Rush Limbaugh is cooked: The stunning fall of the right’s angriest bloviator

Now you are just playing dumb so you can lie.

When Gore points to the busts with a pan from right to left, his arm is at the same height the whole time, so he only pointed to the wall sconces. Washington was not on a wall sconce.

After Gore finished his pan at the left flank he starts to lower his arm and then almost immediately he repoints to the left flank bust and says one word, "Franklin." Gore said it talking over the curator saying "Washington on the extreme." When Gore repoints to the left flank bust he does not raise his arm as high as when he did his pan, his pointing finger just clears his right shoulder. The camera looks over his right shoulder as Tipper's moves her head down and to the left while he repoints to the left flank bust and name it "Franklin." So keep your eyes on Gore's right shoulder and Tipper's head when you see her head move and listen for Gore's distinct voice talking over the curator, and then tell the truth for once in your life.

Clinton Gore Monticello Video
He pointed at George Washington and said "Who are these people?". Let's say that he recognized Benjamin Franklin. Give him a medal but he failed to recognize the father of our country. Our Vice President didn't recognize George Washington! The man is an idiot, which is probably why you are defending him, you identify with him.
Well we have made progress. You no longer claim Gore couldn't name the bust of Jefferson since there was no bust of Jefferson, and while you obviously heard Gore name the bust of Franklin, the other bust your MessiahRushie lied about, since you are conceding it without being honest enough to affirm it, you now what to argue about Washington.

First of all, the bust of Washington is not visible in the video, so how can YOU prove Gore pointed to his bust?
Remember the curator gave 5 names and there are only 4 wall sconces and the position of the Washington bust was described as "on the EXTREME right." The 4 sconce positions were named as L to R, Franklin, Lafayette, John Paul Jones and Adams. So where do you think the EXTREME right position is?

Now I have been to Monticello before that 1993 visit when there were 5 busts and I saw that Washington's bust was parked in a small semi circular niche to the right of the wall sconces and much lower than the sconces. The bust of Adams in no longer there and Washington has been moved to the middle of the sconces along with Franklin after the 1993 tour.
Here is a panoramic view of the way the Tea Room is laid out now and you can see where the niche is relative to the wall sconces and the door.. Click in the image and move your mouse to rotate the view 360 degrees.

Monticello Panoramic Image of Tea Room
Give it up, ed. You lost this argument when I posted the link. Anyone can watch it and see that Gore was clueless about those busts. You would admit it too if you were honest.
You just can't admit the truth even when it is staring you in your face. Gore was clearly pointing to the two busts in the middle and he got impatient when the curator named the busts he knew and pointed to them AGAIN holding out his first finger and pinky to get the curator to name them after Gore named the bust of Franklin.

When exactly in the video did you "see" Gore point to the semi circular niche to the extreme right of the 4 wall sconces?????
You just don't know when to quit, do you? One more time, now pay attention. Gore pointed into the room and to the right (at Washington) and panned to the left and said "Who are these people?". He didn't say "Who is this person" or Who is that person", he said "PEOPLE". That means ALL of them. And when he said "Franklin" (after he asked who they were), it looked like he was reading it (probably saw the name underneath the bust). And clearly, Washington was at the SAME LEVEL as the rest of them. Don't try to lie about it's placement. Gore did not know who any of them were and all of your hair splitting about his pinky finger isn't going to change that. Anyone can watch the video and see that you're trying to cover for Gore's utter stupidity (with your own).
You will make up any lie to protect your lying MessiahRushie, including inventing a name at the bottom of the bust!!!

People means more than one, not necessarily all, and Gore did ask the name of the two busts in the middle, Lafayette and John Paul Jones. The curator undeniably GAVE MORE NAMES than Gore asked for. Gore pointed into the room to the right center (at John Paul Jones), and certainly did NOT point to the EXTREME right where the curator said Washington was.

You still haven't indicated where in the video you SAW the bust of Washington, which is never visible in the video because it was so far to the extreme right it was right next to the doors about waist high.

Show me the name of Franklin at the bottom of his bust, liar.



Benjamin Franklin Bust by Houdon Sculpture Thomas Jefferson s Monticello
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Intrigued by all this bullshit, today I set out to listen to a bit of Mr. Limbaugh's program. I found two stations carrying it so stayed with the one with the strongest signal. I had come upon him just as he was cutting away to a commercial break. It went on so long I arrived at my destination and never did hear any of his "content". Only three national and two and a half local commercials.

Yeah, I can see where that many commercials might whittle away at an audience.
He pointed at George Washington and said "Who are these people?". Let's say that he recognized Benjamin Franklin. Give him a medal but he failed to recognize the father of our country. Our Vice President didn't recognize George Washington! The man is an idiot, which is probably why you are defending him, you identify with him.
Well we have made progress. You no longer claim Gore couldn't name the bust of Jefferson since there was no bust of Jefferson, and while you obviously heard Gore name the bust of Franklin, the other bust your MessiahRushie lied about, since you are conceding it without being honest enough to affirm it, you now what to argue about Washington.

First of all, the bust of Washington is not visible in the video, so how can YOU prove Gore pointed to his bust?
Remember the curator gave 5 names and there are only 4 wall sconces and the position of the Washington bust was described as "on the EXTREME right." The 4 sconce positions were named as L to R, Franklin, Lafayette, John Paul Jones and Adams. So where do you think the EXTREME right position is?

