or day by day your bullshit keeps changing and it really is tough to follow all the bouncing balls, so I have a suggestion that could help me and others keep track. You could designate say Mondays as "No Advertisers Day." Tuesdays could be "Only Local Advertisers Day," and so on. Then if you could somehow stay within each day's designation it would be a lot easier for folks to know what you're lying about on any given day! So please give it some thought. Thanks.

Or you can stop pretending your boy didn't fuck himself up when he called that girl a slut.

When they do the movie, that will be the key scene, his rant, probably with his fictionalized staff looking on in horror knowing he screwed up.

But you can keep pretending your hero has a future.

He doesn't.

Even Republicans stopped being afraid of him.
I've heard that some who "left" and wanted to come back have been refused. Others in the same product lines have taken their place. Sucks to be them!
You have to be pretty stupid to believe that, as the source was your MessiahRushie who is incapable of telling the truth. After he said that he also said he hasn't lost any audience either from his Feb 2012 slut comment, but by his own mouth he lost nearly half his audience in only one month, and a short month at that.

May 26, 2011
RUSH:. According to reports at the peak of The Oprah's popularity, her show had 40 million weekly viewers. Now, that's not bad. That's almost as many as we have every day here. So our hat's off to The Oprah, 40 million viewers a week, not bad.

March 28, 2012
RUSH: We haven't lost any audience in this program. The audience is larger than it's ever been... But the advertisers who've really been hurt are the ones who've abandoned here. I just assume everybody understood that. Let me tell you: We have 22 million people here

He just pulls those numbers out of his ass. That's why he can't keep 'em straight.
Like the number of names on the list in Joe McCarthy's hand, depending on what time of day it was.
Hey, wait a second here. Did I get all the above stuff in the right order? Apologize if I screwed anything up but it's so hard to keep up with you because hour by hour or day by day your bullshit keeps changing and it really is tough to follow all the bouncing balls, so I have a suggestion that could help me and others keep track. You could designate say Mondays as "No Advertisers Day." Tuesdays could be "Only Local Advertisers Day," and so on. Then if you could somehow stay within each day's designation it would be a lot easier for folks to know what you're lying about on any given day! So please give it some thought. Thanks.

Or you can stop pretending your boy didn't fuck himself up when he called that girl a slut.

When they do the movie, that will be the key scene, his rant, probably with his fictionalized staff looking on in horror knowing he screwed up.

But you can keep pretending your hero has a future.

He doesn't.

Even Republicans stopped being afraid of him.
Too funny, JoeyB! The entire class knows you're the one who's been "pretending" (read lying) in here for several years with your idiotic allegations about the lack of Rush's many local and national advertisers. Anyone can tune him in on their local station or on line and hear commercial after commercial five days a week and instantly know how full of shit you are. Consistently so I might add.

Anyway, have you given any thought to my suggestion you designate various days of the week by whichever of your lies you want to associate with them? It really would make things easier for those of us trying to keep track of your utterly stunning lack of veracity. Pleeeeease...
"I'll just tell you this, if this passes and it's five years from now and all that stuff gets implemented -- I am leaving the country. I'll go to Costa Rica."
~ Rush Limbaugh, March 9, 2010

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