Rush Limbaugh is cooked: The stunning fall of the right’s angriest bloviator

Ah, the ball continues to bounce around in Joey's pea brain.

First, after lying to the class about Rush's complete lack of advertisers he then admitted his lie by criticising the "quality" of those advertisers he'd claimed didn't exist. Then he further admitted his lie by claiming his only advertisers were a handful of local companies, no national spots. But anyone who listens to the show knows that's another Joey lie. And now the ball has bounced again and advertisers that didn't exist but actually do aren't "real" advertisers.

Here's a tip Joey because I'm starting to feel a little sorry for you making such an ass out of yourself in here. Next time you decide to lie to support your agenda make it about something that isn't so easily disproved, assuming you're smart enough to do so of course.

GUy, we know you love Rush like a Dominican Rent-Boy, but sadly, he's going down in flames.

I'm trying to break this to you gently because when Premeire says, "No thanks" when his contract comes up next year, you are going to be shattered.
Ah, the ball continues to bounce around in Joey's pea brain.

First, after lying to the class about Rush's complete lack of advertisers he then admitted his lie by criticising the "quality" of those advertisers he'd claimed didn't exist. Then he further admitted his lie by claiming his only advertisers were a handful of local companies, no national spots. But anyone who listens to the show knows that's another Joey lie. And now the ball has bounced again and advertisers that didn't exist but actually do aren't "real" advertisers.

Here's a tip Joey because I'm starting to feel a little sorry for you making such an ass out of yourself in here. Next time you decide to lie to support your agenda make it about something that isn't so easily disproved, assuming you're smart enough to do so of course.

GUy, we know you love Rush like a Dominican Rent-Boy, but sadly, he's going down in flames.

I'm trying to break this to you gently because when Premeire says, "No thanks" when his contract comes up next year, you are going to be shattered.
LOL..Congrats, Joey. You've hit the trifecta! In addition to being a prodigious liar and not very bright we can now crown you delusional as well.

So, it's Thursday. Does that make it a no commercials day for Rush or only a handful of local advertisers day or what? It's so hard to keep it all straight because of your various iterations on the topic, so I once again ask you on behalf of the class to please just post up what days of the week are what, okay? Thanks.
How many times have you morons announced the end of Rush's career? Keep wishin' and hopin', losers.

If he can find a sufficient number of hemorrhoid cream advertisers to support his show, Rush may continue to broadcast to his faithful viewers. If asked nicely, I think the nursing home staff will diaper and wheel the old farts into the T.V. room for delightful doses of Rush's special brand of hate-mongering.

I would like to see Rush get a role in the next Sharknado movie. :D
How many times have you morons announced the end of Rush's career? Keep wishin' and hopin', losers.

If he can find a sufficient number of hemorrhoid cream advertisers to support his show, Rush may continue to broadcast to his faithful viewers. If asked nicely, I think the nursing home staff will diaper and wheel the old farts into the T.V. room for delightful doses of Rush's special brand of hate-mongering.

I would like to see Rush get a role in the next Sharknado movie. :D
You were saying???

The Top Talk Radio Audiences TALKERS.COM
How many times have you morons announced the end of Rush's career? Keep wishin' and hopin', losers.

If he can find a sufficient number of hemorrhoid cream advertisers to support his show, Rush may continue to broadcast to his faithful viewers. If asked nicely, I think the nursing home staff will diaper and wheel the old farts into the T.V. room for delightful doses of Rush's special brand of hate-mongering.

I would like to see Rush get a role in the next Sharknado movie. :D
You were saying???

The Top Talk Radio Audiences TALKERS.COM
That's a lot LESS than your MessiahRushie claims his audience size is. Is Porky lying?
How many times have you morons announced the end of Rush's career? Keep wishin' and hopin', losers.

If he can find a sufficient number of hemorrhoid cream advertisers to support his show, Rush may continue to broadcast to his faithful viewers. If asked nicely, I think the nursing home staff will diaper and wheel the old farts into the T.V. room for delightful doses of Rush's special brand of hate-mongering.

I would like to see Rush get a role in the next Sharknado movie. :D
You were saying???

The Top Talk Radio Audiences TALKERS.COM
That's a lot LESS than your MessiahRushie claims his audience size is. Is Porky lying?
I don't know what he claims but obviously he's in the number 1 slot. Is that your way of spinning the bad news? :lol:
How many times have you morons announced the end of Rush's career? Keep wishin' and hopin', losers.

If he can find a sufficient number of hemorrhoid cream advertisers to support his show, Rush may continue to broadcast to his faithful viewers. If asked nicely, I think the nursing home staff will diaper and wheel the old farts into the T.V. room for delightful doses of Rush's special brand of hate-mongering.

I would like to see Rush get a role in the next Sharknado movie. :D
You were saying???

The Top Talk Radio Audiences TALKERS.COM

What portion of Rush's audience is in the baby boomer category and what portion is in the millennial category?
How many times have you morons announced the end of Rush's career? Keep wishin' and hopin', losers.

If he can find a sufficient number of hemorrhoid cream advertisers to support his show, Rush may continue to broadcast to his faithful viewers. If asked nicely, I think the nursing home staff will diaper and wheel the old farts into the T.V. room for delightful doses of Rush's special brand of hate-mongering.