Now I have been to Monticello before that 1993 visit when there were 5 busts and I saw that Washington's bust was parked in a small semi circular niche to the right of the wall sconces and much lower than the sconces. The bust of Adams in no longer there and Washington has been moved to the middle of the sconces along with Franklin after the 1993 tour.
Here is a panoramic view of the way the Tea Room is laid out now and you can see where the niche is relative to the wall sconces and the door.. Click in the image and move your mouse to rotate the view 360 degrees.

Monticello Panoramic Image of Tea Room
Give it up, ed. You lost this argument when I posted the link. Anyone can watch it and see that Gore was clueless about those busts. You would admit it too if you were honest.
You just can't admit the truth even when it is staring you in your face. Gore was clearly pointing to the two busts in the middle and he got impatient when the curator named the busts he knew and pointed to them AGAIN holding out his first finger and pinky to get the curator to name them after Gore named the bust of Franklin.

When exactly in the video did you "see" Gore point to the semi circular niche to the extreme right of the 4 wall sconces?????
You just don't know when to quit, do you? One more time, now pay attention. Gore pointed into the room and to the right (at Washington) and panned to the left and said "Who are these people?". He didn't say "Who is this person" or Who is that person", he said "PEOPLE". That means ALL of them. And when he said "Franklin" (after he asked who they were), it looked like he was reading it (probably saw the name underneath the bust). And clearly, Washington was at the SAME LEVEL as the rest of them. Don't try to lie about it's placement. Gore did not know who any of them were and all of your hair splitting about his pinky finger isn't going to change that. Anyone can watch the video and see that you're trying to cover for Gore's utter stupidity (with your own).
You will make up any lie to protect your lying MessiahRushie, including inventing a name at the bottom of the bust!!!

People means more than one, not necessarily all, and Gore did ask the name of the two busts in the middle, Lafayette and John Paul Jones. The curator undeniably GAVE MORE NAMES than Gore asked for. Gore pointed into the room to the right center (at John Paul Jones), and certainly did NOT point to the EXTREME right where the curator said Washington was.

You still haven't indicated where in the video you SAW the bust of Washington, which is never visible in the video because it was so far to the extreme right it was right next to the doors about waist high.

Show me the name of washington at the bottom of his bust, liar.

Anybody who wants to see for themselves can watch the video I posted of Gore making a fool of himself. You can see Gore pointing at Washington in the right hand corner and he is at the same level as the others. It's NOT waist high, moron. Anyone can see it if they look. You can see it in this picture you posted too, you stupid jerk. Look at it, see the 3 framed photos or plaques (whatever they are) underneath it (like all the others)? Damn, you're stupid.
Well we have made progress. You no longer claim Gore couldn't name the bust of Jefferson since there was no bust of Jefferson, and while you obviously heard Gore name the bust of Franklin, the other bust your MessiahRushie lied about, since you are conceding it without being honest enough to affirm it, you now what to argue about Washington.

First of all, the bust of Washington is not visible in the video, so how can YOU prove Gore pointed to his bust?
Remember the curator gave 5 names and there are only 4 wall sconces and the position of the Washington bust was described as "on the EXTREME right." The 4 sconce positions were named as L to R, Franklin, Lafayette, John Paul Jones and Adams. So where do you think the EXTREME right position is?

Now I have been to Monticello before that 1993 visit when there were 5 busts and I saw that Washington's bust was parked in a small semi circular niche to the right of the wall sconces and much lower than the sconces. The bust of Adams in no longer there and Washington has been moved to the middle of the sconces along with Franklin after the 1993 tour.
Here is a panoramic view of the way the Tea Room is laid out now and you can see where the niche is relative to the wall sconces and the door.. Click in the image and move your mouse to rotate the view 360 degrees.

Monticello Panoramic Image of Tea Room
Give it up, ed. You lost this argument when I posted the link. Anyone can watch it and see that Gore was clueless about those busts. You would admit it too if you were honest.
You just can't admit the truth even when it is staring you in your face. Gore was clearly pointing to the two busts in the middle and he got impatient when the curator named the busts he knew and pointed to them AGAIN holding out his first finger and pinky to get the curator to name them after Gore named the bust of Franklin.

When exactly in the video did you "see" Gore point to the semi circular niche to the extreme right of the 4 wall sconces?????
You just don't know when to quit, do you? One more time, now pay attention. Gore pointed into the room and to the right (at Washington) and panned to the left and said "Who are these people?". He didn't say "Who is this person" or Who is that person", he said "PEOPLE". That means ALL of them. And when he said "Franklin" (after he asked who they were), it looked like he was reading it (probably saw the name underneath the bust). And clearly, Washington was at the SAME LEVEL as the rest of them. Don't try to lie about it's placement. Gore did not know who any of them were and all of your hair splitting about his pinky finger isn't going to change that. Anyone can watch the video and see that you're trying to cover for Gore's utter stupidity (with your own).
You will make up any lie to protect your lying MessiahRushie, including inventing a name at the bottom of the bust!!!

People means more than one, not necessarily all, and Gore did ask the name of the two busts in the middle, Lafayette and John Paul Jones. The curator undeniably GAVE MORE NAMES than Gore asked for. Gore pointed into the room to the right center (at John Paul Jones), and certainly did NOT point to the EXTREME right where the curator said Washington was.

