Rush Limbaugh is cooked: The stunning fall of the right’s angriest bloviator

Limbaugh has been in business since the '80s. It's sort of anti-climactic to say someone is cooked after they've been a mainstay of the AM dial for 30 years. As far as I know, he's still on the AM during prime hours.

I've tuned in on the rare occasion, over the years. The fake commercials are funny. Every radio jock is a bloviator, and Rush is no exception. There's things on both sides of the aisle to make fun of and Rush does a fairly entertaining job of chiding the war on women and certain TV news personalities, among other things.

Yup. Because there's nothing more entertaining that yelling "Slut! Slut! Slut!" every other minute in between "Feminazis" and quips about the "White House dog". What a chock-a-block of chuckles that was. I laughed until I stopped.

Somebody had to call Sandra Fluke on her b.s., whining that she has to pay $3,000 a year on birth control. Maybe it was a bit insensitive to call her a slut. He could have been more poetic and just said that she's about as exclusive as a mailbox, or that she gets more action than a hotel doorknob.
Georgetown Students Go Broke to Buy Birth Control Target Sells Pills for 9 Per Month The Weekly Standard
Somebody had to call Sandra Fluke on her b.s., whining that she has to pay $3,000 a year on birth control. Maybe it was a bit insensitive to call her a slut. He could have been more poetic and just said that she's about as exclusive as a mailbox, or that she gets more action than a hotel doorknob.

Yes, stating that a woman who does what 99% of women of that age do is a "slut" is really winning people over.

How about getting your facts straight, stupid.

Fluke was not talking about herself, she was talking about other students who required birth control medications for MEDICAL purposes like treating ovarian cysts, but couldn't get them because althought Georgetown has no problem providing this coverage for faculty, they won't provide it for students because a Magic Sky Fairy Said So, despite their paying $30,000 a year for tuition that includes health coverage.

Limbaugh - a man caught with an illegal prescription for Viagra when travelling alone to a nation known for sex tourism - had the nerve to call her a slut for merely pointing out the only thing more ridiculous than this was that when Congress discussed this issue, they did not call ONE WOMAN to testify.

Yes, that's why she totally needed to be attacked for 3 days. Until his sponsors pulled the plug on him. Now he's flopping around being propped up by the Koch Brothers on stations that can't wait to get rid of him.
Rush cracks me up. No one can backlash snap a lefty neck like Rush. He's really a very funny guy, and the looney left are the joke. Of course they hate him, they can't beat him with an argument.
Limbaugh has been in business since the '80s. It's sort of anti-climactic to say someone is cooked after they've been a mainstay of the AM dial for 30 years. As far as I know, he's still on the AM during prime hours.

I've tuned in on the rare occasion, over the years. The fake commercials are funny. Every radio jock is a bloviator, and Rush is no exception. There's things on both sides of the aisle to make fun of and Rush does a fairly entertaining job of chiding the war on women and certain TV news personalities, among other things.

Yup. Because there's nothing more entertaining that yelling "Slut! Slut! Slut!" every other minute in between "Feminazis" and quips about the "White House dog". What a chock-a-block of chuckles that was. I laughed until I stopped.

Somebody had to call Sandra Fluke on her b.s., whining that she has to pay $3,000 a year on birth control. Maybe it was a bit insensitive to call her a slut. He could have been more poetic and just said that she's about as exclusive as a mailbox, or that she gets more action than a hotel doorknob.
Georgetown Students Go Broke to Buy Birth Control Target Sells Pills for 9 Per Month The Weekly Standard

Sandra Fluke never said any such thing. In fact she never referred to herself at all.

This is the end result of Limblobian Dickery. Creates bullshit myths. Doing that deliberately is tantamount to lying. The desperate stretch that it constitutes some kind of humor is just that -- desperate stretch. Unless you can find an appreciable number of people who consider slandering women and demanding videos posted on the internet of actions they're not even involved with in the first place to be "funny".

Me, I can't see a way to make misogyny "funny". If you can, more power to you.
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Limbaugh has been in business since the '80s. It's sort of anti-climactic to say someone is cooked after they've been a mainstay of the AM dial for 30 years. As far as I know, he's still on the AM during prime hours.