I would like to see Rush get a role in the next Sharknado movie. :D
You were saying???

The Top Talk Radio Audiences TALKERS.COM
That's a lot LESS than your MessiahRushie claims his audience size is. Is Porky lying?
I don't know what he claims but obviously he's in the number 1 slot. Is that your way of spinning the bad news? :lol:
November 07, 2012
RUSH: Hey, any of you guys in there want to come sit in my chair today? Anybody? Nobody wants to come sit in my chair here? None of you? I mean, I'm giving you a golden opportunity to speak to, what, 50 million people.
How many times have you morons announced the end of Rush's career? Keep wishin' and hopin', losers.

If he can find a sufficient number of hemorrhoid cream advertisers to support his show, Rush may continue to broadcast to his faithful viewers. If asked nicely, I think the nursing home staff will diaper and wheel the old farts into the T.V. room for delightful doses of Rush's special brand of hate-mongering.

I would like to see Rush get a role in the next Sharknado movie. :D
You were saying???

The Top Talk Radio Audiences TALKERS.COM
That's a lot LESS than your MessiahRushie claims his audience size is. Is Porky lying?
I don't know what he claims but obviously he's in the number 1 slot. Is that your way of spinning the bad news? :lol:
November 07, 2012
RUSH: Hey, any of you guys in there want to come sit in my chair today? Anybody? Nobody wants to come sit in my chair here? None of you? I mean, I'm giving you a golden opportunity to speak to, what, 50 million people.
Thank you for confirming. :lol:
If he can find a sufficient number of hemorrhoid cream advertisers to support his show, Rush may continue to broadcast to his faithful viewers. If asked nicely, I think the nursing home staff will diaper and wheel the old farts into the T.V. room for delightful doses of Rush's special brand of hate-mongering.

I would like to see Rush get a role in the next Sharknado movie. :D
You were saying???

The Top Talk Radio Audiences TALKERS.COM
That's a lot LESS than your MessiahRushie claims his audience size is. Is Porky lying?
I don't know what he claims but obviously he's in the number 1 slot. Is that your way of spinning the bad news? :lol:
November 07, 2012
RUSH: Hey, any of you guys in there want to come sit in my chair today? Anybody? Nobody wants to come sit in my chair here? None of you? I mean, I'm giving you a golden opportunity to speak to, what, 50 million people.
Thank you for confirming. :lol:
It is piss easy to confirm your MessiahRushie is a liar.

July 23, 2015
RUSH: If Trump is lying, if Trump's making it all up, he's gonna have to have a great memory to remember all these lies that he's told all these places.

July 23, 2015
RUSH: I am very fortunate that I'm blessed with a good memory.
LOL..Congrats, Joey. You've hit the trifecta! In addition to being a prodigious liar and not very bright we can now crown you delusional as well.

So, it's Thursday. Does that make it a no commercials day for Rush or only a handful of local advertisers day or what? It's so hard to keep it all straight because of your various iterations on the topic, so I once again ask you on behalf of the class to please just post up what days of the week are what, okay? Thanks.

What's hard is you pretending your boy didn't blow it...

His ratings on WLS are so bad they tried to dump him last March.
LOL..Congrats, Joey. You've hit the trifecta! In addition to being a prodigious liar and not very bright we can now crown you delusional as well.

So, it's Thursday. Does that make it a no commercials day for Rush or only a handful of local advertisers day or what? It's so hard to keep it all straight because of your various iterations on the topic, so I once again ask you on behalf of the class to please just post up what days of the week are what, okay? Thanks.

What's hard is you pretending your boy didn't blow it...

His ratings on WLS are so bad they tried to dump him last March.
Dump him? But then they'd have to go back and refund the national and local advertisers who'd booked their spots on Rush's show. Money talks and bullshit walks. Enjoy your stroll, Joey.
How many times have you morons announced the end of Rush's career? Keep wishin' and hopin', losers.

If he can find a sufficient number of hemorrhoid cream advertisers to support his show, Rush may continue to broadcast to his faithful viewers. If asked nicely, I think the nursing home staff will diaper and wheel the old farts into the T.V. room for delightful doses of Rush's special brand of hate-mongering.

I would like to see Rush get a role in the next Sharknado movie. :D

Said one program director interviewed at the time of Flukegate:
"Age of the average Limbaugh listener? 'Deceased'".
How many times have you morons announced the end of Rush's career? Keep wishin' and hopin', losers.

If he can find a sufficient number of hemorrhoid cream advertisers to support his show, Rush may continue to broadcast to his faithful viewers. If asked nicely, I think the nursing home staff will diaper and wheel the old farts into the T.V. room for delightful doses of Rush's special brand of hate-mongering.

I would like to see Rush get a role in the next Sharknado movie. :D

Said one program director interviewed at the time of Flukegate:
"Age of the average Limbaugh listener? 'Deceased'".

Wasn't that an Al Franken joke as he was pulled yelling and screaming from the Air America Studio, as it went down in flames?

Wait! Who was that I heard on the radio today?

The Shadow?
The Lone Ranger?
Father Charles Coughlin?

I think it's great that they let the inmates have radios over ta the nursing home. Keeps 'em from wandering the halls.

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