You still haven't indicated where in the video you SAW the bust of Washington, which is never visible in the video because it was so far to the extreme right it was right next to the doors about waist high.

Show me the name of washington at the bottom of his bust, liar.

Anybody who wants to see for themselves can watch the video I posted of Gore making a fool of himself. You can see Gore pointing at Washington in the right hand corner and he is at the same level as the others. It's NOT waist high, moron. Anyone can see it if they look. You can see it in this picture you posted too, you stupid jerk. Look at it, see the 3 framed photos or plaques (whatever they are) underneath it (like all the others)? Damn, you're stupid.
Damn you can't count, the curator named 5 (FIVE) bust positions, starting with Franklin on the left, Lafayette, John Paul Jones, Adams, and that would put Washington, on the EXTREME right past the 4th wall sconce, of only 4 wall sconces. As the interactive panoramic link I provided shows, the only place past the 4th wall sconce for a bust is the waist high semi circular niche where the tea service set is in the panorama, between the 4th wall sconce and the door.

Are you really stupid enough to think Gore could read a name that isn't there off those tiny plaques from his distance???
Why yes, yes you are, or at least you have to pretend to be to rationalize to yourself that you are not lying.
Give it up, ed. You lost this argument when I posted the link. Anyone can watch it and see that Gore was clueless about those busts. You would admit it too if you were honest.
You just can't admit the truth even when it is staring you in your face. Gore was clearly pointing to the two busts in the middle and he got impatient when the curator named the busts he knew and pointed to them AGAIN holding out his first finger and pinky to get the curator to name them after Gore named the bust of Franklin.

When exactly in the video did you "see" Gore point to the semi circular niche to the extreme right of the 4 wall sconces?????
You just don't know when to quit, do you? One more time, now pay attention. Gore pointed into the room and to the right (at Washington) and panned to the left and said "Who are these people?". He didn't say "Who is this person" or Who is that person", he said "PEOPLE". That means ALL of them. And when he said "Franklin" (after he asked who they were), it looked like he was reading it (probably saw the name underneath the bust). And clearly, Washington was at the SAME LEVEL as the rest of them. Don't try to lie about it's placement. Gore did not know who any of them were and all of your hair splitting about his pinky finger isn't going to change that. Anyone can watch the video and see that you're trying to cover for Gore's utter stupidity (with your own).
You will make up any lie to protect your lying MessiahRushie, including inventing a name at the bottom of the bust!!!

People means more than one, not necessarily all, and Gore did ask the name of the two busts in the middle, Lafayette and John Paul Jones. The curator undeniably GAVE MORE NAMES than Gore asked for. Gore pointed into the room to the right center (at John Paul Jones), and certainly did NOT point to the EXTREME right where the curator said Washington was.

You still haven't indicated where in the video you SAW the bust of Washington, which is never visible in the video because it was so far to the extreme right it was right next to the doors about waist high.

Show me the name of washington at the bottom of his bust, liar.

Anybody who wants to see for themselves can watch the video I posted of Gore making a fool of himself. You can see Gore pointing at Washington in the right hand corner and he is at the same level as the others. It's NOT waist high, moron. Anyone can see it if they look. You can see it in this picture you posted too, you stupid jerk. Look at it, see the 3 framed photos or plaques (whatever they are) underneath it (like all the others)? Damn, you're stupid.
Damn you can't count, the curator named 5 (FIVE) bust positions, starting with Franklin on the left, Lafayette, John Paul Jones, Adams, and that would put Washington, on the EXTREME right past the 4th wall sconce, of only 4 wall sconces. As the interactive panoramic link I provided shows, the only place past the 4th wall sconce for a bust is the waist high semi circular niche where the tea service set is in the panorama, between the 4th wall sconce and the door.

Are you really stupid enough to think Gore could read a name that isn't there off those tiny plaques from his distance???
Why yes, yes you are, or at least you have to pretend to be to rationalize to yourself that you are not lying.
BTW, the plaques under the busts, like the furniture and the curtains, are constantly changing.


As you can see, none of the 3 plaques in the picture with Franklin at the left center in the earlier post match this photo with Franklin on the right center, therefore you can't even prove the plaques have anything at all to do with the busts!!!
Give it up, ed. You lost this argument when I posted the link. Anyone can watch it and see that Gore was clueless about those busts. You would admit it too if you were honest.
You just can't admit the truth even when it is staring you in your face. Gore was clearly pointing to the two busts in the middle and he got impatient when the curator named the busts he knew and pointed to them AGAIN holding out his first finger and pinky to get the curator to name them after Gore named the bust of Franklin.

When exactly in the video did you "see" Gore point to the semi circular niche to the extreme right of the 4 wall sconces?????
You just don't know when to quit, do you? One more time, now pay attention. Gore pointed into the room and to the right (at Washington) and panned to the left and said "Who are these people?". He didn't say "Who is this person" or Who is that person", he said "PEOPLE". That means ALL of them. And when he said "Franklin" (after he asked who they were), it looked like he was reading it (probably saw the name underneath the bust). And clearly, Washington was at the SAME LEVEL as the rest of them. Don't try to lie about it's placement. Gore did not know who any of them were and all of your hair splitting about his pinky finger isn't going to change that. Anyone can watch the video and see that you're trying to cover for Gore's utter stupidity (with your own).
You will make up any lie to protect your lying MessiahRushie, including inventing a name at the bottom of the bust!!!

