Rush Limbaugh is cooked: The stunning fall of the right’s angriest bloviator

Curious as to whether there was anything to this rant about Mr. Limbaugh's demise I just tuned in the local station that carried his program the last time I happened upon it.

T'is true, I still don't know whether the show is on or not. After about five minutes I got tired of being hammered with the commercials and turned it off.
On my local station today they had the NY Mets pre-game show, followed by the game. In my area he had been booted from the major full time talk station to the sports station. On the other local channel in my area he gets booted for the Lakewood Blue Claws minor league games.
Curious as to whether there was anything to this rant about Mr. Limbaugh's demise I just tuned in the local station that carried his program the last time I happened upon it.

T'is true, I still don't know whether the show is on or not. After about five minutes I got tired of being hammered with the commercials and turned it off.
On my local station today they had the NY Mets pre-game show, followed by the game. In my area he had been booted from the major full time talk station to the sports station. On the other local channel in my area he gets booted for the Lakewood Blue Claws minor league games.

Did you listen on line instead I know your days are empty unless you get your Rush fix
Still predicting the "DOWNFALL OF RUSH" after 25 years?

Yeah, you run with that, lololol...
Curious as to whether there was anything to this rant about Mr. Limbaugh's demise I just tuned in the local station that carried his program the last time I happened upon it.

T'is true, I still don't know whether the show is on or not. After about five minutes I got tired of being hammered with the commercials and turned it off.
On my local station today they had the NY Mets pre-game show, followed by the game. In my area he had been booted from the major full time talk station to the sports station. On the other local channel in my area he gets booted for the Lakewood Blue Claws minor league games.

Hey, at least it's not the Lehigh Valley Iron Pigs.
I have listened to Rush from time to time. I also watched some of his t.v. programs back in the 90's. He plays it safe and will never debate an opposition who's not hand picked by his screener. The guy's really humorous although grossly ignorant. That's the problem - he's spent his life in front of a microphone. No military experience, travel, college, or diverse jobs like many of us have had; never sired or raised children even though he talks like an expert on children. In reality, he knows nothing of life. Just a guy that follows the news and then mouths off his opinion of how the world works to a bunch of equally ignorant listeners

except for the children part oh the irony lib.
Curious as to whether there was anything to this rant about Mr. Limbaugh's demise I just tuned in the local station that carried his program the last time I happened upon it.

T'is true, I still don't know whether the show is on or not. After about five minutes I got tired of being hammered with the commercials and turned it off.
On my local station today they had the NY Mets pre-game show, followed by the game. In my area he had been booted from the major full time talk station to the sports station. On the other local channel in my area he gets booted for the Lakewood Blue Claws minor league games.

I only have radio and I've been listening to talkers for many a year.
They get booted for sports. Just happens depending on the station.

And not just talkers. Many programs on a regular AM station will get knocked. Even my fave rock station will split to local games.
Curious as to whether there was anything to this rant about Mr. Limbaugh's demise I just tuned in the local station that carried his program the last time I happened upon it.

T'is true, I still don't know whether the show is on or not. After about five minutes I got tired of being hammered with the commercials and turned it off.
On my local station today they had the NY Mets pre-game show, followed by the game. In my area he had been booted from the major full time talk station to the sports station. On the other local channel in my area he gets booted for the Lakewood Blue Claws minor league games.

I only have radio and I've been listening to talkers for many a year.
They get booted for sports. Just happens depending on the station.

And not just talkers. Many programs on a regular AM station will get knocked. Even my fave rock station will split to local games.
Except the station he was booted from didn't have sports, it is his new station that boots him for sports, a step down from the station that shit-canned him.
But how come Rush runs his normal complement of local/national ad spots when he has no advertisers? Something's not adding up. JoeyB? Entertain us with some of your normal lying b.s. to explain.

(Class, no laughing. It's not polite. Hell of a lot of fun but we must have compassion for such idiots.)
How many times have you morons announced the end of Rush's career? Keep wishin' and hopin', losers.
Then explain what's happening to him. You did read it didn't you? You can read, can't you?