I've tuned in on the rare occasion, over the years. The fake commercials are funny. Every radio jock is a bloviator, and Rush is no exception. There's things on both sides of the aisle to make fun of and Rush does a fairly entertaining job of chiding the war on women and certain TV news personalities, among other things.

Yup. Because there's nothing more entertaining that yelling "Slut! Slut! Slut!" every other minute in between "Feminazis" and quips about the "White House dog". What a chock-a-block of chuckles that was. I laughed until I stopped.

Somebody had to call Sandra Fluke on her b.s., whining that she has to pay $3,000 a year on birth control. Maybe it was a bit insensitive to call her a slut. He could have been more poetic and just said that she's about as exclusive as a mailbox, or that she gets more action than a hotel doorknob.
Georgetown Students Go Broke to Buy Birth Control Target Sells Pills for 9 Per Month The Weekly Standard

Sandra Fluke never said any such thing. In fact she never referred to herself at all.

This is the end result of Limblobian Dickery. Creates bullshit myths. Doing that deliberately is tantamount to lying. The desperate stretch that it constitutes some kind of humor is just that -- desperate stretch. Unless you can find an appreciable number of people who consider slandering women and demanding videos posted on the internet of actions they're not even involved with in the first place to be "funny".

Me, I can't see a way to make misogyny "funny". If you can, more power to you.

"Without insurance coverage, contraception, as you know, can cost a woman over $3,000 during law school. For a lot of students who, like me, are on public interest scholarships, that's practically an entire summer's salary. Forty percent of the female students at Georgetown Law reported to us that they've struggled financially as a result of this policy."- Sandra Fluke
Well, close enough. I don't see why that's off-limits to joking. I don't see why women need a patronizing government pat on the head with stuff like an equal pay bill (especially when the pay is unequal because less women work dangerous jobs, no women are in the NBA, MLB or NFL, and they work less hours and overtime and take more time off for parenting). Plus, more women are in college today, and more women than men are in the work force, and the recent recession hit male industries (like construction) the hardest.

Finally, why should it surprise anyone if Rush's shelf life has expired after 30+ years?
Prog ding dongs have been predicting the "fall of Rush" for the last quarter century.

Just more evidence that they truly are innately stupid. Or dishonest. Or both.
Limbaugh has been in business since the '80s. It's sort of anti-climactic to say someone is cooked after they've been a mainstay of the AM dial for 30 years. As far as I know, he's still on the AM during prime hours.

I've tuned in on the rare occasion, over the years. The fake commercials are funny. Every radio jock is a bloviator, and Rush is no exception. There's things on both sides of the aisle to make fun of and Rush does a fairly entertaining job of chiding the war on women and certain TV news personalities, among other things.

Yup. Because there's nothing more entertaining that yelling "Slut! Slut! Slut!" every other minute in between "Feminazis" and quips about the "White House dog". What a chock-a-block of chuckles that was. I laughed until I stopped.

Somebody had to call Sandra Fluke on her b.s., whining that she has to pay $3,000 a year on birth control. Maybe it was a bit insensitive to call her a slut. He could have been more poetic and just said that she's about as exclusive as a mailbox, or that she gets more action than a hotel doorknob.
Georgetown Students Go Broke to Buy Birth Control Target Sells Pills for 9 Per Month The Weekly Standard

Sandra Fluke never said any such thing. In fact she never referred to herself at all.

This is the end result of Limblobian Dickery. Creates bullshit myths. Doing that deliberately is tantamount to lying. The desperate stretch that it constitutes some kind of humor is just that -- desperate stretch. Unless you can find an appreciable number of people who consider slandering women and demanding videos posted on the internet of actions they're not even involved with in the first place to be "funny".

Me, I can't see a way to make misogyny "funny". If you can, more power to you.