People means more than one, not necessarily all, and Gore did ask the name of the two busts in the middle, Lafayette and John Paul Jones. The curator undeniably GAVE MORE NAMES than Gore asked for. Gore pointed into the room to the right center (at John Paul Jones), and certainly did NOT point to the EXTREME right where the curator said Washington was.

You still haven't indicated where in the video you SAW the bust of Washington, which is never visible in the video because it was so far to the extreme right it was right next to the doors about waist high.

Show me the name of washington at the bottom of his bust, liar.

Anybody who wants to see for themselves can watch the video I posted of Gore making a fool of himself. You can see Gore pointing at Washington in the right hand corner and he is at the same level as the others. It's NOT waist high, moron. Anyone can see it if they look. You can see it in this picture you posted too, you stupid jerk. Look at it, see the 3 framed photos or plaques (whatever they are) underneath it (like all the others)? Damn, you're stupid.
Damn you can't count, the curator named 5 (FIVE) bust positions, starting with Franklin on the left, Lafayette, John Paul Jones, Adams, and that would put Washington, on the EXTREME right past the 4th wall sconce, of only 4 wall sconces. As the interactive panoramic link I provided shows, the only place past the 4th wall sconce for a bust is the waist high semi circular niche where the tea service set is in the panorama, between the 4th wall sconce and the door.

Are you really stupid enough to think Gore could read a name that isn't there off those tiny plaques from his distance???
Why yes, yes you are, or at least you have to pretend to be to rationalize to yourself that you are not lying.
He named 4, starting with Washington, moron. He said usually Adams is there but wasn't at the time. You can see all 4 busts in the video, the only 4 that are there. Go back and watch it again, stupid.
You just can't admit the truth even when it is staring you in your face. Gore was clearly pointing to the two busts in the middle and he got impatient when the curator named the busts he knew and pointed to them AGAIN holding out his first finger and pinky to get the curator to name them after Gore named the bust of Franklin.

When exactly in the video did you "see" Gore point to the semi circular niche to the extreme right of the 4 wall sconces?????
You just don't know when to quit, do you? One more time, now pay attention. Gore pointed into the room and to the right (at Washington) and panned to the left and said "Who are these people?". He didn't say "Who is this person" or Who is that person", he said "PEOPLE". That means ALL of them. And when he said "Franklin" (after he asked who they were), it looked like he was reading it (probably saw the name underneath the bust). And clearly, Washington was at the SAME LEVEL as the rest of them. Don't try to lie about it's placement. Gore did not know who any of them were and all of your hair splitting about his pinky finger isn't going to change that. Anyone can watch the video and see that you're trying to cover for Gore's utter stupidity (with your own).
You will make up any lie to protect your lying MessiahRushie, including inventing a name at the bottom of the bust!!!

People means more than one, not necessarily all, and Gore did ask the name of the two busts in the middle, Lafayette and John Paul Jones. The curator undeniably GAVE MORE NAMES than Gore asked for. Gore pointed into the room to the right center (at John Paul Jones), and certainly did NOT point to the EXTREME right where the curator said Washington was.

You still haven't indicated where in the video you SAW the bust of Washington, which is never visible in the video because it was so far to the extreme right it was right next to the doors about waist high.

Show me the name of washington at the bottom of his bust, liar.

Anybody who wants to see for themselves can watch the video I posted of Gore making a fool of himself. You can see Gore pointing at Washington in the right hand corner and he is at the same level as the others. It's NOT waist high, moron. Anyone can see it if they look. You can see it in this picture you posted too, you stupid jerk. Look at it, see the 3 framed photos or plaques (whatever they are) underneath it (like all the others)? Damn, you're stupid.
Damn you can't count, the curator named 5 (FIVE) bust positions, starting with Franklin on the left, Lafayette, John Paul Jones, Adams, and that would put Washington, on the EXTREME right past the 4th wall sconce, of only 4 wall sconces. As the interactive panoramic link I provided shows, the only place past the 4th wall sconce for a bust is the waist high semi circular niche where the tea service set is in the panorama, between the 4th wall sconce and the door.

Are you really stupid enough to think Gore could read a name that isn't there off those tiny plaques from his distance???
Why yes, yes you are, or at least you have to pretend to be to rationalize to yourself that you are not lying.
He named 4, starting with Washington, moron. He said usually Adams is there but wasn't at the time. You can see all 4 busts in the video, the only 4 that are there. Go back and watch it again, stupid.
You can see only 3, the right wall sconce is empty. And the fact that the curator named Adams even though it was not there proves the curator named more bust than Gore pointed to.
You just don't know when to quit, do you? One more time, now pay attention. Gore pointed into the room and to the right (at Washington) and panned to the left and said "Who are these people?". He didn't say "Who is this person" or Who is that person", he said "PEOPLE". That means ALL of them. And when he said "Franklin" (after he asked who they were), it looked like he was reading it (probably saw the name underneath the bust). And clearly, Washington was at the SAME LEVEL as the rest of them. Don't try to lie about it's placement. Gore did not know who any of them were and all of your hair splitting about his pinky finger isn't going to change that. Anyone can watch the video and see that you're trying to cover for Gore's utter stupidity (with your own).
You will make up any lie to protect your lying MessiahRushie, including inventing a name at the bottom of the bust!!!