Explain that.
What's happening is liberals don't like him so they're dumping him, just like cowardly companies are doing to Trump. Now watch what happens to them. That is, if you can find news that will report it that isn't Fox, which obviously you'll never watch; you'll complain about Fox but you'll never watch it, just as you complain about Limbaugh but you've never really listened to him. You're hypocrites and liars. Limbaugh ain't going anywhere; in fact, he's gaining listenership. Know how I know that? Didn't think so.
Limbaugh ain't going anywhere; in fact, he's gaining listenership. Know how I know that? Didn't think so.
The pathological liar told you so.

May 26, 2015
RUSH: I certainly hope everybody had a great weekend. We're back. I certainly did, I hope you did, and we're off and running, folks, with a brand-new week of broadcast excellence right here on the ever important, increasingly popular, growing-by-leaps-and-bounds Rush Limbaugh program

November 07, 2012
RUSH: Hey, any of you guys in there want to come sit in my chair today? Anybody? Nobody wants to come sit in my chair here? None of you? I mean, I'm giving you a golden opportunity to speak to, what, 50 million people.

June 3, 2015
RUSH: You're reaching 20 million of 'em here, but I imagine a number of 'em are gonna be kind of skeptical of this. I'm sure you're gonna face female that aren't gonna believe you, be skeptical, think you're just trying to get on the financial the gravy train and they're gonna look at you and they're gonna see Caucasian. What color is your hair?
Limbaugh ain't going anywhere; in fact, he's gaining listenership. Know how I know that? Didn't think so.
The pathological liar told you so.

May 26, 2015
RUSH: I certainly hope everybody had a great weekend. We're back. I certainly did, I hope you did, and we're off and running, folks, with a brand-new week of broadcast excellence right here on the ever important, increasingly popular, growing-by-leaps-and-bounds Rush Limbaugh program

November 07, 2012
RUSH: Hey, any of you guys in there want to come sit in my chair today? Anybody? Nobody wants to come sit in my chair here? None of you? I mean, I'm giving you a golden opportunity to speak to, what, 50 million people.

June 3, 2015
RUSH: You're reaching 20 million of 'em here, but I imagine a number of 'em are gonna be kind of skeptical of this. I'm sure you're gonna face female that aren't gonna believe you, be skeptical, think you're just trying to get on the financial the gravy train and they're gonna look at you and they're gonna see Caucasian. What color is your hair?
You're a pathological liar, so there. Nah nah.
Limbaugh ain't going anywhere; in fact, he's gaining listenership. Know how I know that? Didn't think so.
The pathological liar told you so.

May 26, 2015
RUSH: I certainly hope everybody had a great weekend. We're back. I certainly did, I hope you did, and we're off and running, folks, with a brand-new week of broadcast excellence right here on the ever important, increasingly popular, growing-by-leaps-and-bounds Rush Limbaugh program

November 07, 2012
RUSH: Hey, any of you guys in there want to come sit in my chair today? Anybody? Nobody wants to come sit in my chair here? None of you? I mean, I'm giving you a golden opportunity to speak to, what, 50 million people.

June 3, 2015
RUSH: You're reaching 20 million of 'em here, but I imagine a number of 'em are gonna be kind of skeptical of this. I'm sure you're gonna face female that aren't gonna believe you, be skeptical, think you're just trying to get on the financial the gravy train and they're gonna look at you and they're gonna see Caucasian. What color is your hair?
You're a pathological liar, so there. Nah nah.
Yeah, it hurts you to have to eat your MessiahRushie's words!
Limbaugh ain't going anywhere; in fact, he's gaining listenership. Know how I know that? Didn't think so.
The pathological liar told you so.

May 26, 2015
RUSH: I certainly hope everybody had a great weekend. We're back. I certainly did, I hope you did, and we're off and running, folks, with a brand-new week of broadcast excellence right here on the ever important, increasingly popular, growing-by-leaps-and-bounds Rush Limbaugh program

November 07, 2012
RUSH: Hey, any of you guys in there want to come sit in my chair today? Anybody? Nobody wants to come sit in my chair here? None of you? I mean, I'm giving you a golden opportunity to speak to, what, 50 million people.