"Without insurance coverage, contraception, as you know, can cost a woman over $3,000 during law school. For a lot of students who, like me, are on public interest scholarships, that's practically an entire summer's salary. Forty percent of the female students at Georgetown Law reported to us that they've struggled financially as a result of this policy."- Sandra Fluke
Well, close enough. I don't see why that's off-limits to joking. I don't see why women need a patronizing government pat on the head with stuff like an equal pay bill (especially when the pay is unequal because less women work dangerous jobs, no women are in the NBA, MLB or NFL, and they work less hours and overtime and take more time off for parenting). Plus, more women are in college today, and more women than men are in the work force, and the recent recession hit male industries (like construction) the hardest.

The scenaria Fluke actually spoke about are an entirely separate issue. Rimjob made it into a 3-day misogyny fest where he's got some kind of queue of prostitute-patronizers "lined up around the block", fantasies of voyeurism befitting his image of a porn store clerk, and demonstrating a quantitative abject ignorance of how birth control even works.

As I said, if you can find a way to make misogyny "funny", have at it. Rimjob obviously failed miserably.
If The Koch brothers offered a big enough donation NPR would start airing Mr. Limbaugher faster'n you can say "pledge break".

But let's not sink to calling high class prostitution simple whoring, now shall we......
The scenaria Fluke actually spoke about are an entirely separate issue. Rimjob made it into a 3-day misogyny fest where he's got some kind of queue of prostitute-patronizers "lined up around the block", fantasies of voyeurism befitting his image of a porn store clerk, and demonstrating a quantitative abject ignorance of how birth control even works.

As I said, if you can find a way to make misogyny "funny", have at it. Rimjob obviously failed miserably.

That's a heavy handed assessment of an entertainment personality. I tune in about once a year, so I can't really comment.
I'll just say that you're attacking me as a man with a constant stream of low-grade micro-aggressions because I belong to a helpless victim group which needs tough laws to give me a level playing field in a maternalistic paradaigm where I get henpecked to death by those who would like to force me with emotional blackmail to sit down when I pee in the name of equality.
Two posts in a row that make no coherent sense.

It's just like tuning in Lush Rimjob. :eusa_dance: Without the endless PSAs.
While you keep bobbin' and weavin' JoeyB here's another punch to your lying nose.

First two ads to run yesterday, first commercial break, on Rush's show aired on your WLS and my WOOD were for Hillsdale College and the Conservative Solutions Project. Now, not sure if yesterday was one of your "he has no national advertisers" day or "he only has local advertisers" day, but regardless your reputation in here remains laughably intact.
Those are PSAs for non-profits. All he gets is a tax deduction for the value of the ad slot so working people can pay his taxes.
I see you're still auditioning for the role of JoeyB wannabe. Big shoes to fill but keep at it.

So, please comment on what you think the final words of your alleged PSA mean:
"Paid for by Conservative Solutions Project."
That is who paid to produce the PSA ad, not the air time. Conservative Solutions Project is the fake charity to keep the donors secret for the Conservative Solutions PAC. The CSP fake charity as a charity gets the air time for free.
eddie you're getting as good at the lying bullshit as your heroes JoeyB and pogostick.
It's not a PSA. It's a Marco Rubio ad espousing his negative views about Barry's cuddling up to Iran to ensure they have a bomb in the not too distant future, and asks that folks contact their Senators to get on board with him and others against such lunacy. The non-profit Conservative Solutions Project produced the spots and paid the million bucks for their air time.

That's a PSA alright. A pretty stupid attempt by yet another low information lefty idiot.
Curious as to whether there was anything to this rant about Mr. Limbaugh's demise I just tuned in the local station that carried his program the last time I happened upon it.

T'is true, I still don't know whether the show is on or not. After about five minutes I got tired of being hammered with the commercials and turned it off.
. It's a Marco Rubio ad espousing his negative views about Barry's cuddling up to Iran to ensure they have a bomb in the not too distant future, and asks that folks contact their Senators to get on board with him and others against such lunacy. The non-profit Conservative Solutions Project produced the spots and paid the million bucks for their air time.
If it is an ad for a particular candidate, then a "non-profit" cannot pay for it without losing their non-profit status. A non-profit can only promote issues, not candidates.

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