People means more than one, not necessarily all, and Gore did ask the name of the two busts in the middle, Lafayette and John Paul Jones. The curator undeniably GAVE MORE NAMES than Gore asked for. Gore pointed into the room to the right center (at John Paul Jones), and certainly did NOT point to the EXTREME right where the curator said Washington was.

You still haven't indicated where in the video you SAW the bust of Washington, which is never visible in the video because it was so far to the extreme right it was right next to the doors about waist high.

Show me the name of washington at the bottom of his bust, liar.

Anybody who wants to see for themselves can watch the video I posted of Gore making a fool of himself. You can see Gore pointing at Washington in the right hand corner and he is at the same level as the others. It's NOT waist high, moron. Anyone can see it if they look. You can see it in this picture you posted too, you stupid jerk. Look at it, see the 3 framed photos or plaques (whatever they are) underneath it (like all the others)? Damn, you're stupid.
Damn you can't count, the curator named 5 (FIVE) bust positions, starting with Franklin on the left, Lafayette, John Paul Jones, Adams, and that would put Washington, on the EXTREME right past the 4th wall sconce, of only 4 wall sconces. As the interactive panoramic link I provided shows, the only place past the 4th wall sconce for a bust is the waist high semi circular niche where the tea service set is in the panorama, between the 4th wall sconce and the door.

Are you really stupid enough to think Gore could read a name that isn't there off those tiny plaques from his distance???
Why yes, yes you are, or at least you have to pretend to be to rationalize to yourself that you are not lying.
He named 4, starting with Washington, moron. He said usually Adams is there but wasn't at the time. You can see all 4 busts in the video, the only 4 that are there. Go back and watch it again, stupid.
You can see only 3, the right wall sconce is empty. And the fact that the curator named Adams even though it was not there proves the curator named more bust than Gore pointed to.
There were 4 in the video. You can post as many pictures as you like, I'm talking about the video that GORE was in. There were 4 busts and the host named 4, then said Adams was usually there but not that day. He said Washington was on the extreme right, and you can see all 4 busts, meaning that the one on the far right had to be Washington. The more you try to lie for Gore, the more ridiculous you look. But keep digging, I enjoy watching you bury yourself along with the idiot Al Gore (you know, the guy who invented the internet). :lol:

Seventeen pages about Rush Limbaugh.

I am sure he'd be happy.

Fluking unbelievable.
You will make up any lie to protect your lying MessiahRushie, including inventing a name at the bottom of the bust!!!

People means more than one, not necessarily all, and Gore did ask the name of the two busts in the middle, Lafayette and John Paul Jones. The curator undeniably GAVE MORE NAMES than Gore asked for. Gore pointed into the room to the right center (at John Paul Jones), and certainly did NOT point to the EXTREME right where the curator said Washington was.

You still haven't indicated where in the video you SAW the bust of Washington, which is never visible in the video because it was so far to the extreme right it was right next to the doors about waist high.

Show me the name of washington at the bottom of his bust, liar.

Anybody who wants to see for themselves can watch the video I posted of Gore making a fool of himself. You can see Gore pointing at Washington in the right hand corner and he is at the same level as the others. It's NOT waist high, moron. Anyone can see it if they look. You can see it in this picture you posted too, you stupid jerk. Look at it, see the 3 framed photos or plaques (whatever they are) underneath it (like all the others)? Damn, you're stupid.
Damn you can't count, the curator named 5 (FIVE) bust positions, starting with Franklin on the left, Lafayette, John Paul Jones, Adams, and that would put Washington, on the EXTREME right past the 4th wall sconce, of only 4 wall sconces. As the interactive panoramic link I provided shows, the only place past the 4th wall sconce for a bust is the waist high semi circular niche where the tea service set is in the panorama, between the 4th wall sconce and the door.

Are you really stupid enough to think Gore could read a name that isn't there off those tiny plaques from his distance???
Why yes, yes you are, or at least you have to pretend to be to rationalize to yourself that you are not lying.
He named 4, starting with Washington, moron. He said usually Adams is there but wasn't at the time. You can see all 4 busts in the video, the only 4 that are there. Go back and watch it again, stupid.
You can see only 3, the right wall sconce is empty. And the fact that the curator named Adams even though it was not there proves the curator named more bust than Gore pointed to.
There were 4 in the video. You can post as many pictures as you like, I'm talking about the video that GORE was in. There were 4 busts and the host named 4, then said Adams was usually there but not that day. He said Washington was on the extreme right, and you can see all 4 busts, meaning that the one on the far right had to be Washington. The more you try to lie for Gore, the more ridiculous you look. But keep digging, I enjoy watching you bury yourself along with the idiot Al Gore (you know, the guy who invented the internet). :lol:
You are seeing things, all you can see of the 4th sconce is the base through the windows of the door. There is nothing sitting on the base which is why you can see the folds of the drapes above the base of the sconce. The fact that the curator named Adams proves the curator gave more information than Gore asked for because it would be impossible for Gore to ask him to name a bust that wasn't there. The position the bust of Adams usually took was the 4th wall sconce, but since Adams was not there the 4th sconce was empty. You can see the bust of Washington on the 4th sconce like you saw the Gore reading name Franklin off the bottom of the bust and like you saw Franklin's name on the plaques under the bust and like you saw the bust of Jefferson. You see what you want to see and not what is there.