June 3, 2015
RUSH: You're reaching 20 million of 'em here, but I imagine a number of 'em are gonna be kind of skeptical of this. I'm sure you're gonna face female that aren't gonna believe you, be skeptical, think you're just trying to get on the financial the gravy train and they're gonna look at you and they're gonna see Caucasian. What color is your hair?
You're a pathological liar, so there. Nah nah.
Yeah, it hurts you to have to eat your MessiahRushie's words!
I'm tellin' ya, dude, seek help for your Rush obsession. It just ain't healthy.
Limbaugh ain't going anywhere; in fact, he's gaining listenership. Know how I know that? Didn't think so.
The pathological liar told you so.

May 26, 2015
RUSH: I certainly hope everybody had a great weekend. We're back. I certainly did, I hope you did, and we're off and running, folks, with a brand-new week of broadcast excellence right here on the ever important, increasingly popular, growing-by-leaps-and-bounds Rush Limbaugh program

November 07, 2012
RUSH: Hey, any of you guys in there want to come sit in my chair today? Anybody? Nobody wants to come sit in my chair here? None of you? I mean, I'm giving you a golden opportunity to speak to, what, 50 million people.

June 3, 2015
RUSH: You're reaching 20 million of 'em here, but I imagine a number of 'em are gonna be kind of skeptical of this. I'm sure you're gonna face female that aren't gonna believe you, be skeptical, think you're just trying to get on the financial the gravy train and they're gonna look at you and they're gonna see Caucasian. What color is your hair?
You're a pathological liar, so there. Nah nah.
Yeah, it hurts you to have to eat your MessiahRushie's words!
How much of what Limbaugh's actually said have you heard? Be honest, if you can.
Limbaugh ain't going anywhere; in fact, he's gaining listenership. Know how I know that? Didn't think so.
The pathological liar told you so.

May 26, 2015
RUSH: I certainly hope everybody had a great weekend. We're back. I certainly did, I hope you did, and we're off and running, folks, with a brand-new week of broadcast excellence right here on the ever important, increasingly popular, growing-by-leaps-and-bounds Rush Limbaugh program

November 07, 2012
RUSH: Hey, any of you guys in there want to come sit in my chair today? Anybody? Nobody wants to come sit in my chair here? None of you? I mean, I'm giving you a golden opportunity to speak to, what, 50 million people.

June 3, 2015
RUSH: You're reaching 20 million of 'em here, but I imagine a number of 'em are gonna be kind of skeptical of this. I'm sure you're gonna face female that aren't gonna believe you, be skeptical, think you're just trying to get on the financial the gravy train and they're gonna look at you and they're gonna see Caucasian. What color is your hair?
You're a pathological liar, so there. Nah nah.
Yeah, it hurts you to have to eat your MessiahRushie's words!
How much of what Limbaugh's actually said have you heard? Be honest, if you can.
Obviously more than you since you are completely unaware of his habitual lying.
But how come Rush runs his normal complement of local/national ad spots when he has no advertisers? Something's not adding up. JoeyB? Entertain us with some of your normal lying b.s. to explain.

(Class, no laughing. It's not polite. Hell of a lot of fun but we must have compassion for such idiots.)

You mean PSA's and Gold Bugs?

Rush Limbaugh Rating Woes Continue No Audience For Hate-Filled Radio Troll Opinion

I think perhaps the most pleasurable aspect of watching Rush sink under the weight of his growing irrelevancy is what his situation proves: The market for hate and paranoia is smaller than you think. Hatemongers and partisan trolls are always trying to convince Americans that the are the voice of the people and that they’re saying what everyone else thinks or wants to say but can’t. Turns out, that’s not true.
What's happening is liberals don't like him so they're dumping him, just like cowardly companies are doing to Trump. Now watch what happens to them. That is, if you can find news that will report it that isn't Fox, which obviously you'll never watch; you'll complain about Fox but you'll never watch it, just as you complain about Limbaugh but you've never really listened to him. You're hypocrites and liars. Limbaugh ain't going anywhere; in fact, he's gaining listenership. Know how I know that? Didn't think so.

I used to listen to Limbaugh all the time, until i realized he was full of shit.

Now I just see him for what he is, a self-loathing closeted gay man desperately seeking approval.

Here's the real sign of Limbaugh's irrelevancy. When was the last time something he said on his show made news?

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