Just admit it your MessiahRushie lied to you and you swallowed his lie and you can't admit you are that stupid and gullible.

November 17, 2010
RUSH: It's kind of like Algore walking into a museum and pointing, "Who was that?" "That's Benjamin Franklin, Mr. Vice President." "Well, who's that?" "That's Thomas Jefferson, Mr. Vice President." He was in Monticello, at Thomas Jefferson's house. "Who's that?" "Thomas Jefferson."
There were 4 busts and the host named 4, then said Adams was usually there but not that day. He said Washington was on the extreme right, and you can see all 4 busts, meaning that the one on the far right had to be Washington.
4 busts plus Adams makes 5 positions with one empty. According to you the two in the center are center and right and the one on the right is the extreme right, rather than left, left center, right center, and right, the way a normal person would describe 4 positions and extreme right would be a 5th position to the right of the right position and not one of the center positions.

Rush Limbaugh s downward spiral continues Another demotion another step toward irrelevancy -

The bad news: The station currently boasts a 0.6 rating, trails four non-commercial stations in the market, and becomes yet another big-city, cellar-dwelling outpost that Limbaugh is forced to call home.

The station, WKOX, is the type of “bottom-rung” affiliate that Limbaugh was rarely associated with during his halcyon days as the king of talk radio. But those days seem to be dwindling as the Boston fall from grace has previously played out for Limbaugh in places like Los Angeles and Indianapolis. In each instance, Limbaugh exited a prosperous, longtime radio home and was forced to settle for an also-ran outlet with miniscule ratings.

In Boston, Limbaugh had to once again be bailed out by his corporate bosses. Formerly known as Clear Channel, iHeartMedia owns the syndication company that produces and sells Limbaugh’s radio show. iHeartMedia also owns hundreds of radio stations.

So with no takers in Boston, iHeartMedia turned to its lowly WKOX station, scrubbed its Spanish language format, and will flip it to “Talk 1430” on June 29, where listeners will hear a hodgepodge of far-right talk mixed Fox Sports Radio programming. “With the lack of options for gaining syndication revenue from another broadcaster, dumping the extraneous 1430 format becomes the only clear option for the company,” notedRadioInsight.

Rush Limbaugh s downward spiral continues Another demotion another step toward irrelevancy -

The bad news: The station currently boasts a 0.6 rating, trails four non-commercial stations in the market, and becomes yet another big-city, cellar-dwelling outpost that Limbaugh is forced to call home.

The station, WKOX, is the type of “bottom-rung” affiliate that Limbaugh was rarely associated with during his halcyon days as the king of talk radio. But those days seem to be dwindling as the Boston fall from grace has previously played out for Limbaugh in places like Los Angeles and Indianapolis. In each instance, Limbaugh exited a prosperous, longtime radio home and was forced to settle for an also-ran outlet with miniscule ratings.

In Boston, Limbaugh had to once again be bailed out by his corporate bosses. Formerly known as Clear Channel, iHeartMedia owns the syndication company that produces and sells Limbaugh’s radio show. iHeartMedia also owns hundreds of radio stations.

So with no takers in Boston, iHeartMedia turned to its lowly WKOX station, scrubbed its Spanish language format, and will flip it to “Talk 1430” on June 29, where listeners will hear a hodgepodge of far-right talk mixed Fox Sports Radio programming. “With the lack of options for gaining syndication revenue from another broadcaster, dumping the extraneous 1430 format becomes the only clear option for the company,” notedRadioInsight.

Must really tick you off that he couldn't care less what you think, huh? It's not like still being number 1 in talk radio, is a heavy cross to bear....
Obviously, you listen to him far more than I do.
Unlike DittoNazis, I also remember what he says which is why I can always use his own words against him.

October 06, 2010
RUSH: I don't trust anybody this skinny, I just don't.

June 16, 2015
RUSH: Okay, so I officially today announced that I identify as skinny. From this day going forward, I am skinny.
First of all you JoeyB wannabe, here's the rest of Rush's 6/16 quote that you left out...
"...Now, in the old days, people's reaction to that would be to call me delusional and maybe think I needed some help. Today, I'm brave. It's a courageous act to identify as skinny when one is not."

In attempting to "use his own words against him" your pea brain made the leap that you had Rush in a gotcha moment, clearly inferring he's a liar, hypocrite, etc. relating to skinny.

Those of us with comprehension skills however knew exactly what Rush was doing, yanking the chains of you idiot lefties over your latest lunacy that anyone - see Jenner, Dolezal - who claims to "identify as" X, Y, or Z is in fact an X, Y, or Z, case closed.

I will give you an A grade though Eddie for likely convincing your fellow lunatic lefty clowns you scored some points against el Rushbo. Sure they got boners over it just like you.
No, I'm not saying your MessiahRushie is a liar for saying he's skinny, I'm clearly saying that by Porky saying he IDENTIFIES with skinny, then by his OWN opinion he is untrustworthy. I am clearly accepting his skinny identity!
IOW, the fact that he was mocking the current "trans" fad flew completely over your head and now you're stuck trying to convince us he was being serious.
LOL...hadit, you may as well be talking to JoeyB on this one.
It's entertaining, to say the least.
Obviously, you listen to him far more than I do.
Unlike DittoNazis, I also remember what he says which is why I can always use his own words against him.

October 06, 2010
RUSH: I don't trust anybody this skinny, I just don't.

June 16, 2015
RUSH: Okay, so I officially today announced that I identify as skinny. From this day going forward, I am skinny.
First of all you JoeyB wannabe, here's the rest of Rush's 6/16 quote that you left out...
"...Now, in the old days, people's reaction to that would be to call me delusional and maybe think I needed some help. Today, I'm brave. It's a courageous act to identify as skinny when one is not."

In attempting to "use his own words against him" your pea brain made the leap that you had Rush in a gotcha moment, clearly inferring he's a liar, hypocrite, etc. relating to skinny.

Those of us with comprehension skills however knew exactly what Rush was doing, yanking the chains of you idiot lefties over your latest lunacy that anyone - see Jenner, Dolezal - who claims to "identify as" X, Y, or Z is in fact an X, Y, or Z, case closed.

I will give you an A grade though Eddie for likely convincing your fellow lunatic lefty clowns you scored some points against el Rushbo. Sure they got boners over it just like you.
No, I'm not saying your MessiahRushie is a liar for saying he's skinny, I'm clearly saying that by Porky saying he IDENTIFIES with skinny, then by his OWN opinion he is untrustworthy. I am clearly accepting his skinny identity!
IOW, the fact that he was mocking the current "trans" fad flew completely over your head and now you're stuck trying to convince us he was being serious.
August 13, 2010
RUSH: I don't say something I don't mean. I live in Literalville.
I'll bet you half of my problems with liberals in the media is I live in Literalville. I say what I mean.
Yet you also claim he lies? Which is it?
Unlike DittoNazis, I also remember what he says which is why I can always use his own words against him.

October 06, 2010
RUSH: I don't trust anybody this skinny, I just don't.

June 16, 2015
RUSH: Okay, so I officially today announced that I identify as skinny. From this day going forward, I am skinny.
First of all you JoeyB wannabe, here's the rest of Rush's 6/16 quote that you left out...
"...Now, in the old days, people's reaction to that would be to call me delusional and maybe think I needed some help. Today, I'm brave. It's a courageous act to identify as skinny when one is not."

In attempting to "use his own words against him" your pea brain made the leap that you had Rush in a gotcha moment, clearly inferring he's a liar, hypocrite, etc. relating to skinny.

Those of us with comprehension skills however knew exactly what Rush was doing, yanking the chains of you idiot lefties over your latest lunacy that anyone - see Jenner, Dolezal - who claims to "identify as" X, Y, or Z is in fact an X, Y, or Z, case closed.

I will give you an A grade though Eddie for likely convincing your fellow lunatic lefty clowns you scored some points against el Rushbo. Sure they got boners over it just like you.
No, I'm not saying your MessiahRushie is a liar for saying he's skinny, I'm clearly saying that by Porky saying he IDENTIFIES with skinny, then by his OWN opinion he is untrustworthy. I am clearly accepting his skinny identity!
IOW, the fact that he was mocking the current "trans" fad flew completely over your head and now you're stuck trying to convince us he was being serious.
August 13, 2010
RUSH: I don't say something I don't mean. I live in Literalville.
I'll bet you half of my problems with liberals in the media is I live in Literalville. I say what I mean.
Yet you also claim he lies? Which is it?
He lies like someone who identifies with skinny.
First of all you JoeyB wannabe, here's the rest of Rush's 6/16 quote that you left out...
"...Now, in the old days, people's reaction to that would be to call me delusional and maybe think I needed some help. Today, I'm brave. It's a courageous act to identify as skinny when one is not."

In attempting to "use his own words against him" your pea brain made the leap that you had Rush in a gotcha moment, clearly inferring he's a liar, hypocrite, etc. relating to skinny.

Those of us with comprehension skills however knew exactly what Rush was doing, yanking the chains of you idiot lefties over your latest lunacy that anyone - see Jenner, Dolezal - who claims to "identify as" X, Y, or Z is in fact an X, Y, or Z, case closed.

I will give you an A grade though Eddie for likely convincing your fellow lunatic lefty clowns you scored some points against el Rushbo. Sure they got boners over it just like you.
No, I'm not saying your MessiahRushie is a liar for saying he's skinny, I'm clearly saying that by Porky saying he IDENTIFIES with skinny, then by his OWN opinion he is untrustworthy. I am clearly accepting his skinny identity!
IOW, the fact that he was mocking the current "trans" fad flew completely over your head and now you're stuck trying to convince us he was being serious.
August 13, 2010
RUSH: I don't say something I don't mean. I live in Literalville.
I'll bet you half of my problems with liberals in the media is I live in Literalville. I say what I mean.
Yet you also claim he lies? Which is it?
He lies like someone who identifies with skinny.
Okay, so he does NOT say everything literally. It is obvious, therefore, that you really don't have anything substantive on which to stand. If you don't know when Rush is making fun of someone, why are you listening? You should be doing something more suited to a lesser intellect.
It is all about money, not the ratings. It is fine, but hey, I would like to trash a lib radio host who is big, but I will be darned if I can find one anyone will listen to long enough to keep them on the radio.
There are no really big liberal radio talk show hosts as compared to conservatives because radio is not the medium of choice for liberals Liberals are on the Internet and they generate amazing streaming numbers. The older crowds uses radio and definitely lean conservative.

Talk radio doesn't challenge people to question their ideas, it reinforces existing narratives. That's not a good format for most liberals.

There is a reason for that, liberals (and they are not really liberals, but that is for another discussion) are either 60s radicals, or younger people who were taught by 60s radicals. You communicate with people the way they are most comfortable.

We have seen 1st hand how constant indoctrination of an idea, makes people do things that are really illogical. (suicide bombers) We have also seen the less a person believes an idea will affect them adversely, the more they support it if they think it is a good idea. (think Obamacare, and if you like your doctor, you can keep your doctor, while saving 2500 bucks)

All modern liberalism is, is sleight of hand; but then that could also be said in many instances for the rinos.

As far as Rush goes, if his show fades away, I could care less. Anyone who claims to want to save the country then demands 50 bucks to download his shows is all about himself; same goes for Laura Ingrham and Shaun Hannity. He made his money, let him retire!
The success of conservative talk show hosts depends on the success of those they seek to bring down. If conservatives maintained control of government, most of these guys would be back spinning records in Podunk.
No, I'm not saying your MessiahRushie is a liar for saying he's skinny, I'm clearly saying that by Porky saying he IDENTIFIES with skinny, then by his OWN opinion he is untrustworthy. I am clearly accepting his skinny identity!
IOW, the fact that he was mocking the current "trans" fad flew completely over your head and now you're stuck trying to convince us he was being serious.
August 13, 2010
RUSH: I don't say something I don't mean. I live in Literalville.
I'll bet you half of my problems with liberals in the media is I live in Literalville. I say what I mean.
Yet you also claim he lies? Which is it?
He lies like someone who identifies with skinny.
Okay, so he does NOT say everything literally. It is obvious, therefore, that you really don't have anything substantive on which to stand. If you don't know when Rush is making fun of someone, why are you listening? You should be doing something more suited to a lesser intellect.
But he's lying when he says he is making fun of someone, he, as a liar, is serious.
I know, I know - we've heard it before, but there's no denying the plain truth and the evidence. Sane people, I mean.

I predict he will quit his show in the next year when his contract expires. He will never get big money again, and his ego won't allow him to take any less.

Rush Limbaugh is cooked: The stunning fall of the right’s angriest bloviator
Indianapolis' WIBC is just the latest station to drop him like a bad habit. His days of relevance are numbered

The bad news just keeps coming for conservative talker Rush Limbaugh.

Which bulletin was worse, though? The news in April that he was being dropped by WIBC in Indianapolis, a booming talk powerhouse that played home to Limbaugh’s radio show for more than two decades, or the news this week that the talker’s new address on the Indianapolis dial is going to be WNDE, a ratings doormat AM sports station that has so few listeners it trails the commercial-free classical music outlet in town?

The humbling, red-state tumble is just the latest setback for the conservative talker who has seen his once-golden career suffer a steady series of losses recently.

Divorced from successful, longtime affiliates in places like New York, Los Angeles, Boston, and Indianapolis, Limbaugh’s professional trajectory is heading downward. That’s confirmed by the second and third-tier stations he now calls home in those important media markets, and the fact that when his show became available, general managers up and down the dial passed on it. Apparently turned off by the show’s hefty price tag, sagging ratings, and disappearing advertisers, Limbaugh continues to be a very hard sell.

It’s a precipitous fall from the glory days when the host posted huge ratings numbers, had affiliates clamoring to join his network, and dictated Republican politics. All of that seems increasingly distant now. With his comically inflated, $50 million-a-year syndication deal set to expire next year, Limbaugh’s future seems uncertain. “Who would even want someone whose audience is aging and is considered toxic to many advertisers,” askedRadioInsight last month.

For Limbaugh, the troubles were marked by key events from 2012 and 2013. The first came in the form of Limbaugh’s Sandra Fluke implosion, where he castigated and insulted for days the graduate student who testified before Congress about health care and access to contraception, calling her a “slut” and suggesting she post videos of herself having sex on the Internet. The astonishing monologues sparked an unprecedented advertiser exodus.

The following year, as the host struggled to hang on to fleeing sponsors, radio industry giant Cumulus Media decided to negotiate its Limbaugh contract in public, making it clear through the press that the company was willing to cut ties with the pricey host in major cities where Cumulus owned talk radio stations. In the end, Limbaugh stayed with Cumulus stations, but the company sent a clear signal to the industry: Limbaugh was no longer an untouchable and general managers weren’t clamoring to hire him. Since then, the talker’s fortunes have only faded.

Another looming problem? Conservative talk radio is a “format fewer advertisers are interested in buying because of its aging audience,” noted radio consultant and self-identified Republican Darryl Parks. Limbaugh himself recently conceded a generational disconnect: “Now that I’ve outgrown the 25-54 demographic, I’m no longer confident that the way I see the world is the way everybody else does.

That disconnect may be fueling Limbaugh’s waning political influence. Once a mighty player whose ring was constantly kissed by Republicans, this campaign season seems to be unfolding with Limbaugh on the sidelines, his clout and his ability to drive the conversation seemingly surpassed by other conservative media players.

How will you and Ed fill up your days when you can't write down everything Rush says so you can post it here and be all outraged??

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